See Page 2
Partly cloudy throughout
today and tonight.
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi Act
On Bias at National Meetings
Two, fraternities-Sigma Chi
and Beta Theta Pi-took action
at their national conventions
this summer to answer charges of
racial bias.
Sigma Chi Grand Counsel Rich-
ard S. Doyle, national head of
the fraternity, announced that
the white-only clause has been re-
moved from the group's consti-
tution since last June when the
group met.
Commenting on the Sigma Chi
constitutional change, Doyle said
that locals are "free to choose
their own membership by unani-
mous vote of the local."
Refuses to Reveal
He would not reveal either the
exact rewording or the vote re-
quired to make such a motion
Sigma Chi has been cited as one
of the three fraternities known
to have written bias clauses. It is
the first of the three to eliminate
the provision.
The Betas voted to remove the
suspension of its Williams Col-
lege chapter, thus allowing the lo-
cal to initiate a Negro, the first
to be a member of the fraternity.
FPA Adopts Statement
Disapproving Bias Rules
The Fraternity Presidents' Assembly yesterday adopted a policy
statement expressing "disapproval of any written or unwritten restric-
tions" involving race, religion, color, creed, or national ancestry in
fraternity membership selection.
The, statement pledged that the Interfraternity Council and local
fraternities will continue to work actively with local chapters, national
GOP Sweens
99 Delegates
To Con-Con
The Republican Party Tuesday
captured control of Michigan's
upcoming constitutional conven-
tion by winning 99 out of 144
delegate seats.
The GOP contenders swept to
victory in Washtenaw County were
Roscoe D. Bonisteel, former Uni-
versity Regent; Prof. James K.
Pollock, former chairman of the
political science dept., and J. Don
Lawrence, Ypsilanti businessman.
Also elected as delegates to the
convention which begins in Lan-
sing' on Oct. 3 were Regent Paul
G. Goebel; Michigan State Uni-
versity President John A. Hannah;
American Motors President George
Romney; and Alvin M. Bentley,
unsuccessful GOP Senatorial can-
didate last fall.
Basis of Election
The 144 delegates were elected
on the basis of one for each mem-
ber of the Michigan House and
Senate. The Republicans hold an
overall majority of 78-66 in the
A light turnout, caused by rainy
weather and some degree of voter
apathy, resulted in the Republi-
cans' giant victory.
The Republican dominated con-
vention will attempt to make the
first complete review of basic law
in the State of Michigan since
1907. Among the issues to be con-
sidered are the status of the state
universities, the lengthening of
the gubernatorial term to four
years and the appointment of exe-
cutive subordinates, a unification
of the Michigan court system, the
problem of ear-marked funds and
taxation, and the over-all ques-
tion of reapportionment.
See MICHIGAN, Page 3
Jailed Clergy
TO Stand Trial
In Mississippi
JACKSON, Miss. ()-An inte-
grated group of bus-riding Epis-
copal clergymen, jailed on the
same charges as "Freedom Rid-
ers," will go on trial in city court
The 15 clergymen, including the
son-in-law of New York Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller, were charged
with breach of the peace after
they attempted to desegregate the
white waiting room of a bus sta-
tion. The group included three
Negro ministers.
Jack Young, a Jackson Negro
lawyer, and City Prosecutor Jack
Travis agreed on a 3 p.m. trial
time after it previously had been
planned for yesterday.
Carl Rachlin of New York, gen-
eral counsel for the Congress of
organizations and the Student
Government Council Membership
Selectivity Committee to seek a
solution in accord with the'diverse.
interests involved.
This policy was adopted in view
of the tremendous pressures facing
fraternities on this and virtually
every other campus, IFC President
Robert Peterson, '62, said.
Attempts Clarification
The statement attempts to make
clear that University fraternities
are sincerely attempting to elimi-
nate bias clauses, which now re-
main in only a few of the Univer-
sity chapters.
However, these attempts are
gravely complicated by the pres-
sures and clamor from many stu-
dents and faculty members for the
removal of the clauses, although
See FPA, Page 7
Controversy began last year
when national officials suspend-
ed the Williams chapter after
their acceptance of a Negro into
the chapter.
National officials attributed the
suspension, which forbade the
chapter to pledge or initiate mem-
bers, to the total opportunity rush
system which they claimed forc-
ed the fraternity to accept mem-
bers it would otherwise reject.
The total opportunity system,
adopted at Williams last year,
guarantees that every student who
rushes, if he lists all fifteen of the
Williams fraternities in order or
preference and has visited all of
them, will get a bid.
No Acceptance
No rushee may accept a bid
until every person rushing who is
willing to accept a bid from any
fraternity has received one.
Charges of racial prejudice
arose, with the Dartmouth Beta
chapter eventually severing ties
with the national, charging them
with "hypocrisy" and contending
that a gentleman's agreement
existed forbidding Negroes.
Vice-President of the Beta
Chapter Scott Mohr said that
"discussion at the convention cen-
tered around the total opportunity
system rather than the question
of racial prejudice."
No Resolution
Mohr also noted that "many of
the questions about total oppor-
tunity have just never been suf-
ficiently resolved."
He commented that the system
would break down if houses were
forced to accept men that nobody
Neither Mohr or national Pres-
ident Seth R. Brooks would dis-
close whether the lifting of the
injunction was temporary or per-
manent or whether any conditions
were attached to it.
Study Committee
Mohr added that the adminis-
tration at Williams has set up a
committee to study the rushing
Beta officials, both national and
at the Williams' local refused to
disclose details of the debate or
vote at the national convention.
"A fraternity convention is a
private meeting, and there is no
reason to disclose the proceed-
ings," Brooks said.
Daily To Hold
Open House
An opportunity for entering
freshmen to see the inner work-
ings of the Daily and the 'Ensian
will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon
tomorrow when the Student Publi-
cations Building will hold an Open
Guided tours of the building
will be conducted and the senior
editors of both publications will
informally meet interested stu-
Refreshments will be served.
U' Enrollment Reaches 24,500;
Increased by250 oV
For Corps Center
Negotiations for establishing a Thailand training center for the >
Peace Corps at the University are continuing, with the establishment NI
of a training program to begin in early October.
Work done by members of the University's English Language
Institute in Thailand, in addition to staff members such as Prof.
William J. Gedney of the Far Eastern languages department and
Last. Fall
Students will "definitely" be in-
cluded as "full and equal working
members" of the study committee
on the Office of Student Affairs,
Prof. John Reed of the Law
School said yesterday.
Prof. Reed, chairman of the
committee, added that Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis had already contacted Stu-
dent Government Council Presi-
dent Richard Nohl, '62, BAd., on
this matter.
Nohl confirmed this, saying he
expected to receive, in time for
the first SGC meeting, a proposal
from Lewis providing for student
participation on the faculty com-
mittee or, alternately, a parallel
student committee. SGC would
decide which arrangement it pre-
fers and select the students.
"There's no question that the
Council will be involved in study-
ing this entire area," Nohl said.
Second Meeting
At is second meeting, held yes-
terday, the study committee con-
tinued preliminary work aimed at
acquainting the members with
past studies, both here and else-
where, on problems of student-
university relations.
Lewis has prepared a biblio-
graphy surveying literature in the
field and has reproduced relevant
policy statements by the National
Student Association. He also has
instructed heads of various depart-
ments in his office to compile in-
formation on their operations, in-
cluding a complete file of alll
forms used.
At the request of the committee,
Lewis has also drawn up a list
of problems and questions to guide
their approach to the study.
Lewis created the study com-
mittee this summer in response
to a report by the University
Senate Student Relations Com-
mittee. The committee had in-
dependently launched a study of
the Office of Student Affairs last
spring after receiving documented
compaints from a group of stu-
Students Protest
The student group, consisting
of members of the 1961 Michigan
Daily senior staff and the SGC
Human Relations Commission,
protested the orientation and
practices of Dean of Women De-
borah Bacon. The faculty com-
mittee concerned itself not only
with these complaints, but with
the University's entire philosophy
and administration of student af-
Their final report, which has
not been released, made seven
major recommendations, includ-
ing "reassignment of present per-
sonnel" and "sweeping structural
changes in the Office of Student
The present study committee
was created on the basis of the
latter recommendation. Lewis has
repeatedly stressed that reassign-
ment of personnel can not be con-
sidered until structural changes
are completed.
Take Charge
At their first meeting last
month, Lewis told the committee
they were to take as their charge
the first sentence of the recom-
mendation: "The Office of Stu-
* dent Affairs should be changed."
However, the committee is not
bound to accept the particular
revisions suggested in the report,
Lewis indicated.
Prof. Reed affirmed that the
report of the Student Relations
Committee has no preferred status
in the present study. "It has been
put in our hands, along with some
twenty-five other documents, but
it is not the basis of our study
and it is not the focus," he said.
" "Our study is much broader."
Prof. Reed said he conceived
that the committee's charge is to
study the University's attitude and
operation in matters involving
student life outside the classroom
and the "whole baliwiek" of the
Office of Student Affairs.
See STUDENTS, Page 7
Peace Corps
Bill Passes
of Representatives approved the
Peace Corps as a permanent
agency yesterday.
A roll call vote sent the meas-
ure to conference to iron out min-.
or differences in the authorization
bill passed previously by the Sen-
Passage came after the House
shouted down an amendment to
put the Corps on a three-year
trial basis.
After defeating a stiffer version
offered by Rep. August E. Johan-
sen (R-Mich), the House adopted
a requirement for all Corps vol-
unteers to disclaim advocacy or
membership in any organization
they know advocates overthrow of
the government.
The approved substitute, offer-
ed by Rep. Walter H. Judd (R-
Minn) is identical with that now
required for regular government
.. . greets freshmen
Hatcher Gives
Welcome Tal k
To Freshmen
University President Harlan
Hatcher officially welcomed the
freshman class and praised the
drama department and Michigan
Daily in an address last night in
Hill Auditorium.
The head of the University cited
the freshmen as "peers of any
class" of new students at any Uni-
versity in the country but warned
them, "do not let any week go by
without fulfilling your study obli-
He complimented the student
thespians for their "expertness"
and The Daily' for being "very
splendidly written" and the "best
student newspaper published on a
college campus."
The President's remarks fol-
lowed talks given by Student Gov-
ernment Council President Rich-
ard Nohl, 62 BAd, Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon, Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea and Vice-President
of Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
The speakers stressed the point
that the new students were a most
select group and Dean Bacon ex-
pressed hope that new students
would find unity in the plurality
of society.
-Prof. E. M. Anthony of the English
department, who are familiar with
the Thai language and culture
make the University well-qualified
to present such training, Prof.
Robert C. Leestma of the educa-
tion school, who has been helping
set up the program, points out.
Since 1958, University staffmen
have been working through the
International Cooperation Admin-
istration and the governments of
Thailand, Laos and Viet Nam, to
set up centers in those three
countries to improve and aid the
teaching of English.
Largest in Thailand
Of the three centers, the one in
Thailand was the largest. In each
country linguistic analysis was
made to determine the particular
difficulties speakers of the native
language would have in learning.
These analyses were completed
and the scholars are currently
preparing special teaching ma-
terials on the basis of these stu-
dies, incorporating adequate drill
in the difficult areas.
Because of the work done in
Thailand, the University is in
a particularly good position to
offer the Peace Corps volunteers
who will be sent there the train-
ing they need.
Common Core
The preliminary plans call for
all volunteers attending the Thai-
land training center would re-
ceive a "common core" training
program. This would include in-
struction in the Thai language
and culture under the direction
of Prof. Gedney, in American cul-
ture and institutions under Prof.
Marvin Felheim of the English
department, and in physical edu-
cation' and personal health and
In addition each volunteer would
have a field of specialization. The
University will offer training in
two of the special fields: -the
teaching of English as a foreign
language and the eradication of
Two Specialties
Two other specialties will be
the teaching of trade and indus-
trial skills such as carpentry,
plumbing, and sheet metal weld-
ing, and assisting in the instru-
tion at Chulalongkorn University
in Bangkok, the primary Thai
Soviets Offer
Rusk Parlev
course is required of pre-medical
and pre-dental students.
However, officials of the de-
partments concerned pointed out,
the majority of the students de-
siring these courses are already
enrolled when they were closed,
due to large preregistration of
freshmen at summer orientation
and the scheduling of most of the
freshman orientation groups dur-
ing the first two days of registra-
All the courses had been closed
on the third day of registration
previous falls, but department of-
ficials indicated that this was the
earliest such closing had ever
been caused.
They blamed this mostly on the
large pre-registration of fresh-
men during the summer, which
filled more of the courses earlier
than previously.
The cause of such course clos-
ings was laid to both a lack of
staff and the fact that students
tend to elect these courses in the
fall, leaving spaces open in the
Russia~ns Buzz
U.S. Planes
Department said last night two
American civilian airliners were
buzzed by Communist jets over
Germany yesterday, and protest-
ed that this was harrassment.
The State Department said one
Rnvicd figyhter flewronly920 feet
-Daily-James Meson
THE LINE-UP-A near record 24,500 students will have reg-
istered through this line at the Waterman Gym when orienta-
tion week draws to a close. Here, students rest on the guard rail-
ing outside the Chemistry and Pharmacy Bldg. waiting to be
admitted to the gym.
Large Courses Closed
To Further Enrollment
Four large distribution credit courses were closed to further
enrollment early yesterday, halfway through the three-day registra-
tion period.
Psychology 101, Botany 101, Zoology 101 and Astronomy 111, all
dominated by freshman students, were closed to students attempting
to enroll during the second half of the registration period.
The psychology course gives social science distribution credit
to literary college students, and the other three give natural science
credit. In addition, the zoology
Budget Limit
Curbs Hike
In size of 'U'
Dearborn Applicants
Double; Out-of-State
Ratio Remains Same
Outsidq of the graduate school,
University admissions will'keep
this ,year's enrollment 'almost
exactlythe same a'at'er.
excl h azea ls Vice-President for Student AV-
fairs James A. Lewis has annoulc-
ed that tota enrollment this year
will be about 24,500, an' increase
of about 250 over last year's fail
enrollment of 24,229.
Budget limitations coming from
a lack of increases in the state
appropriation to the University
are the prime factor holding down
the number of students-but an
increase of 250 or 300 in the-grad-
uate student enrollment is plan-
ned, since this section of the Ui-
versity has not had quite as many
students as it could accefl in past
Doubles Enrollment
The Dearborn Center is expect-
ed to double its enrollment this
year, however, going from about
220 students last year to 425 this.
And the University's Flint College
will increase its enrollment sligh-
ly, rising from about 450 to a
little more than 500 students.
The exact details of these en-
rollment figures are not avail-
able, however, since registration
is still1in process through tomor-'
row morning.
Admission statistics and stand-
ards for the freshman class ran
about the same as last year, As-
sistant Director of Admissions
Byron L. Groesbeck reported, with
about 9,000 students applying, 4,-
500 being accepted, and 3,200 of
these deciding to come here.
The numbers of in-state and
out-of-state applicants and ac-
cepted students ran' almost exact-
ly the same as last year, with a
final ratio of about 2:1, Groes-
beck said.
But he noted that the qualit
although not yet tabulated in any
readily accessible manner, of the
freshman class (and the appli-
cants) rose again slightly.
In-state Standards
In-state admissions standards,
although varying with the college
within the University, ran about
the same as last year, with stu-
dents in the upper quarter (ap-
proximately) of their class being
accepted. This is about 70 per
cent of the in-state applicants.
About 50 per cent of the out
of-state applicants are accepted,
and only about 50 per cent of these
decide to come here, while about'
three-quarters of the in-tate 'ap-
plicants accepted as entering
freshmen choose to come to the
University, Groesbeck said.
The literary college students
will dominate the freshman a
missions, numbering about 2,000
First 2 Days'
Runs Smoothly
Registration, in spite of changesy
in procedure, ran pretty smoothly
for the first two days, Registration
Director Ronald Keller reported
The changes are in the issuance
of the new plastic ID cards before
registration and the installment
payment plan for tuition.
One major tieup occurred at the
distribution station in Mason Hall
for the literary college ID cards.
The wait ran as high as 45 min-
utes at times.
Many students were confused
about what the pocket in the back
of the ID was for; representatives
in Waterman Gym often had to
show them the white registration
card they had, hidden under their
athletic coupon.
Keller pointed out also that
many students did not realize
when they entered registration
that installment paying of tuition
was allowed, causing mixups
around wthedbilling station and
cashiers booths.
Settles Down
But, after the rush Wednesday
morning, the procedure of regis-
tration settled down to a nice
steady flow of students, Keller
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