Religion on c Despite Problems, Groups at 'U' Provide Benefits for the Religious xSecular Campus AND S Ji X By MALINDA BERRY THE 22 STUDENT religious organiza- tions on the University campus differ so vastly in their beliefs, functions. practices, and programs, that any strict generalization concerning all of them would necessarily be false. The truest statement which can h omde that most of these groups have the common objec- tive of attempting to bring some aspects of religion to those in the campus com- munity.- Since the religions which these groups represent are also of extremely diverse characters, they necessarily perform dif- ferent functions according to the needs of their constituents and physical facili- ties, There appear to be three main varia- tions on the functional theme. The first is the type which exists in conjunction witli an already established parish church, whose primary obligation is to local residents who support the church. The students in such a groun, in exchange for the use of the physical facilities of the parish church and the services of its staff, perform such tasks as serving at monthly church suppers and cleaning up afterwards. This relationship is typified by the Epis- copalian student group, Canterbury House, which is an adjunct to St. Andrews Church. The church is both headquarters for the group's staff and the physical plant for such purposes as meeting places. The second sort of campus religious organization exists solely to serve mem- bers of the denomination or faith whom are represented on campus. An example of this type of groun is the Roman Cath- olic organization. the Newman Club. This type is concerned about its own members firstly. The Pantist Student Union typifies this sort of organization, which is the most strictly sectarian structured type. "Its purpose is to conserve and help train Baptist students for effective Chris- tian discinleship," asserts the Baptist groun's handbook. "It functions to remind each student of his resnonsibility to Christ and his chureh and of his obligation as a Christian ritian to the world in which he lives. It also nrovid's insniration, infor- mation, and fellowshin which create the spiritual cliniate essential for Christian grn-Ith wrhia in collepe." The third type is the most altruistic; it seeks to serve the whole campus. The Young Friends, the student Quaker group, falls into this category. * * * MOST OF THE 22 organizations provide some sort of social meeting place for their membership. They sponsor parties, ski trips, suppers, dances and bridge par- ties. These groups-if they serve no other function-do provide a gathering place for the religiously oriented student. They give him a groun to identify with. a group which guarantees that the neople he will meet there will have much the same out- look as he does. And even though this can reach the point of being stifling, it gives the student the opportunity to informally discuss his own religious and ethical thoughts with- others of similar back- ground. With much emphasis currently placed on the importance of similar religious backgrounds in marriages, the opportun- ity to meet people of the same educational level who have a common religion is perhans justification enough for the exis- tence of these groups. Other tynes of social opportunities are also provided. The Jewish center, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, provides work- shop groups which offer an opportunity for the student to engage in some artistic and intellectual pursuits. These include work in theatre, choir, folk dancing and Zionism. These groups also help remedy a cam- pus social condition. Since the whole cam- pus orientation is apparently switching from all-camuus entertainment functions to those sponsored by smaller groups, any grouns which can provide a social identity for an otherwise detached student, are justifiable. Unless a student is associated with a fraternity or similar group, he often has no place where he may socialize. Reliaious groups offer this. * . * T IS ALMOST virtually impossible to determine how many students on the campus are participating members of campus religious groups. The religious census for the fall semester reports that 15.000 students declared a religious pre- ference when they filled out their regis- tration IBM cards. However, very few of the student groups demand any type of memhersi nroof; and membership cards are nractically non-existent among them. Although students spread their prefer- ences among 66 different religions, the largest single religion marked was Roman Catholicism. The Newman Club also has more card-carrying members than any other similar group. In each student religiousygroup, a hard core of members invariably does all the day-to-day work and offers its first allegi- ance. to the group. Beyond this core is a fringe of students who participate only when the social program or intellectual offerings particularly interest them. * * * THE INTELLECTUAL programs of the groups vary as widely as the religions they represent-from a small library equipped with some dusty volumes to an elaborately prepared lecture series. At the Newman Club, for instance, speakers come from both on-campus and off-campus to speak at dinners and each Sunday morning breakfast on topics of general interest to Catholic students. These topics have run the gamut from a lecture on e. e. cummings to a discussion of Catholic education in Canada. The Newman Club also conducts classes rang- ing from Christian doctrine to nursing and medical ethics. In the Young Friends group, interest is often stimulated for participation in semi- nars and projects of the American Friends Service Committee. These projects include such activities as weekend work camps and discussions. From informal discus- sions of problems-political and social- the members seek the answers to basic questions and dedicate their lives to searching for a "deeper- spiritual life." Canterbury House has in past years also offered classes which center around the religion. Examples of this type of program are entitled "Law and the Churchman," "Christian Socialism" and "Christian Marriage." The Lutheran Student Association pro- vides similar programs. The Sunday eve- ning service offers discussion on such subjects as "The Place of the Individual in Contemporary Society." S* * s ASIDE FROM the intellectual and social aspects of religious student groups, what of their most obvious duty-that of providing their constituents with some sort of religion? The main general purpose it would ap- pear that all organizations have in com- mon is to give the student a framework in which to develop himself. Religious organizations all function rather jerkily and their programs lack much continuity, but this cannot be helped. When a group has a perpetual overturn of members and officers, its program is definitely limited. Yet leaders of the groups themselves maintain that the principal concern re- mains with their individual members. "The value of the Newman Club comes through what it does for its members, it doesn't exist for the good of the campus except as a secondary factor," the Rev. John F. Bradley, director of the Newman Club said. This viewpoint is typical of that of many adult religious advisors. Some religious groups work in conjunc- tion with- secular campus organizations simply because they share the same aims and goals. The Unitarian student group is an example. 'We try to provide the opportunity for students of a liberal religious persuasion to think through social and religiousues- tions," the Rev. Erwin A. Gaede, program supervisor of the group explained. These questions may not differ widely from those frequently raised in the classrooms or in University social life. A number of our students are also involved in the various action groups on campus as the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Na- tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) The maturing of the student is usually the main concern of the student religious group. Some groups place their emphasis upon individual development in the spir- itual field and others in the intellectual. These differences largely result from the differing emphases of the various reli- gions. All the organizations attempt to push the spiritual growth of the student to the level of his intellectual growth.-They aim Student praying in Lutheran Student Chapel much higher than the average parish church, because those with which they are working demand more intelligent pvA'Yranms. When relioiously-oriented students come to college they often possess less than a high school education in their religion; when they leave, they should have ad- vanced in knowledge of their religion relative to their general academic knowl- edge. Student religious groups help the student who feels there is a place in his life for religion. There is also a place for the student who has no religion-to try to affirm his negative belief-and for the student who does not believe he can find a place. * * * THE SPIRITUAL, social and intellectual guidance which is offered by the Uni- versity's campus religious groups serve a very definitive purpose, and they often succeed at fulfilling it. Whether or not they do is mainly due to personnel. If the pastor, director or leader is inadequate in his intellectual prowess, the group cannot reach those students who need the most direction in their intellectual wanderings. However, if the adult advisors are com- petent leaders who know their role and serve it, those groups can and do fill the void which is often present in a state- supported school-adequate ethical and spiritual instruction-for those who seek it. This is not the University's responsi- bility, but it is the responsibility of cap- able men and women dedicated to serving students in the way in which they and their religion feel necessary. M ALINDA BERRY is an assistant night editor on The Daily who re- ports religious and cultural affairs. She is a sophomore in the literary school. nutritional deficiencies, and tobacco no- toriously cuts down the desire for food. It is curious how widely these non- nutritional substances are taken by man. It cannot be said that every culture has some drug to help its members escape from reality, but I would guess that the vast majority have, and of the most diverse sorts. The virtues of alcohol have been discovered independently by many peoples, and they have found many ways of producing the alcohol: through al- lowing the sweet sap of palms and other plants to ferment, through fermenting grains or fruits, through chewing starches (like manihot) and fermenting the saliva-mixed product. And primitive man ransacked the plant kingdom to find sub- stances that could be drunk, chewed or inhaled for a lift, or a temporary escape into the world of dreams. These "perversities" may be accepted and institutionalized by the culture, or they may be suppressed or hidden or deplored-just as are the unreproductive sexual customs. Our own culture is quite confused in the matter, with every pos- sible attitude represented somewhere. A few consistent extremists would suppress everything-tea, chocolate, coffee and the like. Tobacco and alcohol are subjects of eternal debate. Many of us still have vivid memories of our national experi- ment in the prohibition of alcohol. "Drugs" from marijuana to heroin are still prohibited, though a vocal minority maintains that prohibition is not the proper way to deal with the problem of drug addiction. We can call all of these things, by definition, "perverse," but that still leaves open the question of whether they are "good" or "bad." There seems to be no way of arriving at opinion on this out- side of the cultural context. We could, of course, equate "good" with "healthy," but we are still left with problems. All of these non-nutritional food substances could probably be shown to be unhealthy in a physiological sense, or at best harm- less. But physiology isn't everything. The Andean Indian apparently needs the lift from chewing his coca leaves to help him get through the arduous days of his bleak enviornment. I seem to need the lift of tobacco to get through my days, even though I am not exposed to the physical discomfort of the Indian. How do we balance the physiological loss against the psychological gain? . There are similar problems in the evolution of sex habits. If we define as perverse all- sexual behavior not directed toward reproduction, we include mastur- bation, homosexuality, bestiality, voyeur- ism and the like; but we also necessarily include all contraceptive practices. Again there is an extreme but consistent view that would regardall of these as "bad" and another extreme that would regard none as bad except where innocent in- dividuals are hurt. IN BOTH SEX and food it is clear that adult human behavior is largely a re- sult of a conditioning or learning process. There must be basic, underlying drives for sex outlet-to use Kinsey's term-and for food intake, but it is hard to dissect away the cultural overlay to demonstrate this biological basis. In the case of sex, experiments with chimpanzees at the Yerkes Laboratory show that the adult behavior patterns of individuals are learned. It is possible to make a nice sequence from animals like rats and mice, where learning is only of slight import- ance in copulatory behavior, through dogs and monkeys, where learning is more important, to the great apes, where MARSTON BATES is a professor in the University zoology department who specializes in ecology. This ar- ticle was originally printed in The American Scholar, Vol. 27, No. 4, copyright 1958, the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. i1KINrAV tAKiIIARV 14 192 A Myriad of Cultural Curiosities learning is necessary for successful copulation. Food behavior probably shows a similar sequence in the importance of learning, though I-do not know of much good experimental evidence. I suspect that even in man there is left over an "in- stinctive" aversion to very bitter things, a reaction that would be of value in avoiding poisons. But we put bitters 'in our Old Fashioneds! There seems also to be a general aversion to some kinds of smells in association with food; yet some 'very nasty-smelling cheeses are eaten, as well as certain stinking fruits like the famous durian of tropical Asia. Interesting individual and cultural dif- ferences are shown in whether particular foodstuffs are eaten raw or cooked, alive or dead. In general, only mute things are eaten alive-plants and invertebrates. If oysters shrieked as they were pried open, or squealed when jabbed with a fork, they would never be eaten alive. As it is, thoughtful people quite callously look for the muscular twitch as they drop lemon juice on a poor oyster to be sure that it is alive before they eat it. The moral problem of killing for food leads many people to vegetarianism. But as Samuel Butler long ago pointed out, vegetables should have rights, too. The Erewhonians reached the logical end of the moral argument when they were reduced to eating cabbages certified to have died a natural death. There are numerous vegetarian sub- cultures, especially in Indian civilization and in our own, but voluntary avoidance of meat seems to be limited to groups within such "high" cultures. A goodly proportion of mankind lives on a largely vegetarian diet, but this is perforce be- cause meat is scarce or too expensive. At the other extreme, Eskimos eat meat exclusively. The primates-the monkeys and apes-are generally vegetarian or, at most, eaters of insects and similar small prey. The adoption of the carnivorous habit was probably one of the major steps in human evolution, especially since hunting, by such a feeble creature as man, must have at the same time in- volved tool-using and group-cooperation, providing a base for man's social evolu- tion. Vegetarianism now is frequently linked with religious considerations of one kind or another. It is curious how frequently food habits or food restrictions are as- sociated with religion. This also gets in- volved with religion in the most diverse sorts of ways. There is an elemental dif- ference between food and sex, in that an individual can refrain completely from sexual activity and still live. Chastity can thus be a - lifetime preoccupation, while fasting is necessarily either of short duration or intermittent. I suspect that lifetime chasity, the cult of virginity, is a characteristic of the sophisticated and complex cultures that we call. civilizations: it would hardly seem either possible of worthwhile to the more primitive cultures closer to nature. Yet such cultures do have a variety of religious controls over sexual behavior. Sex may be taboo before or during special activities such as fishing, hunting or war. Sex may be required in relation to ceremonies to insure fertility of crops. Either food or sex may get involved in ideas of sacrifice, and the sacrifice may involve either abstention or indulgence. Thus we find cults of temple prostitution on the one hand, and of chastity on the other; ceremonies which require that no food be eaten, and others at which participants must eat. * * * N SOPHISTICATED situations, at least, one can understand social and religious control of sexual and food ,behavior in terms of man's efforts to master his appetites, and thus to master himself. Neither the glutton nor the libertine cuts a very admirable figure in terms of the moral or aesthetic values of most high cultures. European culture in particular has kept the Greek ideal of moderation, of temperance, though sometimes carrying temperance itself to an unaesthetic excess in the puritan or the prude. In religious and social controls of food and sex, we are dealing with deliberate, in a sense voluntary, abstentions and in- dulgences. There may also be involun- tary controls, perhaps more frequently with food than with sex. We have chronic undernourishment and malnutrition in many situations simply because food is not available. And there is, through his- tory, a long succession of famines, of enidemic, involuntary fasting on the pait of large segments of mankind. It is more difficult to find examples of epidemic,' involuntary chastity; . although, as a friend pointed out to me, this has oc- curred in certain situations like the gold rush to the western United States in the last century. The prostitution that builds up under such circumstances could be regarded as only a partial alleviation, such as the hoarding and black markets aseompanying famines. This makes me wonder whether the selling of sex or the selling of food is the older profession. It is a meaningless sort of a question, of course, since both food and sex were commonly exchanged long before any idea of "sale" developed. From the accounts of the European explorers who first encountered the primitive peoples of th the ideas o: vegetables or taken up wil reluctance. N luctant, thes to have hac commandeer! women. On the ott are widely i pitality: the something to with. This c: cases if he is proffered foc tural or aesi about his wo won food su surely the ult 'N GENERA " iWh whop can raeome to P11 sorts tllrgl restric- onA cltursl 1 universal par of some kin( susnect that : is more elab sex regulatio own culture: would hardly the indignit3 woman; but no compunct Perhaps tI fact that sex eating is op not marry a would eat v would not V pork with he not be caugt may be publi communion, which seem t for those cor In some cu Many years Mystic Rose, is a sort of nature to ca biological fu excreting-in eating has c open more copulatory of is still rath< men are prol men; differe classes are ve eating toget cultures of c allowed to ev have reached And then plicated mati what is eate is eaten. wh eating, whet] auired while all the compl man has beet but it is als complication, reproduce. In gotten along although it certain psych THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE