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January 13, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-13

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



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IFC's New Rush Plan:
Only the First Step

[HE NEW IFC rush program ,introduced
Thursday night is a step in the right direc-
ion, but only a step. The plan will have
asting good only if it is eventually followed
p with more reform measures-far broader
a scope.
There is no doubt that fraternity member-
hp on this campus is declining. Houses are
ithering off slowly but surely. At present,
fteen of 43 houses have less than 35 mem-
ers. These houses are in danger and it is
hese houses that the new rush plan is aimed
t helping.
Without a doubt, these houses will see
lore men under the new system. The question
will these houses and others throughout
ie system get more pledges? For, obviously,
1e future of the fraternity system lies in its

not composed of small people living in shells.
They are composed of people coming from all
different backgrounds. There are the rich and
the poor; the urban, suburban, and rural;
Christians and Jews; yes, even Negroes and
whites. These do not care about class or race
or religion. They only care about minds. These
houses have no problems on this campus.
The worthwhile freshman of today is not
looking for a hole in which he can hide for
four years. He is not seeking a ready-made
area of identification. He does not want and
will not accept the warped view of the old-
style fraternity. If a fraternity has no intel-
lectual value for him, he will not join.
There are yet those students who are pri-
marily self-concerned, and they will continue
to be fodder for the ancient Greeks. But their
numbers are decreasing. Each year the fra-
ternities fight more greedily among each other


"We Expect To Get Quite A Bit Through"
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FA Cc Ak~I~lfor'
Initiative. Electorate Power

'Bridge' Unforgettable
'" HEBRIDGE" is an ugly, unretouched black-and-white picture of
the hideous game we call war. It isn't pretty and it isn't family
entertainment, but it's a film you should see and remember.
The theme is that of "All Quiet on the Western Front." Only the
year and location (1945 near Berlin) have been changed. The eternal
death and disillusionment of war remain unaltered, and their appear-
ance in this film is so nakedly brutal as to result in actual physical
The heroes of the story-if there are heroes in war-are a group
of young German boys inducted into the army at a time when the fate
of Germany is already decided. Blind with glorious visions of valor, these
16-year-old "soldiers" are assigned to guard a bridge in their own home
Ignoring the warnings and advice of veterans who have an idea of
what it is to grapple with death, the boys set up their pathetic barbed-
wire barricade and wait for the war to come to them. And it comes.
With the dull thud of distant artillery, with the hypnotizing flight of an
enemy plane, and finally with the thunderous gibbering of American
tanks, the war comes to them and destroys them.
TECHNICALLY, the film approaches perfection. The sounds of close
combat are reproduced with realism which pounds at the mind like some
great, murderous hammer. The tanks are iron-browed, senseless mon-
sters indiscriminately trampling all in their path.
There is more in the movie than the innocence of youth and the
simple horror of war. There is the blind, desperate courage of the veteran
soldier, the merciless responsibility of the officers who send men to death
and the arrogant cowardice of the "home-front fuehrers" who made the
whole thing possible.
"War is hell" is a platitude. "The Bridge" is a sickenly accurate
portrait of what man can achieve when he sets his mind to destruction.
The result is neither victory nor defeat. All that remains is inexpressible
-Ralph Stingel
'Drum Song' Flowers
ALL THE INGREDIENTS of a delightful musical comedy are found
in the Flower Drum Song: loose and flexible plot, excellent acting
and dancing, and music that will come away with you when you
leave the show.
Rodgers and Hammerstein are, of course, the masters of the
musical, and Flower Drum is no exception. The charm of China-in-
San Francisco has been captured in just the right taste-the show
is enchanting, but not pretentious.
A Chinese-American student, Wang Ta (James Shigeta) is
pursuing Linda Loo (Nancy Kwan), whom he met on a double date.
(He: "I was with the' wrong girl;" She: "That's nothing, I was with
the wrong guy.") However, Linda neglects to tell Ta that she is
currently employed as a stripper at the Celestial Gardens and also
engaged to the owner, Sammy Fong (Jack Soo).
Sammy, however, is not without his problems. It seems he neglected
to tell Mama Fong about Linda, and consequently Mama sent away
for a bride for Sammy from Hong Kong. The bride, Moi Li (Miyoshi
Umecki) and her father, impatient to come to America, arrive stowed
away aboard a freighter. When they ask for directions to Mrs. Fong's
home, they are directed instead to the Celestial Gardens-the first
inkling Sammy has of the mail-order bride. The vicious circle con-
tinues, but you get the picture.
* * *q*
PLAUDITS FOR PERFORMANCE go to Juanita Hall as Madame
Liang, Ta's aunt, who is vigorously pursuing her studies at the Ameri-
can citizenship school.
Patrick Adiarte is perfect as younger brother, Wang San. As
Ta says, he's completely American. (Master Wang: What is this
"cool?" Wang San: Oh, Pop! That's bop!)
The choreography is very good, and, unlike many musicals the
songs and dances do not make the movie implausible.
In short, the Flower Drum Song is a very wonderful mixture of
Chinese tradition and American charm, the old and the new, the
parents and the kids.
If you want to have a sophisticated evening, don't see this show;
but if you'd rather sit by and feel pleased with life, the Flower
Drum Song is just the means to an end such as that.
--Michael Harrah

THE NEW RUSH PLAN is only good as for rushees and pledges because
a first step because it is only directed at they are more desparate.
helping houses. Concern for rushees is sec-
ondary; concern for future pledges, nor- A CHANGE in rushing procedu
existent. desirable, is purely mechan
If every single freshman on campus is change, as a matter of fact, is a go
>araded through a house, there is still no But it will not save the fraternit
guarantee that that house will attract a it is not followed by a whole reori
ingle pledge. The house must be able to offer fraternity thinking.
, rushee something. He must have some in- The very word "rush" shows the
sentive for going Greek. fraternities. One cannot rush to m
The stud'ent does not come to colleget ingful choices about the kind of peo
earn the glories of a fraternity; coles to live with for four years.
ean he gies oa fraternity xhe comes for The blackball, too, must be re-exa
in education. The fraternity is a luxury, a as a theory, but as a practice. Ti
secondary offering which can only be accepted evaluate a man on the basis of h
fit is in keeping with the student's academic characteristics is universal, but irra
.ursuits. In other words, students do not judice is latent in many blackball
xlst for fraternities, fraternities exist for the Prejudice is an evil which must be
tudents by the academic community-not
Exam files or tutors are not the areas in Pledging needs reconsideration.
ihich a fraternity can benefit a student, period of initiation may be valuab
ducationally. The fraternity must serve to period is self-defeating when it g
'roaden his awareness. White, Anglo-Saxon the bounds of reason.g
raternities will not accomplish this purpose. The Greek way could well be
Jarrow-minded houses, huoses which do not ideal of living situations if it coin
Jarrow-minded houses, houses which do not, the hopes and ambitions of aca
ccomplish this purpose. And these houses Fraternity living could. be of limit
xist in fair number on this campus. They are if it were to promote rather than-reti
etrimental to the student seeking to under- ness and understanding.
band reality, for they live in a pretend world. The system at Michigan has far
Minor strides are only important if
HERE ARE those houses on campus that somewhere.
do not restrict their memberships. They are -H. NEIL BE
State Democrats Play Politics

each year
es, however
iical.' This
ood change.
y system if
entation of
problem of
ake mean-
ople he will
amined, not
he right to
is personal
tional pre-
s of today.
A certain
le, but the
oes beyond
the most
cided with
demic life.
tless value
,rd aware-
to travel.
they lead

ON TWO COUNTS, the Democrats in Lan-
sing put their own political well being
before the welfare of the state Thursday.
Governor John B. Swainson sacrificed the
most promising atmosphere of cooperation
prevailing in the State Legislature since the
days of Governor Kelly with a vague and snide
State of the State message.
While at the Constitutional Convention, De-
troit Democrats Tom Downs and Adelaide
Hart set the tone of the coming gubernatorial
campaign with an attempt to defame the
character of potential Republican candidate
George Romney.
THE DAY PRECEDING Swainson's speech,
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kinston), majority
'loor leader, made a statement reversing the
stand of the previous year, which called for
special attention to the need for additional
state revenue, and the needs of education.
The first speech to the House by the majority
eader is generally a statement of the bar-
[aining position. If it expressed the Republi-
ans' highest price at that point, then obviously
he Legislature was willing to compromise
with the administration.
Swainson, however, ignored this rare offer
if the olive branch. He plans to make political
iay out of the, Legislature's reticence to com-
>letely endorse his plans.
He started his campaign before he gave his
gpeech by stating that'he was prepared to
ight the Legislature for every measure.
He then said in his speech:
First, the state is coming out of the mess
aused by the stubbornness of the Legislature.
Second, the Legislature had been lax and
s going to procastinate because of the Con-
titutional Convention.
Third, he would let the Legislature know
tie specific state needs in later messages.
Each message, of course, will be a new
emonstration of the "leadership" of the gov-
rnor-putting all the blame on the Legis-
In other words, Swainson said nothing about
he state and laid the blame for the. prr olems
e didn't mention on the Legislature. This
oesn't encourage cooperation. It also will not
in what Swainson wants-re-election or legis-
tion. What the people are looking for in a
overnor is a man who will relieve their
'oubles. A governor who ignores the only
nmediate avenue to solution is not doing
S SWAINSON PREPARES to regain popu-

by forcing Romney to call a past President,
of the United States, a lair.
Former President Harry S. Truman, in re-
fusing to speak to the convention, implied in
his telegram that Romney had misconstrued
or misrepresented him. This, if true, casts
definite aspersions on the integrity or capa-
bility of Romney.
Romney maintains that Truman made a
definite commitment (producing an affidavit
and witnesses to prove it) and that Truman
broke that commitment at the insistence of
Democratic politicians. Romney says that
"some Democrats" decided that Truman
couldn't follow Eisenhower with any credit
to his party and that, if he repudiated the
commitment, Romney would be politically em-
barrassed. Romney's assistant had made the
initial contact and Romney then announced
Truman's willingness to speak to the con-
It is hard to believe that George Romney
would have gained anything by saying that
Truman would come if he knew that he wasn't.
If the Democrats did not set this up, it is
equally hard to understand why they, or Tru-
man, did not inform Romney that no com-
mitment had been made. It seems that until
Eisenhower spoke to the convention, Truman
was willing to come. Romney, to defend him-
self, had to state all the circumstances in-
volved. These circumstances point to an obvious
conclusion. Romney did not conclude that,
however. He just stated the circumstances. It
took Adelaide Hart, dramatically hurt and
indignent, to clear up the situation. She said,
"Mr. Romney, are you calling a past president
'of the United States a liar?"
IT IS NOT UNUSUAL for either the Demo-
crats or the Republicans to pull such poli-
tical tricks. The worst thing about the Demo-
crats' framing of Romney is that they have
hindered the work of the constitutional con-
Cooperation and pooling of ideas is essential
if Michigan is to get the best constitution pos-
sible. The Democrats just destroyed any chance
for further cooperation or trust. Romney, as
a vice-president of the convention, has learned
his lesson. As he left the press conference
Thursday he said that he had gained one
thing from the incident-the lesson never to
trust a colleague with an idea or fact he
couldn't publicly prove. In a convention dealing
with ideas and concepts, this attitude could
prove disasterous. In addition, the convention
requires that the vice-presidents work in blose
cooperation. How much cooperation is going


Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
deserves commendation for the
manner in which it handled ini-
tial consideration of the proposal
on initiative and referendum
Wednesday night.
Two people deserve special
mention for their efforts so far-
John Vos for introducing the mo-
tion, and Michigan Union Presi-
dent Paul Carder for working out
the wording of an intricate pass-
The motion, which must be
passed by a two-thirds vote of the
Council and approved by the
Board of Regents before it is final,
would allow the University stu-
dent body the same prerogative
many state, local, and campus
governments provide-the right to
initiate legislation for Council ap-
proval, or referral to the student
Also, the Council could, by a
two-thirds vote, refer legislation
to the student body.
The basic ideal behind the mo-
tion is democratic: SGC would
have a closer tie to the electorate
and the electorate could oppose
the Council's action.
** *
THE MOTION was presented in
the wake of the defeat of the
Glick-Roberts motion which in-
cluded the Student Bill of Rights
and the rationale for student self-
government. Both raised the ques-
tion of whether SGC even sup-
ported democratic self-govern-
Although this new motion does
not absolve the Council for its
lack of perception in the past, it
does demonstrate that the Coun-
cil has faith in its constituents.
While SGC has demonstrated
faith in its constituents, it has
also set stiff demands on them.
A petition must have 1,000 signa-
tures before it can come before
the Council.
* * *
SGC recognized student apathy
and low voter turnout and set the
plan so that a small minority will
not rule. At least 3,000 voters or
75 per cent of those voting in the
election, whichever is greater, must
vote on such issues in order for
a majority vote to pass it. In the
case of a change in the SGC Plan,
two-thirds must approve it, just
as two-thirds of the Council
must approve changes before they
become effective.
Another stipulation is that ini-
tiative can take place only in
four areas: rules governing eligi-
bility of students participating in
extra-curricular activities, origina-
tion of student projects, expres-
sions of opinion and interest to the
faculty, administration and stu-
dent agencies and world commu-

nity, and discussion of University
Functions of recognition, calen-
daring, appointment and adminis-
tration are excluded, not because
SGC wants to limit constituent
power, but because these other
areas involve routine administra-
tion rather than policy.
'* * *
THE SECOND PART of the mo-
tion concerning referendum has
not yet been discussed in detail.
This, would allow the Council to
place legislation directly before
the students at the next election,
but only by a two-thirds vote
of Council members.
Although both conservatives and
liberals could use this method to
equal advantage, the qualified ma-
jority vote would not be overly
easy to acquire.
SGC has another key point left

to discuss next week. The motion
provides that the passage of a
referendum by the constituency
will be "binding" on the Council.
This could be construed to mean
that SGC would not amend such
legislation in the future. It can,
under present rules, amend the
Council Plan, reconsider motions,
or change decisions in other ways
under parliamentary procedure.
This is a ticklish point, for
while SGC should not be able to
violate the intent of initiative and
referendum, they should have con-
trol over making changes to in-
sure effective administration of
mandates and to amend them as
future conditions require.
So far the Council has taken a
firm step and, if passed, the mo-
tion will place more power in the
hands of the electorate and kin-
dle more interest in the Council.

MUGCh'anges Would Destroy Atmosphere

To the Editor:
I SHOULD LIKE to learn more
details and reasons, beyond
those already given, for the pro-
posed changes in the MUG, be-
cause I seriously question the de-
sirability of such changes. It seems
to me that Mr. Carder is trying
to destroy the last effective stu-
dent meeting place on campus.
The MUG was the ideal place
where we students could meet our
friends-regardless of their status
-and have leisurely conversation
over coffee. There wasno pressure
to hurry anybody out nor, until
recently, any attempt to enforce
the ridiculous rules which limit
the use of the MUG to students.
I submit several ideas regard-
ing the philosophy of the MUG.
First, the MUG cannot fully com-
pete with local restaurants with-
out losing the very character
which makes it so much more at-
tractive than the other places.
Moreover, this character is too
valuable to be sacrificed for
money. If necessary, I would even
suggest subsidizing the MPG
rather than changing it.
Second, that the MUG's function
on campus has not been and
should not be merely that of an
eating place; it has a larger, more
valuable role to play in the broad-
er education of us all.
Third, that the MUG should be
open to all local citizens without
regard to their connection, or
lack of it, with the University,
their race, or their moderately un-
conventional qualities. It should
be recognized that the University
community includes many non-
students, the exclusion of which
would be detrimental to the free

exchange of ideas and friendships
on this campus.
Fourth, that the proposal to
make the MUG "more collegiate"
should be viewed with suspicion
since the term "collegiate" is
vague and could easily be used as
a mask for other intentions. Isn't
the MUG "collegiate" enough, con-
sidering the nature of its present
status and atmosphere?
I believe that the above ideas
bear the serious consideration of
Mr. Carder and his colleagues. I
doubt that the changes which they
have proposed are really desired
by the students or are to the stu-
dents' advantage..
-Laura Spurrier,'63
Blackguard*.. .
To the Editor:
the University and availing
myself of its excellent facilities,
I was greatly distressed by a dis-
turbing element which has marred
my original impressions.
While taking my lunch Tues-
day, I could not help being of-
fended by a fellow whose appear-
ance was so obviously incongruous
with the clean, well-scrubbed faces
that lend the establishment its
wholesome atmosphere. Fortunate-
ly, the blackguard was ejected, but
the methods were crude. Since I
have traveled widely, I feel quali-
fied to venture some suggestions
that might help prevent a recur-
rence of such distasteful instances.
First, since these people per-
sist, in spite of all reason, to fre-
quent the Union (vice is ever at-
tracted to virtue), I propose tre
establishment of separate but
equal facilities for undersirables.
The Union basement would do
If this proposal is not feasible,
I suggest the posting of large signs
bearing the likenesses of known
undesirables and a list of their
chief qualities. With this kind of

the day of the event, students
would be provided paper cups fill-
ed with water. Three times the
undesirable would be asked to
leave by a Union official attired
in ceremonial robes, and three
times he would refuse. Then the
assembled students would pelt the
intruder with the containers, and
drive him out.
Not only would this dramatize
symbolically the cleansing of the
Union; it would also provide the
relief necessary to a healthy, well-
balanced student body.
-Joseph Clegg
Generation .,..
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to point out
something that I neglected to
make clear to Mr. Creeth who
was kind enough to review the cur-
rent Generation in yesterday's
Daily. The Editorial Column in
Generation, unless specifically
signed, is a collective product. In
this case the opinions concerning
the fiction and drama were in-
correctly attributed to me.
More importantly, I would like
to apologize for the fact that Kon-
stantinos Lardas' two excellent
contributions received insufficient
proofreading. In addition, Mr.
Radhuber's poem suffers from the
fact that lines ten and eleven
appear in the incorrect order. In
light of such defenseless errors, I
can only offer the fact that it is
a formidable task to collect, or-
ganize, and print a magazine of
this size. Our staff, the volunteers
from a campus of 25,000 students,
numbers five.
-Roger Reynolds, Grad
Editor, Generation
Fountains .. .
To the Editor:
caption under the picture, "New
Art Media Displayed." implies that

the University. This experience
has been exceedingly gratifying
to myself and is, I believe, a credit
to the entire University.
Sixteen departments, including
ones in the engineering, architec-
ture and literary colleges, have
made contributions.
-Prof. Richard H. Jennings
To the Editor:
THE STATEMENT in Thursday's
African students being sponsored
by the African Scholarship Pro-
gram of American universities is
You said the program was in-
itiated two years ago, and that
scsholarship recipients are chosen'
on the basis of personal interviews
with a bi-national panel in the
student's native country. But I
have been in the United States for
three years!
Also you said your facts came
from the International Center. I
find this difficult to believe since
it is well known there that the
government of Nigeria has paid all
my expenses.
-E Ojo Arewa, Grad
To the Editor:
to excuse Nehru's actions in
Goa are- well-reasoned as far as
they go. However neat the logic,
though, Professor Park ignores the
fact that however "right" the
seizure may have been, Mr. Nehru
has irrevocably lost the high re-
gard in which he was formerly
held by the world.
Of all the so-called "neutrals,"
there was only one who could
really be counted on to have any
sort of ethics in international af-
fairs, and this was Nehru. Now
that Nehru has shown the world
that his ethics and nrineinles are




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