President John F. Kennedy in his annual State of the Union
message today will indicate that higher education needs the special
attention of the nation, i.e. Congress, in the coming year.
This will signify the beginning of compromise for the administra-
tion as it swings into the second try at fulfilling its campaign promises.
Aid to education, one of the most controversial of all Kennedy's
domestic campaign issues, is definitely marked for compromise, which
it needs if any aid is to be passed this session.
Education Bill
A general education bill died in the house last July when the rules
committee voted not to report it out. The bill went on the rocks over
the issue of aid to parochial schools. Specifically, no faction in the
House Rules Committee could muster a majority so the bill was simply
not reported out. The committee was split into five splinter groups.
Northern and eWstern Democrats favored the Administration's pro-
gram, the Catholic Democrats, led by Rep. John Delaney of New York,
wanted aid to parochial schools included before they would vote out
any measure.
The pro-education' Southerners would not vote for any bill in-
cluding religious schools. The Dixiecrats, led by Chairman of the House
Committee on Rules Howard Smith of Virginia, opposed all federal
spending for schools and were joined by the old guard Republicans who
were the only GOP members of the Rules Committee. No possible
combination could muster a majority and the bill died on July 18.
) Propose S
Again this session, the administration will be working, with Con-
gress to put through some type of federal aid to education.
Situation Bleak
From a tactical point of view the situation looks rather bleak for
the Pennsylvania Avenue side.
Protagonist Kennedy has lost his best general Sam Rayburn. The
antagonists have had half a year to muster all arguments and alliances
to fight the boogy of federal aid.
Kennedy's new novice-general, House speaker-to-be John McCor-
mack, was for aid to parochial schools in the last battle and now must
swing around and back the administration no matter what his personal
Issue Rebuttal
The Catholics, meanwhile, have issued a rebuttal of the federal
stand on school aid and are prepared to fight to the bitter end on aid
to parochial schools.
Sage Ribicoff (Tiresias better known as HEW Secretary Abraham
Ribicoff) is predicting the actual outcome compromise. He says that
total education will be stalled off for another year, but, to ease con-
sciences on all sides, much needed aid to higher education will be
introduced and probably passed. It will probably include aid to paro-
chial, private and public higher education, indiscriminately.
Ribicoff Comments
Ribicoff has about said this in his statements in the past weeks.
He has stated his intention to propose an additional bill to raise the
quality of public school education through improving the teaching.
Some details of this program have been released by "official
sources." (Generally, official sources are the secretary himself.) The
majority of the program seems to be aid to higher education.
It includes a broadening of the fellowship programs now offered
under the National Defense Education Act for science, mathematics
and foreign language teachers. They will now include one year scholar-
ships to any university for instructors in any field.
Advanced Study
Short term institutes for advanced study for teachers and grants
to the states for special projects, such as programs for gifted, retarded
or underprivileged children and improved equipment or better libraries
are included.
Also mentioned were direct grants to colleges and universities to
strengthen teacher education programs, and grants- to colleges and
universities and educational agencies to strengthen cooperative re-
search and demonstration.
The majority of provisions in this program will aid higher educa-
tion either directly or indirectly.
Good Chance
The administration has a very good chance of passing this bill
because the issue of aid to private schools is not as pertinent here. The
majority of institutions of higher education in this country are private,
parochial or both. There is no alternative to supporting both.
There are no opposing systems as there are in the lower grades.
If there is to be effective federal aid to higher education, Congress is
going to have to support public, private and parochial institutions.
There are two other considerations attached to this program. First,
this bill, needed in itself, will make the passage of an education bill
easier for the following session. For, by passing this bill, Congress will
have tacitly agreed to the principal of federal aid to education. Actu-
ally, of course, Congress has already agreed to federal aid to education
and to all schools, in the NDEA provisions "impacted" areas legislation
in the GI Bill.
The present NDEA provisions provide federal funds at various
levels for scholarships and the stimulation and improvement of teach-
ing and equipment in science and other fields related to defense. These
funds have gone to both private and public schools.
The impacted area legislation provides federal flunds to areas
with increased school populations as a result of federal projects, while
the GI Bill provided scholarships remitted to the schools for veterans
attending any school, public or private, in the nation.
Second, although congress will not have solve dthe major educa-
tional problems that face this nation, this administration will have
fulfilled its campaign promise and made progress toward meeting the
future educational pressures by providing better teaching quality. Due
to the aforementioned political lineup this may be the only educational
aid passed in the next few years. Thus the bill is laudable by that fact
Today, Kennedy will make a plea for aid to higher education.
This aid will probably take the form of Ribicoff's program and
this may be the only aid passed this session. In fact, it may be the only
aid for education for quite a while to come.
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
DEMOCRATIC COLLEAGUES-Vice-President Lyndon Johnson greets Democratic Senators George
Smathers of Florida and Mike Mansfield of Montana as they meet at the resumption of the 87th
Congressional Session.
WASHINGTON (W)-Congress opened a new session, installed a
new speaker of the House and told President John F. Kennedy
yesterday it was ready to buckle down to business.
Kennedy's ideas, of what the business should be will be sketched
out today. He will deliver his State of the Union message in person
then, in the House chamber, shortly after 12:30 p.m. EST.
Some of his ideas are old ones, some of, the new ones are
known in general terms, and some of both already have stirred up
Lines Drawn
So skirmish lines already were well established for what could
be a rough, explosive, election-year session. And the opening day
,T.o. Ask Aid
For School
. By The Associated Press
Gov. John B. Swainson will be
stressing the needs of state col-
leges and universities in his State
of the State message this morn-
ing to a Legislature that seems
more conducive to increases in
college aid than last year.
These indications that state
college will receive large increases
in aid from the state are:
House Speaker Don R. Pears
(R-Buchanan) says the 1962 ses-
sion, which began yesterday, will
provide more money for ,mental
health, Aigher, education, school
aidand congressional reappor-
tionment, to create a 19th Dis-
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee, pre-
dicts state school aid at the $205-
a-student level will require an ex-
tra $10 million for 45,000 new pu-
pils in 1962-63 and $5 million more'
for a minimum of 5,000 more col-
lege students.
Republicans as well as Demo-
crats are favoring more spending
and new taxes, and predict that
the Legislature will approve an
operating budget of $40,000 to
$100,000 higher than last year's.
Many consider this a crisis year.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), chairman of the joint leg-
islative committee on economic
growth,, is proposing a $500,000
state appropriation to encourage
basic research at state universi-
harmony and pleasantries may
melt away quickly. As It looks now,
the big squabbles will center
around administration bills for
such things as tariff-cutting
authority, medical care for the
aged under social security, aid
to education, farm legislation,
more spending, tax changes; for-
eign aid, and the federal purchase
of $100 million in bonds to help
the United Nations out of a fi-
nancial. jam.
With these and perhaps other
controversial proposals in the off-
ing, the mood still was one of gay
camaraderie, if only for the mo-
Off-Floor Meeting
Senate and House members held
various off-floor meetings for as-
sorted purposes. They roamed the
capitol greeting fellow legislators
they hadn't seen for three months.
Due to the death of Sam Ray-
burn, the House opened its session
with no one in the speaker's chair.-
The vacancy wasn't allowed to
stand for long.
John W. McCormack (D-Mass)
who served as Democratic leader
under Rayburn for 21 years, was
elected speaker . amid standing
ovasions and salvos of bipartisan
The entire democratic leadership
in the House moved up a notch,
Rep. Carl Albert of Oklahoma, the
party whip, took over the leader-
ship post from McCormack. Rep.
Hale Boggs (D-La) was tapped to
become the new whip, a job which
involves rounding up members for
crucial votes.
The only contest over a leader-
ship role in either Senate or House
involved the chairmanship of the
Senate Republican Policy Com-
mittee. Leverett Saltonstall of
Massachusetts challenged Bourke
B. Hickenlooper of Iowa for the
position left open by the death of
Styles Bridges of New Hampshire.
Hickenlooper came out on top, 21
to 14, at a party caucus behind
closed doors.I
WASHINGTON (A') - Walter
Lippmann said yesterday "the root
of the frustration and confusion
which torment us" is that "we do
not have any other reliable way
of dealing with issues that used
to be resolved by war."
"It is enormously difficult to
make peace," the veteran news-
papercolumnist said in a speech
prepared for the Women's Na-
tional Press Club. "It is intoler-
ably dangerous and useless to
make war ... "
He added: "For as long a time
as we can see into the future, we
shall be living between a war
that cannot be fought and a peace
that cannot be achieved.
"The great issues which divide
the world cannot be decided by a
war that could be won, and they
cannot be settled by a treaty that
can be negotiated.
"The world today," Lippmann
said, "is divided as it has not been
since the religious wars of the 17th
century, and a large part of the
globe is in a great upheaval, the
like of which has not been known
since the end of the middle
ages ...
"President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and new President John F.
Kennedy are the only two Ameri-
can Presidents who ever lived in
a world like this one .. .
"The poor dears among us who
say that they have had enough of
all this talking and negotiating
and now let us drop the bomb,
have no idea of what they are
talking about," Lippmann said.
The Ann Arbor Area Fair Hous-
ing Association,ra group of citi-
zens from Ann Arbor and sur-
rounding area, picketed the Pitts-
field Village apartments between
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti yester-
The group was protesting the
fact that qualified Negro appli-
cants are not accepted by the De-
troit rental agent managing the
Picketing followed exhaustive
attempts to negotiate with the De-
troit agents, who have recently
refused to see the group or discuss
the matter.
The Ann Arbor Area Fair Hous-
ing Association has run several
tests to determine whether or not
racial discrimination is practiced
in Pittsfield Village. Despite the
company's claims that it has no
racial policy, the test proved dis-
No Negro has been permitted to
live in Pittsfield Village since it
opened at the end of World War
II. The interracial group of pick-
ets marched in front of the rental
office in zero weather. The group
plans to continue its protest un-
til a change in policy is effected.
Advocate More
Three-fourths of all educators
teaching undergraduate economics
courses think the federal govern-
ment should intervene more in
the nation's economy, the Na-
tional Opinion Research Center
reported recently.
"Only one teacher in six thinks
the Federal government should
decrease its participation in the
economy," the center said. This
per cent generally recommends
less intervention in agriculture and
less regulation of industry.
l f
Forum Demonstrates
Study's Thoroughness
Tuesday's public forum of the Office of Student Affairs Study,
Committee reassured the committee members that they had not over-
looked any important questions in the four-month study of the OSA.
"There seemed to be no questions or comments that revealed
areas or facts not heretofore considered by the committee," its chair-
man, Prof. John Reed of the Law School, said yesterday.
"As a consequence, members of the committee are encouraged
to believe that the study to date had touched upon all the areas of
SGC Delay
Vote on Plan
Student Government Council last
night postponed consideration of,
a motion by John Vos, '63, to
amend the Council plan to include
a procedure for initiative and
referendum in order to allow mem-
bers additional time to iron out
particulars of the motion.
The motion would provide "Any
member of the student body may
initiate legislation to be brought
before the student body for its
approval at the next regularly
scheduled election."
An amendment provided that
such initiative could occur only
in relation to functions D, F, G,
and H of the Council plan: rules
governing eligibility of students
participating in extracurricular ac-
tivities, origination of student pro-
jects, expressions of opinion, and
discussion of University policy.
"A majority of those voting on
the issue will constitute adoption
except in cases of changes in the
Council plan, where a two-thirds
vote of those voting on the issue
will be required," providing that
in each case there are 75 per cent
of those voting in the SGC elec-
tion or 3,000, whichever is greater.
Engstrom Sees Rejection
major concern to the students in.
terms of the Office of Student Af-
fairs," he said.
Specific Policies.
He noted that some questions
were asked concerning specific
problems (such as women's cur-
few and control over off-campus
housing) which the committee had
not considered.
But these omissions were not
oversights, Prof. Reed explained.
They were intentionally excluded
from the group's deliberations be-
cause the committee's role was
not to evaluate specific regula-
Concerning the ultimate results
of the committee's efforts, Prof.
Reed, said, "I expect thatdthe re-
port as finally formulated will
recommend a number of specific
changes to implement the philo-
sophical statement.
Expresses Optimism
"I am optimistic that most, if
not all, of the suggested changes
will be adopted."
"The optimism is based on the
feeling that the University com-
munity at large is ready for these
He said the large and enthusi-
astic turnout at other discussions
held between students and com-
mittee members also illustrated
the interest of the campus in the
operations of the OSA group.
College Asks
Le islature
For Decision
Representative Wants
To Consult Officials
From Other Schools
LANSING (M--The chairman of
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee said yesterday he sees little
hope for legislative approval this
year of Wayne State University's
plan to boost tuition in return for
more state funds.
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City) made the prediction
after WSU officials urged legis-
lative finance leaders to hurry
up with a decision.
"This is a rather new 'dea and I
think it ought to be cleared with
the other state universities on
some basis before Wayne puts it
into operation," Engstrom said.
Increase Tuition
WSU officials and the univer-
sity's board of governors offered
last October to increase the spring
semester tuition for resident stu-
dents from $140 to.$155 if the Leg-
islature would agree to boost the
school's current budget by $217,-
. ..defies Adoula
Defies Call
For Return
Gizenga, the Congo's absentee de-
puty premier, defied a parliamen-
tary deadline yesterday and re-
fused to return to the capital to
face charges of secession. f
The leftist leader, once officially
recognized by the Soviet bloc as
Congo premier in succession to
the slain Patrice Lumumba, was
given a 48-hour ultimatum Mon-
day to return from his isolated
headquarters at Stanleyville in
Oriental Province.
Destroy Secession
In a sarcastic telegram to pre-
mier Cyrille Adoula, Gizenga said
he would show up only when the
government got in earnest about1
destroying the secession of Ka-
There was no indication as to
what parliament or the govern-
ment will do now. Diplomats spec-
ulated that he may face arrest or
expulsion from the job of deputy
premier. He has spent only three
weeks in Leopoldville since he ac-
cepted the job in a coalition gov-
ernment last August. /
Common Crime
Campus Dons Long Johns to Brave Cold
The appropriations, they said,
would restore the cut made in the
university's appropriation for the
current year.
In the future, the university
proposed to increase student tui-
tion in each of the next three
years, with part of the fees being
paid in cash and the rest in loans
payable after graduation.
In return, WSU asked the Leg-
islature to commit itself to in-
crease tuition income atja 4 to 1
ratio, about what it is now.
Coming Meeting
"The House Wayns and Means
Committee and the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee will have
a meeting on the proposal within
two or three weeks and make a
decision," Engstrom said. "I don't
think that we will go for it this'
Dean Arthur Neef, WSU pro-
vost, and other school officials
advised legislators that the spring
semester at WSU will start next
month and a decision must be
made soon.
U. S. May Up
Debt Ceiling
F. Byrd (D-Va) said yesterday
Secretary of the Treasury Douglas
Dillon is seeking a quick $2 bil-
lion to $3 billion increase In the
national debt limit.
It was disclosed Monday the
aA.e-.,ic.4-,a m4rn wniisA a Con-
Numb? Blue? Broken Bones?-
The smartest people in Ann Arbor either stayed indoors or donned
their long underwear yesterday as the mercury plunged to five below
A new record was set which replaced the Jan. 10, 1957 mark of
six above zero. Across the nation temperatures dropped to sub-zero
with the lowest reading of 47 below in Drummond, Montana. -
The Ann Arbor weather bureau predicted a warming trend for
the next few days with a high of 18 degrees today. More snow is ex-
pected by the weekend.
The University Hospital has admitted 11 'ice victims' who suffer-
ed broken bones, back injuries and lacerations.
The cold wave has also presented a problem to the maintenance
department. Salt will melt the ice on the sidewalks and streets only
if the temperatures are above 20 degrees. Therefore, the plant de-
partment has to use sand in place of the salt. The University, how-
ever, has a real advantage over the County and City because with so
In his reply Gizenga sarcasti-
cally asked if it was a common
crime to stay away from Leopold-
ville, and if it was why the prob-
lem was not taken up in the courts
instead of in parliament.
Further, he said it was Adoula's
responsibility to ask parliament
questions about executive activi-
ties, not Gizenga.
Adoula's office in a statement
replied immediately that Glzenga
"was not entrusted with any mis-
sion in Stanleyville or any other
part of the Congo" by the govern-
ment, and his activities were not
in accord with the government.
Once considered a serious dan-
orv o haOnfn~ iiy i7- a
He has tentatively suggested
it the University's Institute of
ence and Technology receive
10,000, and the Phoenix Proj-
and the Institute for Social'
search $50,000 of the appropri-
I l