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December 15, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-15

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXII, No. 73





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Charles S. Kennedy, IttrilRegent

W HEN Charles S. Kennedy
leaves his last Regents'
meeting this afternoon, his con-
nection with the University will
hardly be severed.
The 74-year-old physician-
who completes 16 years as a
member of the University's gov-
erning board today-will keep
an experienced finger on the
pulse of a "tremendously, ex-
panded" campus he helped to
Kennedy's link with the fac-
ulty, administration and stu-
dent body will be maintained
through his grandson, a Uni-
versity freshman, and his son,
Charles S. Kennedy, Jr., who
may next year repeat his bid for
a GOP Regental nomination.
A "rock-ribbed Republican"
from Detroit, Kennedy and fel-
low GOP candidate Otto E.
Eckert were elected to the
Board of Regents in 1946 and
both captured a 200,000 vote
margin when re-elected in 1953.
Their places on the eight-man
board will be taken over by
Democrat Allan E. Sorenson
and Republican Paul G. Goebel.
KENNEDY sees the constant
expansion of facilities andustu-
dent enrollment as the most
significant and awesome aspect
of the University.
"When I camne to Ann Arbor
as a freshman in 1907, there
were only 3,000 students here,
but we had one of the great in-
stitutions in the )country, both
in size and quality.
"We continued to grow and
maintain our standards," he
says, proudly pointing to the
development of North Campus.
"We have no choice but to ex-
pand facilities and enrollment
more without sacrifices to qual-
Though he jovially refers to
himself as a "back - slapping
Irishman," Kennedy expresses
humility before the accomplish-.
ments of the past century and
those which are yet to come.
"It's unbelievable what will
happen in the next 100 years at
the University," he says.
* * *
POINTING to his own profes-
sion, Kennedy-a 1913 Medical
School graduate - sees more
progress made in surgery during
the past 50 years than in the
past 5,000 years. "Similar strides
have been recorded in every
field of knowledge," he adds.
This phenomenal increase In

knowledge will put greater and
greater emphasis on graduate
level studies as time goes on.
"As a general rule, graduate
studies demand more money
than less specialized training,
but many individual men have
made great achievements with
a minimum of equipment." He
points to the development of the
first electro-cardiograph out of
rudimentary materials by a
University doctor.
He cautions, however, .that
undergraduate instruction
should not be curtailed. "I'd
hate to see our undergraduates
sacrificed to graduate re-
* * *
KENNEDY'S entrance into
politics was a casual one and
his electoral successes came al-
most as surprises.
"I was at a Christmas party
in 1944 and some of my friends
urged me to run for the Re-
gents. I told them my medical
practice wouldn't allow for
much campaigning, and I
doubted the seriousness of their
offer at first. After 16 years on
the job, however, I can say that
I'd rather be Regent than hold
any other political office."
His University classmates
were hardly surprised at Ken-
nedy's success as a vote getter.
The 1913 'Ensian cites him as
"the most popular man" in his
"Under the leadership of our
experienced president, Chuck
Kennedy, we may safely sur-
mount the difficulties which
confront us and that land of
our dreams where dwells the
unsuspecting public," the year-
book editors wrote.

KENNEDY is a staunch ad-
vocate of partisan elections for
the governing boards of state
institutions. "The fact that the
people elect the Regents has led
to the situation where we can
honestly say there is no better-
operated university."
He puts himself on the "mid-
dle ground" as far as tuition is
concerned, believing that stu-
dents should not be paid to at-
tend the University ("there's
nothing worthwhile unless you
work for it"), but that tuition
must be kept low ("we don't
want to price ourselves out of
the market").
Kennedy believes the Univer-
sity student of 1961 is much the
same as his predecessor 50 years
ago. "People are about the same
as their grandfathers. When I
was a student, we had our share
of student demonstrations, too.
I can remember a big theatre
riot, and the day we derailed
a handcar."
* * *
THIS PREMISE underlies
Kennedy's firm belief that "it
is part of the University's busi-
ness to set up rules in conform-
ance of normal standards. If
you can't develop society's val-
ues in a great university, where
can you?"
Kennedly's last visit to cam-
pus was in the midst of the
controversy about letting wom-
en students visit in quadrangle
As a Regent, doctor and
father of six children, Kennedy
found himself "unalterably op-
posed to the idea," and could see
"no sense" in permitting it.-
"The University must guide
persons morally, socially and
educationally. Nothing that in-
terferes with good taste or that
leads to deterioration must be
Student government can aid
the student's development, and
Kennedy believes Student Gov-
ernment Council should be
allowed "to present any rea-
sonable sort of thought." The
Regents will never turn the ad-
ministration of tht University
over to the students, however,
he said with a laugh.
Pausing for a moment outside
his room at the Michigan Union,
Kennedy joined Eckert as they
walked toward another Regents'
meeting. A solemn nod indi-
cated that both deeply felt the
responsibility for the Univer-
sity's future-a future which
their votes helped iold.

Constitution CABI
Status Asked
At Con-con
Hilberry, Spathelf the acting
. United N
Address Committee last nighi
LANSING (M)-Two state insti- Congo fig
tutions of higher learning asked and troop,
yesterday for constitutional stat- ga Provind
us to match that of the University er had 1
and Michigan State University. stand th
The please were made by Wayne on untilt
State University President Clar- won itsa
ence Hilberry and Victor Spat- dom of m
helf, president of Ferris Institute attack an
at Big Rapids. They appeared be- UN Cong
fore the constitutional convention The n
education committee. quickly.
Hilberry told the committee the
Wayne State Board of Governors irsy.
should have the same authority First. M
granted under the constitution to nedy in
the MSU Board of Trustees and plea fro
the Regents. Wording in the pres-nme Ts
ent constitution leaves the status name a
of the Wayne board doubtful. fighting.
Both opposed a super-board of
control for all state colleges and
universities. . 5 l
"A super-board of control would
weaken rather than strengthen
the individual institutions," Hil- 0 11
berry said.
Joint Testing In a r
Senate th
Report Denied f" str
"must be
WASHINGTON (P)--The White cepts of ef
House described as "very specula- over vital
tive" yesterday a report that the tions," inc
United States is considering a pro- operation
posal for joint British-American Prof. S
nuclear tests. signment
Pierre Salinger, White House schools a
press secretary, said it would not versity to
be unusual for the United States program v
and Great Britain to discuss nu- program
clear testing but, referring to the He has
published account, he said, "o and disco
the particular facts, it is highly and will
speculative." their dean




atanga Asks
D NATIONS (') - The
of the United States and He quickly named Edmund Gul-
gsecretary-general of the lion, United States ambassador in
ations announced moves1 Leopoldvlle, The Congo capital,
t for a deal to end the as his personal representative on
hting between UN forces the Katanga crisis-and told Con-
ps of secessionist Katan- go Premier Cyrille Adoula and UN
ce. Acting Secretary-General U Thant
ications were that neith- what he was doing.
backed down from the Then, Thant wrote the British
at the fighting must go delegation that he had sent two
the United Nations had emissaries to Leopoldville to seek
aims in Katanga: free- peaceful reconciliation between
movement, freedom from Katanga and the Leopoldville cen-
ad freedom to carry out tral government. Thant was reply-
o resolutions. ing to a British demand for a
ew developments came! cease-fire worthwith.
U.S. Firm
Gets Cable ..fol -.. - - -- irp 1P

U.S. Aid



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Bad, Weather
Holiday Travel
Approximately 15,000 students
are expected to leave Ann Arbor
this weekend to be with their
families during the Christmas
holidays which begin tomorrow at
noon and end Jan. 3.
Plane, train and bus terminals
have' been feeling the pressure of
the annual exodus through a
heavy volume of advance ticket
And students have been seeking
automobile rides for weeks via
campus bulletin boards. Perhaps
the busiest of these boards is
Michigan Union service near the
Large Map
It features a large United States
map cut into nine regions, each
dotted with small metal hooks.
Maize and blue address cards are
put on the hooks by students of-
fering or wanting rides.
Ticket Sales
There have been heavy advance
ticket sales on many bus runs, but
about seven extra buses from De-
troit will be available at the Ann
Arbor station to accommodate ex-
tra passengers, the Greyhound
terminal reported. Railroads are
also expecting crowded conditions.
Good flying conditions are fore-
cast by the United States Weather
Bureau, although there is a chance
of snow flurries this weekend.
Weather in the Ann Arbor area
will be partly cloudy and colder
today, with a high of 24.
Roads were slippery in the Ann
Arbor area last night and snowy
in southwestern Michigan. Buses,
however, were running on time
yesterday. Tomorrow should bring

Hatcher Hits 'Generalizations'

University President Harlan H.
Hatcher views as "sweeping gen-
eralizations" the charges of des-
perate corruption in the values
of contemporary higher education.
Charges that such corruption
exists spring from Yale Univer-
sity President A. Whitney Gris-
wold and Robert M. Hutchins,
former chancellor of the Univer-
sity of Chicago. Both leveled part
of the attack on college presidents.
Comenting on the "service sta-
tion concept of the university"
noted by Griswold in a booklet,
"The University," P r e s i d e n t
Hatcher holds that the service
station concept does not exist as
a byproduct of a large university.
"Many large universities may not
be placed in this category."
In contrast to Griswold who
Two Regents
To Bow Out
After 16 Years
Regents Otto E. Eckert of Lans-
ing and Charles S. Kennedy of
Detroit, both 'Republicans, will
serve at their last meeting this
Both are retiring after 16 years
of service on the Board.
The Board is expected to accept
the resignations of Prof. Kenneth
Stewart of the journalism depart-
ment and Prof. Joseph Boyd, di-
rector of the Institute of Science
and Technology.
Director of University Relations
Michael Radock said that greatest


sees the secondary school as the
scene of most desparate corrup-
tion, President Hatcher cites the
great improvement attained by
high schools in th last few years
in preparing students for college.
Griswold had charged that "we
who hold the office (of college
presidents) spend so much time

justifying what we're doing that
we don't have time to do what
we're justifying."
Hutchins said that university
presidents were often men con-
cerned mainly with public rela-
tions and measure their accom-
plishments in terms of size of en-

rest of the
He will
greater de
to the Ser,
tion when
In stri
gram mor(
and mod
said the
guard the
sity, avoi
mum flex
tain max
staff, and
en existin
, He beli
forced ac
low stude
of progre
"Year -z
viewed as
the Unive
without d:
The ac
the prog
will depen
ability of
the indivi
upon the
permit ex
and servi

President John F. Ken-
Washington got a cabled
m Katanga President
hombe asking that he
negotiator and stop the
[rr Talks
eport to the University
is week, Prof. Stephen H.
the silviculture, depart-
ssed that the University
diligent not to let con-
Ificiency take precedence
I educational considera-
operating the year-round
purr is on special as-
to consult with various
end colleges in the Uni-
study any problems the
would create.
been encouraging the
nd colleges to consider
uss any such problems
continue to meet with
ns and faculties for the
e acadamic year.
Greater Depth
write up his findings in
epth in a further report
nate and the administra-
She has finished.
ving to arrive at a pro-
e desirable to meet the
s of "modern populations
ern times," Prof. Spurr
University must safe-
quality of the Univer-
id unnecessary change,
adequate breaks in the
program, secure maxi-
ibility for students, ob-
imum flexibility for the
maintain and strength-
g summer offerings.
No Merit
eves there is no merit in
celeration, but says the
would do well to al-
nts to vary their rates
ss within limits.
round operation," he
"is not viewed as an
measure: it is rather
a means of increasing
xsity's service to the state
iminishing the quality of
n and the prestige of the
tual implementation of
,ram, Prof. Spurr said,
rd not only on the avail-
qualified students in
dual programs, but also
availability of funds to
xpansion of instruction
ces without dminishing
Dvertaxing Staff

United States soures here de-
clared firmly the United States
position was still what it was Wed-
nesday when Undersecretary of
State George W. Ball stated that
no cease-fire was feasible until
minimum UN objectives had been
"if you're going to get a cease-
fire," one said, "you would as-
sume that the UN would agree to
it. And the UN would not agree to,
it until it had accomplished its
On the record, those objectives
remained as Thant stated them
last Sunday-when he said he
would welcome any peaceful ini-
tiatives but that the fight would
go on until the United Nations was
satisfied it could implement all its
Congo resolutions.
Ask Removal
Those resolutions call, among
other things, for removal of for-
eign mercenaries deemed to be the
main prop of Tshombe's seces-
Thant's letter responded to
Britain's expressed worry about
the purpose of the UN Karmnga
operations that started Dec. 5.
British delegate Sir Patrick Dean
had asked Thant for it earlier in
the day atha conference with
Thant and United States Ambas-
sador Adlai E. Stevenson.
United States sources said Stev-
enson had not joined in the re-
quest and was "an innocent by-

stander" in the affair. They said
he saw Thant by himself several
times afterward to tell him what
Kennedy was doing,
Diplomats Speculate
Veteran diplomats speculated
1) Tshombe wanted to get out
of the fighting what he could be-
fore the UN force started an ex-
pected big push.
2) The United States and the
United Nations were probing to
find out whether he was ready to
negotiate seriously with Adoula
for a unified Congo.
Free Speech
Colleges and universities should
grant students the right of free
discussion in off-campus political
activities, student-sponsored for-
ums and the operation of newspa-
pers and radio stations, the Amer-
ican Civil Liberties Union urged
In a new edition of its pamphlet
on academic freedom and civil
rights for college students, the
union also called for an end to
discrimination in social clubs, fra-
ternities and off-campus housing
The pamphlet emphasizes the
right of college students to engage
,in off-campus picketing or other
types of demonstrations without
being penalized by the college ad-
ministration, provided they do not
claim without authorization to
represent their administration.,
"Students should not be shackl-
ed by college control, nor should
the college be held responsible
for the off-campus activities of
its individual students . . . when
students choose to participate in
activities that result in police ac-
tion . . . it's an infringement of
their liberty got the college to pun-
ish such activity."

BishopEmeric h To Give
Commencement Address
Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emrich, Episcopal bishop of the Michigan
Diocese will discuss "Some Aspects of a Philosophy of History as Re-
vealed in a Form of Popular Modern Literature" at midyear gradua-
President Harlan Hatcher will preside over the Jan. 20 ceremony
in Hill Aud. which will graduate 1,660 students.
The Episcopal leader, bishop since 1948, has spoken widely on so-
cial, moral and political issues, composed several articles and pamph-
lets and writes a weekly newspa-
per column in Detroit.
Bishop Emrich received a bach-
eloror arts degree at Brown Uni-
versity. His bachelor of divinity
degree was earned at Union Theo-
logical Seminary. He also holds a
doctor of philosophy degree from
the University of Marburg; a doc-
tor of sacred theology from Ken-
yon College, and a doctor of divin-
ity from Huron College, London,
Ont., Canada.
Ordained in 1936, Emrich serv-
ed as an assistant in Waterbury,
Conn. and rector in South Lincoln , .
and Marion, Mass. He was on the
faculty of the Episcopal Theologi-
cal School, Cambridge, Mass. from
1937 to 1946.
Bishop Emrich is a member of
the American Theological Society
and has been honored with the
Commander of the Order of the
British Empire. He is a trustee of
Cranbrook School, Bloomfield
Hills and Olivet College. His books
include "The Conception of the
Church in the Writings of Baron
von Hugel."

New, Councl
Would Plan
Power Prophesizes
Rapid Implementing
By State Institutions
Plans for a Michigan Co-
ordinating Council for Public
Highr Education were approved
in Lansing yesterday by members
of the governing boards of the
state's colleges and' universities. "
The proposed council would be
made up of governing board rep-
resentatives, the presidents of
Michigan's four-year public in-
stitutions, plus a representative
from the state's junior colleges.
It would "plan for the orderly
development and coordination of
public higher education in the
state," Regent Eugene Power,
chairman of the coordination
study committee, announced.
December Meeting
The plan will be submitted at
the December meetings of the
various individual governing'
boards for their approval, and for
appointment of a representative
and an alternate from each board.
An organizational meeting is plan-
ned for January.
"We plan to move very rapidly,"
Power said.
The council will combine the
resources and staff of "_: -Council
of State College Presidents and
the Association of Governing
Boards. Council Executive Secre-
tary M. M. Chambers will serve
in the same capacity for the co-
ordinating council and the offices
will be in Lansing.
Statewide View
Power noted that the purpose
of the council will be to provide
a statewide view to the problems
of higher education rather than
each institution being guided by
its own needs.
Since the state has limited re-
sources, it is up to the board
members as the elected represen-
tatives of the people to see that
the funds are spent with maxi-
mum benefit and result, Power
Coordination would be imple-
mented by reviewing the needs
of institutions, determining the
greatest state needs and then
recommending where the funds
could best be allocated, he added.
No Power
The council will have no power
to enforce its decisions, but mu-
tual agreement, pressures of the
public, press, legislature and the
governor will probably insure com-
pliance, Power said.
Ultimately, the council hopes
to be able to submit a unified bud-
get for all institutions upon which
they all agree.


THE MAN AND THE BELLS-Prof. Percival P. Price of the music
school plays the University's carillon located in the Burton Tower.
Carillon Concerts Feature
Flu -.- -~ ~~1 0

Care must be taken, he pointed
out, not to commit the University
to programs it cannot assume
without overtaxing staff and fa-
cilities and, alternatively, prema-
turely initiating a large summer
operation, before the "social pres-
sures attendant upon population
pressures make the requisite num-
ber of students available."

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