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December 13, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-13

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:Yl r e

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Variable cloudiness, snow
flurries this morning.




Year in Review:
Part I
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a two part series analyzing the
major events of the past year which have affected the University. Today's
article will stress student affairs and academics.)
Longstanding student and faculty dissatisfaction was sharply
focused on the Office of student Affairs this year. Reports asking
widesweeping changes in the structure and personnel of the OSA and
airing criticism of the residence halls were released.
Women were allowed to visit men's apartments, but a similar
move to vote them access to quadrangle rooms failed under strong
outside pressures. The problem of misuse of Michigan Union facili-
ties touched off a campus controversy and a special committee un-
der took a year-long study of the Union.
Segregation in the South had an impact on the University com-
munity as sympathy pickets of Kresge's continued and local students
went down to Mississippi and Tennessee. Suspensions of fraternity
charters on. other campuses also echoed in Ann Arbor as Student
Government Council sought to collect membership criteria state-
ments from the 64 affiliate chapter's.
Civil rights took a back seat to peace when the fall semester
Inside the classroom, other
changes were fomenting. The jun-
ior year abroad program finally
got a site selected and some finan-
cial backing. The honors program
x initiated a "professor in resi-
dence" and sought funds to spon-
' sor more independent study.
The number of offers to faculty
r from other colleges reached a rec-
ord number this year. The Uni-
versity's professors meanwhile un-
<<' dertook a study of academic free-
Sdom and made further tries to
consolidate their power under the
Senate Advisory Committee.
OSA in Transition
After a three month's study of
JAMES A. LEWIS the OSA, the University Senate's
student affairs Committee on Student Relations
asked a thorough shakeup of the
office, positive implementation of the Regents' bylaw on discrimina-
tion, a thorough review of student housing arrangements, and estab-
lishment of an orderly grievance mechanism for students.
The faculty committee began its study after receiving a docu-
mented complaint from a group of students, who included the 1960-61
Daily senior editors and three members of SGC's Human Relations
Board. The student report was chiefly a protest against the orienta-
tion and practices of Dean of Women Deborah Bacon and her office.
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, to whom the
faculty report was submitted, appointed an OSA Study Committee
to evaluate his office. At first, only a faculty group, it added four
student members this fall.
While the committee was holding its first sessions, Miss Bacon
and two assistants, Elsie Fuller and Catherina Bergeon, resigned their
posts. In her resignation statement, Miss Bacon explained to the Re-
gents that the burden of her job "grows heavier year by year, espe-
cially inasmuch as I personally am not in tune with some of the
changes which seem inevitable in the years ahead."
The dean of women's office was reorganized on an interim basis,
pending the study committee's report and Regental action. Assistant
Dean Elizabeth Davenport is heading the temporary staff.
The committee completed its last major discussion session yester-
day and will draft its report over the holiday recess. Lewis said he
would forward the recommendations to the Senate and to Student
Government Council for comment. The Regents are expected to act
on them this spring.
Women Guests .. .
All women students, with the exception of first semester fresh-
men, received permission to visit in men's private residences in May.
Vice-President Lewis approved the final wording of the policy
which reversed earlier regulations forbidding undergraduate women
from visiting apartments at any time. The former ruling had been
only slightly enforced.
Freshmen women were deleted from the more liberal rule because
they were not familiar enough with "campus mores and social situa-
tions," Lewis said.
Quadrangle residents were not as fortunate as their colleagues
with private housing. The Residence Halls Board of Governors, with
only one dissenting vote, turned back a motion that would allow wom-
en guests in the quad rooms.
Inter-Quadrangle Council President Thomas Moch, '62E-whose
organization initiated the request-cast the only affirmative vote on

the student-faculty-administrator board. Although he carried the firm
endorsement of SGC into the meeting, alumni and parental protests
strangled hopes of the motion passing.
Board members cited the disruptions in day-to-day living the
women guests would cause and the lessening of study hours. Letters
to the Regents and local newspapers saw exposure of the students
to "temptation" as part of a plot to undermine the moral character
of youth and prepare the way for easy Communist infiltration.
Criticism of Quads..
The University does not provide an adequate living experience for
men in residence halls, nor is it satisfactorily studying residence hall
problems, an East Quadrangle resident adviser charged last March--
and he provided an unpublished 181-page report to support his claims.
Herbert C. Sigman, who released the controversial Scheub re-
port, said the document was submitted to the administration, but
was not taken very seriously. It was based on interviews with 40 East
Quad residents and was highly critical of the residence halls.
John Hale, assistant dean of men in charge of residence halls,
said the lengthy report "'might have some truth in it" but was based
on invalid survey methods. The report was discussed briefly, Hale
said, but was not used as a working document because of its 'poor'


tcher Rejects
Testimony B4





Power Sees
Of Colleges.
CSCP Seeks Approval
Of Merger Measure
Special To The Daily
LANSING - Regent Eugene B.
Power, yesterday, speaking before
the education committee of the
Constitutional Convention, said a
plan will be presented for approval
to the Association of Governing
Boards which would create an ef-
fective voluntary coordinating
commission among the state's col-
leges and universities.
Basically, this would be accomp-
lished by the merger of the Mich-
igan Council of State College Pres-
idents with the Association of Gov-
erning Boards, he said.
The new commission will be
headed by Merritt M. Chambers,
the present head of the MCSCP
Con-Con delegate Roscoe 0. Bon-
isteel (R-Ann Arbor) and former
chairman of the Association of
Governing Boards, said.
Strong Commission
"We would want a commission
strong enough to present a single
budgetary request of the legisla-
ture," Power noted.
He explained that all the pres-
ent planning would go for naught
if it were superceded by a con-
stitutionally created commission
"The nation is watching Michi-
gan's experiment, and I would
hope the constitution would give
leeway, general if anything, to
provide for a voluntary organiza..
tion," Power said.
Fourth Branch
"In effect, the new commission
would create a fourth branch of
government within the state," Re-
gent Donald D. M. Thurber noted.
Con-Con delegate Jack Faxon
(D-Detroit), a member of the edu-
cation committee, said "the rec-
ommendations with regard to a
voluntary board were very well
taken by our committee, except
that at certain times in our his-
tory, voluntary cooperation has
not always worked.
Faxon is the author of a pro-
posal which would combine the
state universities under a coordin-
ating council responsible to the
Albany Court
Sets Hayden's
Trial Today
Former Daily Editor Thomas
Hayden, '61, will stand trial in
Albany, Georgia, this morning on
charges stemming from an inci-
dent Sunday involving the deseg-
regation of a train station.
Hayden, 10 others arrested Sun-
day and 268 demonstrators jailed
yesterday all face charges of dis-
orderly conduct, obstructing traffic
and failing to obey police officers.
He said last night that his ap-
pearance in court will come im-
mediately after the verdict is de-
livered on Per Laursen, who had
been arrested with Hayden.
Anticipates Verdict
Hayden said that he expects
Laursen and himself to be found
guilty, after which he will appeal.
Both entered pleas of not guilty.
Hayden, who with several others
was released Monday on $200 bond,
spent Sunday night "on the second
floor of city hall.
"We were given no food and no

water, and the guards unplugged
the soft drink machine and then
told us it was 'out of order'."
Worse Plight
Hayden, however, said that the
207 adult and 61 student (under
18) Negro demonstrators arrested
yesterday faced an even more in-
humane plight. "There were 25
people placed in each eight-by-1O
cell. They were given no water nor

Outlines Proposals,
For Hligher Education
Maintains 'Freedom of Operation
Heart and Soul of Great University'
Special To The Daily
LANSING-University President Harlan H. Hatcher yes-
terday rejected the concept of a compulsory state coordinat-
ing committee in outlining five proposals concerning higher
education before the education committee of the Constitu-
tional Convention.
Instead of a constitutional "super-board," he suggested
the implementation of a voluntary coordinating commission
whereby "Michigan colleges and universities can work togeth-
er effectively while retaining the autonomy which has been so
vital to their development. -

-AP Wirephoto
'U' PROPOSAL-University President Harlan Hatcher tells the constitutional convention committee
on education that each of the state's colleges and universities must have separate, autonomous boards
with constitutional status. After Hatcher testified Regent Eugene B. Power told the group that the
State Council of College Presidents and the Association of Governing Boards were planning a vol-
untary coordinating group, which would offer a unified budget request each year. At Hatcher's right
is committee chairman, Alvin M. Bentley (R-Owosso).

Union Asks
Wage Boost
By The Associated Press
BAL HARBOUR, Fla. - Dele-
gates to the AFL-CIO Convention
yesterday adopted a series of eco-
nomic policies clashing with those
advanced by President John F.
Kennedy's administration.
One resolution announced a new
union drive to boost wages. It
made no mention of Kennedy's
plan for restraint in negotiating
pay rates and keeping over-all
pay increases in line with in-
creases in productivity.
A second resolution cleared by
the convention pledged the AFL-
CIO to work for federal legisla-
tion and labor contract terms pro-
viding for a reduction in working
Delegates approved a third res-
olution saying that, contrary to
Kennedy's announced intent to
submit a balanced federal budget,
now is .not the time for budget
balancing but for increased fed-
eral expenditures to combat un-
George Meany, federation pres-
ident, and A. Philip Randolph,
Negro president of the Brother-
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, ac-
cused each other of breaking an
agreement to try to keep debate
over the issue from getting out of
The ensuing squabble left un-
settled a dispute over a two-
months-old censure statement
made by the AFL-CIO Executive
Council against Randolph, the
council's only Negro member.

OSA Study Committee
To Hold Open Meeting
Members of the University community will have an opportunity
to ask questions and-bring up recommendations concerning restruc-
turing of the Office of Student Affairs at a two hour "open forum"
Jan. 9.
The OSA Study Committee hopes "to gather data and ideas" from
the meeting that it may have bypassed in its considerations thus far,

committee chairman, Prof. JohnI
Cite Needs
Gov. John B. Swainson confer-
red Monday night in Lansing with.
University officials on where the
greatest needs of the University
lie, in preparation for his annual
budget request to the Legislature
in January.
He was told that the University
placed top priority on faculty pay
raises, but that it also ranked
high faculty services in the grad-
uate and professional schools, and
construction and replacing labora-
tory facilities, according toDirec-
tor of University Relations Michael
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher and Regent Eugene B.
Power also told the Governor that
the University had not yet offi-
cially considered a tuition hike as
a source of additional funds. Rad-
ock said yesterday that the Uni-
versity presently held student fees
to 23 per cent of total revenue.

Reed of the law school said last
night. He will summarize the top-
ics which the committee has prob-
ed and list some of the alterna-
tives its report may recommend.
Prof. Reed stressed that the
open meeting-which will last
from 4 to 6 p.m.-will precede
the writing of the committee's
report. "We are very willing to
listen to all suggestions and anx-
ious to receive any which prove
to be worthwhile." A place for
the open meeting has not yet been
Individual committee members
will prepare drafts of their sug-
gestions for restructuring the of-
fice during the vacation period.
Prof. Reed will try to synthesize
their views into a committee re,
port and will call extra meetings
if "too many conflicts" arise.
The study group held its last
regular meeting before the holiday
recess yesterday, though Prof.
Reed conferred with representa-
tives from the- Alumnae Council
later in the day. The alumnae
group passed a motion in Septem-
ber urging that the Dean of Wom-
en's office be preserved in any
possible structural change.
Monday night, the committee
met with representatives from the
non-academic deans' office. Dean
of Men Walter B. Rea and as-
sistants John Bingley and John
Hale discussed their positions in
the OSA as did acting Dean of
Women Elizabeth Davenport and
her chief aide, Elizabeth Leslie.
A first draft of the group re-
port will go to the University Sen-
ate's Student Relations Commit-
tee and to Student Government
Council for comments before a
final document is filed with Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis.
The study committee has cov-
ered "the major part" of its agen-
da with discussions on philosophy,
housing, counseling and judiciar-
ies," Prof. Reed said. "We just
started to evaluate the different
types of structure."
ID Cards
Approximately 15,000 Univer-
sity students will have to

Freedom of operation is the
very heart and soul of a great
university. History has amply
shown that the most effective
institutions have been those
which have enjoyed freedom
from external controls," he
Retain Separation
In order to preserve this free-
dom, he asked that the present
provisions for separate and au-
tonomous governing boards be re-
tained for the three constitution-
ally established universities-the
University, Wayne State Univer-
sity and Michigan State Univer-
In addition, he asked the crea-
tion of separate governing boards
or an enlarged board under con-
stitutional authority to replace
the single board now empowered
by the Legislature to serve the
state's four regional institutions.
President Hatcher broadened
his concept of voluntary coordi-
nation to include cooperation
among leading universities of the
Great Lakes region. This would
result in less duplication of ef-
forts in such fields as area stud-
ies and intensified language pro-
Extend Concept
Furthermore, "the same concept
should be extended to our grow-
ing relations with the Federal
Government where means of
greater cooperation need to be
explored and developed so that we
may make the best use of our to-
tal national resources to meet our
mounting national as well as lo-
cal needs," he said.
In reference to accommodating
future growth, he said that "com-
munity colleges will play increas-
ingly important parts in offering
educational opportunities for a
large segment of the population."
Consequently, most of the Uni-
versity's future growth will occur
at the upper levels of work and
there will be a steady rise in the
number of students in graduate-
professional fields, he said.
Regent Donald M. D. Thurber
added his observations to those
of President Hatcher.
IQC Officers
To Quit Posts
Inter-Quadrangle Council Pes-
ident Thomas Moch, '62E. and his
executive cabinet have sent a let-
ter to the Council announcing
their resignations effective Feb-
ruary 15, in order to pave the way
for IQC officer elections.
Moch explained last night that
while the elections come in April
under the present constitution,
they were held in February last
year as part of a special arrange-
ment to prevent former officers,
David Catron, '61, and Michael
Mason, '61, from resigning early.
Thus, by February 15, Moch. Vice-
President Robert Geary, '63E, and
Secretary-Treasurer Roger Pfeuf-
fer, '64, will have completed a
year's term. Unless they resign,
they could hold office until April.
Moch had hoped to have a re-

SGC To Hear
Rules Motion
Student Government Council to-
night will consider the motion on
"Authority over Student Rules and
Conduct," submitted by Brian
Glick, '63, and Daily Editor John
Rpberts, '62.
Other motions postponed last
week by debate of a deadline for
submission of membership state-
ments will also be discussed.
The Glick-Roberts motion would
express disapproval of the recent
decision of the Residence Halls
Board of Governors regarding per-
mission for women to visit men in
their rooms in the quadrangles.
Bylaw Change
It also asks changes in Board
of Regent's Bylaws to transfer
legislative and judicial authority
from the Subcommittee on Stu-
dent Discipline, which is compos-
ed of three faculty members ap-
pointed by President Harlan
Hatcher, the Dean of Men and
the Dean of Women, the Board of
Governors and the Vice-President
for Student Affairs.
This authority would be held by
SGC as the democratically elect-
ed representatives of the student
body and the judicial powers could
be referred to a council appointed.
by SGC and ultimately responsible
to the Regents.
Also included in the motion are
a Student Bill of Rights and oth-
er changes in Regents Bylaws and
the Council plan.
The Council will receive a mo-
tion by Thomas Brown, '63, and
John Vos, '63, asking for public
interviewing of persons applying
for interim appointments to fill
Council vacancies. The Council
will also consider filling the seat
now vacant on the Council due to
the resignation of William Glea-
son, '63.
A motion asking the Committee
on the University to investigate
orientation programs that "more
fully indicate the nature of the
educational enterprise" will be
submitted by Robert Ross, '63.
Peace Course
In addition the Council will
consider a motion supporting a
credit course in the "Problems of
Peace in the NuclearhAge," re-
ceive reports from the Reading
and Discussion Program Commit-
tee, Driving Code Revision Com-
mittee and a motion from the
committee on Student Activities
asking permanent recognition for
Voice Political Party and Ameri-
cans Committed to World Respon-
Goans Raise
Indian Flags
By The Associated Press
KARWAR, India-Supporters of
India's claim to Goa hoisted flags
over two villages as Portugal pre-
pared to evacuate women and
children from the threatened en-

Organiztations See
Impending Problem
With the approaching possibility of year-round operation at the
University, student leaders are studying the problems the proposed
"split third term" plan holds for their organizations.
Most of the major student organizations are going to be hard-
pressed by leadershp difficulties and some will feel a financial bur-
den, their leaders say.
The plan calls for three "trimesters" of 15%/ weeks each, with
the summer trimester, which begins in mid-May and runs through
August, split in half. When the plan is in full operation, presumably
by 1965, the University will be operating at capacity all year.
Michigan Union President Paul Carder, '62, comments that the
main problem for the Union will be providing coherent year-round
leadership. A project might lose continuity when a chairman who had

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