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December 08, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-08

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1ST aces
The Institute of Science and Technology faces a challenge
grows directly out of the state's need for a broader industrial
IST is unique in this respect, for unlike other large univ
sponsored research programs, it is attempting to serve a dual pu
While recognizing the importance of its state-wide "mission,
Institute is also attempting to operate as a truly integrated part
The Instiue represents the merging of what were formerl
separate University organizations, the original Institute of Scien
Technology, established under the 1959 state legislative appropri
and the Willow Run Laboratories, the center of large-scale re,
conducted by the University since World War II.
Original Appropriation
The initial $500,000 appropriation from the state did little
than .set up a "paper" organization. With no laboroatories an
full-time research personnel, the original Institute spent its
largely on a lecture series, scholarships and fellowships, a vi
scientists program, and support of University faculty on release
research at IST.
When the Willow Run complex was brought under the In.
in 1960, the 50-person staff absorbed a force of 600. Operating
a current annual budget of almost $10 million, the amount of av
space and facilities, and the variety and size of research .pr
present an enormous potential for both the University and the st
IST works not only with the University but also with the
state schools. Any state-supported school in Michigan is eligil
apply to the Institute for funds to further its research progran
currently supporting fellowships and scholarships at Wayne Stat
Michigan State University in addition to those at the Universil
A primary function of the Institute, as an instrument for
wide development, is to study the state as an attraction for ind
Moore Controversy
Goes to Committee
Conservative Charges Socialism
Pervades MSU Teaching, Thou
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The academic council of Michigan State Univ
established. a review committee yesterday to handle the charges al
conservative club advisor Prof. John Moore for maligning the
Prof. Moore of the natural science school told an assembly
Farm Bureau last month that MSU was teaching a predomir






IST officials note an increasing interest in the Ann Arbor area among
industrial personnel. It is important that the Institute keep cultivating
he "delicate climate" necessary to the growth of industry in this area.
While the University is in itself an extremely attractive drawing card,
value of the work of the IST in this particular endeavor cannot be
The Institute is involved in both basic and applied research. In
attempting to solve broad functional problems, basic, theoretical
studies are frequently intrinsic parts of a practical program.
Government Contracts
Of the dearly $10 million which the Institute spends per year, $9
million is brought in by contracts with the government and private
business and $900,000 is appropriated by the state.
The contracts received by IST are overwhelmingly sponsored by
the government. No more than four per cent of the annual contract
moneys is brought in from private industry.
Industries come to the Institute when they are in need of special
help to solve a particular problem. These contracts, rarely averaging
over $15,000 apiece, do little more than support the work of one
professor. JST is currently negotiating with approximately 50 such
private.industrial sources.
However, in the end, the Institute is tied to governmental support,
of which more than 75 per cent comes from the Defense Department.
In view of this fact it is not unusual to find that more than half of the
work done by IST is classified information.
Classified Work
There are both desirable and undesirable features to this vast
amount of classified work. While often a nuisance in an institution
where the free dissemination of information ought to be a primary
goal, University scientists are brought into contact with information
which they could not otherwise know.
At the present time IST is working with about 45 cost-reimburse-

ment contracts, one of which, Project MICHIGAN, is currently
operating at a $4 million a year rate. This project, which partially
represents the nation's research effort for advancing the Army's long-
term capability in combat surveillance and target acquisition, has had
a total funding of over $40 million during its nine years of University
National Centers
For the Defense Department, IST is now operating three national
centers of information and analysis: in infrared technology, in the
detection of underground nuclear explosions and earthquakes, and in
the basic radiation phenomena of missiles.
Sponsored research done by the Institute is not solely confined to
solid-state physics and the mathematics of data processing. The Insti-
tute recently completed a flight measurement program in Greenland
and several others in Arizona. Currently sponsoring research at Cape
Canaveral on underground measurements of earthquakes, it intends
to send men to the Philippines, to Turkey, Chile, Japan and New
Guinea for similar experimentation.
But sponsored research does not provide all the necessary capabili-
ties for a thorough, encompassing research program. The state pro-
gram, although small, provides for the accomplishment of many
important things for which other support cannot be obtained.
Research Programs
Selected research programs in areas particularly promising to the
state's future and private research, incompatible with the interests of
specific sponsoring agencies result from the state capital.
There are three types of people working for the Institute: Under-
graduate and graduate students, educators, and a full-time professional
research staff..
It is the hope of the Institute that many of the 150 graduate
students from the University and elsewhere who are currently employed
on a part-time basis will stay on to teach or do research in the state
after receiving their masters' and doctors' degrees. Therefore the pre-

and post-doctoral scholarship and fellowship program is an important
feature of IST's functions.
Several members of the teaching faculty are actively engaged in
both the sponsored-research program and the state-sponsored program
of the Institute. A number of them are being supported by the funds
which IST gets from the state so that they are able to take time out
from their teaching schedules and devote concentrated periods of
research to the Institute.
The Institute's Visiting Scientists Program attempts to attract
exceptionally qualified scientists from all over the world. Some come
for short periods of time and lecture and give consultations. Others
stay for months and actually do research at the University.
While there are only a few visiting scientists at the Institute at
present, officials hope that an increase in state appropriations will
enable them to expand their program and obtain other scientists of the
highest caliber.
Full-Time Staff
The third group of scientists working wth the Institute is its
full-time professional staff of 275 member~s. More than half have either
masters' or doctors' degrees.
The Institute is sold on organized research. While it is currently
conducting only 40 of the University's 800 research projects, it has
contracted almost one-third of the total dollar volume on University
The value of its support of young scientists, aid to industry
throughout the state, work for the federal government, and service to
the University like that of research, itself, is difficult to discern and is
largely seen only in retrospect.
In New England and in the Far West vast complexes of industrial
research and research-based industry have sprung up. The Middle
West has an enormous potential for equally fine industrial research,
and given time, and increased state support, IST may be the spring-
board for such a development in Michigan.

:Yi e

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

..denies charge

MSU-0 Faces'
Faculty Rift
On Objectives
The faculty of Michigan State
University - Oakland is reportedly
split over whether the school is a
community college for Oakland
and Macomb counties or a school
for qualified students from all over
Michigan and the United States.
Unable to solve the problem, the
administration heightened it by
dissolving the Faculty Senate a
year ago after a five-hour debate
on the goals of the university.
The split was revealed when the
university said it would not renew
the contract of Justus R. Pearson,
Jr. of the English department.
Pearson believes he antagonized
the administration by attempting
to promote new methods in langu-
age instruction. He says he knows
of four faculty members not re-
turning next year and of contracts
for at least two others which will
not be renewed.

~&ocialist doctrine, that conservative
faculty ,are discriminated against
and that the student 'newspaper,
the State News, was predominantly
a medium for liberal or Socialist
Moore replied to Hannah in an
open letter to the Farm Bureau
charging intimidation and intent
to muzzle his remarks by the ad-
ministration. The farm bureau is
an important alumni and lobby
group for MSU.
Hannah then commented to the
State Journal and Moore retaliated
with a news release Wednesday.
Hannah referred the affair offi-
cially to the faculty as Moore's
charges challenged the faculty
and the "educational integrity"
of the university._
The review board which will
consider Prof. Moore's action is
composed of all faculty on the
Academic Council, a board of 13
deans, administrators and 5 elected
They will review the actions of
Prof. Moore and set precedent for
any future cases. They have the
power to take action.
In the State Journal, Hannah
said "It is difficult for a university
to protect itself when people in its
employ are out to crucify'the insti-
tution." In the press release, Prof.
Moore accused Hannah of attack-
ing him personally before the
Farm Bureau.
Prof. Moore said "It is very
difficult for me to speak out
against these attacks. What they
recently did to Prof. Charles Rog-
ers-another conservative-is still
in my mind." (Rogers was demoted
last summer for charging the MSU
Bureau of Labor and Industriall
Relations was slanted to the labor
In an interview yesterday, Prof.
Moore cited instances of the lack
of conservative influence in the
school and said he "was concerned
about the events that are trans-
"I disagree with the administra-
tion on thesis of 'open society'. It
is my position that a free society
cannot be an open society except
only at the risk of destroying our
heritage. Socialism should not be
But for holding that theory Prof.
Moore did not think that he should
be "publicly smeared as thinking
there is a Communist behind every

Rejects Plan
Republic W)-The government of
President Joaquin Balaguer re-
jected last night the latest opposi-
tion plan to settle the Dominican
political crisis.
It was the second such rejec-
tion by Balaguer, a holdover from
the Trujillo era, within a week,
and came on the 10th day of a
paralyzing general strike aimed at
forcing him to resign.
Earlier in the day huge crowds
jammed into the main streets of
Santo Domingo following reports
that the opposition had won its
victory in the crisis with an
agreement under which Balaguer
would step down.
But after a 21/2-hour meeting
between Balaguer and top con-
gressmen and military chiefs, the
government rejected- the opposi-
tion formula as "inadmissable."
The nation's military hierarchy
went to the national palace led
by air force Gen. Pedro Rodri-
guez Echavarria. Belaguer last
month made him the general sec-
retary for armed forces, putting
him in direct succession behind
the president.
Union Board
Votes To Seek
Canopy Bids-
The Michigan Union Board of
Directors last night authorized
the seeking of bids for architectur-
al plans for a $10,000 canopy to
be erected over the north entrance
of the Union.
The cantalever structure, high
enougth to shelter a bus, is design-
ed to protect persons entering and
leaving vehicles by that entrance
from snow and rain. The basic de-
sign also calls for enclosing the
east wall with glass in winter,
Donald C. May of the Board's
finance committee said.
First suggested by University
President Harlan H. Hatcher, the
designing of the structure is be-
ing coordinated with the Univer-
sity architect's office.

To Adopt No Policy on
Apartment Permission
The Panhellenic Association President's Council yesterday passed a
motion stating that no policy should be adopted by Panhellenic pro-
hibiting senior affiliates from having automatic apartment permission.
The vote came after surveys were taken at every house to get the
opinions of the individual sorority women on the issue. Last week the
motion was brought to the floor of the President's Council and tabled

Faxon Suggests Giving

Offers EMU Plan Also

Repo rt Split du
President John F. Kennedy has
had his first falling out with the
nation's labor press, a University
research team reported recently.
The President's call for a bal-
anced budget in 1963 brought his
first major break with the union
newspapers, the Bureau of Indus-
trial Relations discovered. The
major union publications -- The
Federation News, the AFL-CIO
News and the UAW-Solidarity
(Michigan edition)-published re-
ports of sharply critical statements
by union chiefs of Kennedy's or-
der for a balanced budget.
While the criticism was not
limited to these three newspapers,
they are among "the most influ-
ential in sensing labor's voice since
they are the organs for the top
leadership of the labor move-
ment," the researchers said.
"Local union papers often ob-
tain their editorial guides-and
sometimes the copy for their lo-
cal issues-from the national la-
bor papers. Thus, within two
months or so it may well be ex-
pected that the 75 million read-
ers of labor union periodicals in
this country will have been ex-
posed to a heavy amount of offi-
cial opinion critical of Kennedy.
Both AFL-CIO President George
Meany and UAW chief Walter
Reuther showed sharp concern
over possible implications of the
balanced budget.
Meany expressed concern over
the impact of a balanced budget
on unemployment and predicted a
possible jobless level of 5.5 per
cent at the beginning of the 1963
fiscal year.

so that the women could have
more time for "careful considera-
tion of the problem."
"This was the kind of issue that
could have gone either way-this
-is, there were merits to be seen in
both setting a policy or in not
setting one," Panhellenic President
Susan Stillerman, '62A&D said.
Good for Panhellenic,
"I feel this vote was good for
Panhellenic insofar as it allows
the individual house and member
to make the final decision. If this
does not'work in future years, the
issue should be brought up again,"
Miss Stillerman said.
Assistant Dean of Women Eliza-
beth Leslie, who observed the
meeting, was asked how the Office
of the Dean of Women would han-
dle apartment permission for affili-
ates. In previous years it has been
considerably more difficult for
sorority women to be granted
apartment permission than inde-
"The idea that the dean's office
is overly strict with sorority wom-
en is a wrong idea. We have been
strict, but this was because sorority
houses asked for this. We grant
apartment permission on financial
basis," she said.
"This is the first opportunity for
you to prove your strength as
sorority women-if your strength
fails, maybe your sororities will
die-and perhaps in these circum-
stances they should.
"Once it (the sorority system)
starts going downhill, God help
you," Dean Leslie concluded.
Hatcher Asks
More Support
For Midwest
Support for education and re-
search is essential to the rebirth
of the Midwest as a center of in-
dustry, University President Har-
lan Hatcher told 300 Michigan
bankers yesterday.
President Hatcher pointed out
the "modern marriage" of research
and industry and emphasized ln-
dustry's pursuit of research facili-
ties to East and West Coast col-
Hatcher told the 23rd annual
Bank Study Conference of the
Michigan Bankers' Associated that
"it is necessary to limit this move
to the coasts and to build up the
Midwest." He indicated that an
increase in education and research
facilities would help draw indus-
try to the Midwest and Michigan.
drawing new industry here has
been limited by the obsolescence
of some of its facilities, he savi.


Monteux Views
Modern Music

LONDON OP)--At 86, Pierre
Monteux looked back over the
music of recent decades and
said somewhat sadly that Stra-
vinsky is the only modern com-

Monteux, an American citi-
zen, has a home in Hancock,
Maine. He formerly conducted
the San Francisco Symphony
Orchestra, the Boston Sympho-
ny, the New York Metropolitan
Opera and other American mu-
sical groups. He is taking over
as chief conductor of the Lon-
don Symphony Orchestra,
In the years before the First
World War he premiered many
new works of Debussy and Rav-
el. He was their friend. Never-
theless, he says:
"Probably one or two works
of Debussy and of Ravel will
live. But when I play - their
w6rks so many times, I see how
they worked it.
"You should not see the work
when you hear it."
Monteux said the greatest
violinist he ever heard was
Fritz Kreisler, now living in
America but retired. Among
those playing today he .said he
likes Jascha Heifitz best..
He also likes Isaac Stern, an-
other American; the Russians,
David and Igor Oistrakh, fath-
er and son; Nathan Milstein,
American; and Zino Frances-
catti of France.

.. . retrospect

SU Rule to


Seeks Union.
For. Others
Under MSU
Con-Con Delegate
Urges Simplification
Of Education Set-Up
Constitutional Convention dele-
gate Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) will
soon propose to the convention
that the Wayne State University
Board of Governors be erased and
WSU placed under the constitu-
tional jurisdiction of the Regents.
The con-con yesterday received
Faxon's proposal to place Eastern
Michigan University at Ypsilanti
under the Regents also.
Faxon said yesterday that he
would also propose that Central
Michigan University at Mt. Pleas-
ant, Western Michigan University
at Kalamazoo, and Ferris Institute
at Big Rapids be placed under the
jurisdiction of the Michigan State
University Board of Trustees, and
that a new board of governors be
created for "upper peninsula insti-
Such a board would presently
encompass Northern Michigan
College at Marquette and Michigan
Institute of Mining and Technol-
ogy at Houghton.
Asks Committee
He said that all the boards would
be put together, along with an
eight-member State Board of Edu-
cation, under a coordinating com-
mittee for higher education, simi-
lar to that recently proposed by
state AFL-CIO President August
Faxon said he saw his proposal
as a compromise position between
the two extremes: one over-all
board or one board for each separ-
ate school.
'Keep Situation Simple'
"Many of my colleagues feel
there is a trend toward many
separate boards," he said. "But I
feel we must keep the situation
simple, so it won't be hard for the
people to understand."
His EMU proposal would "give
the Regents the direction and con-
trol of all expenditures from the
University funds and from EMU
funds." The others would be simi-
All proposals will be referred to
Alvin M. Bentley's (R-Owosso)
Committee on Education.
Educators at the various insti-
tutions declined to speculate as yet
on the possibilities of the proposal,
but Faxon was optimistic. He said
that he had discussed the matter

poser whose music will live. And
then, only perhaps. ,
"I don't see anyone, except
perhaps Stravinsky -- some
works of his," the conductor
told a reporter.
"Prokofiev: I don't think so.
Shostakovitch: not.
"Berg: he will be finished in
10 years. Hinemith: no inspira-
tion . . . He will not live. Bat-
tok: I give him 10.years.
"Mahler: he will not live.
He's not a creator. He's an imi-
Monteux knew Brahms 70,
years ago and was a student
of Cesar Franck.
On modern music he observ-
"I see how it has been writ-
ten. I see what is in the inter-
ior of the works of all these
composers. They have just a
little inspiration in one bar of
music and then they develop
it. They. have technique and
technique and technique-and
that's not interesting."


MarkeyDiscusses Cold War Position

Complacent Americans must be-
come more vocal and resolute
about freedom if they are to pre-
serve it, Brig. Gen. Howard T.
Markey said last night in a taik
called "Are We Afraid?" sponsored
by the air science department.
Gen. Markey offered two reasons
for America's declining position in
the cold war. "We are not trying
to win and we appear afraid," he
said. "For the first time in history,

with Moscow, Gen. Markey at-
tributed their policy of "backing
away from the enemy" to the fact
that "they want peace." He chal-
lenged Americans, most of whom
he feels want "both peace and
freedom," to state their position
as strongly as the radical groups.
The United States must depend
on nuclear power and be willing to
risk nuclear war in order to avoid
it, Gen. Markey said. "Even if we

a favorite

NASA Sets Plais To Develop
!Y3 71 !Y A


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