AGETTWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1961 SGC Changes Status Of Roberts Motion COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Colorado Students Ask Rule Change C)- terms of what he sees the Council udent Government Council to be?" d Wednesday night to consider League President Bea Nemlaha, otion on authority over stu- '62, one of the sponsors of the rules and conduct as spe- motion, said that the retreat would business at its next meeting create greater understanding iary 3yD among council members. ie motion, sponsored by Daily ACLU Film r John Roberts, '62, and The Council ordered SGC Ad- rn Glick, '62, has been new ministrative Vice-President Robert ness at previous two meetings, Ross, '62, to obtain the American was not considered as the Civil Liberties Union movie, "Op- icil adjourned before reaching eration Correction." new business portion of the The film deals with the Spring, da. 1960, student demonstrations in ider this motion, the Student San Francisco. The demonstrations rnment Council would rec- protested students' exclusion from lend changes in its structure hearings held by the House Com- would give students more mittee on Un-American Activities. er, to the Office of Student "Operation Abolition," a movie irs Study Committee. on the same topic released by Council Retreat HUAC, was -condemned by the XC also appropriated $170 for Council last March as "unfairly >uncil retreat which is sched- accusing students of subversive for Feb. 9-10 at the Fresh activity" and as distorted. Camp. Disarmament Conference a series of informal meetings, The Council unanimously passed Council will consider "what a motion introduced by the Com- iould be doing?" and "what mittee on Student Concerns to e role of a council member in send two students to the First Intercollegiate Conference on Dis- armament and Arms Control at o E nforce Swarthmore College, Feb. 16-18. A Council representative and one representative of a peace group or current affairs group on campus will be selected by the Committee on Student Concerns ie Driving Code Revision Com- to attend the Conference. ee will recommend today to A calendaring request from the -President for Student Affairs Engineering Council for a concert es A. Lewis that there be an on March 3 was defeated by the eased enforcement of driving Council. Only Richard G'sell, 63E, lations regarding unregistered voted in favor of it. ent cars. om Jan. 3 to the last day of fe es this semester, Jan. 19 at , in., the University Patrol will courtesy warnings to all un- Science .issue tered student cars, the com- ee report stated. I,. ginning with the first day u am atgntn lasses in the second semester,, anregistered cars will be re- The mass media should campaign ked, and those still in viola- on scientific issues as well as poli- will be subject to disciplinary tical ones, Watson Davis, director )n by Joint Judiciary Council. and editor of Science Service, said twenty dollar fine is the Tuesday -at a University Lecture ial penalty for this offense. on Journalism. I student lots, North campus ' Since the mass media is the most fraternity and sorority lots, potent, force for enlighting the all University property will be people, it has a responsibility both :ed for violations. to science. and to truth, he de- le committee report also stat- clared. hat a letter from the Office Science as news has been taken tudent Affairs will be sent to for granted by the press. In sev- esidence units explaining the eral areas, there has been a clear eased enforcement. promotion of "anti-science." While drop of almost $14,000 in newspapers do conduct effective rue from driver registration editorial and news campaigns on he past five years, has caused certain issues, they seem afraid to recommendations, the report present the whole truth in other ained. fields. DIAL NO 2-6264 0 ENDING SATURDAY 0 SHOWS START at 1:00 2:45 - 4:50 - 7:00 and 9:05 FEATURE STARTS at 1:00 3:00 - 5:05 -'7:15 and 9:20 By SANDRA SANDELL BOULDER-The University of Colorado Student Senate recently passed a resolution which urged that "The university no longer discriminate on the basis of sex or age in any social regulations applyingto individuals who have reached the age of 21." It was announced that the de- cision would be appealed to the student Supreme Court. If it is upheld by the court and the dean of students, it would void portions of the social code which place limitations on students up to the age of 23. The purpose of the resolution is to test the actual power of the Student Senate. * *. * SALT LAKE CITY-The Uni- versity of Utah Student Senate Executive Committee recently formed a temporary committee which will make personal contact with proprietors practicing dis- crimination. The committee was formed as a result of an earler resolution pro- testing the action of a downtown restaurant which refused to serve a university student on grounds of based on the beliefs of an organi- race. zation. The committee stated that per- * * * sonal contact rather than letters COLUMBUS-The National In- would be a more effective method terfraternity Council recently cit- of protest. ed the Ohio State University fra- ternity system as the most out- BLOOMINGTON-Two resolu- standing in its classification. tions recommending that the Uni- The following criteria were used versity of Indiana withdraw rec- in the decision: service to the com- ognition from the campus chapter munty, university, and member of the Fair Play for Cuba Commit- fraternities, interfraternity co- tee were introduced at the meet- ordination, and project activities. ing of the Student Senate last This is the fifth time that the week. NIC has selected Ohio State's sys- The resolution states, "The Fair tem. Play for Cuba Committee was originally organized on the premise that Fidel Castro and his govern- ment were not Communist, but liberal politically and economical- ly socialist . . Events have proven the prem- ise to be false, the resolution con- tends. One student stated that recog- nition would be withdrawn unless the organization has not con- formed to university procedural Start Ta kin rules or violated Federal laws. Recognition, he continued, is not PETER AVERY ... Persian poetry Note Quality Of Literature By DEBORAH BEATTIE "Persia possesses poetic litera- ture that makes aping of foreign poetry folly, and indeed Persian poetry is there for foreigners to imitate," Peter Avery, chairman of the Persian department at Kings College, Cambridge Univer- sity, said Monday, in a lecture on "Modern Persian Literature." "The excellence of early Per- sian poetry is partly responsible for the lack of modern poetic development," Avery said. "The poets tend to use traditional forms although their content is mod- ern." Prosaic Propaganda "The use of Persian literature for prosaic propaganda which did not lend itself to poetry was re- sponsible for the revival of Per- sian prose." "Since their development of prose literature, the modern Per- sian writers have been the artic- ulators J1 social distress. Modern Persian prose is marked by hard realism," Avery said. The literature originated to bring color to people starved for color in a barren land. When it became essential to utilize the lan- guage in texts, newspapers and government communications the language was made brief and un- ambiguous to serve a written not spoken purpose. This economy of words is characteristic of mod- ern Persianliterature and speech, he explained. Short Story The modern author prefers the short story or novelette which is actually a perpetuation of an old form of literature. "Persian literature has always been used to moralize and paint adventures. The change from early to modern literature is merely one from oral to written litera- ture." Unpublicized elements of popu- lation, chiefly the life of the poor, provide subjects for modern Per- sian writers. The ordinary people are the most truly Persian sub- ject matter. The literature is written to preserve the entity of Iran. "Persian literature today suf- fers from the present political un- certainty in Iran," Avery explain- ed. "The young writers don't feel free, therefore, their creative gen- ius lies dormant." In the past decade Iran has gone through a period of instability. Since the seizure of the Anglo- Iranian oil facilities in 1951, the country has known no internal peace. Frosh Committee Opens Petitioning Petitions are now available for Frosh Weekend Central Committee at the League Undergraduate Of- fice. The deadline for petitioning is Jan. 5. Vaughn Calls YD's Useful For Training in Polities By ANNE SCHULTZ The Young Democrats provide an opportunity for participation in good government and a train- ing ground for political action, Jackie Vaughn, state president of the Michigan Young Democrats, said at a speech to the YD's Wed- nesday night. Vaughn said that through the organization, "one learns about the art of leadership and the art of politics." It provides "ways and means of getting experience which culminates in active political par- ticipation." Drawing from his experience in running for a position as con-con representative, Vaughn listed some of the problems facing candidates for political offices. Ethnic groups influence the vote in that they support "their own candidate first and foremost," Vaughn said. "The art of running for public office is learning to converse with various groups." History Beneficial He found it beneficial for can- didates to learn the history, back- ground and language of different groups and cited Rockefeller's pro- ficiency in Spanish as an example. Center Announces Deadline for Tour Today is the deadline for reg- istration for the International Center's annual Washington-New York tour to be held Dec. 26-Jan. 2. Foreign students interested in this program should contact Har- riet Cady of the center and, if registering, bring $10 for a depos- it. Learning to accept open criti- cism and learning how to respond at news conferences are also prob- lems in running for political of- fice, Vaughn said. In regard to racial discrimina- tion, Vaughn said, "Michigan is unique in that it is a pioneer in terms of integration in public of- fice." He said it is the only state which "exposed Negroes to state elections and has three times elected them." State Politics Discussing state politics, Vaughn attributed Jerome Cavanaugh's election to the power of the eth- nic group vote, particularly the Catholic and Negro vote. Also, he said, the outcome was a result of a general dissatisfaction in the status quo, and "the rank and file labor, in spite of the Wayne Coun- ty AFL-CIO's endorsement of in- cumbent Mayor Louis Miriani, supported Cavanaugh. I am quite sure labor voted 85 per cent for Cavanaugh." In viewing the next election for governor of Michigan, Vaughn ad- mitted, "We have more work to do because of the caliber of the candidate, George Romney." The Democrats, however, do have a majority of Wayne County votes, so in order to carry Wayne County, Romney must convince the voters that he is just as left as Swainson, Vaughn concluded. "As young people, we are in- clined to break norms and tradi- tions and this should be encour- aged," Vaughn added in viewing youth today. In addition to his state post, Vaughn has served as chairman of the Michigan delegation. mmmmlmmm I i1 Ending Saturday DIAL NO 8-6416 IGMAR BERGMAN'S "THE CHEATERS" STARTING SUNDAY "HAND IN HAND" STARTING DEC. 20th "UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS" AND "THE CAPTAIN'S TABLE" THEY SAIDThe Top .2 Comedies THEY SAID fThe Yor could never be shown together! But, NOW, The Michigan brings both to you as a PRE-XMAS BONUS I The uniniibliec.stor of a carefree kaczor.#. : a careful career girl... andhowthey Iamthat WI~LLOW TALK.Is no gu forJust :Duel ---------- MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Sfrom ---ToNY R NDALL THELA I TrE a NICK ADAMS-MARCEL BALD+JULIA MEADE AND M CRYGRA([A TONY cuiSm i