;, , JANUARY 4,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T JANUARY 4,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1 .... Report I To Offer ndonesia Ready Compromise ALGERIA: Terrorists Begin Wave Of Violence ALGIERS (JP)-An uprising of terrorism pitting European settlers against Algerians shook t h i s strife-torn North African terri- tory yesterday, killing 37 or more persons and injuring 62. In the midst- of the terrorist wave the French right-wing se- cret army organization-fighting adesperate battle against inde- pendence for Algeria - posted handbills last night calling for a general mobilization of settlers. The purpose of the handbills were not immediately clear but the organization in the past has urged all settlers to consider themselves enlisted in the battle against independence. Mobilization Notice Posting of notices on official billboards is the customary way ofordering wartime mobilization in France. The secret army, how- ever, lacks the necessary organi- zation to handle any military-type call-up. The day's terrorism included knife attacks and calculated at- tempts at mnass murder. Two grenades were tossed into a crowd leaving a movie theater in Constantine, killing three and wounding 30. First reports said six persons had died and 35 were wounded, but officials later revis- ed the toll, downward. Wave of Violence During the first three days of the new year, the wave of violence has left about 60 persons dead and 133 wounded, according to unofficial tabulation. The European secret army or- ganization, leading the resistance to government plans for an inde- pendent Algeria, broke in on Al- giers radio to predict victory in 1962 and to add this cryptic mes- sage: "The cigarettes are lit." Independence Formula There is a growing belief that France and the Algerian national- ist regime may soon reach agree- ment on a formula for independ- ence. The Moslem nationalists, it is - believed, want to make a show of strength as the secret talks pro- gress. And the European under- ground wants to demonstrate its resistance to letting Algeria break loose from France. Rap Katanga For Bribery WASHINGTON ()-The State Department suspects that Katan- ga Province has attempted to buy diplomatic recognition as a sov- ereign nation. Press Officer Lincoln White, who made the accusations, said that Michael Struelens, President Moise Tshombe's New York rep- resentative, made the offer to Cos- ta Rica. Denies Charge In New York Struelens issued a statement saying that "as far as the allegation of Lincoln White pertains to me, personally, it is absolutely without foundation. "Even if the story were true," he added, "which it is not, I can- not understand why the United States would be so concerned about diplomatic efforts made by another government." Answers Reports White, in a statement volun- teered at his news conference, said he was answering press reports that "Struelens might have been involved in an attempt to pur- chase recognition for Katanga as a sovereign nation." One published report said an investigation was under way into reports that 41 million had been offered to Costa Rican officials to recognize the rebellious Congolese Province. That account did not name the agents said to have made the proposition, but discussed Struelens' activities in other areas as an agent of Tshombe. DEMOCRATS-John McCormack (D-Mass) and Carl Albert (D- OkIa) are now slated to take over House leadership positions unopposed since Richard Bolling (D-Mo) has dropped out of the ,race for majority floor leader. Hale Boggs (D-La) is being mentioned as a successor to Albert as party whip. House Leaders Approve Creation of Policy Group By The Associated Press House Democratic leaders reportedly have given approval to the creation of a policy committee which would give liberal Democrats a greater voice in leadership decisions. As a result, no one is expected to contest the bid of Rep. John W. McCormack (D-Mass) for House speaker and Rep. Carl Albert (D-Okla) for Democratic floor leader. Rep. Richard Bolling (D-Mo) dropped out yesterday as candidate for majority floor leader be- Hope To- End New Guinea Land Dispute, Call Plan Concession To U.S., Australia JAKARTA (P)-Indonesia was. reported by a high government source last night to be ready to offer a compromise in its dispute with the Netherlands over primi- tive West New Guinea. An informant said the Indo- nesian government was prepared to drop its claim to sovereignty and to offer the 700,000 Papuans there the right of eventual self- determination if the Netherlands hands over administration of the territory to Jakarta. The informant said Indonesia's willingness to accept administra- tion instead of sovereignty over West New Guinea was a conces- sion to pressure from the United States and Australia, which ad- ministers the eastern half of the island. He said this reflects "the most liberal stand" Indonesia can take. Dutch View Offer At the Hague a Dutch official said privately the reported com- promise offer was very interesting. But in his official capacity the Dutch spokesman would say only, "we would very much like to be informed through the proper dip- lomatic channels and not through press reports." The report followed a statement by Foreign Minister Subandrio de- claring Indonesia would negotiate with the Dutch only if the Neth- erlands agreed in advance to transfer the 159,000 square miles of jungle and mountains to Ja- karta's control. Otherwise he said, Indonesia would have to resort to force. Seek Transfer "We do not object to bilateral negotiations with the purpose of transfer of the administration of Nest Irian (Dutch New Guinea) to Indonesia," he said. His statement, by insisting on prior agreement to Indonesian ad- irinistration, constituted rejection of the Netherlands' latest offer to negotiate without any advance conditions. The informant said the Indo- nesian position is that the Pap- uans should be given an oppor- tunity to experience Indonesian administration before deciding on their future. The source noted that the Dutch long have been in control of West New Guinea. "Now it it our turn to show the natives what we can do," he said. Citizen, By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily BERRIEN SPRINGS-Outstate citizens are concerned with legis- lative apportionment; Michigan State University President John A. Hannah (R-East Lansing), chairman of the constitutional convention's committee on legis- lative organization, believes. At the invitation of delegate Lee Boothby (R-Niles), the committee met here on Dec. 20 before an overflowing crowd of nearly 1,000 in the Berrien County F a i r Grounds. An earlier hearing in Detroit barely drew 200. The witnesses were virtually unanimous; they want the Legis- lature left just the way it is. Nord Reacts Only delegate Melvin Nord (D- Detroit) refused to acknowledge the firm stand for the present out- state system. "They need a lot of education," Nord quipped. "Per- haps they've already learned," Boothby retorted. Speaking for the Berrien Coun- ty Board of Supervisors, former state senator Robert Faulkner of Coloma called for "the fairest pos- Army Units Made Ready PALM BEACH (RP) - President John F. Kennedy ordered yester- day the immediate activation of two new regular army divisions-- one armored, the other mechaniz- ed infantry. This will increase the regular Army from 14 to 16 divisions and will permit the release later this year of two National Guard divi- sions called to duty Oct. 15. The Pentagon said creation of the new units is not expected to re- quire any increase in draft quo- tas. Reserves to Remain However, guardsmen and re- servists called up to help deal with the Berlin crisis won't be heading home soon. While White House Press Sec- retary Pierre Salinger declined to speculate on the timing, all signs pointed to them being held on active duty for at least several :months. The announcement said the two National Guard divisions, the 32nd of Wisconsin, stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash., and the 49th of Tex- as, training at Ft. Polk, La., "will be released this year as the inter- national'situation and the readi- ness status of the two new divi- sions permit." Result of Talks Kennedy's announcement of the activation of the two new Ar- my divisions was described as a direct result of two days of con- ferences with Vice-President Lyn- don B. Johnson and top defense officials. The press secretary said he an- ticipated this would be the only public announcement to come out of the defense talks at the tem- porary White House. Cuba Indicted As Communist WASHINGTON (P)-A United States white paper said yesterday that Cuba has become a "bridge- head of Sino-Soviet imperialism" posing a serious threat to the se- curity of the American republics and to non-Communist nations everywhere. The indictment, depicting Cuba as a Communist bloc appendage, was set forth in a 32-page book- let presented Dec. 6 to the Inter- American Peace Committee in- vestigating alleged human rights violations and subversive activi- ties by Fidel Castro's Havana re- gime. view Apportionmen "cause "I do not have a chance to win." He termed his decision a defeat for the liberals in Congress. This left the field apparently wide open to Albert, who describes himself as a moderate. Bolling's announce- ment seemed to close the door on any open fight over the House leadership when Congress recon- venes a week from,yesterday. Bolling said he was not a candi- date to replace Albert as majority whip and would not accept the job. Rep.dHale Boggs (D-La) has been prominently mentioned for appointment as the party whip. The Democratic policy, or steer- ing committee, may be headed by Bolling. McCormack has not publicly committed himself on the subject of establishing the committee but members of the study group claim he will not oppose the idea. Both McCormack and Albert are in line to move up as a result of the death of House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex). McCor- mack is now majority leader and Albert -is majority whip. Also mentioned as a candidate for the position of party whip was Rep. John E. Moss (D-Calif). Betting Laws Re-evaluated Special To The Daily GRAND RAPIDS - The same old arguments for and against legalized gambling were dragged out on Dec. 19, as the constitu- tional convention committee on legislative affairs heard pulIic testimony on the issue. Four proposals are currently be- fore the convention: 1) to remove all reference to gambling from the constitution, 2) to prohibit all forms of gambling in the consti- tution, 3) to legalize bingo with various restrictions, and 4) to al- low charitable or fraternal orga- nizations gambling privileges on a local option basis. In general the veterans and fraternal organizations favored legalizing gambling, while the church groups opposed. Bird Urges Passage Chief advocate for legalization was Ralph J. Bird, executive sec- retary cf the Michigan Fraternal Order of Eagles. He told Stanley M. Powell's (R-Ionia) committee that the state would do well to follow the example of New York, where gambling is strictly con- trolled among fraternal and char- itable organizations. He suggested a $10 license fee and restriction of bingo to three nights a week. Opposing the legalization, Mrs. H. D. VanderEide, speaking for the Grand Rapids-Kent Council of Churches, said that she could think of "all sorts of interesting ways" to bring money to the state and local treasuries, rather than to resort to gambling. Protestants Object Rev. Walter Peterson of Grand Rapids warned the group that "the Protestant churches would arise and defeat a constitution permitting gambling, just as they did in 1954." Speaking for the Baptist church group, he minced no words about opposing the en- tire document and said that "all Protestants would be unalterably opposed to it.", The session ended on a young and positive note, however, as 14- year-old Jack Greene of Grand Rapids told the committee that some of the speakers were "mixing church with state." "' "i1 .FS":'1.ilL"1w1'l'.: t t".A ^":n 2M 1 :4:i^.. sible representatoon for all the state," and recommended "hold- ing the present line" in the House and Senate. Calling for complete represen- tation on a population basis, Nord asked Faulkner whether it was "moral to deprive people of their birthright." Minority Protection "Protection of the minority is the greatest right," Faulkner re- plied. "Then how about protecting minorities like Negroes and Jews," Nord came back. "In Berrien County; we consider all people Americans; we don't break them down into racial fac- tions," Faulkner said. Harry Nye of Royalton, repre- GOP Meets On Finances Special To The Daily LANSING-Republican legisla- tors agreed on Dec. 16 that Mich- igan needs more money and 'new taxes are probably the only solu- tion. Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) said that the GOP has not yet settled upon their legislative course for 1962, but he felt generally that the party would continue to oppose a statewide in- come tax. Republicans will meet Jan. 9, on the eve of the coming session, to come to an accord on specific legislative goals. GOP Reviews Plans In their first pre-session caucus in many years, the GOP lawmak- ers reviewed the demands for ad- ditional funds for mental health, higher education, public health and encouragement of the tourist industry. Pears said that "it is obvious we need new tax revenue, but as yet we have no idea where it will come from. Sen. Clyde H. Geer- lings (R-Holland) told the legis- lators that re-enactment of the nuisance taxes which expired last June could raise revenues some $73 million. Income to Decrease Pears said that this fiscal year's income is expected to fall some $8 million short of the $462 million estimated needed by GOP tax ex- perts. Gov. John B. Swainson has estimated that $477 million will be needed. But Swainson expects "no love meeting" between the statehouse and the Legislature. He told the Democratic State Central Com- mittee that his program would be "even stronger than the one whicl-the Legislature blocked last year." SENSATIONAL TYPEWRITER SALE at MORRILL~S ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS ARE SELLING BELOW COST! REGULAR TYPEWRITERS ARE SELLING AS LOW AS $5! senting the American Horticulture Society, pointed out that since World War II, Michigan's voters have never differed in their opin- ions with the state Senate. He said that on statewide referenda the voters have always concurred with the Senate and that they have often differed with the House. Honest Opinion "If we honestly look at the record we will find that the state Senate truly represents the will of the majority," Nye concluded. He told Nord to forget about "one area trying to dominate the other. This attitude only makes matters worse." Only two witnesses spoke in fa- vor of representation strictly on the basis of population. Robert Feldman of Grand Rapids, whose statement was read in his ab- sence, called upon the committee to "move fearlessly in the direc- tion of the most democratic gov- ernment. There is no need to mis- trust our urban friends," he said. Teacher Testifies Thomas B. Kingsley of Buchan- an, a social science teacher, testi- fied last. He said that he "felt the committee was left with the impression that outstaters are sel- fish." He said that the people in the area would support an apportion- ment based solely on population. "They shouldn't cling to an un- democratic system of representa- tion just because it works to their advantage," he said. Don Marlin of Niles, a profes- sional wrestler and Democrat-re- cently-turned-Republican, scored the Democrats for "dictating a single stand to their delegates." 314 S. STATE NO 5-9141 L _._ _.. __._ _, __ __ ._ _ _ r___. ._.__.__ 1 u i1Ti 1 U- 11 Delicious Hamburgers...15c Hot Tasty French Fries...tc Triple Thick Shakes...20c 2000 W.Stadium Blvd. JUNIOR WOMEN If You 1) 2) 3) enjoyed singing Christmas carols or Hanukah songs did the soft shoe down the stairs Christmas morning did or would like to play Mr. or Mrs. Santa Claus, hillbilly style. i WorldNews Roundup By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY-Prime Minis- ter Fidel Castro and high officials of his pro-Communist regime have been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. * * * BEIRUT-The government an- nounced yesterday 400 more ar- rests in its massive roundup of suspects following the New Year's weekend coup that failed. * * * WASHINGTON-Democrats ex- pect President John F. Kennedy to campaign actively from New York to California in this year's Congressional contests. LONDON-The Soviet govern- ment in a statement published yesterday blamed the West for ending the moratorium on nu- clear tests and claimed its own proposals provide "a good basis for an early agreement' on a new' ban. -* * * PICAYUNE, Miss.-Charles P. Stratton,.. was reported in good condition after bailing out of flaming U-2 plane last night. a Then try-out for J.G.P. Sat., Jan. 6-' 14-12 and 2-4 Sun., Jan. 7--2-4 SIGN UP AT THE LEAGUE UNDERGRAD OFFICE * * * CAPE CANAVERAL-Technical trouble with the Atlas booster yes- terday forced a one-week post- ponement of an attempt to rocket American astronaut John H. Glenn into orbit around the world. * * * ALBANY, New York-Gov. Nel- son A. Rockefeller presented the opening session of the 1962 legis- lature yesterday a program tailor- ed for an election year but never- theless pointing to a budget in- crease of more than $200 million. * * * WASHINGTON -- Confidential United States feelers put out in Brussels to bridge the gap be- tween United States and Belgian policy on the Congo have met with little if any success, thus far, dip- lomatic sources said yesterday. NEW YORK--The stock market rallied in moderate trading, yes- terday, with Dow-Jones Industrial average up 1.30. l }; "r..;r{.;.;/.;f{.};r, "rtr 1 "r.;qM %: yr/{rr }rYfr f rb". a i r."a :iau:";":{" d'rr.:i".' r' .+a.".::. '!. :"r : a SF":s tia" N.} ' t '" {%; }:: : :f :"i1 V: \ } 1 1' : ' "al f ...Exciting new shiF Wonderful wh pastel WOc - -'>'.a Your late winter " + ,.. .,tearly sr SOLD IN y ANN ARBOR ONLY AT' rrived I pment of LANZ dresses. hite and ois to pep up and MID-YEAR GRADUATION pring wardrobe. Hi I