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December 10, 1961 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-10

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Select Own

Singer Comments
On World Conflict

Views Aims
Of Education
(Continued from Page 1)

(Continued from Page 1)
Selection of texts for physics
courses is made on an individual
Advanced courses make little use
of texts since books on these sub-
jects rapidly become obsolete and
instructors present material dif-
ferently. More emphasis is placed
on texts in lower level courses. In
many areas of physics a three or
four year old text is outdated.
However, elementary texts may be
used for five or six years, Prof.
Noah Sherman of the department
In the History Department,
Prof. John Bowditch, chairman,
said that in American history and
European history. a committee
made up of the lecturers and in-
structors usually shapes the course
and then try to find a text to fit
it. The book must be sophisticat-
ed and up-to-date in interpreta-
The instructors have a "social
conscienceness" about keeping the
book for more than one year so
students can buy used books, he
said. "If there is a choice be-
tween a paperback and a hard
cover book, usually they pick the
paperback," Prof. Bowditch add-
In sociology, the department
uses a text written at the Uni-
versity specifically for the intro-
ductory course. Although each lec-
turer has the choice of materials,
there is an informal pressure to
use the department text, Prof.
Gerhard E. Lenski, who is in
Charge of the introductory course,
In philosophy courses and many
of the English courses actual text-
books are not empl6yed. Primary
sources are used, but the instruc-
tors are free to choose independ-
ently the particular work and edi-
tions which they prefer.
The education school uses sim-
ilar methods in text selection.
Faculty members have complete
freedom of text selection but must
submit course outlines to the dean,
Prof. Charles F. Lehmann, assist-
ant dean, said.


"One of the least useful ways
to view the present international
conflict is to consider it a bi-lat-
eral relationship," Prof. J. David
Singer of the Mental Health Re-
search Center said Wednesday.
Speaking at a study group on
international conflict of the Wom-
en's International League for
Peace and Freedom, Prof. Singer
said there are actually a multi-
tude of actors on either side. For
discussion purposes, one might
consider that there are three di-
visions on each side: the peace
faction, the war faction and the
policy makers.-
Prof. Singer compared Kenne-
dy and Khrushchev to "animated
litmus paper." They merely dem-
onstrated the effects of the in-
fluences and pressures brought to
bear on them by these groups, he
Peace Movement
When the movement for peace
and disarmament on one side is
increased, Prof. Singer explained,
those on the other side who fa-
vor arms build-ups often inter-
pret it as a sign of weakness and
may decide to bring forth pres-
sure against the opponent.

Prof. Singer also presented an
analogy to the present interna-
tional arms race which he called
the "prisoners' dilemma." Two
men rob a store together. They
are apprehended and placed in
separate cells.
The district attorney tells them
that he has enough evidence to
send both of them to prison for
five years. However, he explains
that if one will confess, he will go
free, whereas the other will re-
ceive a ten-year sentence.
Tests Show
Psychological tests have shown
that most frequently each, fear-
ing the other, will confess.
Similarly, it is rational for the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion to hold armaments at present
levels and not to attack. How-
ever, one, fearing an attack from
the other, may strike first.
Because of the time necessary
to mobilize the population into
fallout shelters, Prof. Singer said,
shelters would be of greater ad-
vantage to an attacking nation.
The United States, 'he continued,
would have about eight minutes
after a warning to respond to a
surprise attack, but about fifty
minutes for a retaliatory attack.

stance, some types of research re-
quire professors to take leaves of
absences and therefore they are
not available to teach for a semes-
ter or two.
It was also pointed out that the
University should never allow itself
to be in the position where faculty
are pressured to get grants for re-
search either to supplement their
income or to help them in their
professional status.
The group did not come to any
conclusion as to whether gen-
eralized or specialized education
should be the objective of the
' Too Much Specialization
Many of the discussants felt that
the University was aiming too
much toward specialization. As
this type of education increases
there is more demand for gener-
alization and integration of the
material learned, one member
There was a suggestion that the
University should provide more
interdisciplinary courses. The
group was generally in favor of
this but not to the extreme that
the University of Chicago or St.
Johns College carried out this
Jn their situation too many
graduates did not have enough
specific knowledge and this hurt
their chances of getting into grad-
uate schools.
Emphasize Learning
It was also agreed that the Uni-
versity should emphasize learning
outside of the classrooms.
Any supplementary activities,
such as culture or extra curricu-
lar, are important to the overall
education of the student.
The Housing system has failed
in this area because students aren't
learning as much as they could
from other students, one member
Hatcher Cites
Money Policy
(Continued from Page 1)

.n}r { -b }: } }.. .: : a S :. . . ... .; :,: h 1f"..k .? .. .:.. .. ~ .. ,*..*** ......... ...* o?: > . , ~:[ Y .. .... yY .... .. ... .. . , ... .._*. .. .. ... . .. . _ . . ... .. . ... _ _ .
The Daily Official Bulletinis an of a UN University." Discussants: J. Beginning the week of Mon., Dec. 11, For an appointment call Woodward
official publication of The Univer- David Singer,. Political Science Re- the following schools will have repre- 1-8034,
sity of Michigan for which The searcher, Mental Health Research In- sentatives at the Bureau to interview General Motors Corporation, Detroit,
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial stitute, and Sven Lundstedt, Assistant candidates for the second semester. Mich.-Seeking individuals with Mas-
responsibility. Notices should be Director, The Foundation for Research MON., DEC. 11- ter's or PhD in Econ. with Statistics
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to on Human Behavior. Moderator: V. A. Garden City, Mich.-Elem. (K-6); Vi. as minor, or vice versa. Prefer traini-
Room 3564 Administration Building Pal Panendikar. The session will be iting Teacher; Educable Ment. Retard. ing heavy in business cycle analysis
before 2 p.m., two days preceding held on Tues., Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. Warren Woods, Mich.-Elem.; 7th & national income economics. Five to
publication. 3529 SAB. Home Room. ten yrs. exper. as economist, statisti-
TUES., DEC. 12- clan or market research specialist in
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 Aeronautical and Astronautical En- Flint, Mich.-Early Elem.; Girl's PE,- the consumer durable field.
gineering Seminar: Prof. M. S. Uberoi Interviewing morning only. skelly Oil Company, Tulsa, Okla.-
f jwill talk on "Magnetohydrodynamics WED., DEC. 13- Petroleum Economists with MA-PhD.
General otces at Low Magnetic Reynolds Numbers," Birmingham, Mich.-All Elem., Elem. Heavy course work & preferably experi-
Corrected ID Cards: Replacement ID Tues., Dec. 12, 4:00 p.m., 1504 East Libr.; Late Elem. Ment. Retard. (Man); ence in both economics & statistics.
cad aebe aefralt~eEngineering Bldg. Reading Improvement; Jr. HS Be,; crshv enmaefraltoeWork. in Economics Dept. which d£-
students who were enrolledrSpring 1961 PB1sdn glm; Comm. (Short./Type c rets & coordinates the economic ac-
and whose ID card has the given name Engineering Mechanics Seminar: -Openings now or February. tivities of various operating depts.
printed before the surname (family Tues., Dec. 12, at 3:00 p.m. in 246 West Pontiac, Mich.-Elem. (K-6); Sp. Corr, Local Radio Statio - Lookin or
name), e.g., Gloria Ann Smith ratherEniern BlgDrLeleHcn,-Itvew gmoigoly Part-Time Secretary for General office
than Smith, A E ng University of London, will speak on THURS., DEC. 14- work includingbookkeeping &typing
be made Dec. 11-14 between 8:30 and 12 "An Almost Inviscid Geostrophic Flow." Grosse Pointe, Mich.-Elem. (K6) General office exper. preferred but not
noon and 1 and 4:30 p.m. in 1510 Coffee at 2:30 p.m. in the Faculty Jr. HS EngI., Scl.; Driver Ed.; Ment. required. Middle-aged woman.
dmnBlgNocagwilbmaeLounge. Retard.a Colorado Civil Service - Supervisor,
for the exchange. All cards, to be valid Walld Lake, Mich.-Elem.; Sp. Ed. Child Welfare Services. Two yrs. grad
Spring Semester, must have the sur- Doctoral Examination for Reuben (Type B Ment. Retard); Jr. HS Coun- study in social work, including super-
name precede the given name. Lawrence Baumgarten, Chemistry; thes- selor (Man)-Openings now or Febru- vised field work in case work, plus 4
_____is: "The Reaction of O-Acylhydroxyla- ary. yrs. of full-time, paid exper. in social
University Players, Department of mines with Water and Hydriotic Acid," For appointments and additional in- case work. (3 yrs. supervisory capacity
Speech: Good seats are still available Tues., Dec. 12, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., formation contact the Bureau of Ap- in fi id of case work with children.)
at the Trueblood Box Office, Frieze at 1:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen, P. A. S. Smith pointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. Residence waived. Closing date for ap-
Bldg. for the 3 p.m. Sunday rmatinee and A. G. DeRocco. 3 plications: Dec. 13. Contact Bureau of
and the Monday evening performances Appts. for applications.
of Shakespeare's "Henry IV, Part One." POSITION OPENINGS: Aeroquip Corporation, Industrial Div.,
Tickets priced at $1.50 ahd $1.00 are Dayton Air Force Depot, Gentile Air Van Wert, O.-Product Engieer with
acailable at the Box Office from noon Fcemen Force Station, Dayton, 0.Vacancies ME degree with particular emphasis on
daily,'_PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau exist for Electronics, Electrical, mechan- metals & hydraulics. Several yrs. exper.
PLACEMENT Eical & Industrial engieers, Physicists, in related work desirable.
Undergraduate Women students now of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Mathematicians. Representative will Please contact Bureau of Appts., Gen-
oncampuswhUnerat who do not have a ue housing dents, please call Ext. 3544 for inter visit Detroit. Dec. 11-13 to interview eral Div., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for fur-
co tmen for tespring semester,v swappointments withth fo in g: candidates for civilian Air Force jobs. ther information.
1962, may apply for housing in supple- American, Hospital Supply Corp.,--
mentary housing and residence halls Evanston, Il1.-Feb. & June grads -Q>OOO 04 0>o;o <) 0<=><='0 ,O 0C
at the Office of the Dean of Women, Men. Salariedtraining programs for u
SAB, beginning Mon., Dec. 11, sales & mgmt. candidates now open
to draft-exempt men between ages of
EvS d 22 & 28. 1) Industrial Marketing pro- ,.Shi me Just Arrived
iif nay Ar sr Bus. Ad., or with a science de-
Challenge Discussion: "Possibilities gree to train as Sales Rep. 2) StaffS
for Student Peace Action." Discussants Mgmt. Trainee Program for men with : . I(SCULPTURE
will include Prof. Leslie Kish, Reuben Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. degree. 3) ESKII O STON E
Chapman, Grad, and Sharon Jeffrey, Finance Mgmt. Training for those with
'61. Sun., Dec. 10 at 2:30 p.m. in the minimum of 10 hrs. in accounting.
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li- Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
brary. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.-(p.m. only) -O(Ir w I .rstl;7as 'y-)z2jf
Men-grad. students. Seniors & Juniors V
who are actively interested in Sales. ^
Events on d 'y Career. Prefer degrees in Bus. Ad.,
Doctoral Examination for Mark James Ecor. Law, Liberal Arts or Sciences
Young, Speech; thesis: "The York Mys- for Sales Training openings throughout
tery Cycle as a Theatre Experience, Il- continental U.S.
' lutae. by th eaivity eton," ntelieeCivilian CreerProgram,
ham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman W Iolabird, Md.-Location: Throughout01
P. halstead., U.S. & overseas. Men for positionsin-
P._Halstead.volving intelligence & counterintelli-U
University Lecture: Peter Avery, head gence functions. Candidates must have
of the Persian Department, and Fellow undergrad degree & must be proficient
of King's College, Cambridge Univer- in one or more modern foreign Ian- 201 Nickels Arcade NO 3-0918
city, will discuss "Modern Persian Lit- guages. m
erature" on Mon., Dec. ll,, at 4:10 p.m. Appointments should be made by 4:00 ..
in East Conference Room, Rackham p.m. of the day prior to the interview. L < -->a<--)-c>< ><--:o - - -- - 0<--- c-
Events Tuesday
University Symphony Orchestra: The
University Symphony Orchestra will
present a concert on Tues., Dec. 12,
8:0pm i ilAda ihc ndr 216 W. William Street Ann Abr Michigan
Ross Lee Finey, Han David, anrd NO Aii~ ifO rbor,0
Clyde Thompson. Compositions to be Telephone NO 5-9131
performed are by Monteverdi, Finney,
Mussorgsky, and Schubert. Open to the
public without charge.
Seminar on the United Nati ons Uni- W e Have All Kinds of Glass-M irrors and Furniture Tops
versety:Second session: "The Concept
We Have the Nationally Advertised Paints
Read Also, we have complete glass service for foreign cars.
Daily Free Parking in Front of Our Store

Group Evaluates Role of U'
To Stimulate Responsibility


(Continued from Page 1

'rBaha'i Student Group, "is Mere Tol-
erance, Enough?: A Survey of the Com-
parative vs. the Disparative Approach
to Study of the World Religions," Dec.
11, 4:15 p.m., 3511 SAB.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stud. Club,
6 p.m. Supper followed by Chapel Choir
Concert & Open House, Dec. 10, 6 p.m.,
1511 Washtenaw.
German Club, Grand Xmas Celebra-
tion, Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m., Union, Ball-
room. Guest performers: Detroit Madri-
gal Circle under Joachim Matthesius.
Carol singing, nativity play, German
Xmas cookies. "Herzlich willkommen!"
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Dec. 10,
2 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. Entrance.
* * *
Lutheran Stud. Assoc., Play: "The
Sign of Jonah," Dec. 10, 7 p.m., Hill &
r . * * *
Newman Club, Catholic Open House
-Non-Catholics Welcome-Question &
Answer Period, Dec. 10,.Newman Ctr.
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Dec. 11,
3-5 p.m.; Xmas Party: Music, Refresh-
ments, Pinata! Dec. 12, 8 p.m.; 3050 FB.
Vengan todos!
U. of M. Falk Dancers, Meeting, In-
struction & Dancing, Dec. 12, 7:30
p.m., 1429 Hill St.
* * *
Wesleyan Guild, "Prince of Peace or
War?" Gene Ransom. Followed by tree
trimming & caroling, Dec. 10, 7 p.m.,
Meth. Church, Wesley Lounge.
Women's Senate, Weekly Meeting,
Dec. 12, 4:15 p.m., League, In the
* * *
Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Carol
Sing at St. Joseph Hospital; Hanging
of the Greens Party, Meet at Guild
House at 7 p.m., Dec. 10.
Beta Alpha Psi, Dinner Meeting, Dec.
12, 6:45 p.m., League.

"This is an extremely dangerous
situation, because it can lead to
the undersirable consequence that
'professional students' who speak
either for themselves or for some
nonstudent power get in positions
of leadership."
Unless such student responsi-
bility is based on a long tradition
of student participation and pre-
dicated on a solid structure, Davis
saw the possibilities of successful
Communist inflitration.
Prof. Thomas S. Harris, chair-
man of the military science de-
partment, said student organiza-
tions must have a veto over re-
sponsibility changes, "just as we
havesa veto in all democratic
structures. There must be some
stop to the matter of freedom."
Training Programs
Orientation Director E. Jack
Petoskey said responsibility must
be inculcated in the student
through the training programs of
campus organizations.
Attacking Petoskey's thesis,
Challenge Co-ordinator Ralph
Kaplan, '63, claimed, "On the one
hand the administration tells stu-
dents that they must act like
adults before they will be given
more power. On the other hand,
it has not provided a structure in
which students can become re-
sponsibly self-governing."
Daily City Editor Philip Sher-
man, '62, traced a circle of respon-
sibility and responsibilities. "You
can't be responsible without hav-
ing responsibilities, but you won't
be given responsibilities without
being responsible."
Equal Authority
Besides gaining equal authority
for all, the process of self -govern-
ment is a valuable one in itself,
Ross said.
Because the process is not widely
developed here, the University is
not pouring forth democrats into
the body politic," he charged.
"The nature of democracy is
that alternatives be there and a
man can choose to be free or un-
Jon Carlson, '63, chairman of
the Union's international affairs
committee, said individual stu-
dents 'should prepare for life in

a democracy by working through
organizations while on campus.
"It is the interplay of profes-
sional organizations that gets
things done on the national scene.
The large population in the United
States and in the University pre-
vent meaningful individual action
outside a group."
Ross challenged Carlson's re-
marks, claiming that the large
organizations are themselves"mass
societies" whose activities are run
by an elite and watched by the
general membership.
Campus Rules
During the second half of the
session, Union President Paul
Carder,''62, who chaired the group,
turned the discussion towards the
problem- of rules and regulations
on the campus, and who should set
SGC member Brian Glick, '62,
cited a division between two types
of regulations. There is a legiti-
mate one of protecting property
and the rights of others, he said,
and one designed for the person's
own good, even when his actions
do not harm anyone else.
"We shouldn't pass laws because
we think it would be better for
a person's welfare if he acted in
a certain way."
Carder saw a distinction between
the substance of the rules and the
agents which have power to set
them. He said students complain
both about the nature of the reg-
ulations and the fact that they
have little power in formulating

meet its needs is to create an at-
mosphere in which knowledge can
grow and enlarge itself as it goes
along, he said.
Referring specifically to the Uni-
versity, President Hatcher said "in
all our society we will have here
assembled the finest, representing
the forefront of knowledge and
education, and we hope to supply
to them facilities adequate to their
Hoff Plans Race
For Council Seat
Democrat. Donald E. Hoff, a
printer-compositor for the Ann
Arbor News, said yesterday he will
seek the fifth ward city council
seat currently held by Republican
John R. Laird.


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