C r £oigan &Dilii Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN k4! UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY PERLSTADT Stilerman'Plan Promises Better Panhel C ommunieations "If You Had Any Initiative, You'd Go Out And Inherit A Department Store" SIDELINE ON SGC: Council Passes Toothless Motion POSITIVE APPROACH is at last being made to an old problem of communication in the sorority system. A new idea was initiated by Sue Stillerman, president of Michigan's. Panhellenic Association, this year, which should improve understanding between National and collegiate Panhel. National Panhellenic draws its members from the national sorority alumni organizations. so there is no direct connection between National Panhel and Collegiate Panhel on the various campuses. National Panhel is composed of numerous committees, one of which is the College Planning Committee. On this com- mittee is a woman called an area advisor, and to her is assigned the momentous task of communicating with all the collegiate Panhels in her region-which, for this area, encom- passes the states of both Michigan and Indiana. This woman represents the only voice that collegiate Panhel has in the National system, so ste is very important. But, because of the vastness of her responsibilities, the area advisor cannot be familiar with each campus, so her information is obtained from form letters supplemented by an occasional visit. Naturally, this indirect form of communication leads to delay and confusion. But this is not the only difficulty. It is only after working many years in her National sorority that an alumna can gain a position on National Panhellenic Council. After this many years, her vantage point has changed and her views are no longer those of the college-age sorority woman. Because of this, the opinions of the representatives of N.P.C. are not necessarily reflecting the views of the college women they represent. And so a need for a change ... REALIZING the situation, Sue Stillerman brought the communications question to the Big Ten Panhellenic Conference in Wisconsin last spring. Wouldn't it clarify communica- tions, she asked, to have representatives from each college at the National Panhel Confer- ence? A lone area advisor, no matter how con- scientious, cannot be as familiar with any problem that might arise as the women that are involved. The Conference gave no support, however, and when she delved into the past she dis- covered that a similar idea failed at the suggestion stage four years before. Finally, Miss Stillerman wrote to her National Pan- hellenic Council. "Perhaps," she suggested, "objectivity does come with age, but maybe collegiate representation could offer a new kind of objectivity." Miss Stillerman received an immediate though discouraging reply to her letter. National Panhel felt that the col- legiate women were underestimating the value of their area advisors, and for a' while the subject seemed hopelessly confused. But, before Miss Stillerman could even mail an explana- tory reply, a phone call announced a sudden decision of the National Panhellenic Conferepce which completely changed the situation. THE MEETING of N.P.C. in Arizona passed the following resolution: "Whereas col- legiate respesentation at N.P.C. has been considered for several years, and whereas the need for such representation seems particularly important at this time, be it resolved that the College Planning Committee plans for some collegiate representation during some parts of the 1963 N.P.C. Conference on a trial basis." In this manner closer communications have been established between National and Col- legiate Panhellenic Associations-employing actual collegiate members, not just over-taxing an area advisor. This resolution is a great step toward better understanding and coopera- tion through closer communications between national and local Panhel. Although it is per- haps over-qualified, it is indeedan admirable beginning. The task of collegiate Panhel now is to establish this program on a permanent basis and continue from there. -KAY HOLMES REAPPORTIONMENT: Legislative Hodge-Podge. By CYNTHIA NEU Daily Staff Writer AFTER CONFUSING and be- fuddling the issue, Student Government Council last Wed- nesday managed to pass a power- less, toothless, senseless motion establishing a "deadline" for "sub- mission" of fraternity and sorority membership statements. Although the motion shows the Council is facing up to the fact that all statements are not in, it does little to insure submission of them in the future. The "submission" is one In name only. All the Council asks is that houses to communicate with it, either by submitting a statement which may or may not comply with the requirements, or by peti- tioning for exemption. THERE IS NO PENALTY for failing to do this. As the motion was originally introduced, if a house did not at least communi- cate with SGC it would have been "subject to automatic suspension of rushing privileges." Although the motion comes nowhere close to guaranteeing the submission of "statements," this penalty was a move in the right direction. Unless the Council is willing to back up their rulings with penalties, no regulation they pass can be ef- fective. According to the present motion, offending houses "may be subject to disassociation by SGC as out- lined in University Regulations Concerning Student Organizations, Disciplinary Action: Recognition and Activities." This is nothing new. Sororities and fraternities have known this action could be taken since the passage of the original ruling on the submission of statements. Of course the Council "may" with- draw recognition from any group under its jurisdiction as a student organization. This question is, will they? * * * BY APPROVING the motion, the Council show's it is unwilling to stand behind the "deadline." If the attitude shown at the last meeting prevails, the Council un- doubtedly will continue to do no- thing about a house which is un- willing to submit its statement. The Council has provided a mechanism through which groups may petition for exemption from the requirement on the basis of. "extenuating circumstances." But even if this petition is turned down, no action will be. taken. All the house has to do is petition. It doesn't matter if they have just grounds for doing so, or not. * * * THE ENTIRE ISSUE of ade- quacy has been deferred to a later time. "The adequacy of all statements Shall be considered af- ter a meeting is held between the executive committee of SGC, rep- resentatives and advisors of Inter- fraternity Council and Pahelleme Association and the entire Com- mittee on Membership in Student Organizations," the motion reads. "From the results of this dis- cussion the executive committee of SGC will bring a motion to the Council as soon as possible in or- der to set up a procedure to in- sure the adequacy of all state ments. Optimistically, any such motion (if any when passed) will include a penalty to insure that adequate statements will eventually be se- cured. * . * WHAT SHOULD this penalty be? Debate at the Council meeting showed the suspension of rushing privileges would be an unequal penalty. Sororities hold rush only once a year. If a house missed the spring rushing period, it would be without about one-third of its members for a year. Fraternities hold formal rush twice a year and can open in- dividual rush at many other times. Thus, as soon as such a penalty were lifted, the house could hold its own rush. THE IMPACT of a fine is ques- tionable. If the house cannot waive bias reiulations set by the na- tional, the alumni or national would more than likely be willing to foot the loss. Or the house could secure a loan from the national and write the fine off over a period of time without any hard- ship. Recognition could be withdrawn. The Council at this time does not seem to favor doing this, and even if it did, the Sigma Kappa case, never resolved fully, suggests a veto might be forth-coming from the Vice-President for Student Affairs. YET, THE COUNCIL cannot leave the rule-of-thumb structure it has created. By the motion passed last week, SGC in essence tells a sorority or fraternity: "Submit any kind of statement -we just want a piece of paper." "Petition for exemption - it doesn't matter if we don't accept it." "We won't do anything." LETTERS to the EDITOR (Letters to the Editor should be limited to 300 words, typewritten and double spaced. The Daily re- serves the right to edit or withhold any letter. Only signed letters will be printed.) Tickets, Attendance... To the Editor: THE RECENT COLUMN of Mike Burns, "Ring Out the Old," was excellent. He mentioned one sub- ject which needs to be exposed, because in my opinion there is one large cause of poor attendance which needs careful study by thea officials. This is the manner in which the Ticket Dept. fills or- ders for tickets. For illustration, I graduated fror, Mihigan in 1927 and my wife in 1929, and for the past 30 years we have never received a ticket within the 30 yard lines. Usually our tickets are within 20 yards of the goal line. This year our UCLA tickets were on the 10 yard line. Our MSU tickets were in the end zone. The Purdue tickets were at the 20 yard line. A similar location for the rest of my tickets. We have fared no better 'when we ordered season tickets, so we dropped that idea. If this policy is standard I do not believe that you can expect attendance figures to change. As an ex-athlete' I thoroughly enjoy watching a well coached team, and Michigan was this year. Elliott is obviously a good coach. If a continual flow of good ma- terial is handed to him, and bar- ring injuries to key presnnel, El- liott will become a great coach. He is deserving of our maximum support. -Russell W. Conroy Battle Creek Trujillo'sGhost Survives DEMOCRACY has hit a roadblock in the Dominican Republic. The Balaguer regime, proportedly committed to establishing a de- mocracy in the country, has refused to accept plans or take other measures to facilitate the evolution from totalitarianism. Instead, this, remnant government of the Trujillo regime has acted as if it wished to keep its former power. Thursday night, for the second time, the Balaguer regime rejected a proposal by the National Civic Union that would bring democ- racy to the country. This plan, the goal of an 11-day general strike, would establish a seven- man council to govern the republic and set up new elections Dec. 1, 1962. The elected govern- ment would assume power Jan. 26, 1963. This plan is a good, realistic program for re- turning the country to democracy. It sets spe- cific steps and dates for the process, enhancing the probability of its being carried out. In many countries, vague promises for elections have amounted to nothing and the new regime has been as totalitarian as its predecessor. The Dominicans only have to look at neighboring Cuba to see the value of a specific time table. It is much harder politically to upset such a program. The NCU plan also attempts to heal splits in the body politic that have developed since the fall of Trujillo. The proposed council would contain elements from both the Balaguer regime and the diffuse opposition. Hopefully, all groups could spend the year devising demo- cratic institutions and evolving a peaceful political climate. UNFORTUNATELY, the Balaguer regime re- jected the plan. This poses grave consid- erations on American policy toward the Do- minican Republic. Aside from the power of its armed forces. the present regime is supported by the prestige of the United States, as repre- sented by warships still closely hovering just outside the three-mile territorial limit. It seems, as the confusion clears in the Do- minican Republic, that American arms have in- directly installed another military dictatorship. This government looks good to many observers when compared to the viciously authoritarian Trujillo regime, but in reality is the same thing in essence. Aside from rejecting the NCU plan, the gov- ernment has given other indications of mili- tary dictatorship. Under the leadership of the Echavarria brothers, the army and its inspired mobs have killed and beaten demonstrators-- including women-and looted shops. The gen- eral strike itself is an indication that the nor- mal political channels have been closed. Thus another United States intervention has hurt the people of another South American country. It is time the United States got out of internal Latin American politics. For over 100 years American interference has resulted in perpetuating the dictator system in these countries. The record of intervention has long been a blot on the U.S.'s professed democratic ideals and has hindered the peoples of Latin America in reaching these ideals that the Unit- ed States so piously espouses. -PHILIP SUTIN By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily staff Writer WHEN THE TUMULT and the shouting subsides, the State of Michigan will undoubtedly find itself with much the same appor- tionment it has now, and it won't be surprising. It little matters whether the districting is for the Legislature of the Congressional seats; the fact remains that apportionment is not simply a matter of carving up the state into districts of equal population, but also giving the best possible representation to all of the state's citizens. Only the most naive person would deny that wide political differences exist in Michigan; the outstate counties are as conser- vative as Wayne County is liberal; the two populations approximately balance each other. So the attempt should not be to slice up the districts in a clever way to give marginal seats to one party or another, but rther to see if all Michigan's people can be represented more fairly- they aren't now. ** * LEGISLATIVE reapportionment is probably the first hurdle. As things stand, districts are rather ridiculous. The Senate is appor- tioned on the basis of area, with a minimum population require- ment. This situation is not with- out precedent: 48 other states have handled their State Senate this way too. But the House utilizes a bizarre animal known as "frac- tional representation." It was dreamed up some years back by the Upper Peninsula to get a few more representatives of the sparsely populated UP. Few understand how fractional representation works. Basically it goes like this-one or more coun- ties not having sufficient popula- tion for one representative can get together with one or more other counties who also haven't enough people for one representative, and together they can have two rep- resentatives (though together they all don't have enough people for two representatvies). Granted this is a ridiculous system, but it was approved on a statewide referendum. That was 10 years ago; today it is no longer workable, for downstate areas like Oakland County, Ingham County, Washtenaw County, Berrien County and Grand Traverse County have gained in population at the expense of the UP. How- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publicaton of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 General Notices ever, their recognized population gain is not, in the House. * * * SEVERAL . SOLUTIONS. have been offered. Some. like electing both Houses on a population basis, would solve nothing because the plan goes too far. Others, like electing one representative from each county would not go far enough. Constitutional convention dele- gate and University Prof. James K. Pollock attempts to strike a medium. Prof. Pollock suggests that the House be elected strictly on the basis of population, and that the Senate be elected "in accord- ance with population distribution, geographic or regional areas, and commercial interests." This is the best philosophy in the matter, but it won't find easy sledding. If the con-con will, not adopt it, for all intents and pur- poses it will be dead, because legislators have shown in the past that they want no change. * * * THIS BRINGS US to the heart of Michigan's apportionment prob- lem - the Legislature. It is a mockery among democratically chosen bodies; the salaries are precious little and their recipients, hardly more. Prof. Pollock has suggested legislators be paid $12.- 000 per year plus travelling ex- penses, and that the' Legislature operate on a full-time basis, with semi-annual or quarterly sessions. It clearly makes sense for the Legislature to be selected and operated in business-like manner. But those Legislators whose ten- ures it threatens will fight it, and that's not hard to understand. If the periodic apportionment of Michigan's districts is to be ac- complished with a minimum of personality conflicts, precise and definite provisions will have to be written into the constitution. * * * CONGRESSIONAL redistricting is another matter, however. The same legislators who covet their own seats are quite cold-blooded about the Congressional map. The question here is whether the re- apportionment will be done but at whose political pleasure (the State Senate is responsible for this mat- ter). In spite of the manuevering, several genuine problems do exist: In several areas, population blocs in close proximity are in-' compatible . from an ideological standpoint. The Legislature tends to be somewhat unrelenting about reshuffling present districts. Wide population spreads exist between Michigan's present districts. Pure- ly arbitrary remapping would toss two incumbents out of their seats. Only one remapping plan yet offered has done anything about considering this problem. There are presently some in- equities like this. For instance, the 7th district takes in Macomb County and five other thumb counties. Macomb is strongly Democratic; the thumb counties are very Republican; their popu- lations are nearly equal. Yet with their representative a liberal be in the same district. The same would be true for Mrs. Martha Griffiths (D) in Detroit, whose district should be part of the 18th district. .Republican legislators want to erase Mrs. Griffiths' seat; the Democrats are after Rep. Knox' seat; the result is an impasse. But the fact is that both representa- tives are able and qualified, and both should be returned to Con- gress. Yet the only way they might do so is compromise between their respective parties. * * * AND THIS brings us to the Legislature itself, with its bizarre apportionment which is now under fire at the constitutional conven- tion. These are the men charged with the responsibility of remap- ping the congressional seats. They cannot get very excited about that task, until they see what happens to their own seats. And this situation of uncertainty will continue to be true as long as specific steps are neglected in writing a reapportionment process into Michigan's constitution. Presently, population sparsity and density is another problem. The 12th district, in the western section of the UP is ridiculously tiny-the smallest district in Con- gress, with only 157,000 people. Meanwhile the 18th district-Oak- land County-is huge, due to its population explosion. It boast, 690,000 people - and only one congressman. * * * THESE ARE all valid problems; they deserve consideration and compromise which won't come quickly because Michigan has never faced them before. In times past, the Republicans held overwhelming control of the whole state. Their problems were settled in private. Now the congres- sional and legislative districting has be'ome an issue between Democrats and Republicans - and neither is sure of the right course. Hopefully Michigan will get a good reapportionment - one that considers all the various factors mentioned. The experience of two incumbent congressman, and the value of the fullest possible ideo- logical representation are far more important than completely arbi- trary population layout. The state can only benefit fully if they are considered. PROBABLY congressional re- apportionment will not be ac- complished in time for the No- vember elections, since the legis- lators must do it and they are nowhere near compromise. Legis- lative reapportionment won't be accomplished, because legislators are loathe to tamper with their own districts. So this will be the result: Michigan will find itself with an odd entity for at least two years -a congressman-at-large. Crunch AS SEEN in the Gilbert and Sul- NEW YORK COLLEGES: City of Free Speech WE LIKE TO THINK of New York as a city of free speech and a guardian of all free- doms. It is an example to sustain with pride, before the nation and the world, as a home of many peoples and the host-city to the United Nations. But such a reputation as a protector of liberties is not easily won or automatically kept. There is no truce; the battle is incessant. One small victory was won yesterday when Supreme Court Justice Arthur Markewich up- held the right of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee to hold its annual "Bill of Rights" Dinner at the Commodore Hotel next week. The hotel had sought to escape from an agree- ment because "various social, fraternal and pa- triotic organizations" had threatened business retaliation if the hotel accommodated the fund- raising activities of what it called "a vocal Left-Wing group." The lawsuit involved breach of contract rather than civil rights, but the judge's comments from the bench broadened the issue. I E CITY COLLEGES, to which we should be able to look for leadership in the free- doms as a matter of principle, academic and otherwise, have recently by narrow construc- tion of law and administrative dictum made themselves the captives of absurdity. The cir- cumstances in each case differ; but with the blessing of the college presidents and the chancellor of the City University the campus platforms have been refused to Benjamin Da- vis, secretary of the Compmunist party; a meet- ing sponsored by The National Review, con- servative magazine, and finally to Malcolm X, leader of the black-supremacy Muslim move- ment. These three cases have this in common: they all appear to the public as suppression of speech that may be controversial or unpopular, the last thing a respected, institution of learning ought to be excusing or lamely defending. We have confidence that wiser counsel will prevail, that the city colleges will reverse them- selves and find they are not really breaking .nv law in hnnini the Conntitutio n.The .u-. AT THE MICHIGAN: Interesting Peoples In P re-'Twist 'Paris' INSCRUTABLE, AS ALWAYS, Paul Newman (as Ram Bowen, or "The Ram" or "man") shuffles his way into the hearts and soles of fans all over Paris. You may remember Newman as the boy who can get out of bed in the morning with his hair perfectly combed, and if so this film offers no disappointment. He does it twice. EXpatriates, like all converts, are the most fervent supporters of all, and Newman, along with 'Sidney Poitier, proves the rule once again as the duo tangles with Joanne Woodward and Diahann Car- roll, respectively. These American ladies have allowed themselves two weeks to see Magic Paree but under the spell of instant love they see only Newman and Poitier, who are supposed to be American jazz musicians that love dated jazz and France with equal passion. They do pantomimes to a Duke Ellington sound track in an actually typical cave (my more cosmopolitan friends inform me that it is really the Club St. Germain); luckily the movie was filmed before the twist hit Paris. As an added attraction, one night Louis Armstrong walks in the front door with a 20 piece band, and they all do a pantomime to a Duke Ellington sound track. TO PROVE that they are real musicians, Hollywood has placed in the midst of the house band a real live dope-addict-electric-guitar- player who somehow develops an incredible flamenco technique by the end of the film. Another interesting character turns out to be the owner of the club, a nifty young French blonde who loves the Ram so much that she condones his loving another woman. Truly has the silver screen