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January 09, 1962 - Image 1

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OSA Committee
rTo Hold 'Forum'
Campus Community May Present
Recommendations at Open Meeting

Local Man
In Union




Apartments for Se
Pr-onrsioa Pre

Students and faculty will have their chance to meet publicly
with the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee today and sug-
gest changes in the OSA's structure.
Hoping "to gather data and ideas" which may have been by-
passed in previous considerations, the committee will sponsor an
"open forum" from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Third Floor Conference Rm. of
the Union. Prof. John Reed of the law school, committee chairman,
will summarize the topics the student-faculty group has probed and
list some of the alternatives its report could recommend.
Today's meeting will mark an end to five months of information
gathering and expresions of individual opinion. Next week, the entire


... more funds

. OSA study

Associate City Editor
Student Government Council
member Sharon Jeffrey, '63,
charged yesterday the selection
procedure for Joint Judiciary
Council stifles opportunity for the
group to improve itself.
Miss Jeffrey is a member of
the committee which met Jan. 6
to interview and recommend stu-
dents for five open Joint Judic
positions. The committee's recom-
mendations will be considered to-
morrow by Student Government
Council, which makes the final ap-
pointments. .
"I am not just trying to sub-
stitute my values on Joint Judic
for the present ones My concern
is to have the council flexible
enough to permit change when it
seems desired," she explained.,
According to its constitution,.
Joint Judic itself initiates any
change in operating procedures.
However, Miss Jeffrey reported
that an argument used against
one candidate was that since he
was concerned about changes in
Joint Judic he should work
through some other organization.
"Some of the members seemed
more interested in whether a per-
son 'fit in' than in what he could
contribute to the council," she
Retiring Joint Judic Chairman
William Phelps, '62BAd., who serv-
ed as chairman of the interview-
ing committee without vote, said
he thought the issue was just a
difference of opinion about which
candidates should have been rec-
"She was just looking for dif-
ferent qualities in a Joint Judic
member than we were. I think
suggestions for change are fine,
but I am more concerned with
how well the person can contribute
.to the primary functions of the
council, the consideration of par-
ticular cases and the counseling
part," he added.
N eplese Re el
Against Kingr
An armed uprising has started
in Nepal against the regime of
King Mahendra according to the
New York Times.
Latest reports reaching the In-
dian city of Darjeeling state that
three Nepali police posts have been
captured by the rebels. Fighting
was reported going on in the east-

'committee will begin to tie togeth-
er each member's written state-
ments about philosophy and struc-
ture of the OSA and 'produce a
preliminary "consensus" draft.
To Be Forwarded
The first draft will be forward-
ed to the Faculty Senate Student'
Relations Committee and Student
Government Council for discussion
and further suggestions. The re-
vised, public report will then go
to Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis.
Lewis and other administration
officials will review the report and
present their recommendations to
the Regents. Prof. Reed said the
University's governing body would
probably not have the report on
its formal agenda until March.
"We originally hoped to finish
by the end of this semester, but
because of final examinations, the
commit ee's work may well carry
over into February before our re-
port is -completed," he explained
y esterd~ay.,
Reality By Fall
Any restructuring which the
committee recommends and the
Regents . adopt will come early
enough, however, so they can be
put into operation by next fall,
he stressed. I
The committee began with a
general analysis of the philosophy
and aims of a student affairs of-
fice, continued with specific stud-
ies of the two deans' offices, res-
idence halls an i campus judiciar-
ies, then moved back to more gen-
eral discussion.
Action to es I-?Lh i tie commit-
tee come in th'iwake of a faculty
report to Lewis last spring urgiIg
"sweering structural changes and
reas:ignment of iPreccn personnel
in the OSA."
Lengthy Study
The student relations committee
report came after a three month
study of the OSA, which laid
particular emphasis on the Office
of the Dean of Women.
Under the direction of Prof.
Charles F. Lehmann of the edu-
cation school, the faculty commit-
tee initiated its study after re-
ceiving a documented protest from
a group of students about the pol-
icies and practices of former Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon and her
The study committee used a
similar approach to the faculty
committee's report. Lewis told the
Reed group to take as its charge
the first sentence of the recom-
mendation: "The Office of Stu-
dent Affairs should be changed,"
but was not bound to its particular

To Request
More Funds
For Science
A bill providing state funds for
"basic research" at state colleges
and universities will be introduced
in the State Legislature, which
convenes tomorrow.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), chairman of the Joint
Legislative Committee on Econom-
ic Growth, plans to ask that $500,-
000 be divided among research
organizations, such as the Institute
of Science and Technology, whose
work may result in new products,
more jobs, and economic growth in
The funds would be "seed
money, without a lot of strings
attached," Bursley said. The money
would be in addition to the regular
operating budget of the state-sup-
ported schools.
Chiefs Seek
Berlin Policy
BONN (M-Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan is to present new
British-American ideas to Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer here today
for a sort of standstill agreement
between East and West in Central
British officials reported the es-
sence of tentative London-Wash-
ington thinking as Macmillan took
off from London for Boni. Foreign
Secretary Lord Home accompanied
him aboard a Royal Air Force
United States and British au-
thorities were said to believe that,
if current attempts fail to settle
the Berlin dispute, then there
should be:
1. An implicit or explicit agree-
ment with the Russians not to use
force over Berlin.
2. An implicit or explicit recog-
nition of the division of Berlin,
Germany and Europe for the fore-
seeable future.
3. An implicit or explicit under-
taking by each side to avoid pro-
vocative actions in the two parts
of Berlin.
London informants stressed that1
these ideas are intended to pre-w
serve things mole or less as theyc
are, even if the Russians go
through with their plans to signc
a peace treaty with Communist1
East Germany.

An Ann Arbor bookstore em-
ploye, James Mays, was arrested
yesterday in the Michigan Union
Grill, pleaded guilty and was fined
$20 in municipal court on a charge
of trespassing.
Mays was arrested as he was
eating lunch in the MUG on a
warrant sworn out last November
by Union manager Frank Keunzel.
He has been asked to leave the
MUG on several occasions since
last October fbut claims that "I
was told that Iucould come back
to the Union to eat so long as I
didn't lounge around for three or
four hours."
Former EMU Student
Mays, a former student at East-
ern Michigan University, said he
had never been told unequivocally
not to use Union facilities and that
he had eaten many times in the
MUG in the interval between the
issuing and implementation of the
Keunzel said that Mays had
continued-to lounge in the Union
after he had received initial warn-
ings and that, after he had refused
to leave the MUG when asked, he
was told no longer to return to the
He added that he did not know
why there was a two-month delay
between the warrant being issued
and implemented.
"That is the responsibility of the
Ann Arbor police," Kuenzel said.
Mays Denies
Mays denied having lounged in
the MUG recently. He claimed that
since he was first asked to leave,
last October, he has only gone to
the Union to eat and has not
stayed for long periods.
He was later asked to leave a
Little Club dance because it was a
student activity and he is not a
student, Kuenzel said. On one oc-
casion he was told to speak to the
prosecuting attorney who told him
that-it would be trespassing if he
did not leave the Union when
Mays claimed that he pleaded
guilty to "avoid trouble" and fur-
ther envolvement with the courts.
Cites Race
He added that he felt he was
asked to leave the Union originally
and more recently "because I am
a Negro and because I associate
with others in the MUG without
regard to race."
Union President Paul Carder,
'62, discounted the accusation as
"The Union has never discrimi-
nated racially, never well, and cer-
tainly in this case did not," Carder
'UJ' Geologists
Reported Safe
By The Associated Press
-Five members of the University's
glaciological expedition in the
Antarctic reported by radio to.
their New Zealand headquarters
Saturday that they were in good
Prof. Charles W. M. Swithinbank
of the geology department re-
ported things were normal at the4
team's base on the Ross Ice Shelf.i

RARE UNITY-President John F. Kennedy met with Democratic and Republican congressional lead-
ers for the last time before the body convenes tomorrow. Senate GOP leader Everett Dirksen (R-
I11) (left) called the meeting, a briefing session on international affairs, "definitely worthwhile." In
the same vein, Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) (right) said the discussion showed
that the international situation remains critical. The President's domestic program was passed over
with nary a mention, an amount of noise inversely proportional, to the amount it will raise during
the next session.
Hatcher Urges More Classrooms

BATTLE CREEK - University
President Harlan Hatcher urged
the state to move "vigorously and
rapidly" to provide enough class-
room space for the record college
enrollment expected in the mid-
Addressing the assembly at the
dedication of the new Lakeview
High School, he lauded 'the "steady
progress" made at local levels
across the nation to provide for
the post-World War II "baby
But he warned that the nation
must now turn its attention to the
construction of college facilities,
"so that we will be ready for
young men and women after they
graduate" from high school.
Population Increase
President Hatcher pointed out
that Michigan's college-age popu-
lation will. increase some 320,000
to about 1 million persons by 1970,
with the percentage enrolling in
college expected to rise from 24
per cent to possibly 40 per cent..
"We have no time to lose," he
said. "This rising tide of young
people throughout America is our
trump card in the competition
with Soviet Russia if we can train
thgm properly.
Students Petition
For Council Seat
Howard Abrams, '62, Stanley
Lubin, '63E, and James Walker,
Grad, took out petitions for the'
vacant Student Government Coun-
cil seat yesterday. Petitioning will
continue until Friday.

We must awaken to the fact profit even more in this way if we
that it is equally important to will look upon coming recdrd. en-
educate our youth at ever-higher rollments as what they really are
levels as it is to build tho d -a blessing to be welcomed rather
of miles of superhighways. than a burden to be dreaded."
Suicide r o .
He added that failure to recog-
nize this fact would "not only be Japan
folly, it would be suicide."
President Hatcher also noted Io'st-W ar J.eJJL
that the "Gi Bill," which made it
possible for thousands of war vet- TOKYO (M-The United States
erans to attend college at govern- and Japan agreed today on the
ment cost, as been one of the most settlement of this country's huge
productive investments ever made post-war debt to the United States.
by this country. The agreement, signed by Unit-
More than $1 billion a year is ed States Ambassador Edwin 0.
regained through taxes alone on Reischauer and Foreign Minister
the increased incomes these vet- Zentaro Kosaka, provides for re-
erans are now receiving, he said, payment of $490 million-less than
not to mention the benefits of their a fourth of the amount of aid
increased productivity. Japan received from the United
"Michigan and the nation can States.
Pers Clsfr EXplanatio
For Unspent Appropriation
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan)
has questioned why the State Department of Mental Health has
failed to spend some $4.69 million of its appropriation over the past
five years, and Gov. John B. Swainson is upset over it.
In a recent letter to Mental Health Director Charles F. Wagg,
Pears said he was "curious to learn about the department's failure
to utilize funds designed fto ease situations which the Governor
persists in accusing the Legislature of ignoring." Swainson accused
Pears yesterday of "knowingly dispensing distorted information
- with total disregard for its pos-
sible effect on the program for the
mentally ill and mentally retard-
Sets Blame
Sge, 6-1 Pears'had stated earlier that
l the blame for any difficulty in
the mental health program rested
iLORENZI with the Swainson administration,
key team scored four goals in the since the Legislature had increased
koy lasightrad,fromtheonthe appropriation by almost $2
od last night and, 'from then on, million last year. 'Even that, he
ver Colorado College before some said, was not all used.
n. He criticized the mental health
ke it two in a row over the Tigers department for only belatedly rec-
ognizing the importance of after-
led Berenson got the Wolverines care centers established in com-
spree with a picture-perfect goal munities away from mental hos-
began the play when he got con- pitals. "The department was in no
net. great hurry to pursue this program
Goal after the Legislature authorized it
f several Tiger forwards, Rodgers in 1960.
don Wilkie, who skated up to the "We don't recall that either the
who had skated behind the Tiger present governor, or his predeces-
who ad katd beindthesor (Under-Cecretary of State for
perfectly, and the big left-winger African Affairs G. Mennan Wil-
nd Laurence. ' liams) pushed for this. They do,
ner upset Laurence's guarding of however, blame the Legislature for
o was poke the puck into the left the fact that the state has 2200
, 1-0. persons awaiting admission to
es later, at 13:23, the Wolverines mental institutions.
H"w Held Back
ek Home I"ow we are . told by the gov-

Wolverines Skate Past Colorado Colic

Semester of Work
The women who planned the
recommendation worked on it since
the start of the semester.
"In our discussions, we realized
the many problems of implemen-
tation, but we felt that by carry-
ing out this proposal we were
catering to a definite need felt by
the senior women at this campus,"
Deborah Cowles, '62, chairman of
Women's Judiciary said.
Shortly before Christmas vaca-
tion the recommendation was sent
to the Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee, currently inves-
tigating University housing. A copy
was also sent to Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
Sent to Groups- '
Prof. John Reed of the law
school, chairman of the OSA com-
mittee, said that its findings will
be sent to various other groups
concerned with women's housing.
"The Study Committee, will
probably incorporate specific rec-
ommendations or else a general
statement of policy advancing
greater opportunity for choice of
living conditions for women in the
original proposals,"
Regents or Dean
Ultimately the proposal must
reach the Regents (or the Dean
of Women) with whom the power
of rejection or acceptance lies. The
Dean of Women has the power to
grant apartment permission to
individuals in accordance with
Regents Bylaw 8.0802. The pro-
posal of allowing all senior women
to live in apartments requires a
change in these bylaws.
In regard to this, Acting Dean
of Women Elizabeth Davenport
stated that "although It is correct
that in the Bylaws the power lies
with the Dean of Women, we have
since added a vice-president of
student affairs to the- staff-and
the matter is being cleared through
Mr. Lewis' office."
Announce New

Michigan's WCHA-leading hoc
final ten minutes of the first perm
coasted to an easy 6-1 victory ov
1,100 scattered fans at the Coliseur
The Wolverines will try to ma]
tonight at 8 p.m.
Captain and leading scorer R
started on their first-period scoring
at 9:47. Defenseman Don Rodgers
trol of the puck near the Michigan
Avoiding the sweeping sticks o
got off a short pass to center Gor
red line and passed to Berenson,t
defense. Wilkie's pass led Berenson
drove straight in on goalie Norma:
A sharp fake to the right cor
the net, and all Berenson had to d
corner to put the Wolverines ahead
Slightly less than three minut
tallied again.
Turns Put

Daily Editors

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