w Political ClubsSeen Superficial By CAROLINE DOW 1 HE ROLE of alumni has become in- creasingly important in the power politics and monetary considerations of public universities-and this University is no exception. Alumni pressure in administrative poli- cy-making has become especially evident here in the past few months with the Alumni Association's decision to bring alumni into a more active role in Uni- versity actions on a "grassroots level." The first step was for student governors of the association to explain to their lo- cal alumni groups the University's ad- missions, housing and disciplinary policies, and the various projects and committees of the association. There have already been results. Early this fall, the .women's alumni organiza- tion in Detroit took a keen interest in the proposed changes in the Office of Student Affairs, protesting moves to "lower the high prestige of the Dean of Women's office" and urging the Regents to press for continuing the existing policies of the dean. In addition, there has been tentative support from a host of alumni groups for the Board of Governors' decision to main- tain its present policy on women visitors in the quadrangles. Alumni groups have also requested alumni representation on the Office of Student Affairs Study Com- mittee and urged the Union to "clean up the MUG." In these areas of direct student con- cern and in more distant decisions relat- ing the curricula, the alumni are asking --and getting-a more responsible role in policy-making. * * * GOING HAND in hand with the re- entry of the alumni into campus deci- sions is its widening role in the financial support of the University. Not only do the alumni give more than $1 million each year ($400 thousand of this is raised by the Alumni Fund), but they are respon- sible for much more income, in the form of corporate giving. "What is- actually occurring is substitu- tion of the continuity of giving for en- dowment income," Courtney C. Brown, dean of the Columbia University graduate business administration school, said of the trend in almuni contributing. The import- ance of corporate giving was pointed up by Gordon K. Chalmers, late president of Kenyon College of Ohio. "The very rock on which all other giving must rest is alumni giving. Gifts from outside 'the family' depend largely--sometimes whol- ly-on the degree of alumni support." The attraction of corporate giving is very dependent on the image of the uni- versity. Not only do the alumni contribute CAROLINE DOW is the student representative on the University's De- velopment CouncilA night editor on The Daily, she is a junior majoring in history. to this image by their attitude and work, but they can and do personally bring industry to the university. They also con- tribute individually. In 1959-60, alumni personal giving amounted to almost one-s fourth (24 per cent) of all voluntary support reported by the 804 institutions surveyed by the American Alumni Coun- cil. Alumni. giving is still growing, for this percentage represents an 18.9 per cent in- crease over gifts to alumni funds the year before. This increased alumni giving is the result of the growing recognition by state-supported institutions of the alumni potential. This financial responsibility is not a new role for alumni in America. At Har- vard, Princeton and other established Ivy League private universities, alumni pro- vide more than 50 per cent of the total support of the school and have long been influential in policy decisions. But this is a new role for the alumni of public in- stitutions. The 1960 report of the American Alum- ni Council noted: "The tradition of alum- ni support is not as firmly entrenched in most public institutions as it is in private colleges and universities. Tax-supported institutions have long fought an uphill battle against public apathy and legisla- tive caprices, and even among themselves have not always recognized the need for alumni cultivation." And it is indeed an uphill battle for public institutions. Not only did they start tugging at purse-strings and heart-strings later than private institutions, but the alumni's loyalty was usually weaker than that at tradition-bound schools. YALE UNIVERSITY founded the first alumni fund in 1890, Cornell Univer- sity followed suit in 1908, followed by Brown University in 1914 and Harvard University in 1925. Public institutions got a late start, with the University of West Virginia leading the way in 1920, L1- lowed by California State College of Pennsylvania in 1927 and the Universities of California and New Hampshire in 1934. A flurry of both public and private funds were established in the 1940's and this University finally organized its Alum- ni Fund in 1953. Previous to that time the Regents gratefully accepted gifts, but avoided an organized solicitation. Un- der this policy the University received the Cook, Barbour, Rackham and Hill endowments, among others. These early endowments were large, in- frequent-and often most unexpected. William W. Cook surprised the University with his offer to build the Law Quadrangle and Martha Cook dormitories. He was allowed to choose his own sites and the buildings quickly became a reality. Obviously, such gifts were rare. Today as income taxes take greater and greater chunks of personal income, foundations and industry are becoming the major source of large gifts and other benefits to universities. DURING MOST of its long existence, the Alumni Association of this Uni- versity made it a point of honor never to ask alumni directly for money. But it made tireless efforts to evoke stimulative interest, holding conferences with de- partments and convincing talented stu- dents to enter the University. The policy underwent changes in 1950, when the University began to collect money for the Michigan Memorial Phoe- nix Project for peaceful uses of atomic energy. In the process of collecting the re- quired $8 million, they discovered that alumni were not adverse to giving money to support worthy University projects, or even simplyto their University. On May 23, 1952, the Regents estab- lished the Development Council, under the direction of Alan MacCarthy, .to: 1) Assist in the public relations of the University, especially in those aspects which will lead to improved financial support through gifts, grants and be- quests. 2) Further stimulate the interest of alumni and friends of the University in its development and facilitate this de- velopment by a study of the institution's needs. 3) Coordinate the University's special fund-raising programs. The Development Council became a new outlet for alumni interest. Previously they had been relegated to minor roles of advisory public relations and recruiting agencies. Now, interested alumni could aid higher education in its most crucial need, money-money to recognize dis- tinguished faculty service, finance re- search, to build new buildings and to offer scholarships to students of high ability. ** * ALUMNI RESPONDED. The board of directors of the Development Council, composed entirely of alumni, directed many fund-raising programs. The Uni- versity's subsequent progress in develop- ing alumni potential has been good, yet not superior when the relative strength of the University is considered., In 1957, according to the American Alumni Council's annual survey, the Uni- versity was nowhere near the top 10 in any category of alumni donors. By 1960, for all the .institutions in the United States, it was eighth in the total number of alumni donors. In effectiveness of so- licitation, alumni gift amounts, percent- age of graduate giving or total alumni giving, the University was still generally out of the picture. Measured against other public insti- tutions, the University presents a better front. In 1957, the University was fourth among tax-supported universities in the total number of donors, with 12,024 con- tributors. By 1960 it had moved into second place. Other categories show the same improvement. Yet by 1960 the University had been able to mobilize only an extremely small proportion of their total alumni to sup- port University projects. In short, al- though a minority of alumni are gain- ing more interest and influence in cam- pus developments, the majority still be- lieve their debt to higher education was paid with their tuition check. Although the spectre of involving more people-even alumni-in policy-making is a grim one, the spectre of the increasing financial needs of universities is even grimmer. Therefore, both the University and the Alumni Association are increasing their efforts to educate the alumni about their responsibilities for higher education. In the final consideration, whatever the further evolution of the alumni role in public institutitons, it is certain that they have come a long way toward recog- nizing their responsibilities. Now they are in a position to participate actively in both policy and finance. By JUDITH BLEIER DURING the next several weeks Univer- sity students will spend most of their time preparing for those "crucial" finals, But what will happen after examina- tions are over? What becomes of what one learns in political science or in sociology or in psychology? Chances are, one's notes will be passed on to a wide-eyed freshman and his books sold back to a local bookstore-and an- other semester will be chalked up. Yet despite this biennial ritual, the standard cry that students are apathetic seems to have subsided somewhat and is being drowned out by the voices of those who claim that a re-birth of political interest is sweeping the college campuses. The "new liberals," tempered by the rise of a "newly-found conservative segment," are supposedly evidence that the univer- sity is no longer an "ivory tower" of stu- dents who are disintereste'd, indifferent and confused. But while it is true that the membership rosters of political clubs are growing, does this increase in sheer numbers indicate a substantial growth in general political interest among college students? Are the majority of students any more involved in the political issues of today than they were last year, or 10 years ago, or 100 years ago? FOR AN ANSWER to these questions, one must closely scrutinize the college scene. Who joins a political club? How does the number of active workers com- pare with membership lists? Does the university community encourage political participation? Do political groups actually create any dents in the usually placid mold of the college campus? Since the 1930's the life of the student in America has been a comparatively leisurely one. Faced with no immediate crises, he has been able to creep into the academic "shelter" which protects him against the evils of the "big, bad world" outside. Most colleges have done little to tempt students into doing anything except study for examinations. What is studied in the classroom is all too rarely applied to any- thing but final examinations. Universities have ceased to take re- sponsibility for the whole student and have settled down to merely educating his intellect. And in so doing, the schools themselves can be blamed, in part, for not helning the student react politically. When Adlai E. Stevenson ran for the presidency, some observers felt that for the first time in a number of years a political candidate had real appeal for college and university students. A Univer- sity official noted that after former Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's victories that "the campus was like a morgue." They Attract Few to Politics, Deal Only with 'Paper Issues' T ISI organi tical pow much of the Univ To des might 1 of the p poll held 1960. In voters e: Vice-Pre Kennedy the libe: better pt remains spectrum Where the nun students clubs, as the left- Commit YD's an --create misconc groups w the com political Thelb seems t moveme moveme backgro While may fit rating, i the ulti ganizati for Free left-win lowing I At an is clear orientat ernmeni the mos ly repre cal spec dents w of their tical afi FINAL muc groups1 at other political bers, ar I sub actioni. sues." U tries or in the expected He can sent off he will in "nas "then it Or is Is a new interest awakening in students? Many persons also believe that to some degree President John F. Kennedy, a young articulate man, has likewise crys- talized political interest in students. . Yet the issues which have attracted student action and reaction have been few. And the majority of issues remain "paper issues." The feeling of helplessness-that stu- dents cannot formulate political solutions -was partly disspelled by the sit-in move- ment. In an attempt to combat racial prejudice and segregation, students met with some success. In proving false the cry that they could only protest, a latent political interest was stimulated. But in spite of dribblings of interest, in spite of sit-ins and peace demonstrations, the largest segment of the student popu- lation remains confused, unlikely to do much of anything politically. They are, in fact, most likely to be more or less willing to do little more than accept things as they are. W HEN -ONE LOOKS at the politically active on the University campus, what kind of a student does one find? Whether liberal or conservative, there is a certain amount of generalizing that can be done about the student who takes an active interest in politics. A common misconception may be eradi- cated at the start. The student who attends a Voice political party meeting or a Young Republican convention is usually not fighting for a clear-cut cause. His knowledge Of issues is often no better defined than that of his friends who do not actively participate. His group par- ticipation, rather than growing out of definite principles, is more often moti- vated by an intense desire to do some- thing. Just what his goals are, he doesn't really know. He may be dedicated to ac- tion and :reaction, but his personal stands, on specific issues are usually fuzzy. The student who joins a political club and actively works for its goals is gen- erally not a newcomer to the political world. In most cases his interest was kindled prior to his arrival at the Univer- sity, whether in his home and through prior group associations. This fact is most obviously evident when analyzing the membership of the two par- tisan political groups on campus, the JUDITIH BBEIER is a night edi- tor on The Daily who has reported student issues for the newspaper. She is a junior majoring in journalism. Young Republicans and the Young Demo- crats. The most common type of student who works for these clubs comes from a home where a particular partisan influ- ence is strong, or else has had close asso- ciation with persons who openly advo- cated the policies of either party. While it is more difficult to analyze a nember of a non-partisan political group, it is safe to asume the primary spark of this interest was ignited before he came to the University. His parents may have been leaders of a particular cause, or his former teachers may have advocated a stand on a particular issue. Whatever the case, the political clubs on campus usually attract those who have had a prior inter- est, whether manifest or latent, in the political world. A further characteristic of the political joiner is that he is generally not closely associated with another group. From a sociological standpoint alone, it is logical a resident of "fraternity row" is not often a leader of a political club. Already having a group with which he can identify, he need not look elsewhere for group mem- bership. Alumni gifts launched the Phoenix Project Sen. Hart visits Young Democrats SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE