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September 12, 1961 - Image 57

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-12

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Y, SEPTEMBER 12,1962




COMPil es,
'U' News
(Continued from Page 1)

Magazine Presents
Scientific Features

portant news clippings and biogra-
phies of prominent local and na-
tional figures. The library also
keeps national magazines, profes-
sional and collegiate newspapers
and reference books on hand for
the use of staff members.
Approaching the city desk from
the door, one has on the right the
business staff and on the left the
photography and sports depart-
At the very back of the room are
the assignment board and the city
desk, where reporters receive their
instructions, turn in stories, make
up pages and write headlines for
the paper.
Printing Plant
Downstairs in the shop, fondly
nicknamed the "pit" by staff mem-
bers, is a printing plant valued at
more than $500,000.
Stories and headlines are sent to
the shop from the city desk by
means of a dumbwaiter. In the
shop typed copy is set into long
sheets called galleys, which are
proof-read, corrected and set into
metal forms of the pages as they
will appear in the newspaper.
Photographs for The Daily are
engraved on the Fairchild ma-
chine where a fine needle burns a
series of tiny dots on an engraving
plate according to the degree of
light or darkness of the picture.
When the pages have been set,
a paper mache mat is made of
them. A metal form is then made
of the pages and put on the press.
All this is done in the early hours
of the morning, for The Daily has
the latest deadline of any morning
newspaper in the state.
Cohesive Group
The new Daily. staff member
quickly becomes an integral part
of a cohesive, friendly organiza-
4 Reporters find the atmosphere a
unique combination of work and
socializing where well - informed
ad interested persons are always
engaged in lively discussions on
every conceivable subject.
The Daily offers the student an
opportunity for learning about the
campus unparalleled by any other
By writing up the news and in-
terviewing members of the faculty
and administration, the reporter
gains an insight into both local
and national events which leads
to informed editorial comment.
Upperclassmien Join
Upperclassmen who join The
Daily as novices may advance ac-
cording to their abilities after com-
pleting fundamental training. Al-
though many journalism students

For engineering students - and
everyone else interested in techni-
cal articles-the Michigan Technic
offers a top-class magazine that
has been published since 1882.
Oldest publication on campus,
the Technic is published monthly
and has, for the third consecutive
year, won the Engineering College
Magazine Association Award for
over-all excellence among engi-
neering publications.
It isn't under the control of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications (as are The Daily, the
'Ensian and Generation), but is
put out by students of the engi-
neering school.
Although there are other school
publications, the Technic alone has
a reputation and staff to make it
considered a publication to rank
with the larger enterprises housed
in the Student Publications Bldg.
on Maynard Street.
Stories last year ranged from a
discussion of entropy to a study on
echo location in bats.
Editorial comment ranged from
"Don't Knock Ann Arbor" advice
to freshmen, to comments on add-
ing liberal arts training to the en-
gineer's curriculum.
Besides student contributions the
Technic also features articles

written by faculty members and
scientists in industry. A story
written by Dean Stephen Attwood
of the engineering college in last
year's February issue was ad-
dressed to the state's high school
Many of these have the Technic;
available to them; the engineering
college also contracts Technic to3
put out a special yearly issue to
reach future engineers in 1200
schools throughout this area.
This special issue is designed to
acquaint high school students with
the advantages and opportunities
of the engineering education of-
fered here. It is filled with light
technical articles.
Board Guides
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications has the final
authority and control over The
Daily, the Ensian, Generation and
the Student Directory.
The 12-man board meets
monthly and holds special com-
mittee meetings throughout the
year. Five faculty members, three
students elected in campus wide
elections and two alumni inathe
field of journalism are the vot-
ing members of the board.
Ex-Officio voting positions are
held by the Vice-President for
Student Affairs and the Director
of University Relations. Maurice
Rinkel, Business Secretary for the
Board, is a non-voting member.
The Board has a liberal policy
towards censorship, having guar-
anteed editorial freedom for The
Daily for '70 years. A student-
created Code of Ethics provides
guidelines to help the editors
determine what they will print.
It is the custom of the Board
to appoint the senior staffs of the
various publications for the en-
suing academic Year at a meeting
heldein April.

'U' Directory
Aids Finding
Of Students
It's 11:00 at night and you're
missing some crucial data for a lab
report due the next morning. How+
can you get in touch with that guy
who works next to you in the lab?
You've met this cool girl andl
you'd like to ask her out but you
don't know where she lives. How
can you find out without calling
up every women's residence on
These daily campus problems
can be solved by one of the most
useful publications which the Uni-
versity offers-the Student Direc-
tory. Compiled and edited by stu-
dents, this handy telephone book
is published yearly in the fall, with
a supplement issue for the spring
The directory is published under
the auspices of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications, who
take bids on the book from campus
honorary organizations. Then the
board selects the organization to
do both the fall and spring edi-
The 1960-61 directory was pub-
lished by Vulcans, senior engineer-
ing honorary, while the spring
supplement was handled by Alpha
Phi Omega, service fraternity. This
year's fall directory will again be
edited by Vulcans.
The tedious work involved is not
particularly pleasant. Names must
be alphabetized from the 25,000
registration cards and each mem-
ber of the society contributes many
man hours in separating them.
When the cards are organized,
they are taken to a typist and the
names are typed up alphabetically
on long sheets which eventually
become the pages of the directory.
After the names have been typed
out, the sheets are cut and put in
order, and the advertisements from
local merchants are inserted. The
University listings, student organi-
zations and sorority and fraternity
members are compiled separately
and placed at the front of the
directory. Then the entire book is
sent to the printer and photoen-
The directories are sold on cam-
pus on one specified day and are
available at the Student Publica-
tions Building during the rest of
the year..

Since its inception in the fall
of 1949, Generation has under-
gone periodic upheavals as its edi-
tors attempted to come to terms
with what they thought to be its
original objectives.
The University inter-arts mag-
azine was set up under the aus-
pices and impetus of the now de-
funct Inter-Arts Union, Genera-
tion Editor Roger Reynolds, Grad,
The first issue proclaimed that
it would "realize its function by
incorporating in one publication
the artistic achievements of stu-
dents in dance, art, drama, music,
and literature."
In the first few- issues, the mag-

azine contained articles on the
dance, architectural sketches, de-
sign projects, discussion- of films,
and numerous reproductions of
photographs, woodcuts, pencil and
ink sketches, and sculpting. Mu-
sical scores, plays, and, of course,
literature and poetry comprised
the bulk of each issue.
Ferment Evident
These magazines reflected the
remarkable cultural ferment that
existed on campus during the
"veteran's renaissance," Reynolds
said. Generation printed letters
from readers and forums in which
faculty members and students dis-

Generation Publishes Poetry, Essays

cussed the role of the magazine
and of art.
Succeeding years saw the pro-
file of the magazine dwindle un-
til, in the winter 1952 issue, the
first "reaffirmation" was sound-,
Generation has understandably
shown a tendency to become a
literary publication, for this mod-
el is the most easily emulated,
Reynolds explained. Once the lit-
erary trend was established, con-
cern for "taste" and "balance"
and "appeal" followed; the more
fundamental aims and responsi-
bilities were neglected.
The unique position of Genera-

tion as an underwritten publica-
tion and as inter-arts magazine
was obscured as one clique after
another tried to forge a "success-
ful" literary review, he said.
No Definition
The anniversary issue in the fall
of 1959 noted a need for "inte-
grating the literary with the plas-
tic arts in a way that permits
proper balance." But there was no
definition of "proper balance,"
nor was there mention of music,
the dance, architecture, design,
films, and so on, Reynolds said.
"Because of this, each attempt at
revitalization has begun from a
slightly less vigorous and flexible
The current staff have their
share of divine zeal too, but they
hope to avoid some of the errors
of their predecessors, Reynolds
"In presenting divergent ma-
terial, we cannot depend on an
established image to provide per-
spective, as can the 'Kenyon Re-
view,' 'The Sixties' and 'The Mu-
sical Quarterly'.
Next year, the editors will com-
ment on the works which they
publish and suggest perspectives
from which the reader may ap-
proach each piece. If a poem is
ambitious and gives evidence of
talent, this will be noted, along
with its shortcomings. A really
fine poem will be recognized as
Campus Foil
"Whether the particular ideas of
the editor provide definitive opin-
ions or not is unimportant," Rey-
nolds said, "for we will in any
case have provided a foil for stim-
ulation and, we hope, backlash."
Letters to the editors, when suf-
ficiently serious and substantial,
will be printed together with ap-
propriate comments. The various
editors will state and defend their
views in notes, editorials, and
open forums.
"It is hoped that by making pos-
itive statements and clear defini-
tions of position that we can ex-
pect to elicit a few bravos-and
cat-calls-and that the magazine
can become a stimulant to cam-
pus art and thought," Reynolds
said. "The University badly needs
such agitation."

CREATIVE EXPRESSION-Generation started as strictly a literary magazine devoted to fiction,
criticism, essays and poetry. However, it has evolved from this policy to a point where it also
publishes musical compositions, photography and art work so that it is truly the University
"inter-arts" publication.

... engineering magazine

_,- . -L--





The Snack Bar

... early morning delivery
work on the paper, The Daily has
no official connection with jour-
nalism department.
The Daily sports staff empha-
sizes the fact that prospective
members need not have had any
prior writing experience. All that
is required is an interest in sports.
The sports staff offers a unique
opportunity for its reporters and
editors to learn more about the
coaches and players who perform
for the University and to gain a
keen insight into the athletic op-
erations of this large institution.
Its trainee program, although con-
ducted separately, closely parallels
that of the editorial staff.
The Daily also has its own pho-
tography staff. The newspaper
provides cameras and film and has
its own darkroom and supplies.
Photography assignments are
varied and give the photographer,
as well as the reporter, an ex-
cellent chance to learn a great deal
about the campus in the course of
his work.
Meetings for prospective train-
ees will be held during the first


The League




The League Cafeteria

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