Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. s Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual oPinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted is all reprints. IDAY, JANUARY 12, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY PERLSTADT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: India's Action in Goa: Misjudged Philosophy University-Police Axis Limits Student Rights THE UNIVERSITY is in collusion with the Ann Arbor police and courts. They make mutual use of records, and have split between them the power to enforce law and University regulations. But the University has misused this division of responsibilities.. While some quasi-police and judicial powers are necessary to enforce University regulations and protect University property, these should not be used to circumvent the civil rights of students. Nor should they provide the Uni- versity with an easy out to hush up scandals and violate established processes of law.' Foremost among these abusive practices is double jeapordy. This takes two forms. Homo- sexuals convicted by the courts are often asked to leave the University in addition to civil penalty. This is done administratively without any pretence of "due process." Other offenses, notably sexual ones, can draw similar actions from both civil courts and the University. rP E SECOND FORM is more subtle. The University, will sometimes use its influence to have a serious civil charge reduced in court to a less serious offense; afterwards, the individual usually faces Joint Judic and ex- pulsion. In a recent case, a charge which might have been arson was changed to mali- cious destruction of property, a misdemeanor. Probably, although there is no way of knowing for certain, the offender was later brought before Joint Judic. Charges are reduced to avoid bad publicity -to keep the public, Legislature and alumni from thinking that the University is a breed- ing ground for crime. By switching some ser- ious crimes to Joint Judic the University is able to expel a student privately for "conduct unbecoming a student" without anyone ever knowing the real reason. It is much more con- venient than a public trial. The University also uses the privacy of a Joint Judic hearing to obtain convictions which would be impossible in a court of law. The scope of police action is greatly broadened by the knowledge that, if they break in without a warrant or lack conclusive evidence, the University will handle the disciplinary action without.: a great deal of regard for legal "details." The University has even created a Joint Judic whose characterization as a "coun- selling" rather than judiciary group nicely excludes the need for due process. Thus in- dividual civil rights have been reduced by the University's informal idea of justice. A THIRD, and equally obnoxious practice, is University use of police records as a source of knowledge regarding the purely personal conduct of students. The police report to the administration every contact they have, with students. If the University knows, for example, that a student is undergoing psychiatric treat- ment, the University will very likely report to his therapist any police difficulties the student encounters. While this may seem justifiable for humani- tarian reasons, it shows the administration's inability to draw any sort of a barrier between the student's personal and academic careers. Certainly counselling and psychiatric help should be available; but the University should avoid using records-which are not open to the public and which are really not the Uni- versity's concern. Furthermore, the possibilities for abuse are numerous. By convincing the police to change their system of records slightly, the adminis- tration could obtain information on students who are violating purely University regulations. For example, if a record were kept of the names of women who are passenger in cars stopped for traffic violations, the number of violations of the sign-out system would vastly increase. Through such records, an un- precedented level of control over the student body could be reached. CERTAINLY some ties are needed between the police, the courts and the University. But public crimes occurring on campus should be handied by civil courts. The University needs judicial and police powers; but these should not deteriorate into using the police as a spy system, making a mockery of courts and the Constitution by gentlemen's agree- -ments and, as an end result, destroying student rights. STUDENTS HAVE OFTEN complained about arbitrary police procedures in the city. But these-whatever their extent-will not cease until the University stops tacitly condoning them. The law enforcement agencies of Ann Arbor have a broad scope of action with stu- dents because the University wants it. Students must bear the consequences of their own crime just as any citizen; they must be granted the rights of any citizen; but as long as the University is so ridiculously intent on shielding the University's "image" by in- terfering in proper proceedings, students will find themselves without proper rights or re- sponsibilities. -DAVID MARCUS To the Editor: ALL OF US in the hair trigger nuclear age have reasons to be uneasy and to be seriously dis- turbed when armies move and the peace is broken, as in the recent case of India's absorption of Goa. At the same time, we should recognize that three major forces in world affairs-commun- ism, anti-communism, and anti- colonialism-aim at altering the status quo. When the organs of the United Nations prove ineffective to pro- duce the changes demanded by one party or the other, when bi- lateral negotiations founder, or when two or more of the three forces come into conflict over given issues, "reasons of state" propel governments to move on their own, and in their own in- terests, when power seems to be on their side. In such circumstances, each government itself decides what is right. I need not cite other cases to underline these conclusions. Many in the United States under- stand the justification of change when the communist issue is direc- tly involved. But, since anti- colonial actions usually complicate the power struggle with commim- ism, too many of us forget that communism - anti-communism is not the only issue before us. .* * * THE "OVERTIME" editorial, and Mr. James Nichols' column in the January 6, 1962, issue of The Daily compound error with error. Concerning the conclusions of these writers, I do not enter a controversy. They are entitled to their feelings of dismay and alarm. But "Overtime" misunderstands the concept of satyagraha ("non- violent resistance," as Gandhi sometimes put it). Non-violeit resistance is a personal philosophy of conciliation, broadened to a national policy by Gandhi, that honors the goodwill of one's ad- versary, while insisting that Ahe parties differing move reacefully towards the solution of an issue based upon that which is right. Compromise, according to Gan- dhi, is basically an "untruthful" solution, and thus will not do. What is right must prevail II peaceful methods of resitance (satyagraha) against a w-o0-g do not achieve the goals of right, and if the exponents of "right" have been scrupulous in honoring their peaceful means in pursuing the controversy, then force may in rare cases be necessary. Cowardice exhibited in the face of a wrong, according to Gandhi, is far worse then exercising violence. India's achievementcof inde- pendence in 1947 undoubtedly was characterized oy the eifective- ness of satyagraha, to a remark- able degree non-violent. India's reasoning on the Goa case in all probability flowed along tne =same lines. In the Goa case, after four- teen years of fruitless but peace- ful negotiation with an adamant adversary, it was concluded that "right" could prevail only if the emergency step of force was ex- ercised. One may agree or disagree with the reasoning; and with the meaning of "right." But I believe that the logic of the Indian case should be appreciated correctly. * * * A SECOND DIFFICULTY in assessing the Goa case is a mis- understanding of India's foreign policy. The search for peace and the insistence upon non-violent methods expressed often by Prime Minister Nehru undoubtedly were (and are) basic tenets of that policy. But the national self- interest of India, at home and on its borders, naturally take first priority over any global strategy. In the consolidation of India's territories after partition in 1947, more particularly in the absorp- tion of the princely states, in the Kashmir case, in the border dis- putes with Pakistan, in the "buf- fering' of the northern boundar- ies, India's policy has been quite as "realistic" as any other coun- try's. In the Goa instance, a good portion of the Indian Army has been held in the Southern Com- mand to give effect to a boycott- blockade of Portuguese India. In terms of timing, nationalist, leaders from African Portuguese territories expected India to take an early lead in Goa that might make it easier for the Africans to move in Angola and elsewhere. Within India, most spokesmen of the several political parties in opposition have castigated the Congress Party's leadership for not "liberating Goa," and a' Gen- eral Election looms in 1962. Most important, it is clear that the real danger for India lies in the north with the Chinese Communists who threaten this spring to take more of the 52,000 square miles of India-claimed territory beyond the 12,000 already under Chinese oc- cupation. To meet all of these de- mands, India moved on Goa, among other things thus releas- ing most of the Southern Com- mand for northern duty. THE FOREIGN POLICIES of every country necessarily, in a world of conflict and change, in- volve contradictions. It is palpably unfair to call Mr. Nehru a "hy- pocrite" because he, like all his international colleagues directing the high affairs of state, is en- meshed in such a contradiction. The fact that Mr. Nehru has lectured us all on the necessity for non-violent] resistance of course leaves a nice opening for parries and thrusts to pin him to the "realistic" wall. I think we should resist such easy entries, and think more about the means that can be found to effect necessary changes in the world community without triggering the horrors of World War III.. Solutions which are based on the maintenance of the status quo will not do. -Prof. Richard L. Park "I SAI ET'S HAVE LUNG T06ETER AFTER TE PARADE: U.S. TRADE POLICY: Cold War Demands Freer Trade TODAY AND TOMORROW Blockage Ahead? By WALTER LIPPMANN THE NEW BUSINESS which is before Con- gress in 1962 arises from the great change which has taken place in our economic posi- tion during the past ten or twelve years. This economic change was preceded by the change in our military position after our nuclear monopoly disappeared, and the cold war be- came a confrontation of substantially equal nuclear powers. Now, we have to deal with the melting down of the economic supremacy in the non-Communist world which came to us during the two World Wars. The President's main problem in leadership is how to get popular and Congressional sup- port in adjusting policies and finding measures to meet these historic and fundamental changes. It may be said, I think, that Gen. Eisenhower was the last of the war and post- war Presidents. President Kennedy is the first who belongs to the era that comes after the post-war period. He must deal with an adver- sary of equal military strength and with part- ners Who are of equal economic strength. HIS IS an entirely new experience for this country. We knew a hundred years of isolation from the wars of the outer, world. Since then we have known about forty years in which we nobilized the power to win total victories and impose unconditional surrender on our enemies. First, in our isolation and then in victory, we have not had to face the human problem of learning to live in a world where our own will is not the only law. The moral fallout from this new and disconcerting experience is what irradiates the radical right. THE CENTRAL THEME of the Administra- tion problem in this Congress is bound to derive from our new economic situation in the non-Communist world: from the rise of Western Europe and the necessity of establish- ing a working partnership with it. To do this the President will ask for author- ity to reduce trade barriers drastically. But it would be a mistake to think that what the country will be engaged in is merely an exer- cise in reciprocal tariff bargaining. The part- nership will have to be much broader than is already under way cooperation, or at least official cooperative study, in the field of global commodity agreements, of monetary stability, and of cooperative assistance to underdevelop- ed countries. This varied cooperation is not merely desirable. It has become indispensible. Thus, it is now evident that the chief world agricultural commodities, such as wheat, sugar, and coffee, cannot be handled successfully by separate national programs. Because they are world commodities they can be protected against anarchy and perpetual crisis only if there are world programs. IT IS EVIDENT also that in monetary affairs, it is no longer feasible for the United States single-handed to provide the monetary reserves for the non-Communist world. Thus in 1949 the' gold stock of the United States exceeded the short-term claims of foreign countries by more than $18 billion. By 1960 the foreign short-term claims had risen to $19 billion while our gold stock had declined to $18 billion. This does not mean, of course, that we are insolvent, for our long-term invest- ments abroad are enormous. The situation, however, is not a comfortable one because it is vulnerable to speculation and to frightened withdrawals. For the other world currency, sterling, the foreign short-term claims greatly exceed the gold reserve. On the other hand, in Western Europe, there has been an accumulation of gold reserves, which now greatly exceed the short-term foreign claims on European cur- rencies. All these disparities and discrepancies demand cooperation, indeed a working part- nership, across the North Atlantic. In embryo, at least, the partnership already exists' and is working successfully. IT IS NO LESS necessary for Western Europe and North America to come to agreements through which they will share the burden of financing the underdeveloped countries. The United States no longer has the great surplus of monetary gold which enabled it to finance the Marshall Plan and its successors. No doubt, we can carry, or even increase our present assistance if we can earn more (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the last article in a three-part series on United States trade policy.) By JEAN TENANDER Daily Staff Writer T HERE IS an increasing fear among developing areas such as Japan and Latin America, that the reciprocal tariff agreements between the United States and the, Common Market nations will eventually leave them out of the trading picture entirely. If these countries cannot turn to. the U.S. and Western Europe for continued and increased trade, their only alternative will be to turn toward the Communist bloc countries. The United States trade pattern falls roughly into three categor- ies: trade with the industrialized countries of the Atlantic commu- nities, trade with the developing countries, and trade with the Com munist-bloc countries. * * * TO THE SOVIET-BLOC nations the United States owes no obli- gations. To the industrially emerg- ing nations she does. The lucrative results of the reciprocal lowering of tariffs with the Common Mar- ket countries must not overshad- ow the situation of the develop- ing countries. We are in danger of harming ourselves both poli- tically and economically if we de- sert these nations. "Whatever we gain from bar- gaining in Europe must also be available to Japan and Latin America," President Kennedy has said. The carrying out of this state- ment is of extreme importance. At present many of the underdevel- oped countries are uncertain of their position in the new trading world, and it is our responsibil- ity to clarify this position in a positive and constructive manner. * * * ALTHOUGH no two countries are exactly the same in this eco- nomic situation, it would be mean- ingless to try and pretend they are. Latin American trada relations with the U.S. can be regarded as typical of our trade relations with Asia and Africa as well: In order to earn the money to buy goods, the typical country in Latin America depends upon the sale of one or two products to Western Europe and the United States. Oil is synonymous with Venezuela, coffee with Brazil, ba- nanas with Panama, beef with Ar- gentina, tin with Uruguay. Since so much of Latin Amer- ica's trade is with the United States, our trade policy is of over- riding importance to this area. We cut down the earning capacity of these countries each time we re- strict imports of petroleum, lead, meat, or copper. The lack of di- versification makes these 'coun- tries dependent upon a strong trading partner they can rely on. . r s IN AN EFFORT to combat their lack of diversification, the Latin American countries have estab- lished two trade agreements bas- that may occur in the next months, or years. The same opportunity for asso- ciating with the economic pool should be given to all countries in the free world. JAPAN OFFERS a situation of a slightly different nature. As she becomes more and more indus- trialized, herrneed for a market capable of handling her produc- tion becomes acute. Many Euro- pean nations discriminate against her, unwilling to open their in- dustry to the competition her low prices would create. Japan's need for a market is reaching the point where she may very soon be faced with the neces- sity of aligning herself econom- ically with Communist China. The ties could all to easily become more than just economic. When France joined the Euro- pean Economic Community, her colonies in Africa received special status. This is what Grea't Brit- ain seeks for the Commonwealth as a condition prior to her entry into the ECC. Countries given spe- cial associate status enjoy tariff preference over other countries. This would be a possible solu- tion to the problem of the under- developed countries. There are those in Europe who favor this sort of global community of free nations over a tight defensive eco- nomic block. This is the type of free trade the United States should support. * * *4 AS CONGRESS CONVENES, President Kennedy plans to reveal for the first time his new trade policy to Capitol Hill in its en- tirety. The President needs bi- partisan support to get his pro- gram passed. Legislative proposals for exten- sion or revision of the Trade Agreement Act are under the jur- isdiction of the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Senate Finance Committee. Two congressional subcommit- tees have jumped the gun and held their own hearings. Protectionist Rep. John H. Dent (D-Pa), head of a House subcommittee, held a series of hearings with various in- dustrialists, whose consensus was that a lowered tariff would be harmful to business. Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La), a lib- eral (in tariff considerations), and head of another subcommittee, is- sued a series of papers on trade in November and subsequently or- ganized two weeks of panel dis- cussion. Events seem to indicate, as Prof. George A. Peek of the political science department has said, that the upcoming fight will take place primarily in the House. * * :. UNFORTUNATELY, as Prof.' Peek points out, Wilbur Mills (D- Ark), head of the House Com- mittee, is up for re-election and, since his state is also being re- districted, he will not be able to devote his full energy to the tar- iff issue. The loss of Sam Ray- burn's leadership will also help free trade opponents in both par- ties. On the whole, Prof. Peek felt the outlook for the Administra- tion's new policy has hopeful. He mentioned that a lowered tariff was endorsed by a number of leading statesmen and politicians, among them Dean Rusk, Luther Hodges, and Christian Herter. Prof. Peek agrees with Herter in believing the Common Market and its relationship to the U.S. is part of a much larger issue. The United States and the cru- cial issue of free trade are tied closely to the politics of the Cold War. And the question of success in the Cold War is moving from the realm of the military into the realm of the economic. PREVIEW: U' Orchestra, Roller Set Romantic Bill TONIGHT, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, the University Symphony Orchestra will present a concert with guest conductor A. Clyde Roller. Under his baton, the orchestra will concentrate on romantic works-Beethoven's Leonore Over- ture II, Brahms' Symphony No. 2 and Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet. From this century comes Ralph Vaughn Williams' Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. * * * THE Leonore Overture III de- rives its title from the name of cv v> ". ran".acr." s . tn,*4 >:'.r5>F.". r.'W. X{7:>i:+rrq{{'fi~g".rrSY:":1L.WQ f~l f:a:" Z 2La }r:t hvi":i":LSv:4ai":":.'La~LL~i: ~9S. """'.h :"> :" ~ " :Y.h ,y.w..n :> r 7 :J{{1:t't:":"::.!lL.l'IY . ......................::L{4{$"::: °"::..-... W. tW::%fr:J'":: e}"'."%Xr..~> t:L4 S 1h"i{{tV:{ .$..:{ tSt?. d>4.x. Sd. L .."nr. . , (Continued from Page 2) ing less than 15 hours per week or normally registering on Feb. 7 are eli- gible for passes. Organizations should submit lists of their requests to the SGC secretary in the Student Activities Bldg. by Jan. 24. Applications for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School will be accepted through Thurs., Feb. 15. All credentials, including transcripts and letters of recommendation, must be in departmental offices by this time. Late applications cannot be considered, and the deadline will not be extended. The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire- land, again offers an exchange scholar- ship for a University of Michigan grad- uate. The scholarship will provide fees, board and lodging for the academic year 1962-63. A married student receives 170 pounds in lieu of board and lodging. A grant of $400 will be made by the Graduate School to partially defray the cost of travel if an application for a Fulbright Travel Grant is unsuccessful. Study may be carried on in any of the academic disciplines offered at The Queen's University. Further information and application forms are available at the Fellowship Office, Room 110, Rack- on Sat., Jan. 13, in Rackham Aud. Call Mr. Warner at NO 8-8597 if interested. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac- counts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the lastday of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the Uni- versity and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such accounts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made." The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the com- ing weekend. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. JAN. 12- Approved: Minutes of the previous meeting. Approved: "That Student Government Council favorably review the appoint- ments to Joint Judiciary Council of the following: Gary Lee Hoffman, Michael A. Bloom, John Rickel, Malcolm A. Gleser. Appointed: Steve Gainer to the Com- mittee on Student Concerns, term to expire September 30, 1962. Approved: "The agenda of each reg- ular session shall be constituted of the following items-in the specified order: Call to order--4:15 p.m. Approval of agenda. Minutes of previous meeting. Reports of standing committees. Reports of ad hoe committees and related boards. Officer reports. Old Business. New Business. Announcements. Members' Time. Adjournment. During the meeting there shall be two automatic recess periods: 1) at 5:45 p.m. (duration 1 hour and 45 minutes); 2) at 9 p.m. (duration 10 minutes). Each of the automatic recess per- iods shall be preceded by constituents' time which shall last no longer than thirty minutes, during which no con- the heroine in Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio. Originally Leonore III served as the overture to the opera, but Beethoven was later dissatisfied with each of the Leonore Overtures and composedF a fourth which is now called Fidelio. It is believed that Beethoven chose to set aside Leonore III be- cause it was too overwhelming and weighty in proportion to the fol- lowing opera. However, the over- ture, which contains several themes from Fidelio, was recog- nized for its great symphonic sig- nificance and power and rein- stated as part of the opera in the late 19th century. FOLLOWING the overture will be Brahms' second symphony, which was also performed by the Cleveland Orchestra earlier this season. A performance of Vaughn-Wil- liams' Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis will feature as solists the members of the Stanley Quartet. The Fantasia, one of the com- poser's first significant works, is based on a tune from a psalter written by a 16th Century Eng- lish composer. Conclu'ing the program will be Tchaikovsky's popular symphom poem, Romeo and Jn':t. * * * CONDUCTOR ROLLER brings to Ann Arbor a distiiguisned background of experienas with both amateur and professional orchestras. Early in his career he was director of the wartime G Symphony. He presently conducts the Uni- versity Division Orchestra at In- terlochen during the summer, and is director of the Amarillo (Texas)