THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, M THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, ~i1 tech Snaps 'M' WinStreak, 4-2 STAGER PREDICTION: Expects Indiana To Repeat as Champs In Big Ten Invitational Swimming Meet (Continued from Page 1) > Gray had to make fantastic ps several times to keep the re from going .higher. Sullivan Scores Midway through the first period skie captain Jerry Sullivan, ying with a mask to protect a ken nose suffered in the last nver series,, caged the 20-foot khander that Gray didn't even . The time was 10:58. jess than two minutes later at 49, the margin was 2-0 as ,fty Pat Casey outfought the chigan defense behind the Wol- -ine net and then swept around corner to meet Gray with a >rt side jab. (hen, after a scoreless second iod, delayed and cut short rty second because Michigan ch winger John Ivanitz lost a itact lens, Sullivan rammed mne what proved to be the ncher at 1:18 minutes. It came h the Wolverines playing four mn to five as def enseman Mike rtusch sitting in the penalty x awaited the end of his hooking nalty. Gary Beg added the fourth Huskie goal at 10:06, fool- ing the defense after scooping a short pass from Mike Draper. Both coaches in the dressing room were noticeably silent, with, Michigan's Al Renfrew "hoping for a win in the second game" and Tech's John Maclnnes "afraid of it.'" Can't Win 'Em All MICHIGAN TECH Gray D Bauman Rogers D Palante Morrison D Seger Wilkie C Casey. Berenson W Johnson Coristine W Angotti First Period Scaring-T-Sullivan (Rebalata) 10:58; T-Casey (unas- sisted) 12:49. Penalties: T-Angotti (tripping) 19:05. Second Period Scoring - None. Penalties: M-Kolb (cross checking) 19:29. Third Period Scoring: T-Sullivan (Merlo, Reballato) 1:18; T - Begg (Draper) 10:06; M-Kolb (Babcock, Pendlebury) 15:04; M-Berenson (Babcock) 19:34. Penalties: M - Babcock (roughing) 0:15; T-Angot- ti (roughing) 0:15; M--Kartusch (hooking) 1:18. MICHIGAN 0 0 2-2 TECH 2 0 2-4 Saves: Gray (M) 11 6 12-29 Bauman (T) 7 6 8-21 I-M SPOIITiLIGHT by Dave Kimball Something Unique , Ilichigan Cagers Test Fighly Ranked Illinois By TOM WEBBER Special To The Daily CHAMPAIGN - Sporting the; worst non-conference record in the Big. Ten and currently on a five-game losing streak, the Mich-7 igan basketball team opens its Big Ten season today against Il- linois. Game time is 1:30 and the place1 is Huff Gymnasium (emphasis on' 'gym'). The Illini are ranked.19th nationally with a 7-1 record, while the Wolverines are unranked with ax.-7 record.. Aside from big 6'8" Bill Burwell, the Wolverines will have a slight height advantage. Dave Downey,; 6'4", and John Love, 6'3", are the two Illini forwards. Burwell is the leading scorer so far this year with a 19.6 aver- age. Burwell was often criticized last year for being a trifle lazy on the court. "Our scout says that Burwell is working harder this year," said Michigan Coach Dave Strack. Downey Is closely behind Bur- well with an 18.7 average, but re- cently sustained an ankle injury and may be slowed down a bit in today's game. Key to Balance Bill Small and Jerry Colangelo, the two guards, are also averag- ing in double figures and give the Illini good team balance. "Downey, Small and Colangelo are shooting very well this year," Strack said. The Illini are also shooting at Blanda, Kemp Lead Squads In AFL Game By The Associated Press The American Football League's All-Star Game at San Diego prom- ises to be almost a reproduction of the recent championship game in which Houston whipped San Diego.. Players of these two division winners dominate the squads. Jack Kemp of San Diego and Cotton Davidson of Dallas will lead the AFL Westerners while George Blanda of Houston and Al Dorow ofNew York will quar- terback the East. SCORE S COLLEGE SCORES Memphis State 101, Seton Hal 84 LaSalle 76, Manhattan 69 So. Calif. 68, Calif. 41 Florida 55 Vanderbilt 34 Alabama552, G DeTech 42h Wyoming 59, Denver 54 Coliorado State 67, New Mexico 41 NBA Standings NBA STANDINGS Eastern Division W L Pt. GB Boston 31 6 .838 - Philadelphia 24 16 .600 8 Syracuse 16 23 .410 16 New York 13 26 .333 19 Western Division Los Angeles '32 11 .744 - Cincinnati 21 20 .512 10 Detroit 17 22 .436 13 St. Louis 14 26 .350 16% Chicago 5 26 .235 19 " LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Detroit 138, Syracuse 135 (overtime) Boston 124, Cincinnati 103 Philadelphia 134, St. Louis 116 a 42 per cent scoring clip, quite a bit better than the Wolverines recent outputs. Strack said that Bob Brown practiced this week and will prob- ably see some action in the game. Strack is sticking with his same five starters but expressed hope that he could give them some rest. during the game. Close Second Illinois hopes to be a contend- er for second place in the Big Ten this year, behind the incom; parable Ohio State Buckeyes. They have been somewhat of a surprise so far this year, but Strack thinks that they have earned the victories. Their one defeat came at the hands of Cornell. Other Big Ten openers today are: Iowa at Wisconsin; Purdue at Minnesota; Michigan State at Indiana; Ohio State at North- western. Next week-the Bucks. People have told me that Michigan's athletic program is unique. In some ways they're right.I For example, how many state-supported schools, especially onesf as large as our fair institution, have athletic departments which arel entirely self-supporting, not relying on the whims of the state's Leg-f islature? The I-M program here is unique also, in that it is one of the largest and best in the country. This is borne out by the fact that aver 250 teams are entered in this year's basketball competition alone.t Although little is said or written about it, a program also exists for members of the faculty and it, more-so even than the regular1 I-M program, stands alone as far as participation and comprehensive- c ness is concerned. I-M competition at Michigan has been traced back as far as the< 1861-62 academic year, making this year its centennial, but the fac- ulty program didn't get its start until 1948, when 19 departments and schools entered into direct competition for the first time.+ However, it has grown in leaps and bounds since then, with 70, teams having entered competition at one time or another in the last 13 years. Last year 37 groups were entered, including six competing officially for the first time. A look at the record gives an indication of the breadth of the program. Faculty members competed against each other in 12 dif- ferent sports in 1960-61, with competition in a few held more than once. In all, 17 different champions were crowned, including the an- nual Faculty-student competition, which the faculty won with ease,1 27-8, their eighth victory (against one loss) since that activity's in-1 ception in 1952-53.1 Contrary to popular belief in some corners, the faculty competi- tion isn't limited to full professors who have nothing to do between lectures and research projects. Teaching fellows, and even staff re- search assistants are encouraged to enter the program. In charge of the program is Earl Riskey, who also has the job of coordinating all the student I-M action as well. Riskey, who has been competing in as well as directing the program for years, is very happy over its success. "There's not a faculty program like it in the country," he says. Although individual, doubles, and team competition in the vari- ous sports is by far the most popular facet of the program, it is by no means the only means of exercise and relaxation for a faculty member, as Riskey is quick to point out. The faculty recreational program is actually broken down into six separate programs. In addition to the various competitive opportuni- ties available, there is also an informal program, where members are encouraged to adopt the "buddy" system for such games as golf, ten- nis, badminton, etc., and then finish off the day with a swim; an in- structional program, where individuals wishing to perfect their game in a certain sport are given individual instruction by staff members of the physical education department; and a conditioning program, set up last year, where a physical fitness program has been set up for faculty members. The last two programs offered, the club program and the'co-rec- reation program, are taken part in by both students and faculty. The club program is for lovers of a particular sport. These individuals are encouraged to join a sports club, which attempts to stimulate interest in that particular sport. The co-recreation program is held Friday evenings at the I-M building and is very popular among many faculty members Volleyball is by far the most popular sport among faculty mem- bers, and competition in that sport is offered each semester. Psychol- ogy "A" team just wrapped up its second straight crown by defeating another team from the same department. In all, the Psychology De- partment entered four teams in competition. Touch football and basketball, the two most popular sports with students, has about 12 faculty teams in each sport competing. The point system similar to that used by student organizations is used to determine overall champions each year. Last year Psychology won its second crown, but the Psychologists edged second place Physics by only two points, 752-750. The crown for Psychology broke a ten year streak which had seen them be a cdntender every year but never a champion, since their first crown in 1950. Actually, there have only been five champions in the 13 years of competition.' Education, the Yankees of faculty I-M competition, dominated from 1950-1957, taking seven straight crowns. Like Psychol- ogy, the Air Force has claimed two championships, but theirs were consecutive, in1958 and 1959. The only other crowns have been won by Army, in 1949, the first year of organized competition, and Busi- ness Administration, who copped it in 1960. But with all the teams entered and the tight competition, the program still hasn't lost its' original purpose: To foster recreation and enjoyment among faculty members and to promote physical fitness and exercise, which is so important to adults, especially in this age of push-button living in our mechanized society. Corriere, Kellerman Lead 1Wi' Grapplers Against Panther Team in Home Opener By JOHN SCOCHIN Some of the best swimmers in collegiate ranks will compete in the Seventh Annual Big Ten In- vitation Swimming and Diving Relays Saturday at Ann Arbor beginning at 3:00 p.m. Indiana, with its host of All- Americans will lead the contenders from five universities including Michigan, Michigan State, Kenyon and Wayne State. Last year, for the first time, the meet was scored with points given for the first six places in each event and the Hoosiers won the team title. In past years the event was rated as just a warmup for the coming season which gave the swimmers a chance to compete against tough competition without points being awarded. Michigan Coach Gus Stager stated, "Indiana will win. Michi- gan and Michigan State should have a good battle, fighting it out for the second position. Our boys should win some races from In- diana, however." According to Coach Stager, "the' breaststroke event should be fab- diana in that event will be Chet diana in that event wil lhe Chet Jastremski, American record hold- er at 100-yds. and world record holder in the 100 and 200 meters. Teammates Cary Trewewan, a very promising Hoosier sophomore, and Ken Nakasone will be among the leaders. Nelson, Clark Challenge Michigan's Dick Nelson, NCAA champion and former American By ROY FRAZIER Michigan's wrestling team will have plenty to grapple with when they meet the University of Pitts- burgh at 3 p.m. today at Yost Field House. "Pittsburgh is one of the top ten teams in the nation," stated Coach Cliff Keen, after he had witnessed Pittsburgh's first place finish at the Wilkes College Open Tournament (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) on December 29 and 30. Pittsburgh earned 85 points plus three individual title wins in the 123 lb., 147 lb., and 191 lb. classes. Sparked by veteran Don Cor- riere's crown in the 167-lb. divi- sion, Michigan placed third with 43 points behind Ithaca College's 44 points. Eight returning lettermen, in- cluding such standouts as Richard Martin, 1961 Eastern Intercollegi- ate Wrestling Association 123-lb. champion and third place winner in the 1961 NCAA championships; Daryl Kelvington, EIWA 1960 and 1961 runnerup in the 137-lb. class; John Zolikoff, EIWA 1960 147-lb. champion; Sherman Moy- er, fourth place winner in the 1958 EIWA championships, will be a' tough Pittsburgh nucleus -to beat. k Veteran Nick Armelagos will face Pittsburgh Captain Martin in the 123-lb. class. Martin's 1961 record includes 29 wins and three losses. Wilkes Tournament, will test Moy- er, who had just returned from two years of military service. In the 137-lb. class Big Ten champion Fritz Kellerman and Kelvington wil ieet in one of the Sophomore 130-pounder Gerald Wilcox, consolation winner at the highlight matches. Jim Keen has a tough competi- tor in 147-lb. Zolikoff, title-win- ner at the Wilkes Tournament. Zolikoff's 1961 record was 25 wins, four losses, and one draw. In the 157-lb. class Wayne Mill- er grapples with returning Pitts- burgh letterman August Arrigone. Michigan captain Corriere will try to gain a second victory over 167-lb. Jim Harrison, whom he decisioned 5-2 at the Wilkes. In the 177-lb. slot sophomore Mike Vuocolo and sophomore Ken Barr, a former Pennsylvania state high school champion, com- pete. Either Jack Barden or Guy Cur- tis will represent Michigan in the heavyweight class against sopho- more Tom Jeffries, who won the 191-lb. class at the Wilkes Tour- nament. record holder in the 100-yd. breast- stroke and Ron Clark, American record holder and NCAA champ in the 200-yd. breaststroke should stage an all-out battle with the invading Hoosiers for top honors. In addition, the Wolverines will expect help from Jon Baker who had the second best time among high school swimmers in the 100- yd. breaststroke two years ago, and Geza Bodolay. Competing in their last race be- fore graduation will be the Wol- verines' Clark, Dave Gillanders, NCAA and collegiate record holder competing in the butterfly and All-American backstroker Alex Gaxiola. Medley Relay Rate Coach Stager rates the Medley Relay as one of the best everts with Ted Stickles, holder of the American records in the 200 and 400 meters from Indiana facing Michigan's Fred Wolf, who won that event in the Big Ten Meet two years ago. Among the stars who will high- light the meet will be Indiana's Tom Stock, American record hold- er in the 200 meter backstroke; Mike Troy, Olympic 200 meter butterfly winer and NCAA, and American titlist in the 200-yd. butterfly. Hoosier Stars Other perfomers to watch in- clude Hoosiers Larry Schulhof in the butterfly, Alan Somers, holder of several national titles in the 1500 meter freestyle, freestyler Pete Sintz, and divers Keith Crad- dock and John Lovestedt. Michigan State boasts Mike Wood in the 100 through 440-yd. freestyle, rated as one of the country's outstanding sprinters, who stands a good chance of win- ning the nationals this year. Other capable Spartans include Jeff Ma- son in the freestyle and back- stroke, Dennis Ruppart in the breaststroke, Bill Driver in the breaststroke and Carl Shaar in the butterfly. There will be a change in the scoring of the diving relays this year. Each two man team will have to complete five required dives, one each from the five basic div- ing groups, the front, back, inward, twist and reverse. Then they can do five optional dives, one from each group. Last year divers were allowed to choose 10 optional dives two from each group with none being re- quired. TEAM STATISTICS: Hoopsiers Display Scoring Balance; By JE APEL By JOE APPELT After nine non-conference tilts, Michigan's 1961 - 62 basketball squad looks much the same as the 1960-61 team statistically. This year's team has won only two games while last year's team had won three. So far this year the Wolverines have scored 582 points on 229 field goals and 124 free throws for a 64.6 game average. This compares closely with the 588 points scored on 231 field goals and 126 free throws for a 65.3 average by the \Wolverines of a year ago. Again Michigan has an out- standing scorer, named John. He is John Oosterbaan who has gar- nered 166 points netting 69 buck- ets by hitting 50.7 per cent of his shots from the floorrand add- ing 28 free throws for an 18.4 average. Last year at this time, John Tidwell had amassed 161 points in eight games by hitting 48 per cent of his field goal tries for 63 field goals and adding 35 free throws for a 20.1 average. Better Balanced Whereas the team of a year ago had only one other player averag- ing double figures a game, this year's squad has three. They are forward Tom Cole and center John Harris both with 101 points for 11.2 averages and Bob Cantrell who has scored 98 points to main- tain a 10.8 average. Two departments have shown improvements over last year. The team free throw percentage has improved from 57 per cent to 63.5 per cent. The best individual per- centage has been posted by Harris with a 79.4 per cent on 31 out of 39 attempts. The total number of rebounds has increased from 360 to 426. Harris leads the team with 102 for a respectable 11.3 aver- age a game. Cole has grabbed 83 and Oosterbaan 70. High at this time last year was 66. My BABY DESERVES THE BEST! DAVE DOWNEY ... bum ankle Paul Dietzel To Leave LSU; Signs as New Army Mentor By The Associated Press BATON ROUGE-Coach Paul Dietzel, Louisiana State's "Golden Boy" who said he'd never leave for another coaching post, got his release yesterday to accept Army's glamorous top football job. The 37-year-old Dietzel, whose Tigers roared to pinnacles of suc- cess for the past few seasons, had been the center of a smouldering sports controversy for a week. It ended yesterday when the LSU Board of Supervisors unani- mously voted to let Dieztle out of a 5-year $18,500 contract. It had four years to go. Dietzel, whose LSU grid pow- erhouses lured Louisiana scholast- ic grid stars like Notre Dame squads of yesteryear, told an alumni banquet a few months ago: "I love LSU, and I'll never leave for another coaching job." LSU signed Dietzel 7 years ago when he was an assistant coach at Army. At West Point, Col. Emroy S. Adams, Army athletic director, said he was "elated" at the news. Adams said he expected Dietzel' to come to the Point today or tomorrow before going to the Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion meeting. ATTENTION! . NOW OPEN " Tuxedos f Dinner Jackets ! Complete Accessories RUSSELL'S TUXEDO RENTAL 1230 PACKARD open evenings NO 5-4549 SENSATIONAL Michigan Union Presents SOCK-HOP TONIGHT 9-12 UNION BALLROOM TYPEWRITER SALE ciat U. . . _____ it4: