niuage Methods Em phasize Speech Aspect By JUDITH OPPENHEIM The urgency with which foreign language study has come to be arded lately has resulted in both new methods of instruction and reased enrollment in University language courses. With the general intensification of emphasis on foreign lan- ages, studied because of their applicability to world problems, a it in teaching methods has placed increasing importance on ility to speak andunderstand for purposes of conversation. This shift has been accompanied by an attempt to give the iguage student some sense of familiarity with the culture and erature of the ,country whose tongue he is striving to master, rather an studying the formal rudiments of grammar. First Semester Prof. Clarence K. Pott, German department chairman, explains at first semester German students are now receiving concentrated actice with conversation drill and patterns. This practice was first ed during World War II to 4rain soldiers in a short time to get ng speaking German. The Army Specialized Training Program rediscovered that a rson speaks and listens long before he understands structure, Prof. tt explains. A baby learns to speak -by imitating sounds and in is way the language becomes natural to him. It was therefore decided two years ago to try this speaking- actice known as oral-aural drill, on the first semester German classes. Students memorize phrases by reading, writing and speak- ing them over and over., Only when they have mastered the phrases themselves do stu- dents go on to analysis of the grammatical structure. Prof. Pott says that, although statistics are not yet available on the effective- ness of the new approach, he believes students learn better this way and certainly have a much greater command of the language by their second year. The only problem, he says, is that mere practice in sound repeti- tion becomes boring to students who are used to a more analytical approach to studies. 'Trying to Convince' "However," he says, "we are trying to convince them to regard the practice as a game, trusting that it will pay off in the long run." Students of Japanese and Chinese receive the same method of instruction, Prof. Yamagiwa says. These languages pose a special problem because of the difficulty of learning the characters. Ap- proximately 2,200 are used in writing Japanese and 3,500 in writing Chinese. In the elementary classes, students practice orally, imitating the pronunciation of good native speakers. They learn vocabulary in context at first, without being concerned with grammar rules. Practice in everyday conversation is given, with the Japanese transliterated into English and printed in an exercise book across from a literal English translation. Prof. Yamagiwa says a literal translation of idiomatic Japanese helps the student gain a clearer idea of certain Japanese attitudes and cultural traits, such as ex- treme politeness. For example, the Japanese reply to the question "How are you?" is, literally translated, "Thanks to you, I am well," regardless of whether the questioner has had anything to do with the respondent's health. In addition to regular hours, Japanese classes meet once each week for coffee and informal conversation to gain practice in the language. Some classes also hold an extra weekly session just for conversation. By the 12th or 13th week, writing is introduced and students learn the characters in small groups. They then progress to more and more advanced reading material. Directs Project ,Prof. Yamagiwa is now directing a project which calls for the, preparation of five sets of readers for advanced students of Japa- nese. The readers will contain excerpts from books and articles published in Japan on language, literature, history, political science and a combination of social anthropology and sociology. In this way, students will be able to read in Japanese studies in the fields of concentration. Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of the romance languages and literature department, says his department has never used the "old- fashioned method" of memorizing grammatical rules associated with dull high school courses.' The department's first year of instruction is intended to train students in practical use of the language for everyday conversation and in reading within a wide range of the language so that they may use it as a tool for further education. The second year consists of continued active language practice and reading from which the student can gain much greater range of knowledge and information than would be possible if his reading were restricted to one language. First-year instruction is therefore heavily audio-lingual with reading introduced only when it can be handled in the language and not treated as translation. To as great an extent as is feasible, classes are conducted in the language studied with as little interfer- ence of English as possible. Department Aim The aim of the Russian department in the elementary courses is to teach speaking and comprehension. Almost all first and second year classes are taught by two teachers, one a native speaker of Russian and one whose first language is English. The native speaker drills the students in conversation .with the use of English avoided almost entirely. The other instructor also conducts conversation practice, but is available in addition for comment and explanation regarding gram- matical problems. See LANGUAGE, Page 5 pru I ,I HATCHER STAND: TROUBLE AHEAD? See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :4Iaittii WVINDY, WARME High--40 Low--34 Light snow, colder Monday r ^- _ __ _ nca n, r~fl.,fl, Fits BHT PAC ANN ARROR. MICHTGAN. SUNDAY. JANUARY 14. 1962 SEVEN 4EN 6 is zx in? t "Y?7w n QK ::'f Jj. LXXA.L, No . 8 . ,....O . .. , .. . J... LAOS: To Oppose Unity Efforts VIENTIANE, Laos (A)-Royal government leaders head for Ge- neva today prepared to take an uncompromising stand and to demand that neutralist Prince Souvanna Phouma give up trying to form a unity regime. Officials made this disclosure yesterday on the eve of the de- parture of Premier Prince Boun Oum and his deputy, Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, for another meeting of the three rival princes in Geneva. Diplomatic and government sources saw little hope the Geneva talks would produce any kind of at settlement. The premier himself announced before the National Assembly that he will tell Souvanna; the neu- tralist ex-premier, that he has failed. Boun Oum said he was accept- ing the invitation of the 14-nation conference on Laos to go to Ge- neva mainly to discuss withdrawal of foreign troops from Laos and guarantees for the kindom's neu- trality. , By foreign troops, he obviously referred to forces of Communist North Viet Nam. Boun Oum in- sists North Vietnamese in growing numbers are aiding the Pathet Lao guerrillas of the third prince, Souphanouvong. Castro Releases Plans To Defend Cuba at OAS HAVANA (M)-The government disclosed plans yesterday to send a high powered delegation to the Western hemisphere's foreign ministers' conference, called to discuss Cuba's alliance with the Soviet Bloc. At the same time, Prime Minister Fidel Castro postponed a huge rally called for Jan. 22, the day the ministers open their ~______sessions in Uruguay's resort city Face Mask Under Fire; Decision Comes This Week By DAVE GOOD Michigan Athletic Director H. 0.(Fritz) Crisler will be out to prosecute a seven-year-old kill- er when the National Football Rules Committee of the NCAA meets in Miami to try to reduce future college football fatalities. Some football authorities have placed the blame for the sky- rocketing number of deaths on various kinds of rough contact but most have pointed the fin- ger of accusation at the nylon face guard, introduced seven years ago to prevent facial fractures. "I certainly am in favor of asking a helmet change," Cris- ler explains. "I personally am going to sponsor a proposition that we eliminate the. face mask. We consider it an illegal piece of equipment except to protect an existing face injury. Check It All "I am for a pretty thorough study of all equipment to get away from the 'armor' aspect, of football. I think this is de- feating the purpose of protect- ing the individual from injury." Scores of surgeons, physicians and research men have shown that a solid blow on the face guard can force the helmet to pivot backwards so that the hard rear part digs into the back of the neck. The leverage of the face guard is consider- able, Of some 38 high school, col- lege and sandlot football deaths last fall, well over half were attributed to head injuries. Dr. Richard Schneider, a University neurosurgeon, found' that 11 of 14 deaths resulting from head injuries in 1959 were, not caused by skull fractures. Instead they came from blood clots in the brain and mutila- tion of part of the spinal cord -more evidence against the face mask which dug into the play- ers' necks. Accomplice Named Crisler names the unyielding chin strap as another of the rillains. "The face guard won't of Punta Del Este. It was believed Castro wanted first to make sure how Cuba fares at the foreign ministers' meeting before address- ing the rally. The date has been reset for Jan. 28, birthday of Cuba's national hero, Jose Marti. New Invasion The delegation to the foreign ministers of the Organization of American States will leave late next week. The 40-member dele- gation will be headed by Foreign Minister Raul Roa. He has said he will furnish proof a new armed invasion is threatening Cuba. With Roa will be Cuba's rep- resentative, Carlos Lechuga; Ra- mon Aja, head of the foreign ministry's Latin American desk, and Benito Besada Ramos, chief of the ministry's legal department. Most Latin American diplomats here feel this nation's answer to any request that it leave the Soviet sphere will be a flat "no.'" Irreversible Trend They point out that high priests of Cuban socialism, including Cas- tro himself, have too often pro- claimed the irreversible trend of the march toward the east. Another indication' that Cuba has no intention of changing its course is the recent signing of a 700 million peso trade agreement with the Soviet Union for 1962. Similar deals have been signed, with almost all Communist coun- tries. Diplomats here believe Cube has no real interest in- abandoning the OAS but, given a choice, it would reject the inter-American system for the Soviet sphere. EEC Agrees On New Policy In 'Ariculture BRUSSELS (A")-The European Common Market Council of Minis- ters has agreed on all aspects of a joint agricultural policy after a marathon 16-day session, a spokes- man for the council announced early today. "The ministers now only have to decide on the passage of the com- munity into the second stage," he said, adding that this is expected quickly. The European Economic Com- Negotiation Talks Fail Over Berlin WASHINGTON (P) - United States-Soviet talks on the Berlin crisis have failed so far to open any new approach to negotiations which would justify an East-West foreign ministers conference. After the second meeting of the second round of exploratory dis- cussions, 'United States officials indicated yesterday that the odds are presently in favor of the crisis dragging on indefinitely without a military showdown. But they see little hope for a solution, envisioning a prolonged state of tension with a corrosive influence o the whole range of East-West issues. Arms Talks It is difficult for diplomats here to see, for example, how there is any real chance of making even a moderately serious new start on nuclear test ban negotiations, un- der an international inspection system, in view of the continuing Berlin crisis. United States, British and Soviet negotiators are due to meet in Geneva Tuesday, however, for a new round on the nuclear test issue. The prospect is that with international relations generally showing no real. improvement, the United States may start a series of nuclear test explosions in the at- mosphere in the spring. The final decision will be made at the last minute by President John F. Ken- nedy but preparations for such shots are underway. Additional Meetings Similarly there is no real hope in official quarters for constructive disarmament negotiations even though new East-West talks will begin in mid-March if tentative United States-Soviet plans win general approval in an 18-nation group sponsored by the United Nations. The United States reported to Washington representatives of its chief Western allies yesterday on the lack of progress in United States exploratory talks with Rus- sia on the Berlin dispute. Senate] Priority *.,..,*.*,*..*..,*....~ ~~*.** ?" Te University and. Business By MICHAEL HARRAH The University is on the threshold of a broad new field of academic pursuit, as it finds itself attracting business firms to locate within its scholarly atmosphere. The University does not have an active program to go out and persuade businesses to join it in Ann Arbor. But it welcomes the interest of business in the Uni- versity, with the hope it will decide to join forces. "Ours is a concern with the readiness to cooperate with the business world," Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss says. "We prepare an atmosphere which will help the state attract new industry or help the industry that is al- ready here." Important Relationship University President Harlan Hatcher notes that "an institu- tion made up so heavily of the various professional schools that have such strong research and graduate programs as the University does, finds itself in important relationship with the society of which it is a part." He says, for example, that it is easy for the social work school to arrange field training with agencies in Detroit or for the astronomy department to contribute to space and na- tional research. The Univer- sity's primary connection with industry comes through the Institute of Science and Tech- nology. "The thing we are currently for exploring here is how to make this relationship as profitable and effective as possible for all concerned," he said. Directly Related To this end, the University encourages associations with business which would be direct- ly related to the work currently going on in the various depart- ments. "This is a natural associa- tion," President Hatcher says. "When a great pharmaceutical house (Parke, Davis and Co.) wishes to relocate its research laboratory, it is fortunate that it can come to Ann Arbor and associate itself with us." He said that association with the University was particularly desirable for business, because they could avail themselves of the services and knowledge of the University's research per- sonnel and cooperate in the use of the University's facilities. Dual Profit He added that the combined knowledge of business and edu- cation will profit both parties. The President notes such a trend is prevalent around other top universities, with business attempting to locate nearby and avail themselves of the research facilities. He cites Cambridge, Princeton, Palo Alto, Pasadena, Raleigh and Chapel Hill as col- lege towns which by their very nature have attracted business and research activities. Ann Arbor itself has not been -lacking in new industry. In re- cent years, Bendix Systems Di- vision of the Bendix Corp., Ar- gue Camera Division of the Sylvania Electric Products Corp., a subsidiary of General Telephone and Telegraph Co., and Parke-Davis have moved here to work with University research personnel. First Tenant Also, the Federal-Mogul Corp., is preparing to become the first tenant in Ann Arbor's vast in- dustrial research park, a pro- ject vigorously supported by the University. More recently, the Lear Avia- tion Co. has agreed to open facilities at Willow Run, in or- der to avail itself of the re- search facilities of the aero- nautical engineering depart- ment. "Interest by business in Ann Arbor is good for the whole Michigan economy," President Hatcher says. "Having good or- ganizations locate in our own state, helping us push forth our own frontiers of knowledge, will do great service to the people and the economy." IST Cooperation According to Niehuss, IST is in "constant cooperation with the governor and state agencies set up to encourage industry, and it works with business and industry throughout the state. This has been and will con- tinue to be the policy of the University toward attracting business to Ann Arbor-not one of enticement, but one of wel- come. Legislators 'optimistic For Passage Foresee Approval . By Large Majority In Initial Floor Test WASHINGTON (P) - Senate Democratic leaders are planning to call up President John F. Ken- nedy's college education bill as the first major legislation to be de- bated in 1962. They expect the measure to be passed by a good margin, starting the administration's program off with a victory in its initial floor test of the session. Debate is tentatively set to be- gin Jan. 22 if the Du Pont tax bill is disposed of in. the' week ahead as now expected, one leader reported yesterday. Parallel Vote Last year the Senate passed the President's $2.55-billion public school grant bill 49 to 34. Demo- crats think the college measure can win about the same vote. The elementary and high school aid measure was stalled last year in the House. However, the admin- istration has voiced confidence both branches will clear the higher education bill, especially since it does not involve the bitterly divi- sive issue of aid for church schools. A $2.67-billion college aid meas- ure was approved 12 to 2 by the Senate Labor Committee last Sep- tember. Sens. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) and John G. Tower (R- Texas) cast the opposing votes. Junior Colleges The bill sent to the floor by the committee included Kennedy's recommendations plus an amend- ment sponsored by Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-N.J.). to add grants for community junior colleges. The five-year program set up in the measure would include $1.5 billion in loans for classroom con- struction, $924 million for college student scholarships, and $250 million in matching grants to help build public junior colleges. The bill authorizes 25,000 schol- arships the first year, 37,000 the next, and 50,000 each for the next three years. These could not exceed $1,000 annually. The states would administer the program and a recipient could attend any col- lege of his choice. The universities would receive $350 as a "cost of education al- lowance" for each scholarship holder in attendance. There may be floor disputes over both the classroom loans and scholarship provisions. Movie To Tell '- College Democrats Urge Akc .;. r. . . . . .".. .....J. ..t..............:......" U' Man of the. Hour--All Hours FRITZ CRISLER ... a change give; the chin strap won't give; something's got to give." And he didn't mean the player's head, either. A possible solution is a type of fiberglass headgear modeled from an auto crash helmet. This replaces the ordinary sling suspension with two interior liners to absorb even normally fatal "high level impact" blows from all angles. It also employs a close-fitting metal guard dipped in rubber which would cover nearly the whole face. Good Old Days Crisler, however, comments, "I haven't seen any face mask that I think would be desirable. By NEIL COSSMAN Time waits for no man, but when the University clocks stop they usually wait for Clare Miller, a Plant Department electrician who has been curing the clocks'- occasional ailments and resetting the vast clock system since he in- stalled the University's new master timepiece six years ago. Hanging on the wall of a small room in Randall Laboratory, the master clock of the University time system appears unaware of its heavy responsibility. Charged with keeping nearly 3000 clocks running on time, the master clock itself is usually cor- rected every five minutes by radio signals from the National Ob- servatory in Arlington, Va. Interference Until recently, the huge magnets for the Randall Laboratory cyclo- tron interfered with the radio cor- rection signals. Since the magnets were never on for more than 16 hou~rs a dvt here wasaw AT RACKHAM: .Bowles Set To Address Conference Chester Bowles, roving ambassa- dor and special adviser on develop- ing countries to President John F. Kennedy, will speak on campus tomorrow and Tuesday under the auspices of the twenty-third an- nual Michigan Pastors Conference. He will discuss "The New Year and America's Foreign Policies," at 8 p.m. tomorrow and 9 a.m. Tues- day in Rackham Lecture Hall.. Other speakers tomorrow include C. E. Bartlett, President of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School of New York, who will lecture on "What Do We Mean-One Nation Under God?" at 2:30 p.m., and Max Ways, assistant managing editor of Fortune, who will con- sider "The Search, for Foreign Policy Goal," at 4 p.m., both in Rackham. Adrian College President John MINUTE MAN-Clare Miller of the Plant Department inspects l- j I i I I