r Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'here Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FUNDS OFTEN EARMARKED: Industry Helps Support Colleges 1SDAY, JANUARY 9, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINE DOW SGC Attitudes on Students: Threat to Democratic Society ATTITUDE of some SGC members at last Wednesday's Council meeting revealed one of the greatest internal threats to the freedom of this country. The Council members were discussing mat- ters of student rights and student responsibili- ties. But their attitudes are more general- they are attitudes towards democracy- and social responsibility. JOHN VOS' ATTITUDE was typical. He noted that it had been implied before that Uni-' versity students here are in a shell and do not have a chance to develop their de- cision-making power in any way during their stay here. He countered this by pointing out that students consistenly make value decisions. Some examples he offered were the choice as to whether a person should study or sleep, selection of courses, going to the movies on week-ends and other such profound matters. SGC Executive Vice-President John Martin took a similar view, saying that he did not think the situation was as black at it had been made out to be. He said that he would rather see the deans in a flexible position without imposed restrictions. He expressed con- fidence in the deans' office and did not feel that a student bill of rights was needed. A third member of the Council, Inter- fraternity President Robert Peterson declared that he did not feel and never had felt that his rights had been impinged upon while at the University, and he felt he was fully responsible for his actions and, Vthin reason- able "limits, free to do what he wanted. HIS ATTITUDE on the part of students is extremely disturbing. The fact that they are student leaders makes it even more so. It reveals a basic apathy and complacency to- wards government and democracy; which ex- tends into our society and threatens the con- tinuation of free institutions in this country. Most of the people in the United States give at least lip service to the tenet that the governed have the right to set the rules under which they live. In order to insure that no government could take this democratic right away from the people the Bill of Rights, which defined areas of individual and social concern which no government could set re- strictions against, was added to the Consti- tution. Knowing human nature the writers of the FI0l of Rights could imagine that a time might come when a government might try to re- strict these rights if they were not predicted and history has proven them right. As Admin- istratvie Vice-President Robert Ross pointed out, the unrestricted right to travel was not 'included in the Bill of Rights and now re- strictions are placed on it., P ETERSON. VOS and Martin all exhibit the same distressing symptoms-a pre-occupa- tion with self and an apathetic satisfaction with the status quo. From their statements it appears that they have no notion of what giving t;e governed the right to set the rules under which they live really means. They are able' to make simple personal decisions of the bed, board and bottle type, and as long as they are permitted to do this they are satisfied. It is merely sufferance- there are some very personal decisions which they are not allowed to make, such as what time to end a date and where to live fresh- man year. Just as these rights have been infringed upon so can the rights they are now allowed to hold. And yet these personal decisions, important as they are, are secondary to the basic demo- cratic rights of freedom of speech, religion, movement, assembly, publication and the others in the Bill of Rights. Only when these basic rights are operating and guaranteed can a serious persons personal rights to make his own decisions operate and be guaranteed. One of the basic tenets that a, university should be based upon is the unrestricted right to access of information. This will determine a whole range of decisions on how to study. We do not have this basic right on this cam- pus, thanks to the infamous speaker ban. It is possible that some day in the future an administrator might decide to abridge this right even further by deciding that seeing a certain movie would be the same as hearing a banned speaker, and the student's personal rgiht to choose what movie to go to would be limited. Because the clause on "no re- strictions of the student's freedom of move- ment" in the Glick-Roberts motion failed the students will be forced to accept these restric- tionas.. -As an American citizen and a member of a university community within the United States, the student is entitled to certain basic rights. But just as important as these rights is the knowledge that they are inviolate, the know- ledge that a law exists saying that these rights cannot be restricted. For students, who do not enjoy such knowledge, to say that we don't have to insure our rights in the future because we have them now displays. an appal- ling ignorance of the true nature of democracy. AT THE SAME MEETING the objection was raised that students are unprepared for new decision making power and that con- sequently they would use it unwisely. In other words students are not taught responibility and, democracy at home so the University should not attempt to teach them. Instead, they should go out into the world where they are suddenly expected to act like responsibile democrats even though they never have be- fore. The fact is they cannot, and without a responsible public, democracy can easily be- come increasingly authoritarian. It is the University's job to insure that the people it sends out into society are responsible people dedicated to the idea of democracy. If parents have not instilled this responsibility and dedication into the student the University must provide the opportunity to learn it. Since this cannot be taught in a classroom the only way it can be instilled is-through experience One can say that the only people who would get this experience would be the people on SGC, but this is not necessarily so. If SGC were made more important and more relevan't to the students there is a good possibility that the student body would be more concerned with the Council. THERE SHOULD BE no need for a student bill of rights because as American citizens students should be entitled to the rights grant- ed, all citizens in the Constitution. Unfor- tunately the constitution's jurisdiction seems to end at the boundaries of the University cam- pus. Students do not have rights as American citizens, they are allowed conditional rights as students; rights that can be taken away by the administration and regents. Students should have rights that other, Americans have and they should be guaranteed rights. An un- democratic enviroment does not produce demo- crats. -RONALD WILTON By NEIL COSSMAN Daily Staff Writer SATISFY their growing thirst for'funds, both public and private colleges and universities are turning more and more to business and industry for support. There is considerable rivalry in higher education's scramble for support. At odds in the competi- tion are, groups of institutions- large against small, public against private. While painfully aware of its own financial squeeze, however, every college and university rec- ognizes the similar and sometimes worse situations of the others. Rising costs mean private schools, both large and small, can no longer depend completely on the large private fortunes with which many of them were founded and supported. Even increases in the already high tuitions of the private universities will not sustain the research and public service with which all universities are be- coming more concerned. The traditional support of the public university is also proving inadequate to its needs. Deeper involvement in graduate programs, research and public service has, in Michigan particularly, become too much for the Legislature. In its traditional role of pro- viding undergraduate education for all qualified students, the uni- versity is feeling great pressure. Almost 60 per cent of the nation's college students attend public in- stitutions, and this figure in- creases slowly each year. * * * BECAUSE MICHIGAN has set up many colleges and universities which need money even to main- tain quality, the state has more trouble supporting higher educa- tion than most states, and this hurts the University. A large part of the, statge's problem is its ab- normal dependence on public edu- cation. This is seen in three areas, In such states as Indiana, Illi- nois, Ohio and Pennsylvania, three-fourths or more of the in- stitutions are privately controlled or supported; in Michigan about half are private, and there is only one large private university, the University of Detroit.; Enrollment figures tell a simi- lar story: with 58 per cent of the nation's students at public col- leges, 80 per cent of Michigan's students attend public institutions. In net investment, Indiana's pri- vate institutions account for 36 per cent of the support of all the state's higher education; in New Jersey it's 85 per cent; the 'na- tional average is 44 per cent. In Michigan private colleges accuunt for 14 per cent. * * *S PUBLIC .UNIVERSITIES. face AFTER QUADROS: Turmoil in Brazil: Politics and Hunger By HELEN JACOBSON Daily Staff Writer, "BE CALM, Brazil is ours," is a favorite Brazilian saying. It clearly expresses the people's am- bition-'some shade and fresh- water" are all that is wanted in life. Up till now this may have work- ed in Brazil, but today the com- mon worker is faced with a prob- lem: hunger. Food prices have soared while wages have stayed at their normal minimum-approx- imately $25 a month for five days work weekly. Until four months ago, the people could bask in the hot sun on Rio de Janeiro's many beaches and confidently talk about all the changes "their Janio" would do-- Janio and his little broom' would sweep the nation clean. If not today, then tomorrow-but Janio would do it.- SUDDENLY the people were left without their prophet. Janio Quadros resigned, whispers ab it his eventual return as dictator were heard, but now even those have died. People must content themselves with the Labor Party boss "Jango ' Goulart as president and his friend, businessman Tan- credo Neves, as Prime Minister. The Brazilians are confused. Who has the most power? Neves promises one thing; Goulart an- other. The parliamentarianisnm is not working. According to the re- vised constitution, Goulart will be president until January 31, 1966. There is no Vice-President. The President may choose the Prime Minister, but all of the acts of the President must be signed by; the Prime Minister in order to be valid. SUPPOSEDLY, in March there will be a plebiscite to determine whether or not the people will continue with the parliamentary system or whether they will want to revert to presidential govern- ment. But Article XXV of the re- vised constitution, scheduled the plebiscite for nine months before the end of the actual presidential term, that would be in 1965. * * * THE FINANCIAL MATTERS of the country will soon come to a boiling point. Brazil has a bud- get deficit of $600 million for 1961. The cruzeiro has greatly depre- ciated. There are now 400 crui- zeiros to the dollar; four months ago there were 250 cruzeiros to the dollar. A general inflation is ter- rorizing the- country. The poor people cannot eat even if they work. Not only is the economy falling but the government is also in a state of political turmoil. Neves is the one to establish relations with foreign countries and to orient the foreign policy of Brazil. This he has done. Diplomatic relations with Russia have been restored. There is great controversy over whether or not this is a good thing for Brazil. The United States was so wor- ried about this that our Ambas- sador Gordon was called to Wash- ington to discuss this matter. Con- trary to American opinion, this does not mean Brazil is turning Communist. The United States tends to over emphasize the amount and power of Communists in Brazil. The fact that Brazilians are no longer reverently bowing to the U.S. aid and politics does not mean that they are under the Russian thumb.- A GREAT SURGE of national- ism sprang from the building of -Brazilia, the new capital, which reached its peak in the faith put into Janio's independent policies. With this Brazil is trying to assert herself as a country that can stand on its own two feet. Brazilians no longer want to imitate, they want to lead. Brazil, "country of the future," is a very popular saying. Vast rich resources still lie under- ground, unexplored and unused. But above the ground, the om- nipresent fear that the poor will come down from their "favelas" or wooden shanties on the hills surrounding Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo, is turning into a real- ity. Not even the "macumba" or voodoo spiritual sessions held weekly by the lower classes! will satisfy their needs. No pin-pricking of dolls made to look like Jango or prayers on the beach will help them now. ** * WHAT WILL this new , year bring to Brazil? No one really knows, least of all the Brazilians3. Nothing could be more satirical now in this chaos than the beau- tiful green Brazilian flag forever unfurling and flying in the non- existent winds of the hot tropical summer, carrying the words "Or- der and Progress." financially-exhausted legislatures and support from businessmen is just as uncertain, but the trends are promising for higher educa- tion in general. Three important questions to ask about industry's aid to colleges and universities are: 1) Are business corporations un- fair to public universities in their aid programs? 2) Is business giving as much as it should and could? 3) Is business giving enough un- restricted funds (money not ear- marked for certain projects.) Public colleges and universities, while they have slightly more -2n- rollment than private institutions, receive only 25 per cent of the corporate aid given to higher edu-. cation. From this, some observers infer that business is unfair to public education. * .'* MANY CORPORATIONS, even ones that heavily support educa- tion in general, feel that their state taxes sufficiently aid public colleges. The United States Office of Education reported that in 1957- 58 public colleges got 42.5 per cent of their income from state governments, which provided pri- vate colleges with only 1.4 per cent of their support. Each re- ceived about 15 per cent from the federal government. Private institutions, however, got three times as much from tuition and fees, fourteen times as much from endowment earnings, and five times as much in private gifts and grants. THE'I UNIVERSITY probably gets as much from industry-com- pared to what private universities get-as a public school can ex- pect. With such facilities as the $1 million Phoenix reactor from the Ford Motor Company and the medical buildings from the Kresge Foundation, as well as many ex- pensive grants from other com- panies for research, scholarships, and fellowships, the University does pretty well compared to many public institutions. Private gifts and grants to the University (which are from sources in addition to corporations) totaled $14.75 million last year, almost half of what Yale and Har- vard each receive. This is about 1 /per cent of the University's in- comie; all higher education, both public and private, receives 17 per cent of its support from private gifts and grants. ONE REASON for the Univer- sity's success with industry might be that business likes to give where there's strong alumni support. In addition to regular alumni con- tributions, the University receives about $1 million in bequests each year. That the University's grants from industry compare favorably with those to other universities is notcause for satisfaction, though. More important than questioning private education's share of cor- porate aid is increasing business support for all education. Many businessmen have recently become aware that they have ob- ligations to higher education. The Council for Financial Aid to Edu- cation, Inc., a national organiza- tion started by businesmen, has set a goal for industry of $505 million to colleges and universities in 1969-70. This would be 25 per cent of the estimated total volun- tary support for higher education, instead of the 15.7 per cent ($150 million) supplied by business in 1959-60. * * * TAKING THE LEAD in pro- viding more support for colleges and universities, a group of Cleve- land businessmen last January be- gan a new method for getting corporate aid: Companies pledge at least 1 per cent of their net income to higher education. Business Week magazine last February reported that, although 21 Cleveland companies had signed up and the idea was spreading to other cities, many businessmen questioned the plan. Major ob- jections were that other charities, such as the Red Cross and United Fund, might need more help one year, that a company might want to re-invest most of its profits after a good year, and the 1 per cent minimum could easily be- come a maximum for some com- panies. Nevertheless, the plan represents the growing interest of business- ment in higher education-an at- titude also indicated by research of the Council for Financial Aid to Education. Business support for education (mainly higher education) rose from 17 per cent of industry's total contributions in 1950-51 to 28.4 per cent in 1959-60, but not at the expense of other causes, the CFAE reported. And between 1954-55 and 1958-59, support from business in- creased 26.5 per cent each year, a rate that the CFAE does not think can be maintained, how- ever. DESPITE the hopeful patterns, the present amount of corporate aid to higher education is not very high. considering the potential. A corporation can deduct for char- itable contributions up to five per cent of its net income from its taxable income. Since most corporations pay a federal in- come tax of 52 per cent of their earnings, a gift of $100 costs the company only $48 (the amount it would have kept had it paid the tax on the $100 instead.) THE TREND over the last ten years offers hope that the ga between what companies do give and what they can give to higher education will soon narrow. Unhappily, this pattern is not matched by the snail-like trend toward unrestricted funds from business. While industry's total gifts to higher education in 1958- 59 increased 70 per cent over those of 1954-55, unrestricted gifts increased only 17 per cent. At that time they amounted to 22.9 per cent of industry's total support. Any contributions which are de- signed by the. donor for a par- ticular university project, fund, or expense are restricted. Most un- restricted gifts go to private uni- versities. Almost all of the Uni- versitiy's aid from corporations is restricted. No matter how large, no con- glomeration of separate gifts can have the unity and consistency of purpose and results that the sam amount of unearmarked money can. Many educators and some donors believe that "one dollar of unrestricted money does the work of two dollars earmarked for special projects," the Reader's Di- gest recently observed. * * * DESPITE industry's increasing generosity to higher education, business is still business, with a head kept hard by labor and gov- ernment, as well as competition. Most of what a university gets from industry requires effective salesmanship by persuasive ad- ministrators and sympathetic, in- fluential alumni. Often the results are research, scholarships and fellowships in an area of interest and value to the benevolent industry. Faculty, stu- dents, and administrators welcome these opportunities, of course, bie education for its own sake suffers. American industry, for all its contributions to everything, in- cluding education, does not have altruism among its prominent vir- tues. A company is interested in a university mainly because it pro- vides many of the company's trained employees and future executives and because it does re- search in the company's field. But if universities, especially public institutions, are not to be- come mere annexes to industry's laboratories and training schools, and if they're to maintain quality undergraduate education, business must start aiding colleges and uni- versities as educational institu- - tions. This can-only be done when ad- ministrators are able to use in-' dustry's growing donations for faculty salaries, curriculum im- provement, general scholarships and loans, buildings,, and what- ever else they need to bridge the minds of students and teachers. AT THE STATE: 'artacus' Sparkles 5PARTACUS, in spite of a few short-comings, is the only film epic in the current rash of spec- tacles that can be seriously con- sidered motion picture art. Dalton Trumbo's screenplay from Howard Fat's novel (evi- dencing the philosophynofehistory for which he was once black- listed) is excellent, avoiding the over-peopled deus ex machina plot-line (as in Ben-Hur) in order to dissect the epic personalities of Spartacus, Varinia Cassius and a few Roman citizens and present an honestly conceived ideal. The uneven dialogue varies from a terse brilliance in the political maneuvers to a hackneyed re- pulsiveness on the eve of the fatal battle- Mommy, Mommy, when are we going home?" STANLEY KUBRICK'S direc- tion is inspired in its jolting use of contrasts. Without a hesitation he cts from a tender, slow love scene to a terrifyingly fast-moving gladitorial combat, from the rag-; ged gray face of beaten Spartacus to Varinia's dazzling white face, from Spartacus' order for motion to the marching Roman army. The first forty minutes of the film is among the finest film footage created by Americans in the last twenty years. The segment is virtually without dialogue but cinematically tells a delicate love story, demonstrates the decadence of Rome. and essays the tragedy of slavedom in so many concrete instances that the following two hours of details are almost extran- eous. THE ACTING is unique in its uniform excellence. Laurance l- ivier is frighteng and pitful as the powerful yet weak Cassius. His subtle handling of the contro- versial homosexual element is masterful. Charles Laughton and Oscar-winning Peter Ustinov ca- vort about Italy with - calculated wickedness. Proving that' one ' woman's laughter might have been worth Cassius' struggle, Jean Simmons gives another surprisingly adept performance. Nina Foch is de- lightfully decadent in a cameo 'role. Kirk Douglas is adequate as Spartacus. Saul Bass (famed for his credits in Otto Preminger flicks) not only designed the intriguing main titles but also created the gladitorial school set and the stirring revolt of the slaves. Alex North's score tends to be divided between syrup for love scenes and, deafening drum beats for the rest of the picture. -Milan Stitt Deb t O NO SMALL EXTENT, all of education is socially supported because an educated population makes for a better, more prosper- ous, more stable society. The aims of education may be summed up in terms of economic development4 political stability and cultural en- richment.- As each one of us is educated, he has an implied responsibility to work for the improvement of all. All of us emerge from a se- ries of educational experiences as debtors to the society which made our education possible. Educated men and women have borrowed so much from the common bank, of high motives that they are deeply in debt to It. -James M. Davis Director, International Center GayIN ineties CLASSIFIED AD in the January 15, 1899 Daily: "A colored man wants a posi- tion in fraternity house. Refer- ences furnished. Two years in town. * * * Well - we can suggest some houses not to rush. -R.O. NSA Co-Ordinador Important THE RESIGNATION of Kay Pommerance as United States National Student Association (NSA) co-ordinator has left an unfortunate gap in the Administrative organization of Student Government Council, for the NSA co- ordinator is the main link the SGC has with other student governments. This gap occurs at an especially inoppertune time for issues concerning NSA are about to come before the Council and the campus. At Wednesday's meeting, SGC will be asked to replace the current system of appointing dele- gates to the NSA convention with an election system. The more basic issue of University brought up and submitted to students in a brought up andsubmitted to students in a referendum." T HE CO-ORDINATOR'S JOB falls into three. major areas: 1) publicizing the activities of NSA, 2) maintaining and co-ordinating of other colleges and universities, and the regional and national NSA, and 3) carrying out NSA projects on this campus. At this time- publicity is the most c vcial of the NSA co-ordinator's jobs. NSA will soon become a major issue to a campus unprepared to discuss it intelligently. The level of ignorance 'on this campus about NSA is appalling. Many students n nnt know what the organization with information for appropriate stories, fear tures and 'editorials. He also can distribute publications prepared by NSA such as''the National Student News, or special papers such as the NSA convention working papers. These papers are presently buried in the Student Government Library. If they were placed in the residence halls' libraries and in UGLI more students might read them. Special programs, lectures and debates are a third channel of publicity. THE CO-ORDINATOR should maintain close co-ordination between SGC and various NSA wings and can be valuable in' dealing with political student issues. NSA is also useful structure for exchanging ideas and solutions to student government problems on a continu- ing basis instead of the one-shot method of regional meetings. Another job for the co-ordinator is helping translate NSA convention mandates into posi- tive action on campus. The minimum job in- volves circulating the NSA stand, as on Africa, Cuba and other world problems, and maximum sometimes requires pushing SGC to adopt a position of program. This is the real opportunity in the co- ordinator's job. The first two functions are important, but essentially dull jobs. However, 1 FEIFFER WAE ~L~1, 6 d0, DOLL.'f IF foLIV ~Y1HAE Amt RESPECT FORYOV.F vIN TIME f0VI.L. FOCEME -1o L05E 6? (400,VC Got "rd Lc-r 6o omeTime! LOVE ,Is MORIs 19I 0 MW ' _ " P05 S I0 1 -foMA 1KTWO, ARUMN RATIWR IP Mt AVIMJ6 LOVE i I-6'oM-_ 1O1R GIP1P 2lL. IF tfOO R5AFRAID 'TO W-60~~ t( MANJS qw'OQ 70Yr RV ' meC, IF tOL) 12O '1"T V T >%MfM P V I! K 't I, AV qOL4 AMP ' F VPT~Y HAVE A04 p (j SPECT fOR £iOVM r1 iow - qo{) R~EC TD ME FREE 60 YOUR tWAqi f't 'T1o (70 T FREE T 60 /'1Q M w~gq '. ThA VOSOY? 6 0 r