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December 08, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-08

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Christmas Tree Vanishes,
Causes March to 'The Hill'


To Offer Campus


The whereabouts of the South
Quadrangle Christmas tree that
caused Wednesday night's panty
raid on the women's dormitories
remains yet unknown.
Beta Theta Pi fraternity, the
house that the South Quad resi-
dents accused of taking their tree,
is investigating the matter along
with officials of the quad.
The Christmas tree has been
valued at $70-80, $50 of which
were lights that were strung on
the tree and are also missing.
Tells Tale
The fraternity, which is situat-
ed next to the South Quad, was
assaulted Wednesday night by ap-
proximately 200 students who de-
manded the return of their tiee.
'When these efforts came to no
avail, attention was turned toward
"The Hill" and the acquisition of
According to Gordon Elicker,
'63LSA, president of Beta Theta
Pi, two of the house's pledges
had been walking by the quad
on their way to the fraternity late
Tuesday night when they saw two
boys hauling the Christmas tree
down from the roof of the quad.
As soon as they were seen, the
thieves dropped the tree and ran
into the quad. The pledges, seeing
a chance to have some fun, picked
up the tree and took it inside the
fraternity house.
Disposal Ordered
When Elicker saw the tree, he
told the pledges to get rid of it.
But as to what happened to it
then, Elicker only says "I guess
that they brought it back to the
quad. I don't know if they met the
two boys who had originally tried
to steal the tree or if it ended up
on President Hatcher's lawn as
has been rumored. But we are
looking into the matter.".
Officials looking into the situ-
ation said that they will know
who to charge for the tree and
lights when the investigation fin-
ally clears things up.
Most of the South Quad had
been alerted early in the evening
for a march on the fraternity
scheduled at 11:00 p.m. When
about 100 men had gathered in
front of the quad at the appoint-
ed hour, Jerry Cowan, '63Ed, told
the crowd that he had conferred
with the Taylor House advisor,
Robert Barnette, '62LSA, about
the matter of the missing tree.
Avoid Violence
Cowan said that to avoid any
violent' action against the frater-
nity, a twelve-man contingent
would be sent to the house to find
out what had happened to the
Led by Cowan, the twelve men
went over to the house and dis-
cussed the matter for about ten
minutes with Elicker. But the
crowd in front of the quad was
growing larger and becoming rest-
less. Before the contingent could
return to the quad and report
back the now noisy crowd had
moved to the front lawn of the
A loud 20 minute demonstra-

tion followed in which eggs and
water were tossed from the fra-
ternity, and in response, the mill-
ing crowd removed two stairs
leading up to the porch of the
Meanwhile .
Inside the house, members pre-
pared for an all out attack by
brandishing sticks and clubs. But
the need for the weapons never
arose and the students slowly
walked back to the quad.
However, the demonstration
didn't break up here. The crowd
grew louder and more restless.
Some sang "Jingle Bells" and with-
in five minutes they moved to-
ward East Quad to gather more
men for an assault on the hill.
Thb rest is history.
Jensen Tells
Of Authority,
"Too much administration tends
to decrease the productivity of
an educational system," according
to Prof. Gale E. Jensen of the
Education School.
Whether the increase in admin-
istrative roles is a result of the
American pride in possessing pres-
tigeful titles or of a legitimate
effort to relieve overburdneded
administrators in growing orga-
nizatigns, Prof. Jensen believes.
that increases and changes in the
nature of administrative roles
produce a dislocation of respon-
sibility for decision-making.
Reduction in the productivity of
educational personnel follows this
change in decision-making author-
ity, he said.
"For optimum efficiency, deci-
sions about the planning, organiz-
ing, and implementing of pro-
grams have to be made by those
with roles which are involved in
or operationally close to actual
planning and implementation.
A maze of assistant principals,
assistant and associate superin-
tendents, and assistant and asso-
ciate directors and deans serves
only to complicate the process,"
Prof. Jensen believes.
Productivity also decreases, ac-
cording to Prof./ Jensen, as a re-
sult of the confusion and conflict
concerning the responsibility of
different roles for decision-mak-
ing. The recently promoted per-
son -often wonders to what au-
thority his.new role entitles him
and if indeed he has a new role.
In opposition to the belief that
an increased number, of adminis-
trators makes the central or chief
administrator more accessible to
personnel, Prof. Jensen cites the
case of the "lonely executive" who
can't be seen by others who at
the same time complains of "not
knowing what's going on."

-Daiy-Larry vanice GILBERT & SULLIVAN
... the conqueror

The many diverse student act-
ing groups at the University sweep
the full range of possibilities for
part-time thespians. Any type of
acting from Shakespeare to Gil-
bert and Sullivan to "Guys and
Dolls" through original produc-
Within the past month five Uni-
versity groups have staged their
productions. Soph Show, which is
the all sophomore class presenta-
tion, this year presented "Guys
and Dolls," an adaptation to mu-
sical from stories by Damon Run-
MUSKET, Michigan Union
Show, Ko-Eds, Too, went to the
stage with the production of an
original musical comedy, "Land
Ho!," written and starred in by
Jack O'Brien, Grad. "Land Ho!"
bumped and sang its way through
a three hour production on the
stage of Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The Gilbert and Sullivan socie-
ty is still offering "H.M.S. Pina-
fore" for the edification and en-
joyment of University audiences.
The G&S Society has the distinc-
tion of being the only University
company to go on the road and of-
fe rshows in Detroit as well as Ly-
dia Mendelssohn.
The University Players produce
quite a few plays during their sea-
son, and the current one running
at Trueblood Aud. in the Frieze
Building is "Henry IV, Part I" by
William Shakespeare.

-Daily-James Keson
NEW STAGE-On the newly constructed stage In Trueblood Aud. In the Frieze Building, the Uni-
versity Players are presenting Shakespeare's "Henry IV, Part I," Dec. 6-9 at 8:30 p.m. The stage
includes a new mahogany-panelled stage with a wide platform which extends into the auditorium.
Its purpose is to give the audience a closer approximation of what the theatre was like during
Shakespeare's time.

-Daily-James Keson
. .. Mr. 6x6 himself

"LAND HO"-This original musical comedy by Jack O'Brien, Grad, concerns itselfr with the amor-
ous misadventures of Christopher Columbus and his crew when a group of women are smuggled
aboard during his land-discovering cruise. Just imagine-other women on board the Nina, Pinta,
and the Santa Maria, it couldn't,help but lead to confusion.

-Daily-Larry vanice
SHIP AHOY -a The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is presenting five performances of "H.M.S. ina- SOPH SHOW-This year Soph Show, presented by sophomore men and women at the University,
fore" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Dec. 6-9 at 8:30 p.m. This is just a typical mob scene from produced "Guys and Dolls," Nov. 16-18 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The story is an adaptation
'Pinafore' which concerns the life and loves of Sir Joseph Porter, Josephine, his betrothed, and from stories written by the late Damon Runyon dealing with- hoodlums, gangsters, their gun molls
Ralph Rackstraw, the other man.and the Salvation Army; ending with the final salvation of the guys by the dolls.




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