___THE MICHIGAN DAILY SGC Debates Rationale Issues sP. *nmiEiEnn .- 'The Carnegie Corporation is in- terested in the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and under- standing among the people of the United States. Naturally, as a re- search institute at the University we share this interest," Tannen- baum continued. "Today it is fashionable to be a critic of social organizations. We often hear the terms 'organization man' and 'bureaucrat.' Provide Order "Organizations provide order- a condition necessary for man to produce abundantly and live se- curely. Abundance and security in turn create opportunities and choice-conditions which form the basis for human freedom. Yet so- cial order itself requires conform- ity and imposes limitations," he said. "A general question with which we are faced is how to create and designorganizations to serve vital functions, but still provide op- portunities for members to express their personalities." The money from the grant will be paid in three installments, the first has already been received. The next payment will be received later this year and the last at the end of 1963. Social Phenomena "Our interests lie in a number of directions. We study organiza- Notes Paradox Inter-Quadrangle Council Presi- dent Thomas Moch, '62E, noted a paradox in the situation as it now exists. Authority implied responsi- bility, he explained, and in turn it would seem responsibility would imply authority. In the example of the judicial system on campus, students have the authority and responsibility for enforcing rules, but do not have the power to set these rules. Michigan Union President Paul Carder, '62, explained that if "self- reliance" was the goal of the in- crease in authority, self-govern- ment would not achieve it. Students have been sheltered at home and suddenly giving them the power to govern themselves will not work. Rather, in striving for this goal ,the process should be a gradual education in self- government.' John Martin, '62, noted that SGC is having trouble adminis- tering duties which it now holds. To ask for more, therefore, would not be practical. Delegate Detail League President Bea Nemlaha argued that the general idea would be to delegate administrative de- tail to other groups if more au-" thority were granted to the Coun- cil. She also objected to the fear that if students have responsibility there would be a lessening of rules. "We are all reflections of the society from which we come and we will reflect its standards. Yet, we cannot continue to reflect the ills of it, but must begin to give students responsibility," she said. Robert Ross, '63, viewed the motion as a "first step" in solving larger problems. He noted that mass society and alienation were due to a combination of things and that public responsibility is rare rather than the general rule. Emphasizes Need The increased size of the gov- ernment has emphasized the need for local government, he said. A faculty-student government is not totally attainable, but the fact that we presently do not have a meaningful government that people can reach out to and be a part of has created a negative attitude toward government on the part of the students. "They can't be citizens in the structure as it now exists, and therefore are not," he said. G'Sell raised questions of prac- ticality. He wondered if the stu- dent body of the future would agree with the rationale and whether the students are capable of performing a function now per- formed by professional adminis- trators. Tom Brown, '63, noted that the students whom he spoke with about this motion had more con- fidence in the administration than in the students. Blow from Public The administration has to take the blows from'the public and thus should be between the students and the Board of Regents, Vos ex- plained. Brian Glick argued that the public would protest to the people who were responsible, to the stu- dents or SGC if they were the ruling body. He also raised other questions: why should the University be in the business of telling students how they should live outside the classroom and coercing them into doing it? How does a student be- come responsible when he is not given responsibility? What kind of a person comes out of a Univer- sity where he cannot make his own decisions based on his own judgement? Large Say Martin' countered that students at the University do have a large say and are not "coerced" into doing things. "The University is an institution which we go up to but don't enter into," Roberts explained. We are submitted to parental control, but it is different from this institu- tional control." Interfraternity President Robert Peterson, '62, agreed with Martin that students were not limited. Ross dissented by saying the decisions students are allowed to make are personal decisions and in debating government, "we must consider common areas of concern, not private compartmentalized is- sues.'' University Ideal The problem that no one is setting up an ideal of the univer- sity and what students should be doing within it was forwarded by Sharon Jeffrey, '63. This should be a function of the students. Miss Nemlaha believed that stu- dents must create the system which will make a difference to them. She explained that SGC as it now is constructed does not affect the individual student in important areas. As debate closed, she said, "I am frightened that we have to put this off to a future time." LARGE furnished apt, for 3 or 4. $160 a mo.; electric. 662-3871. C4 LOT PARKING available. Call NOC2. 1443. C31 PLEASANT ROOM available Feb. 1. Call NO 2-1443. C30 NEWLY FURNISHED APT. Free utils. Parking. NO 2-7409. C33 TwO-CAR shelters available at 1022 Forest. Call NO 2-5035 after 6 p.m. C22 CLEAN ROOM - total freedom. Near campus. $9 weekly. Call Andy, 3-3901. C5 FURNISHED apartment for married couple. $75 per month. Hill at State. February occupancy. NO 3-7847. C2 SMALL State Street furnished office. Reasonable. NO 2-6474 or GL 3-8549. C1 WOMAN GRAD STUDENT wanted to share 5 rm. hse with 1 other woman. Feb. 1-June 7. 2 miles from campus. $40 month. Call NO 5-8183. El THREE-BEDROOM ranch home on Whitmore Lake. Completely furnished. Perfect for graduate student with car. Call Detroit, TU 2-9661. C3 DELUXE modernly furnished 4-rm. apartment for 3, adjacent to campus. Available Feb. 1. Call NO .3-0511 in daytime or NO 5-6063 after 5 P.M. C35 APT. TO SUBLET through Aug. - modern, 1 bdrm, tiled bath, most utilities. Immediate possession, $90. Call NO 5-0177 after 7. C32 FOR RENT-Three-bedroom house in Eberwhite school area. $120 month. Gas heat. Available Dec. 15. Call NO 2-4736. C THREE bedroom house near Pittsfield Village. Carpeting, garage, and rec- reation room. Available Feb. 15. $125 per month. Call NO 2-2942 after 5. C34 He pointed out, however, that the studies also include problems of methodology and theory. This covers the measurement of social processes and observation methods. "We are not now primarily con- cerned with applying our data to a specific organization. We are more interested in the general area of social organizations and possibly making a contribution to an understanding of social pro- cesses," he continued The studies will cover the many variables within the general area including the processes of con- trol, decision making and the ef- fects of these on the attitudes and motivations of organization mem- bers, he explained. '''" rj4%' nr' . . ' F '=". , i }, :.r.",ncr ...A rt.. ** *'..: ~...": ::" .": s """ "sfl° lf ".:: a.... .': (Continued from Page 4) cil proposal that individual houses be Eart- l meempowered to allow women in the men's rooms during specified hours; Accounting or Economics for Adminis- "W resherpsahdbenp- "Whrea th popoal adbeen ap- trative Positions in Industry. Work in- Emplo m en proved by InterquadrangleCounciland volves detailed review & analysis of student Government Council and had contract terms & conditions & prepar- The following part-time jobs are. beenuendorsed by nearly two-thirds of ation of comments & recommendations. available. Applications for these joos all men in the quadrangles in prior can be made in the Part-time Place- B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-Non- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities referendums; Technical Openings: Sr. Marketing Building, during the following hours: "Be it resolved: Analyst, Sr. Operations Research Ana- Monday thru Friday 8 a.m til 12 noon "That Student Government Council lyst, Training Rep., Programmer, News and 1:30 til 5 p.m. strongly disapprove of the Board of Editor, Staff Supervisor - Consumer Employers desirous of hiring students Governors' rejection of the Interquad- Products, Accounting Trainees. Techni- for part-time or full-time temporary rangle Council proposal; cal Openings: Sr. Product Engnr., Pat- work, should contact Jack Lardie, "Further, Student Government Coun- ent Attorney, Product Designer (Avia- Part-time Interviewer at NO 3-1511 ex- cil is greatly disturbed at the Board's tion Products), Microwave Engnr. Also tension 3553. apparent disregard of the wishes of various other positions in both cate- Students desiring miscellaneous odd the quadrangle resident on this mat- gories. jobs should consult the bulletin board ter", Veterans Administration, Dayton, O. in Room 2200, daily. Defeated: Expression of opinion on --Research Biochemist (GS-12) for MALE authority to set and enforce rules, and Chief of Research Lab with responsibil- -Several salesmen- to sell magazine on constitutional limitations on bad- ities for lab work involving both clini- subscriptions. ies which set and enforce rules. cal & research projects. Must qualify -Several salesmen to sell men's Defeated: Proposed rein otres- byea .sotw aetRegents' Bylaw 8Prp sd.03, so setting o forth a by ex .1-Gratestudent to do an abstract' udent bill of rights as constitutional Tem eo Electronics & M issiles Co., 1-To adliv e in ta d se rvised gn abro p act-,lim itation over rule-m aking authority.acDll s Te s -- O ni g 's fo ow : - o iv int o nd up r seih s d r ng herup e k Dallas, Texas - Openings as follows: 1T iei n uevs ru c Withdrawn: Further proposed revi- Stress Analysts; Designers (Structure, tivities two nights during the week sions of Regents' Bylaws and of the Installations, Antenna Systems, Micro- 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. and either Student Government Council Plan. wave Systems, Digital Systems); Engi- Saturday or Sunday 1 p.m. until Adopted: That the Committee on the neers (Radar Systems, Sr. Aerodynam- 10:30 p.m., $1.25 per hour.Unvrtynesga rentonp- neer (Rdar ystmsSr. eroyna - Several busboys, 12:00-2:00 and University investigate orientation pro- ics, Sr. Electronics Sys., & Sr. Circuits). 5307:a0 Paysate:is$:00 h d grams that more fully indicate the 5:30-7:30. Pay rate is $1.40 per hazer'nature of the educational enterprise. Welch Grape Juice Co., Inc., West- FEMALE That the Committee on the University, field, N.Y.-Personnel Supervisor with -Several waitresses, 12:00-2:00 and through correspondence, research and degree in Personnel/Industrial Bela- 5:00-7:30. Pay rate is 85c per hour. interviews, recommend specific sub- tions. Approx. 3 yrs. Industrial exper. 1-Baby sitter and house keeper to stantive changes in our present edu- with emphasis on technical & mgmt- live in, evenings and weekends off. cational orientation for freshmen. That recruitment. Room and board plus salary. upon reaching a decision the Council Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, 1-Swimming instructor at least 24 make such recommendations to the Pa.-Atten.: Jan. '62 grads. Research years old who is willing to instruct proper University authorities. Analyst-PhD desirable; but will con- older women. Prefer graduate stu- Adopted: In the belief that Student sider minimum of master's with con- dent. Government Council should be con- centration in Operations Research, 1--Graduate student to do an abstract. cerned with the educational program Math., Statistics, or Industrial or Mech. of the student at the University and Engrg. Summary of Action Taken by Student in the belief that an educational in- Central Soya, Ft. Wayne, Ind.-Staff Government Council at its Meeting of stitution cannot be divorced from the Cenra Sya Lwyr t. it 5yr. xprinJanuary 3, 1962 society in which it exists, Student Gov- Att ore-awyroerty w uithg s.exe i Approved: Minutes of previous meet- erment Council supports the idea that law of real property, including ques- inthe University offer a course in the tions of title,; mortgage loans & financ- ing".h nvriyofe orei h tin" f title, mortgage loans & financ- Appointed: Sharon Jeffrey to the In- Problems of Peace in the Nuclear Age. ng terviewing Board for Joint Judiciary The Council therefore adopts as a The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleve- Council. statement with which it fully concurs land, Ohio-Opening in Publications Adopted: "Whereas on November 20 the petition circulated by Americans Dept. for Assistant Secretary. Requires the Residence Halls Board of Gover- Committed to World Responsibility. editorial experience as well as secre- nors defeated an Interquadrangle Coun- T E y gr' sC- tarial skills (including dictation). Res- The Early Registration Pass Commit- idence in Cleveland area, ) -tee will meet on February 6 and Feb- ruary 7 from 8:30-12 and 1:30-5 in Calumet Div., Calumet & Hecla, Inc., Conference Room 2 of the League. All Calumet, Mich.-Temporary position of ORGANIZATION organizations should submit a list of approximately 6 months for graduate their requests to, the committee by Geologist or Geological Engnr. Exper. NOT(ICE January 24. No persons working less of 1 to 2 yrs. in sampling & diamond E than 15 hours per week or normally drilling functions, registering at any time on February 7 s___are eligible for a pass. Forms for re- Baha'i Student Group, Weekly Meet- quests and information may be ob- For further information please call ing, Jan. 5, 8 p.m., 418 Lawrence. Call tained from the Administrative Secre- General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 663-2904 for transportation & informa- tary of Student Government Council, SAB, Ext. 3544. tion. 1546 SAB, Ext. 3331. BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. J11 For a better understanding of the Middle Eastern situation, try Syrian bread. RALPH'S MARKET has it. 709 Packard Open every night till midnight. d MAKE CAMPUS HEADLINES 'WITH YOUR NEW COIFFURE from Florence Beauty Studios 106 E. Liberty St. Hutzel Bldg. NO 2-0897 J22 RITZ BEAUTY SALON COMPLETE LINE OF BEAUTY WORE. 605 E. WILLIAM PHONE NI 8-7066 COME IN AND BROWSE AT THE 529 Detroit St. Featuring student ufrnishings of all kinds, appliances, typewriters, televisions, bicycles, etc. Open Monday & Friday evenings 'til 9. J4. C-TED STANDARD SERVICE 11 FRIENDLY SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Randall's It is fall changeover time. Time to check your cooling system and put in ATLAS PERMA,- GUARD anti-freeze. "You expect more from Standard and you get it." SOUTH UNIVERSITY & FOREST NO 3-9168 Jl YEAR END SHOE, SALE ' Regular to 14.99 JACQUELINES ' A" " ti"^'v+. ...r.. 990, * Regular to 10.99790 CONNIES * Regular to 8.995 SPORTS and FLATS * Regular to 12.99 ALL W1NTER SHOE BOOTS Fleece lined flats and heels * Regular to 10.990 BERNARDO BOOTS Finest leathers SRegular to 4.99 90 MOUSF SIPPERS ADVENTURE n EUROPE! for University Students ENGLAND * HOLLAND * FRANCE + ITALY SWITZERLAND +AUSTRIA # SPAIN *PORTUGAL 59 DAYS - DEPARTURE FROM NEW YORK - JUNE 29-AUG. 27 JET ECONOMY CLASS VIA ALITALIA. ALL INCLUSIVE COST $1495 Conducted by Lawrence Gusman, a graduate student at Michigan, who is multi-Iingual and has traveled exten- sively in Europe. This is a special kind of tour based on Mr. Gusman's per-r' sonol grovel exoeriences. Included are M I I 11 III !1 II