Vestern Allies Launch SECOND DAY: 3erlin Strategy Talks At Washington Parley Participant s At . son Elude Pres East-West Parley Prospects Called 'Slightly Brighter' . 0 LEOPOLDVILLE (P-Katanga forces of President Moise Tshom- be last night were reported hold- ing part of the Elisabethville Air- port against United Nations forc- es and to have driven off a UN plane with anti-aircraft fire. The plane, damaged by gun- fire, was reported to have crash- landed on an emergency approach to Kamina Airport but none aboard was injured. The UN force was reported to have heavily bom- barded a Katanga military camp in retaliation for the plane inci- dent. An unconfirmed broadcast last night reported Tshombe had ap- proached UN Representative Con- or Cruise O'Brien in an attempt to stop the Elisabethville fight- ing. Fight in Streets Fighting raged through the Elisabethville, streets, parks and surroundings for the second day as the Katangans of Tshombe held tenaciously in determination to keep their rich province from union with the hard-up Congo government of Leopoldville. The UN forces had moved on the Katanga capital at the re- quest of Leopoldville to unify The Congo and end the Katanga se- cession. Tshombe was reported by sev- eral sources to be holding to his home grounds. Conducts Total War At Salisbury, Southern Rho- WASUINGTON (2) - Western foreign ministers began strategy talks yesterday amid slightly brighter prospects for East-West negotiations looking toward re,- solving the Berlin crisis without war. Representatives of the United States, Great Britain and France opened the three-day talks with a session lasting 2 hours. . But participants eluded report- ers when the meeting broke up and a State Department spokes- man Would not go 'beyond- this terse report: General Review "It was a general review of out- standing problems, including de- velopments in Laos and The Con- go and the current situation in Berlin." West Germany will be repre- sented at subsequent meetings, which are expected to go into the Berlin-German problem in more detail. Before the ''foreign ministers' meeting, State Department Press Officer Joseph Reap indicated to! newsmen that the department now feels there {is informal agree- ment on both sides to go ahead with preliminary discussions look- ing to the serious Berlin negotia- tions both West and East have said the want. Visits Rusk Russian Ambassador Mikhail Menshikov caused a flurry among newsmen standing by at the State Department when, he appeared unexpectedly and met briefly with Secretary of State Dean Rusk while the foreign .ministers were in session. Menshikov was with Rusk only. a few minutes and when he left would not tell reporters what they talked about. And. 'the State De- partment would say only that the appointment was arranged on short notice at the, request of Menshikov who has just returned from a Russian vacation. A department spokesman did say the ambassador did not bring a note or other communication from Moscow. °' -AP Wirephoto THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY-This is the East German Clean- ing Department truck which was used by an Eastern Zone couple Monday to break through a Communist guarded wall in the American sector of West Berlin. Adenauer Brandt Agreon Policy By JOHN 0. KOELER Associated Press Feature Writer BONN--West German foreign policy is likely to continue on its strictly pro-Western course no matter who wins Sunday's na- tional election. Tliere is no significant differ- ence in foreign policy matters be- tween the two principal oppon- ents, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of the conservative Christian Democrat Party and the socialists' West. Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt. Adenauer and Brandt imaintain that the Berlin crisis must be solved through East-West nego- tiations without any Western con- fcessions which could curtail the freedom of the city's population. Both feel the basis for successful ,talks is the removal of the barbed wire and walls which restrict the movement within the former Ger- man capital. They believe the future of West Berlin must be determined within the framework of the future of Germany. Thus, nothing should be done to change the status of the city unless Germany can be reuni- fied on the basis of free elections in West and Communist East Germany. Without this the West- ern' Big Three should maintain their troops in the city to guard its freedom. Brandt says a socialist govern- ment would be more active in working oit the basis for a peace treaty with a reunified Germany in "closest cooperation with the Western powers." Adenauer maintains that a cli- mate favorable for reunification can be achieved only by easing of world tensions through general, and controlled disarmament. PITTSBURGH OP) - Republic Steel Corp. and 'Jones & Laugh- lin Steel Corp. said yesterday they do not know whether, or to what extent, or when they may adjust their prices. Commenting on the President's appeal, Thomas F. Patton, head of Republic Steel, said: "We have not raised the gen- eral level of our prices for more than three years, ih spite of two successive increases in employ- ment costs. Yet, we are now asked to absorb a third increase Oct. 1 without compensating prices ad- justments. "Your advisors seek to justify the freezing of current steel prices, regardless of the inequities to our company. We are asked, in effect, to substitute their per- sonal judgment for the known ef- ficiency and fairness of the com- petitive market places. This we cannot do." Board Chairman Avery C. Adams of J & L said: . "Your proposal that steel prices be frozen is a major step toward price-fixing by government decree and constitutes dangerous im- pairment of our free economy." -AP Wirephoto ACROSST#IE FENCE -- West and East German couples engage in conversation over the barbed wire along the border near Dresdner Strasse. The reasons for joining the Young Republicans: 1. You are a Republican interested in helping to pro- mote Republican principles. 2. You THINK you are a Republican, but would like to 'know more about the Party. 3. You would LIKE to become a Republican. 4. You are an unhappy Democrat. 5. You plan to go into politics. 6. Your friends are Democrats and you would like to L_ _L1..-t_ I * .1 . .,. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1961 I 1111'RW - UI I%* - *ILU uIUEUIUU \Li' 1 G 7 am 11v l I I qj