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December 06, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-06

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c 1.



Increasing cloudiness
with winds from northeast.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC Sets
To Hear Move
To Alter Penalty
Student Government Council
will continue discussion of a mo-
tion to establish a deadline for
submission of sorority and fra-
ternity membership statements as
part of its business during to-
night's meeting.
The Council will also receive
an 'amendment, presently in ten-
tative form, from Brian Glick, '62,
which would set March 17 as the
deadline instead, of Jan. 17 and
change the penalty to a monetary
fine, rather than the suspension
of rushing privileges.
Instead, the houses would be
notified by Jan. 1, 1962 as to the
completeness of their statements.
Any houses which have not either
been explicitly exempted from the
requirement through the petition-
ing mechanism provided or sub-
mitted statements judged complete
by the SGC President by noon
March 7 would be in violation of
the ruling.
Houses Subject
The houses in violations would
then be subject to a fine of $10
per active members. If complete
statements were not submitted by
the fourth meeting of the Coun-
cil after March 7, a second fine
in the same amount would be
If groups do not submit complete
statements by the eighth meeting
after March 7, or if they do not
pay their fines by the required
dates, their official recognition as
a student organization would.
automatically be revoked.
All fines collected. would be
placed in a special fund to be
used,' at the Council's discretion,
to support fraternities andsorori-
ties which desire to disaffiliate
from their national organizations
and suffer financially from this
Authority Over Students
The Council will also discuss
the motion submitted by Glick
and Daily Editor John Roberts.
on "Authority over Student Rules
and Conduct."
Glick plans to move to divide the
questions to consider the portion
on the Residence Halls Board of
Governors decision, the rationale
for the proposal that the Regents
should delegate all authority to
set and enforce rules governing
student conduct to students, the
student bill of rights; rooming
regulations, and referral and veto
in the SGC plan.
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) will attend the meeting
to discuss problems in appropria-
tions and possible roles students
can play in influencing them.




In Katanga


THE TRIO-All three members of America's most exclusive club have been invited to the constitu-
tional convention. Former Presidents Harry S. Truman (left) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (center)
have accepted. Herbert Hoover has not yet been approached.
Former Presidents To Visit Con-Con


By The Associated Press
LANSING - Former President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is tenta-
tively expected to speak to the
Constitutional Convention on Dec.
the date for Eisenhower's ap-
pearance was announced by Con-
Con Vice-President George Rom-
He also noted that the conven-

tion has decided to extend invita-
tions to former presidents Harry
S. Truman and Herbert Hoover.
Hoover has not yet been ap-
proached, but Truman has indi-
cated willingness to appear.
Truman Expected.
Truman is expected to come
sometime soon after Jan. 1.
Romney added that both Eisen-

State Department Aide Cites
U.S. Challenge inVitNr
SAN FRANCISCO (A')-A ranking State Department official said
yesterday tl4e United States faces in South Viet Nam its most serious
challenge in the Pacific area since the Korean "War.
Deputy Undersecretary of State U. Alexis Johnson said the Com-
munist threat in the small Southeast Asian country "is potentially as
serious as that over Berlin."
Not Internal
In a speech prepared for the Commonwealth Club of California,
Johnson said the crisis in South Viet Nam is not just an internal af-

hower and Truman have agreed to
advise con-con on the general
area of the relationships between
state and federal government.
Eisenhower will arrive in Lans-
ing 9:30a.m. Wednesday. He has
requested a meeting with the con-
vention delegates in a relatively
informal manner.
"Eisenhower doesn't want to
make a lengthy formal speech. He
would prefer to speak briefly and
then turn the meeting into an
informal discussion so delegates
will be free to ask him questions,"
Romney said.
"We will try to arrange the ses-
sion to meet his wishes."
Romney added that the conven-
tion had first invited President
John F. Kennedy to address the
group but Kennedy had been un-
able to come because "his schedule
would not permit it."
No Plans
The Convention has no plans
for moving its assembly hall to the
Civic Center's large auditorium to
accommidate more spectators.
The regular meeting hall seats
only 180 persons in addition to
delegates and officers.
"We will decide Thursday
whether to install a closed-circuit
television system to carry the
proceeding to other rooms in the
Convention Hall," Romney said.
No Plans
There are no plans for general
televising of the former president's
appearance. Romney said hebe-
lieves Eisenhower would prefer
that his address not be televised.
No date has been set for Tru-
man's visit, but he has agreed to
appear after Jan. 1.
Con-Con President Stephen S.
Nisbet appointed Vice-Presidents
Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville),
and Tom Downs (D-Detroit);
delegates Ella Koeze (R - Grand
Rapids), and Adelaide Hart (D-
Detroit) to a committee to handle
the arrangements for the former
presidents' appearances.

U Thant Sets
War Standby
For Forces
Orders Jets, Soldiers
To Aid Elisabethville
Secretary-General U Thant put
the United Nations on a virtual
war footing in tumultuous Ka-
tanga province yesterday.
He ordered jet planes and addi-
tional ground reinforcements into
Elisabethville, the Katanga capi-
U Thant issued the orders after
conferring directly with Sture
Linner, his chief representative in
the Congo with headquarters in
A group of 240" Swedish troops
arrived shoirtly thereafter by plane
in Elisabethville.
U Thant gave Linner unlimited
authority to restore order in Ka-
tanga Province, whose President
Moise Tshombe has declared inde-
pendent, from the central Congo
He placed an Indian military
official with the UN forces, Brig.
K. A. S. Raja, in complete charge
of all UN activity in Katanga
The United Nations has six jets
available in neighboring Kasai
A UN spokesman said the jets
were ordered into Elisabethville "to
support ground action by UN
troops and to destroy any aircraft
that take hostile action against
UN positions."
He said one Dornier jet, obvi-
ously manned by a European pilot,
had flown over Elisabethville dur-
ing the day.
. Local Belgians opened fire from
villas In. Elisabethville on UN
headquarters, along with scattered
units of the Katanga gendarmerie.
They were met with return fire
from UN forces.
The UN had additional reports
of Europeans in civilian dress aid-
ing the Katanga forces.
Non-Katangans were warned
that if they take part in any hos-
tile action against the UN forces
they will be subjected to retalia-
tory action.

CONGO CRISIS--United Nations Acting Secretary General
Thant (left) has ordered all necessary steps to be taken
secessionist Katanga Province to restore order in the absence
Katanga President Moise Tshombe, (right) who is in Paris.


IAFL-CIO May Request
Cut in 40 Hour Week
MIAMI BEACH (P)-The AFL-CIO said yesterday that if high
levels of unemployment persist labor unions will press Congress for
legislation to cut the present standard of 40-hour work weeks.
The Federation executive council, in a report released in advance
of convention sessions here, also called on unions to redouble their
own efforts to reduce work hours through collective bargaining agree-
The report said relatively little headway had been made in the past
two years in getting employers to accept share-the-work proposals.
"However," it added, "there waste

UN Declares
Fighting No-t
Forty Die in Clashes
With Indian Gurkhas
Around Elisabethville

Stone Cars
Of Senators'
In Venezuela
CARACAS (A) - Students hurl-
ed stones at automobiles carrying
six touring United States senators
last night, but embassy officials
expressed confideence that tight
security would protect President
John F. Kennedy from leftwing
disturbances when he visits later
this month.
Then senators dismissed the in-
cident as an impromptu action by
a few troublemakers who were not
aware of their identities. The sen-
ators were Margaret Chase Smith
(R-Me), John L. McClellan (D-
Ark) ,Mike Mansfield (D-Mont),
Alan Bible (D-Nev), Henry C.
Dworshak (R-Ida) and Roman L.
Hruska (R-Neb).

Fiji Sleepytiine

fair. Rather, he said, it is "a
carefully nurtured, planned, di-
rected and supported armed at-
tack against the lawful govern-
ment of a friendly country."
The South Vietnamese govern-
ment, Johnson said, has done a
remarkable job over the last sev-
en years of its independent exist-
ence in absorbing 900,000 refu-
gees from Communist North Viet
Nam, increasing food production,
instituting health programs, and
undertaking agrarian reform.
There are grounds, he said, for
believing that the "openly de-
clared guerrilla warfare" which
now rages in South Viet Nam was
the result of recognition by the
Red regime in the North that it
could not hope to take over the
South except by the use of mur-
der and terror.
Not Discontent,
"This is clearly not a matter
of just some discontented peasants
rebelling against an unpopular
government, but a determined at-
tempt supported from North Viet
Nam to conquer South Viet Nam
as surely as if organized regiments
were marching across the border
with their flags flying."
In Washington, it was learned
that President Ngo Dinh Diem of
South Viet Nam has agreed to eco-
nomic and military reforms which
this country hopes will increase
his country's effectiveness against
Communist guerrilla attacks.
United States officials said yes-
terday Diem and United States
Ambassador Frederick E. Nolting,
Jr. reached complete agreement on
such a program last weekend in
Main Areas
The main areas of improvement,1
United States officials said, should
1) Increased effectiveness of the
South Viet Nam government's in-
ternal operations and its conduct
of the war effort against the'
Communist Viet Cong rebels di-
rected by North Viet Nam.
2) An improvement in the mesh-
ing of Vietnamese and United
States efforts to counter the Viet
Cong and step up popular morale.
The effect of the accord be-
tween Diem and Nolting will be to
clear the way for increased United
States economic and military as-
sistance to South Viet Nam.

increased discussion of shorter
hours in various negotiations and,
especially if unemployment pres-
sures mount, the groundwork has
been laid for its rapid acceptance."
President John F. Kennedy, due
to address the opening AFL-CIO
convention session tomorrow, has
opposed any legislation to cut
work hours, saying that all-out
production is needed in the pres-
ent stage of world affairs.
The AFL-CIO council said a cut
in working hours should be ac-
complished with the same or in-
creased weekly pay in order to
help maintain employment and
translate technological progress
into greater leisure, rather than
worker displacement.

Moore Says MSU Teaches Socialism
,em n ma eT as7 me77T' I

gan State University professor has
said conservatives are being "muz-.
zled"and "socialism is the predom-
inant theory being taught" at the
John N. Moore, associate pro-
fessor of .natural science and an
adviser to the MSU Conservative
Club, expressed his views in letters
to members of the Michigan Farm
John A. Hannah, MSU presi-
dent, said he has received several
letters, from Farm Bureau mem-
bers on the matter and that a list
of Moore's charges was printed in
a Van Buren County Farm Bureau
Set Out To Crucify
"It is difficult," Hannah said,
"for the university to protect it-
self when people in its employ
set out to crucify the institution.
"There is no question that the
university benefits from a Con-
servative Club and people who
espouse the conservative point of
view," Hannah said, "but problems
arise when there are people who
think they see a Communist be-
hind every bush."
Hannah said the matter was

referred to the academic Senal e,
the official faculty organization,
because implications in the letters
are against the faculty and against
the educational integrity of the
Under Investigation
The charges are under investi-
gatoin by a steering committee of
the Senate and probably will be
reported on* at the next meeting
on Feb. 14, he said.
Moore has been soliciting mem-
bers of the Farm Bureau for funds
to support the MSU Conservative
He said he first realized "some-
thing was wrong" at the university
when faculty members voted in
1959 against inclusion of a "loyalty
oath" in the Federal student loan
Senate Vote
Moore was referring to a faculty
Senate vote which opposed the
Communist disclaimer affidavit
but did not object specifically to
an oath of allegiance by loan ap-
Moore said members of the uni-
versity administration warned him
"my activities might interfere with
my teaching ability."

OSA Group
Views Roles
The Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee yesterday moved
back to a discussion of the philos-
ophy underlying the University's
nonacademic relations with its
students after several weeks of
probing areas of concern.
Prof. John' Reed of the law
school, committee chairman, saidl
the discussion was "more pointed
and illuminated" than the group's
first sessions earlier this fall when
it also dealth with basic philos-
ophy. He attributed this to theI
presentation of "study reports" onj
such topics as the residence halls
and judiciary bodies.
Each-of the committee's faculty
and student members stated his
notion of what the purpose of the
OSA should be and what points
should be included in the com-
mittee's report to Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
The committee will continue its
discussion of philosophy at next
week's meeting.
Prof. Reed said the study-group
may schedule one or more open
meetings after the winter recess
where members of the campus
community could "air their con-
cerns" about the OSA. "We have'
tried hard, however, to get in-
formed opinion about all the areas
falling under the OSA."
Race Rejected
By Stevenson
E. Stevenson yesterday decided
against running for the United
States Senate in Illinois and
agreed to stay on at the United
Nations after President John F.
Kennedy promised him a larger
role in shaping United States for-
eign policy.

Nations troops and Katanga forces
fought bloody pitched battles in
and around Elisabethville yester-
day, bringing this secessionist
province to a war footing.
By the best available count,
about 40 persons were killed and
more than a score injured before
the fighting subsided at dark in-
to scattered gunfire. The battles
may have signaled a new show-
down between 6,000 UN troops in
Katanga and 12,000 Katanga gen-
darmes and paratroopers. The
United Nations declared the day's
fighting could not be considered a
localized incident.
Nightfall left this Katanga cap-
ital a dead city. Only the hospi-
tals caring for the wounded show-
ed signs of activity.
Sides Accuse
Each side accused the other of
treachery and of starting the
shooting. Initial gestures of con-
ciliation failed.
Adding to the tensions were re-
ports that 45,000 Balubas in near-
by refugee camlps had begun arm-
ing themselves with knives, bi-
cycle chains, axes and home-made
guns, ready for a possible break-
out which could bring a rampage
of terror. Holding them back were
less than 70 Swedish UN troops.
The fighting erupted after .Ka-
tangan officials expressed anger
over a new UN resolution calling
Katanga's secession from the cen-
tral Congo government illegal and
the United Nations issued a new
ultimatum to clear roadblocks on
the main road to the Elisabethvill,
airport, scene of the heaviest fight-
Second Engagement
It was the second major engage-
ment between the two forces In
three months.
UN officials said Katangans
opened fire with mortars and oth-
er arms when Indian Gurkha
troops advanced on an airport
roadblock which the Katangans
had promised to remove.
Katangan officials charged that
UN troops first fired heavy weap-
ons on lightly armed Katangans.
Report Killing
UN sources reported 38 Katan-
gans killed, including six foreign
mercenaries at the roadblock and
in an attempted ambush of UN
After hours of mortar and small
arms fire, which sent Katangan
civilians rushing from the city in
panic, light firing continued last
UN representatives reported
Katangans lying in ambush in
dug-in positions in bushes around
UN headquarters had been clear-
ed out, and a roadblock between
the airport and the city had been
In Paris, Katanga President
Moise Tshombe closely followed
latest reports of new fighting. He
will decide today whether to fly
back to Elisabethville.
Kimba claimed, however, that
"we are in charge of Elisabeth-
ville" and that the government
"has the situation well in hand."
Bitterly accusing UN forces of
opening an attack with heavy
weapons and reproaching UN of-
ficials for what he called con-
tiinuous lies, Kimba commented:
"Katanga will fight and defend

. opposes Moore

Johnson Contends Free World Winning 'ColdWar'

Vif-a-T rneitianl- T.w"rinrn TZ Tnhr anr

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I The Vice-President described his I

I accompanied by great opportun- f

I For certainly these are not hours

doubled the number of combat I

realistic approach to foreign aid,'

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