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January 10, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-10

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Relations Present Duality of Purpos

The relationships between the University and the Ann Arbor police
represent a duality of purpose.
On the one hand, the University is able to use the police as a
source of information on student violations of University as well as
civil regulations and hence as a means of controlling students. On the
other hand, the police have a much wider scope of action since the
University will support them.
The 'formal relations between the University and the police are
quite simple. Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley acts as liaison
between the two groups. He attends trials, hearings, arranges for bail
and takes care of other similar services which the University offers.
Superficial Relations
But the relationships and responsibilities exist on more than a
superficial level. For example, the University uses police records to
apprehend violators of University, rather than civil regulations. Every
day the police send over to Bingley's office a record of the University
students arrested or stopped. By looking over traffic tickets, the
administration is able to find out about a great number of students
who break driving regulations.
Police records are also correlated by the University to past be-
havioral records to keep track of students who, for example, are known
to be undergoing psychiatric treatment, or whose conduct is suspect.
The division of power in law enforcement on campus is a delicate
one. The University does pay one-seventh the cost of the Ann Arbor
police department but this sum is only for patroling "U" parking lots.
At the same time, the University maintains a private security patrol

with responsibility for protecting the University buildings. And finally,
the investigator of the Dean of Men's Office, Harold E. Swoverland,
bears the burden of enforcing drinking and party registration regula-
tions on fraternities. The problem is further complicated by the division
of judicial powers. Some cases, such as drinking cases, are routinely
handed back to the University for processing by Joint Judic. Others
are definitely within the areas of the civil courts-especially more
serious offenses and. violations of
laws that bear no relation to Uni-
versity policy.
Full Cooperation
In circuit court, where felonies
Y£ are tried, cooperation between the
University and the court is "full
and complete" according to Circuit
Y Court Judge James A. Breakey Jr.
"We've never asked for anything
from the University that we
haven't gotten," Breakey says.
The things for which the court
"asks" and which Breakey says
they have "gotten" range from in-
formation about scholastic stand-
ing to releasing a convicted stu-
dent into the responsibility of the
DEAN JOHN BINGLEY dean or some faculty member.
..police brutality Often the court makes the Univer-

sity responsible for seeing that a student receives psychiatric care.1
Sometimes the court even demands that he stay in school rather than1
quit after some escapade.
Asked To Leave
In some cases, however, a court conviction is not the end of an
affair. University disciplinary action is not unusually piled upon a
criminal sentence. Convicted homosexuals are often asked to leave the
University not by Joint Judic but
by the administration, though this
only occurs after the individual
has been psychiatrically examined.
Since, according to Breakey, Uni-
versity judicial bodies have no
legal status, they ,often receive
cases which, for various reasons,
would not merit a conviction in
civil court. Bingley cites, for ex-'
ample, instances where the police
have broken into some illegal ac-
tivity but do not have a warrant.
Such affairs are handled by Joint
Being Picked On
However, in spite of the dupli-
cation and confusion of responsi-
bilities which exist, both adminis- HAROLD SWOVERLAND
trators and municipal officials are ... enforcement burden

unanimous in saying that relationships between the University and ti
police are good. Bingley discounts rumors of students "being picke
on" by police.
"You get some nice small town boy from the upper peninsula ar
he goes out and gets drunk and thrown into the tank with a bune
of drunks. To him, this is police brutality."
Said Ann Arbor Police Chief R. J. Gainsley, "Students are welcon
as citizens of our community like everyone else but if they get out o
line they will be treated no differently than anyone else would."
Hanger-On People
Another factor which Bingley, but not city officials, acknowledb
as a problem are groups of hangers-on to the University communi
who are not students but who associate with students. Many of the
hangers-on are suspected of illegal activities. But the major proble
with these individuals, Bingley says, is that they often crash partie
and similarly interfere with students.
In at least one recent case, this has led to violence.
Within the University as a whole, the crime rate, according t
Gainsley, is roughly the same as that of the rest of Ann Arbor. H
noted that crimes tend to run in cycles. Two years ago, when the polic
tried to end a "cycle" of homosexuality by posting detectives in ti
Angell Hall lavatories, there was reportedly a great deal of chagr
on the part of "U" administrators who had not been consulted :
"These people get bold and a wave of similar crimes break ou
then a few people are caught and the rest get scared and pull bac
into their shells for a whole."

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a il

Possible snow showers
through tonight



Kennedy To Ask Debt Limit Hike




nedy Administration will ask Con-
gress for quick action to raise
the national debt limit above $300
President John F. Kennedy told
Democratic congressional leaders
yesterday that, because of increas-

ed defense spending, the present,
limit of $298 billion is too re-
The debt currently totals $296.5
billion but the Treasury this
month will borrow at least $1.5
billion of new cash. This will run
the debt to just about the limit.

Bursley To Ask $100,000
For Basic Research atI 1ST
The Institute of Science and Technology will receive an appropria-
tion of $100,000 for "basic research" if the Legislature follows a recom-
mendation by Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), chairman of the
Joint Legislative Committee on Economic Growth..
Bursley urged consideration of a research encouragement program
at a Republican caucus held last night in Lansing. The grant is part of
a $500,000 appropriation designed to advance research in Michigan
colleges'and universities.
Budget Addition
The funds, if granted, will be in addition to the regular operating
budget of the state-supported schools. Bursley urged the measure as


Laos Prices
T o H01d New
Summit Talks
VIENTIANE (A)-Prince Boun
Gum, premier of the Western-
backed Laotian government, has
decided to fly to Geneva for a
new Laotian summit meeting, an
official of the international con-
trol commission said early today.
.The premier is expected to re-
ply later today to they invitation
issued by the 14-nation conference
on Laos for him, Neutralist Prince
Souvanna Phouma and pro-Com-
munist Prince Souphanouvong to
come to Geneva for another try at
setting up a government of na-
tional unity.
Boun Oum flew, to his native
city of Pakse, in southern Laos,
early today to make preparations
for his mother's funeral Jan. 21.
He is expected back in Vientiane
later this week.
Boun Oum's forces have so far
held out against joining a coali-
tion government. His government
reacted sharply yesterday to Unit-
ed States pressure on a key point.
The c
"I have seen seeds in cor
seen former students grow
presidents; I have seen ideas
Those are the words of D
of the natural resources scho
the University's research fores
film, "The Idea of Michigan."
Monday in Rackham Amphith
. Prof. Dana continues: "B
evitable. Seeds sometimes do r
to mature, institutions somet
"A forester and teacher s<

part of a six-point program he
described as "positive action to
gain new jobs in our state."
"One of the major answers to
the future is new products, and
new uses for old products. Re-
search is the key which will pro-
duce thousands of new jobs.
Close "to Research
"The development of a new pro-
duct means new plants for the
manufacture and marketing of
that product, and the plants will
be close to the research facility,"
he said.
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss agreed
that positive action' on the pro-
posal would result in 'greatbene-
fit to science and to the state."
Research work being done on the
University campus includes "any
number of projects" which need
more adequate financing.
New Jobs.
Other measures which Bursley
feels will create new jobs in Mich-
igan are:
1) Election of a Republican
governor this fall.
2) Establishing a Michigan De-
partment of Commerce.
3) Making correction in the
state's workmen's compensation
and unemployment compensation
4) Affording tax-relief to Mich-
igan firms.

Treasury officials said the de-
cision to request a higher ceiling
was not prompted by any emer-
gency situation or sudden change
in the fiscal outlook.
House Democrats in harmonious
caucus nominated Rep. John W.
McCormack (D-Mass) to be speak-
er for the House session starting
today, and elected Rep. Carl Al-
bert (D-Okla) as their floor lead-
McCormack's elevation to the
post vacated by the death of Sam
Rayburn (D-Tex) requires approv-
al of the entire House today.
Republicans nominated Rep.
Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind)Ras
their candidate for speaker but
McCormack's election is certain
because there are 258 Democrats
and 174 Republicans and the vot-
ing follows party lines.
Major Battleground
Thus in the House, which shapes
up as this year's major battle-
ground, the chief responsibility for
piloting Kennedy's program over
legislative shoals will fall on a
new leadership team.
Nigh on the President's list are
proposals on tariff cuts, medical
care for the aged under social se-
Interviewer s
To Propose 4
For Judiciary
Michael Bloom, '63, Malcolm
Gleser, '64, Gary Hoffman, '63,
and John Rickel, '63, have been
recommended by an interviewing
committee of Joint Judiciaxy
Council and Student Government
Council to serve one-year terms
on Joint Judic.
SGC will consider the recom-
mendations at its meeting tonight.
If they are approved, the four will
sit on Joint Judic.
One seat will remain vacant,
however, until a qualified appli-
cant can be found. Due to a lack
of sufficient numbers of women
applicants, the committee has not
recommended anybody for that
position, William Phelps, '62BAd.,
head of JJC said.
Petitioning for that seat is now
open and will close Jan. 17. Peti-
tions are now available in the
Dean of Men's Office in the SAB.

curity, aid to education, tax
changes-but no general cut-a
new farm plan, higher postal
Some of these things Kennedy
may get. Some may crash in de-
feat on congressional rocks.
The chief executive will unfurl
the list to public view on Thurs-
day. That will be done in the an-
nual State of the Union message
he will deliver in person to a com-
bined Senate-House session, in the
House chamber.
Legisltat ure
To Convene
The Legislature, which will hear
about the needs of state colleges
and universities tomorrow from
Gov. John B. Swainson, convenes
at noon today.
Senators will join representa-
tives in the House chamber at 11
a.m. tomorrow for the Governor's
State of the State message.
Swainson says he will lay em-
phasis in his message on college
needs and on a mental health pro-
gram. He told Lansing newsmen
that he still has not reached a
final decision on taxes or his
budget, but stressed that the state
"must have additional revenue,"
particularly for higher education,
general school aid, mental health
and welfare.
The Democratic Governor faces
a Republican majority of 56-54 in
the House and 22-11 in the Sen-
ate, where one Democratic seat is
TheSenate will swear in Har-
old B. Hughes (R-Clare) to suc-
ceed the late Sen. Charles T. Pres-
cott (R-Prescott).
One of the first tasks facing the
Legislature is providing a deficien-
cy appropriation for schools. This
is a grant devised to make up for
inadequacies in the previous ses-
sion's s c h o 01 appropriations,
Swainson has indicated.
For the first time, the state's
community colleges are asking to
be included in this deficiency ap-
-propriation. This is because of an
unexpected sharp rise of applicant
pressure due to the cutting off of
enrollment at the state's four-year

Less Paternalism ini OS

-Daily-Ed Langs
PUBLIC HEARING-The OSA Study Committee, headed by Prof. John Reed of the Law School
(standing) held an open meeting in the Union yesterday where students could make known their


'To Consider
Council Plan
Student Government Council
will consider an amendment to
the Council plan which would es-
tablish a procedure of "Initiative
and Referendum" at its meeting
The motion, submitted by John
Vos, '63, provides, "any member
of the student body may initiate
legislation to be brought before
the student body for their approv-
al at the next regularly scheduled
election." A petition would need
at least 1,000 signatures before it
would appear on the ballot, and a
majority vote would constitute
adoption, subject to review by the
Board of Regents.
Remand Legislation
SGC could remand legislation
over to the student body by a
two-thirds vote or any member of
the student body could petition to
have action already passed by the
Council put on the ballot.
Thomas Brown, '63BAd, will
submit a motion regarding India,
Goa and Indonesia. The statement
would mandate the Council presi-
dent to send a telegram to the
Secretary of State stating:
Commends U.S.
"The Student Government Coun-
cil of the University commends
the United States backing Portu-
gal in the recent Goa action, but
feels that a firmer stand was de-
sirable; recommends that all pos-
sible pressure be used to prevent

EQC Charges Violation,
Of Rules by Strauss
At its weekly meeting last night, East Quadrangle Council voted
to press charges against one of its members, Strauss House, for viola-
tion of six University and quadrangle regulations.
The charges were brought by EQC Social Chairman Stanley Lu-
bin, '63E.
According to Lubin, Strauss House had a party on Dec. 9, the
night of East Quadrangle's Snoflake Ball. This was directly contray
to an EQC ruling prohibiting parties that weekend, except by special
permission of the social chairman.
.In addition, this party was not calendared by Student Govern-
ment Council, not approved by the correlating advisor of East Quad,
not attended by the associate ad- f.

Group Asks
More Talks
'On Methods
Reed Declares Role
Not To Formulate
'Precise Blueprint'
The Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee believes that
"the role of the University should
be less paternalistic than it is
In presenting this consensus,
Prof. John Reed of the Law
School, committee chairman, said
that there was not agreement
among members of the group as to
the type and degree of changes
which should be made in the struc-
ture and policies of the OSA.
Public Session
The announcement was made
yesterday at the first public session
of the committee, attended by
about 50 students, administrators
and alumni. Prof. Reed said that
the primary purpose of the meet-
ing- was to allow an exchange of
ideas between the committee and
interested members of the Uni-
versity community.
He explained that the role of
the committee was not to formu-
late a precise "blueprint" for the
administration of student affairs,
but to study, evaluate and suggest
changes in the University'subasic
philosophy toward the lives of its
students outside the classroom.
He said that the group's mem-
bers agree that the goal of this
philosophy should be to make the
student's extra-curricular activity
an integral part of his educational
To Re-evaluate
League President Bea Nemlaha,
'62, said that the committee's re-
port would lead to more specific
and decisive action concerning stu-
dent affairs, and that a permanent
study committee would probably
be set up to constantly re-evaluate
policies in this area.
The discussion touched upon the
question of the degree of democ-
racy students should be allowed.
Former Student Government
Council President John Feldkamp,
'$4L, expressed the belief that stu-
dents should be under the control
of the faculty to a great extent,
because their purpose in attending
the University is to get an educa-
tion. He said that a great degree
of democracy for students was not
compatible with this goal: "Rules
should be educationally justified,
not democratically justified."
Howard Abrahms, '62, disagreed,
saying that the practice of democ-
racy is an essentiial part of edu-
cation and that students must
participate actively in this pro-
Associate Dean of the Literary
College James H. Robertson said
that4 4-1 srnal o'f A..hipAaffairs

:T~i C. : r: r:: : titi:"sia :: r:::: ::: :"
lea ofI Mi'ia n,-ree o ,

nes . . . grow into forests; I have
into college deans and company
grow into great institutions."
ean Emeritus Samuel Trask Dana
ol, who, standing in a clearing in
st, opens a moving, new 22-minute
It will be shown at 7:30 and 9 p.m.
ut such happy events are not in-
not sprout, students sometimes fail
imes stagnate. Why?
rns Why
oon learns why. Things happen as

tation by Territorial Judge Augustus P. Woodward in 1817, the
appointment of the Regents in 1837, the granting of constitu-
tional status in 1850, to the many research achievements of
Educational Pattern
And it explain's how "the State of Michigan, in creating
a university responsible directly to the people through the Re-
gents, had set an educational pattern for the nation's univer-
sities." It further shows how the "educational freedom at the
University fathered many new and important reforms. The Uni-
versity began planting seeds, investing in the ever-changing
The film also explains how the University benefits the state
and all its people. It "goes out to many people. It goes to a
schoolyard in Milan. Here University Public Health experts dis-

visor of the house, not properly
chaperoned and was illegally at-
tended by women.
Strauss House President Alan
Shulman, '64, insists that his house
is innocent because "there was
neither house leadership, house
money nor house support involv-
ed in the planning of the party."
Nevertheless, EQC has instruct-
ed Lubin to prepare a case against
Strauss for. the purpose of tak-
ing the house before East Quad
According to EQO President
Tom Anderson, '63Ed, who wit-
nessed the Strauss House func-
tion, "there's no doubt in my mind
that there was a party, and it is
now the duty of EQC to prose-
Dairy Strike

Romney Raps
Scholle Plan
On Districting
LANSING (AP)-Two state lead-
ers-one from labor and the other
from management-engaged in a
free-swinging debate last night
over legislative reapportionment.
American M o t o r s President
George Romney, a constitutional
convention vice-president, and Au-
See related story, Page 3
gust Scholle, state AFL-CIO pres-
ident, pledged themselves to more
representative government, cited
authorities to back their stand--
often the same authorities -but
ramn- nAnnnnepti tonnh nthar't.



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