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December 12, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-12

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See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Chance of rain today
turning to snow tonight





Year in Review:
Part I
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a two part series analyzing the
major events of the past year which have affected the University. Today's
article provides a general summary and discussion of primarily non-student
An austerity budget kept the University from moving ahead
this year, but actions were taken and plans were developed that
Swillsignificantly affect the faculty and students for decades to
The plans included a trimester system for year-round operation,
a building program for a physics-astronomy building and new
buildings for the music school and the architecture college on North
Campus. The year also included preliminary hearings of the Consti-
tutional Convention on higher education, cooperation with industry
to create a growing business complex in the Ann Arbor area, and
skirmishes with the Legislature over budgets.
As the pattern of undergraduate academics changes, so will
the University's relation with the student outside the classroom.
Faculty and student protests led to the formation-of an Office of
Student Affairs Study Committee The committee is completing its
discussion, and will present a report urging structural and personnel
changes in the OSA. It marks the first official attempts to construct
a consistent philosophy underlying non-academic affairs.
The Trimester .. .
Early last June, the Regents formally endorsed a faculty com-
inittee's recommendation that the University add at third "split"
semester to its present calendar.
The proposed schedule would.
move the beginning of the fall
'- semester back to the last week
in August. This term would run
about 15 weeks, ending before
-- -'s"<.< Christmas vacation.
The second. semester begins im-
mediately after the two-week re-
cess. The third split semester
would begin in mid-May and run'
through August It will consist of'
a 16 week period divided into two£
eight week sessions.
Some courses would be offered
the first period, some during the
second and others during both.
This will depend on the individual
need of the 'U' No changes will be made during
this academic year, but-the regis-
tration and orientation periods next fall will be moved back to
earlier dates.
More and more students will be earning their baccalaureates
degrees at the end of three calendar years, and some will win theirst
after only two and a half.r
Greater emphasis will be placed on independent study and other
teaching experiments to make the shorter learning period a moree
meaningful one. -
University President Harlan Hatcher stressed that full yearv
operation {did not mean that a particular student or professor wouldr
be forced to be on campus every month.1
Regent Eugene Power explained that the proposed calendart
revisions hinged on added moneys the University must receive fromt
Although the various colleges and student organizations recog-
nized that the full-year operation would have important ramifica-
tions on their program, little discussion about them were forthcoming
this fall. Most agencies adopted a "wait and see" attitude.
Plan New Buildings . .
Whether or not the full year calendar becomes a reality, new
buildings will be needed for the campus as facilities become outdated,
and overcrowded. Taking a long look at capital outlay needs this
summer, the Regents approved a program calling for $106.1 million
in state funds for new construction.n
The five-year plan drawn up by Vice-President for Business and h
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont also asked for $10.6 million for remodel- (
ing and additions to present structures.
At the top of the list was the Physics-Astronomy Bldg., which t
underwent construction this fall. The Legislature has granted $4.3 t
million for the building during the last two years. The Regents
asked for the rest of the $7 million allocated the project next year. p
Second in the appeal for money to construct 26 new projects h
is the music school slated for North Campus. Other new construction T
called for includes Unit II of the Fluids Engineering Bldg., Dental I
Bldg., education school, Mathematics and Computing Center, archi- f
tecture college and Engineering Laboratory.
As the University's branches at Dearborn and Flint drew more 1
students, Michigan's Twin Cities-Benton Harbor and St. Joseph-
considered asking the University to establish a branch there. s
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said g
the idea, fostered by the St. Joseph Greater Community Corp., has i
not yet been discussed even informally. He said that the cities, n
along Lake Michigan, must show a minimum student body potential a

and must find someone to finance the necessary buildings and C
equipment. p
The subject was broached with University. administrators at ao
meeting in St. Joseph with alumni and area government officials. 1
See 'U', Page 8 i

U Senate
Athie tics
Faculty Slams
The University Senate yesterda
slammed "professionalism" in col
lege athletics.
The group directed the Advisor
Committee on University Affairs t
communicate with the correspond
ing bodies of other Big Ten school
"to determine what action thei
faculties might take to lessen the
degree of professionalism in inter-
collegiate athletics."
The resolution was proposed by
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the soci-
ology department, who expressed
disapproval over the removal of
the need factor in the Big Ten's
athletic aid program while com-
mending the University's Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, which opposed eliminating
the need factor.
Need Factor
The Big Ten removed the need
factor from its financial aid-to-
athletes policy last week. Instead,
it substituted an academic achieve-
ment level that they believed
would reduce losses due to stu-
dents' flunking out of school.
To be eligible according to the
new plan, a freshman must have
a high secondary class rank and
achieve a test score which predicts
an ability to achieve a grade point
average of 1.7 in his first year.
Prof. Angell said the need stipu-
lation should b put back into the
scholarship provisions and that
scholarships should be given to
those who deserve them. He does
not believe athletes should be sub-
sidized and given special conces-
sions just because of their value
as team members.
Plant Agrees
Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the law
school, the faculty representative
to the Big Ten, agreed that the
need factor should be retained.
He said last week that the gen-
eral feeling which led to the Big
Ten's dropping the need provision
was that it will now be easier to
recruit team members.
The main objection coaches have
had to grants based on need since
this hampers recruiting and threw
the area open to poaching by out-
side schools.
Verdict Nears
As Eichmann
Found Guilty
JERUSALEM W) - Adolf Eich-
mann's Israeli judges convicted
him yesterday of "unsurpassed"
crimes against the Jewish people.
Their judgment linked the for-
ner Gestapo colonel directly to
hree major phases in the Nazi plot
to exterminate six million Jews.
Eichmann is liable to the death
penalty under terms of a 1950 law
he has been convicted of violating.
The verdict came 18 months after
Iraeli agents abducted Eichmann
from Argentina and flew him here
for trial.
Sentence will be pronouncedf
ater this week.
Eichmann was permitted to re-
ume his seat behind bullet proof'
glass as his three judges alternated
n reading their judgment. He
never took his eyes off the bench
is the justices read out a citation,

of him as a "chief executioner" of
persecution of the Jews in Ger-
many from 1933 to 1939; from the
outbreak of World War II to mid-
1941 and final solution of the Jew-
sh problem-extermination.









Jail Hayden
After Sit-In
YAt Terminal
s Police Also Arrest
Members of SNCC
Former Michigan Daily Editor
Thomas Hayden, '61. and 10 other
fpersons were arrested in Albany,
Georgia, Sunday in an incident in-
volving the desegregation of a
train station.
The group, including members
r of the Southern Non-Violent Co-
ordinating Committee (SNCC),
Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, and a Danish free
* lance writer left Atlanta for Al-
bany at 10 a.m. last Sunday. There
were four white and five negroes.
"All of us sat in what must have
been a white car," Hayden said.
The conductor ordered the Negro
members of our group to move to
the Negro car. They refused and
there was no further trouble."
A group of about 250 people,
mostly Negroes, met us at the sta-
tion. Plans for the ride had been
announced in the Albany news-
paper several days before.
"We entered the station followed
by several policemen. Two mem-
bers of our group bought tickets
to Jacksonville, Fla. and the rest
of us sat down in the waiting room.
At this point the police came up
to us and told us to leave the sta-
tion or we would be arrested.
"We went outside and saw that
about 75-100 whites had gathered.
Several of our people wanted to
see whether the Trailways bus sta-
tion was desegregated so we
headed towards a group of taxis.
"Before we could get to the taxis'
the police came up and started
herding us into a knot while at
the same time yelling at us to get
into the cars. I was arrested on
charges of disorderly conduct, re-
fusing to obey an officer, and
blocking the flow of traffic. Seven
others in our party and three local
people were also arrested.
Hayden and several others were
released on bond. "We go on trial
this morning and will probably be
found guilty. We shall appeal the
decision," he said.
Hayden explained that the
bonds were posted by the Chris-
tian fellowship and some local
people. Two were released earlier
to secure bonds fbr the others, but
one was re-arrested within 20
minutes for distributing literature
in the building.

-AP wirephoto
FOREIGN MINISTERS-Secretary of State Dean Rusk (second from right) confers with Lord
Home of Great Britain (far left), West German Minister Gerhard Schroeder (third from left) and
Maurice Couve de Murville of France at a meeting in Paris yesterday.

Foreign Ministers To Study
UN Control of West Berlin
PARIS (M)-Proposals to place West Berlin under UN protection
were laid before the big four foreign ministers yesterday by their staff
of experts.
The foreign ministers opened a wide-ranging study of world
Yesterday morning, before West Germany joined the consulta-
tions, the American, British and French ministers called for uniting
the Congo by peaceful means. In-

Union Hits
Hoffa Rule

formants said this ruled out rec-
ognition of strife-torn Katanga as
an independent nation.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Home and French Foreign Min-
ister Maurice Couve de Murville
met at the beginning of a week of
momentous consultations that lat-
er will embrace all the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization.
Then with Foreign Minister
Gerhard Schroeder of West Ger-
many, they took up the next move,
if any, in their dispute with the
Soviet Union over the status of
West Berlin.
American sources said the re-
port pointed to the key problem
confronting the four ministers:
should the West go into negotia-
tions with Russia on Berlin at the
present time, or should the West
wait for a more favorable occa-
sion? France wants to wait. Rusk
and Home, with Schroeder's bless-
ing, want to talk now.

Japanese Halt
Rightwing Plot
To Kill Leader
TOKYO (;)--Police arrested 12
men yesterday for what authori-
ties called a rightwing plot to
assassinate Prime Minister Hay-
ato Ikeda and other Japanese
One accused plotter was iden-
tified as an industrialist and an-
other as a former general.
The arrests were made in pre-
dawn raids climaxing an inves-
tigation started in September.
Police said the 12 men admit-
ted planning to kill Ikeda because
they feared his pro-United States
government could not prevent a
Communist revolution in Japan.
Leader of the group was iden-
tified as Toyosaku Kawanami, 59-
year-old president of Nichinan
and Kawanami Industrial Co.
Investigators said the men were
members of an ultra-nationalist
organization called the Society for
Japanese History. Officials said
they had no idea how large the
society is.
Police struck in, Tokyo, Fuk-
kuoka and Nagasaki.
Seven of the arrested men were
identified as former servicemen.
Police said six of them were grad-
uates of Japan's pre-World War
II military academy and one was
a graduate of Japan's naval acad-

BAL HARBOUR, Fla. (9) -- The
AFL-CIO acted yesterday to keep
out the expelled Teamsters Union
so long as it is headed by James R.
Hoff a.
Delegates to the AFL-CIO con-
vention adopted a resolution by
overwhelming voice vote to take1
back the Teamsters, or other
unions ousted on corruption
charges, only when such organiza-
tions can meet completely the
ethical practices standards of the
federation's constitution.
AFL-CIO President George
Meany told the delegates he in-
tends to enforce these standards.
A spokesman for Meany said that
meant the Teamsters won't be re-
admitted while Hoffa is president.
See Action
The AFL-CIO action was seen
as a rebuff to Hoffa's hopes of re-
gaining prestige lost when the
Teamsters were expelled four years
ago on gorunds that the union was
corruptly dominated under Hof-
fa's leadership.
In other action the AFL-CIO
convention delegates voted support
for President John F. Kennedy's
proposals for more liberal trade
policies including broad authority
to negotiate across-the-board tar-
iff reductions.
Kennedy Visit
Kennedy had come to the AFL-
CIO convention himself last week
to deliver a personal appeal in
behalf of his plan, one that is sure
to be hotly debated in Congress
next year.
Also during the day Negro in-
tegrationist. Martin Luther King
called on the AFL-CIO to face up
forthrightly to what he termed
the shameful racial discrimination
practiced by some of its affiliated
labor unions.

Group Voids
Loyalty oath
Of Florida
CORE Lauds Verdict
In Louisiana Case:
Forsee 'New Day'
preme Court overturned yesterday
the conviction of 16 Negro sit-in
demonstrators in Louisiana but
left unanswered broad constitu-
tional questions raised by the sit-
in controversy.
The Court also ruled unani-
mously that Florida's loyalty oath
law, as applied to public school
teachers, was unconstitutional be-
cause of "extraordinary ambigui-
ty." The Court said persons tak-
ing the oath "must swear they
have not in the unending past lent
their aid, support, or advice, or
counsel, or influence to the Com-
munist Party."
New Day
The Congress of Racial Equal-
ity quickly hailed. the Louisiana
decision as the dawning of a "new
day" for Negroes, but officials of
Southern states said it would have
little effect on hundreds of sim-
ilar pending cases.
The Attorney General of Loui-
siana said the Court did not pass
on the constitutionality of the
state's so-called sit-in law.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, de-
livering the Court's opinion,
pointedly confined the unanimous
decision to the Constituton's due
process clause as applied to the
Other Freedoms
He said it was not necessary
to consider other constitutional
questions raised in the Louisiana
cases--freedom of expression and
equal protection.
Nor, Warren said, was it neces-
sary to decide in yesterday's de-
cision whether a private business
owner has the right to serve only
whom he chooses, a question
Louisiana had raised. He said that
in the three 1960 Baton Rouge
cases involved, at no time did rep-
resentatives of the store owners
ask the Negroes to leave the
"whitehonly" lunch counters.
These other questions could be
touched on if the Court agrees to
hear Virginia and North Carolina
sit-in cases presented to it.
The 16 Negroes, all students of
Southern University in Baton
Rouge, were convicted under a
Louisiana law making it a breach
of the peace to "act in such a
manner as to unreasonably dis-
turb or alarm the public.
Smith Claims
Court Avoids
Broad Issues
The Supreme Court avoided the
broader issues of constitutionality
in its unanimous decision yester-
day to void the "breach of the
peace" convictions of 16 Negro
sit-in demonstrators, Allan F.
Smith, dean of the law school,
commented last night.
"It's a common Supreme Court
practice to avoid deciding a case
on broad constitutional grounds
when there are narrower grounds
available," he said.
The Court found no evidence
that the Negroes, who were sitting-
in at a segregated lunch counter in
Baton Rouge, conducted them-
elves in any way so as to create
a public disturbance; they sat

peacefully, Prof. Jerold Israel of
the law school said.
Because of this, the court ap-
parently felt that there was no
evidence before it of a real like-
lihood of violence, he said.
"The defense argued that the
Negroes were arrested without be-
ing asked to leave. The police just
were over-anxious," Prof. Israel
"The decision is not a big victory
fnr anvnne hegase it skivt the

'Peace Bomb' Scientists
Seek Knowledge in Mine
CARLSBAD (M)-Scientists probed cautiously yesterday for treas-
ures of knowledge from the world's first known underground nuclear
explosion detonated for purely peaceful purposes.
They prepared for immediate drilling into the cavity they hope
was created a quarter-mile underground by Sunday's explosion of a
special five kiloton "peace bomb."
They were heartened to find radiation levels had fallen precipi-
tiously in the .1,200-feet deep mine shaft. It was out of this shaft that
a steamy white radioactive cloud -
of gas poured Sunday. The cloud CAGERD WIN 7
spread fast-drying radioactivity CAGERSJVIN 74.6
over the countryside, but all
been injured, James Reeves, test
manager for the Atomic Ene1.
Commission, said.
Something happened so the By BILL BULLARD
cavity created in the salt rock be- Michigan slowly pulled away
came a "leaky boiler," and the from Denver in the second half
steam poured out of the shaft last night and came through with
1,100 feet away. The radiation a 74-63 victory after surviving
intensity right after the blast had a spell of cold shooting in the first
been 10,000 roentgens per hour at minutes of the game.
the top of the shaft. Yesterday it In the second half, the Wol-
fell to only one roentgen,Joh verines charged from the dressing
Kelly of the AEC, said. room behind 32-31 and took im-
At the shaft bottom, it was mediate control of the game. Cen-
only 5 to 10 roentgens against 1 ter John Harris and forward Tom
million roentgens an hour after Cole were fighting under the
the blast. boards for the rebounds and led
Scientists are analyzing some Michigan in picking off 30 while
data which could indicate whether Denver had 13. Forward John
the cavity had collapsed, Dr. David Oosterbaan scored 14 of his 27
Lombard of the Lawrence Radia- points, guard Bob Cantrell made

ebacki Trips Denver

Universities Shock Educators

" j

NEW YORK (R)-Two of Amer-
ica's leading educators see the
values of contemporary higher
education as "desperately cor-
Both put some of the blame on
college presidents.
Yale University President A.
Whitney Griswold said he believes
that "we who hold the office (of
president) spend so much time
justifying what we're doing that

and in some places by the digits in
the football scoreboard."
It was Hutchins who abolished
varsity football at Chicago.
Griswold, expressing his views in
a booklet, "The University," pub-
lished by the Center for Study of
Democratic Institutions, saw hope
that the "service station concept
of the university" might be on its
way out.
Sales Dnetrine

ceeds from a "program . . . of
teaching that really has the effect
of repelling, instead of attracting,
the ablest teachers, those who
would be the most likely to influ-
ence their students to go into the
teaching profession."
Better Pay
As a remedy, he suggested better
pay and conditions for teachers;
training programs for high school


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