SUPER BOARD: EDUCATION BUSINESS Y SirA6 ~~'ait CLOUDY High-35 Low-25 Mild today with rain turning to snow tonight. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No.14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAG t SG( I Turns Down Motion Authority over I ROOM FOR EXPANSION-The University has announced plans for expanding its medical center (aerial view above) over the next 10-15 years, at an estimated cost of $29 million, according to Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont. Plans will also include completion of a second medical science unit, thus removing all medical facilities from Main Campus. 'U'Reveals Development Plans The University has announced plans for $29 million in develop- ment of the medical center in the next 10-15 years, and is also ac- cepting .bids on the new $3 mil- lion Institute of Science and Tech- nology Bldg. to be constructed on North Campus. Vice-President for Business and inance Wilbur K. Pierpont said at medical center plans include two important features: kThe re-orientation of the medi- cal center so that a main entrance will be developed on the north side, and the future construction and parking facilities will be con- fined within the present area through "careful development of a higher density use pattern than is characteristic in other campus sectors. "Building development within Brinkerhoff Accepts Post As Plant Extension irector James F. Brinkerhoff, vice-president of the Argus Camera Divi- sion in Ann Arbor of the Sylvania Electric Products Corp., has been appointed director of plant extension for the University, Vice-Presi- dent for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont announced during the Christmas recess. The appointment will become effective on Feb. 1. Brinkerhoff will be responsible for supervision of the Univer- sity's plant engineering staff, developments of plans and specifica- Ltions for modernization and re- the medical center amounted to almost $29 million in building in- vestment during the post-war period," Pierpont said. "Through combined support from state appropriations, private gifts and federal grants proposed development for the next 10-15 years will amount to substantially the same dollar amount." Major projects planned during the period include completion of the second medical science unit (effecting the transfer of all medi- cal facilities from Main Campus), addition of a 200-bed Children's Hospital and continued renovation of University Hospital, addition of the Hearing Researchinstitute, and further expansion of resear h facilities. IST Bids Assistant to the Vice-President for Business and Finance John G. McKevitt has also announced the University's opening bids on the new $3,160,000 Institute of Science and Technology Building to be built on North Campus. This new follows an announce- ment by the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington, D.C. that it has granted the University $452,250 for a cellular biology re- search laboratory which will form the west wing of the new institute building. Construction of 'the new build- ing is expected to begin in thirty days. The building will be com- posed of a six-story central office and two laboratory wings. The Michigan Legislature has made available $2,900,000 for the institute building. The remainder will come from federal grants and other funds. Food Expansion An expansion of the University's food service facilities will be erect- ed on Hill St. The former Creamo Baking Co. building which was sold to the University in December, 1959, is being torn down to make room for the new building, vice- president of the University, Wilbur K. Pierpont announced recently. Portugal To Restgn From UN LISBON (P -Premier Antonio De Oliveira Salazar, smarting frm lack of concrete support against India's conquest of Goa, said yes- terday Portugal plans to quit the United Nations-but set no date. "I do not know whether we shall be the first country to abandon the United Nations, but surely we will be among the first," the gray- haired dictator, 72, told the Na- tional Assembly in a broadcast address read for him by the As- sembly's President. Refuse Collaboration "Meanwhile we shall refuse them our collaboration in everything that is not in our direct interest," he added. He criticized the United States and Britain-Portugal's major al- lies-and the United Nations for their failure to give Portugal more than oral backing in the enclave war of Dec. 18-19.. "When small nations are de- feated it is sad and afflicting," Salazar said, "but the inability Of the great to defend the right is incomparably graver." Back Resolution British and American delegates backed a Security Council resolu- tion calling on India to withdraw, but a Soviet veto killed the resolu- tion. Salazar said both Britain and the United States sought to dis- suade India's Prime Minister Ne- ru from attacking and "we can- not doubt the force of these re- quests." He said diplomats of Spain, West Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Argentina and Brazil also vainly took a hand. Court Orders Desegregated Air Facilities MONTGOMERY (I--A United States district judge yesterday or- dered a halt to segregation of all facilities at Montgomery's muni- cipal airport, Dannelly Field. Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr.'s order prohibits the city, Board of Commissioners and the airport restaurant operator from: Refusing to make available to members of the Negro race equal- ly with members of other races all facilities generally open to the public, Preventing Negroes, by force or persuasion, from using any airport facilities available for public use, Refusing Negroes service in any part of the airport restaurant on account of 'their race and dis- criminating against air travelers using the airport facilities at Dan- nelly Field. -Daily-Jerome Starr CONSIDER QUESTION-Student Government Council members read over the Glick-Roberts motion as they decide individually on what powers and responsibilities students should have regarding rules and conduct. Facing forward as they peruse the motion are Council members Tom Brown, '63, Council Treasurer Steven Stockmeyer, '63, Union President Paul Carder, '62, IFC President Robert V. Peterson, '62, and Executive Vice-President John Martin, '62. US. EconomY Constant 1.* Ferris To Ask For Increase In New Bud oet Ferris Institute will ask the Leg- islature for a $1,000,000 budget increase to provide expanded fa- cilities and services. The increase would allow"a 27, per cent' increase in instructional' load and a restoration of curtail- ments necessitated by budget def- icits this year. Victor F. Spathelf, president of the college, said Ferris could in- crease its total enrollment by 600 students during the standard three-quarter academic year. It could also operate for a fourth quarter, if granted the money. Even with the record budget, the school would still be turningl away students. habilitation of the University's fa- cilities and supervision of such projects in that area that may be undertaken. Pierpont said that the appoint- ment "is being made.necessary by the increasing extent and size of the University and the need to al- ter and rehabilitate facilities." Argus Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager L. L. Davenport said that the' Tirm will "miss the ex- tensive knowledge of operations and broad administrative experi- ence possessed by Brinkerhoff. His many years of experience should be a great g asset to the Univer- sity.' Brinkerhoff has been with Ar- gus since 1951, prior to which he was with the Square D Co. of Washington, D.C. He received his b chelor of arts degree from the Uiversity of Toledo in 1947, and a masters degree in business ad- ministration from the' University in 1948. By ELLEN SILVERMAN American consumers' expecta- tions in regard to the business economy have not changed sig- nificantly from August to Novem- ber 1961 although the economic outlook remains favorable, a sur- vey of consumer attitudes reports. The survey, released this morn- ing, was conducted by George Ka- tona, director, and Eva L. Muel- ler of the Survey Research Cen- ter Economic Behavior Program. This report is the Center's fourth quarterly survey of this type cov- ering consumer attitudesyand in- clinations to buy. The study noted that Americans are concerned about the interna- tional situation. While only a small proportion think that a world war may break out in the near future, uneasiness and anxi- ety about world problems has grown greatly. Items Related "The two major news items,.in"- ternational conflict and business upturn, are related in the minds of many people. Many consumers believe that because of the Rus- sian threat, the government has stepped up defense outlays, and that the increased defense ex- penditures have contributed to the business recovery," the economists state. Thirty-four per cent of the families with an income of above $7,500 felt that the cold war brought good times, while only 27 per cent of all the families sur- veyed thought that this was true. Thirty per cent of all of the fam- 'ilies felt, in fact, that the situa- tion brought bad times. . Those who felt that the cold war brings good times mentioned increased government spending and increased employment. Those who disagreed felt that the cold war brought times in which one could not confidently plan ahead. Better Business More families with incomes of above $7,500 reported better busi- ness conditions compared to those of a year ago than all of the fam- Council Elects Power Head Of Committee Regent Eugene B. Power was elected temporary chairman of the committee to draft a constitution and bylaws for the new Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education. At the same meeting, held Tuesday, Merritt M. Chambers, executive director of .the Michi- gan Council of State College Presidents, was elected secretary. The committee, composed of President Eugene Elliott of East- ern Michigan University; Univer- sity -' Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss; Trustee Warren Huff of Michigan State University; James McCormick, secretary of Wayne State University board of gover- nors; and Christopher Magnuson of the State Board of Education, is to prepare the co,4$.tution for presentation to a February 12 meeting at Kellogg Center in East Lansing. According to Power, the propos- ed Coordinating Council and the Council of State College Presidents will perform separate functions. Concerning the recent meeting at which he was elected chairman of the by-laws committee, he said, "We found that we were in uni- versal agreement on the princi- 1.3es of the Coordinating Council." Violence Hits Santo Domingo SANTO DOMINGO (UP) - Viol- ence erupted yesterday in various parts of the Dominican Republic, leaving a toll of four dead and Ilies. The survey noted that at- titudes and expectations of the upper income consumers improv- ed during the last six months to a larger extent than those of middle or low-income families. Favorable business news was re- called more frequently than un- favorable news. This figure has increased over reports of last year at the same times, yet is 3 per cent lower than was reported in June. The index of consumer atti- tudes and inclinations to buy is today lower than in 1955-56, the base figure for computations. The report partly explains the differ- ence by the fact that longer range business expectations are less fav- orable than ; they were in the 1950's.. Recession Affects "Since the 1958 recession a sub- stantial group of people believe that good times alternate with periods of recession and unem- ployment. The absence of exuber- ance in consumer sentiment de- rives in part from uncertainty about longer run trends," the re- port says. Sixteen per cent of the families reported that they "probably will, buy" an automobile within the next 12 months. This is a gain of 2.2 per cent over the reported figure of May-June 1961. Another 4.7 per cent said that they were either undecided or may buy a car in the same period. A detailed study of automobile demand indicates, the report says, that this is one of the strong as- pects of the present situation. In- clinations to purchase one-family houses have, however, been ad- versely affected by international developments. Matthaei Gives Radrick Farms Estate to 'U' Regent Frederick C. Matthaei of Ann Arbor has given the Univer- sity his 464-acre Radrick Farms estate east of the city. University President Harlan Hatcher has announced that, un- der the terms of the gift, Matthaei will continue to make his home on the estate, but the University may use it for expansion of its adja- cent Botanical Gardens or for "establish and use" of faculty resi- dences, classrooms, a golf course, or other recreational and scholas- lules Remainder Of Proposal Withdrawn Majority Refuses To Back Rationale Of 'Bill of Rights' By CYNTHIA NEU Daily Editor John Rogerts, '62, and Brian Glick, '62, withdrew the remainder of their motion on Au- thority over Student Rules and Conduct after Student Govern- ment Council defeated the student "Bill of Rights" and rationale, the, latter by an 8 to 6 roll-call vote. Brian Glick, '62, withdrew his proposed student "Bill of Rights" from consideration after Student' Government Council defeated por- tions of it and the rationale for the Glick-Roberts motion on Authority ov Student Rules and Conduct, the latter by an 8-6 roll- call vote at its meeting last night. Voting against the motion were. Tom Brown, '63BAd., Richard G'Sell, '64E; John Vos '63; Robert Peterson, '62; Paul Carder, '62; Sally Jo Sawyer, '62; John Martin, '62, and Steve Stockmeyer, '63. For the motion were: Thomas Moch, '62E; Bea Nemlaha, '62; Robert Ross, '63; John Roberts, '62; Brian Glick, '62, and Sharon Jeffrey, '63. The two other mem- bers of the Council were absent. Much Debate The vote came after extensive debate on the motion, which in part stated, "SGC believes that students,should have this respon- sibility for genuine self govern- ment, not only as a matter of principle, but because it would benefit students, the University as an educational community, and the society at large." "SGC recognizes that in a large community like the University rules to protect property and personal rightsmay be necessary. But SGC believes that such rules ought to be set and enforced only by bodies which are responsible to the governed." 'Premgature' Vos explained student self- government has to be based )n- a trend of increased responsibility to the students and not granted all of a sudden. Thus he viewed the motion as "premature." Earlier the Council passed the first portion of the motion dis- approving the Residence Board of Governors decision on women vis- iting in the quadrangles. Group Veto.'. Blocks BillS By PHILIP SUTIN A proposed student "Bill of Rights" failed to receive Student Government Council support at its ,meeting last night. After 5 of the 7 section bill was defeated, Brian Glick, '62, and'= Daily Editor John Roberts, '62. withdrew the remainder of his motion. The makers withdrew the mo- tion noting that the rationale had been defeated and many of the major points had been missed in debate. The motion placing seven limitations on bodies legislating into two parts on the motion of Administrative Vice - President Robert Ross, '63. Section 2, dealing with individ- ual privacy and unwarranted search and seizure by University officials; section 4 dealing with 'free selection of groups; and sec- tion 7 dealing with double jeop- ardy in 'University and civil judi- ciary bodies was defeated by a 6-7 vote with one abstention. Voting for in a roll call vote were Glick, Sharon ,Jeffrey, '63, Bea Nemlaha, '62, Daily Editor HARLAN DONATES SCHOLARSHIP: Kennedy, Eckert Bow Out at December Meeting i By MICHAEL HARRAH A $10,000 scholarship in his name and a buss on the cheek from grateful Joyce L. Harlan, '63, marked the end of 16 years of service for former Regent Charles S. Kennedy, as he and former Regent Otto E. Eckert retired from the Board at the December meeting. Regents Paul G. Goebel of Grand Rapids and Allen R. Sorenson of Midland took office at the beginning of this year. Miss Harlan, daughter of Michigan State University Trustee C. Allan Harlan, told the Regents that Kennedy had saved her life in 1941 by performing a relatively new operation. Harlan expressed the hope that the scholarship fund would further "co-operative efforts by our three great universities to encourage research." Discuss Joining In other business, the Regents considered the question of joining the Michigan Co-Ordinating Council for Higher Education, an associa- tion proposed by the Michigan Council of State College Presidents and the Association of Governing Boards for the voluntary co-operation between the state's nine tax-supported colleges. Regent Eugene B. Power presented the proposal, saying that :. .,.. 4 w .....: