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December 05, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-05

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Osgood Cites
Nuclear War,
As Panacea
"We have to abandon the idea
of a tactical nuclear war and build
up our conventional resistance,"
Prof. Robert°Osgood of the Uni-
versity of Chicago said Sunday.
Political scientist Osgood con-
cluded the weekend's Challenge
colloquium with his lecture on
"Deterrent Theory."
He denounced as a panacea the
idea that all we have to do is keep
war as horrible as possible We
may have reached the stable bal-
ance that is sought in nuclear
weapons, he said, "but if our op-
ponent knows that there won't be
nuclear war, he will begin to en-
gage in non-nuclear aggression. If
we raise conventional forces, we
put off the possibility of a desper-
ate need to resort to nuclear
Power to Persuade
Our power to persuade a given
enemy depends on how likely he
thinks we are to use force, what
the consequences will be to him if
we use force, and how important
his own goals are in view of the
Thus, what we aim for is a sit-
uation where both sides have ade-
quate second-strike capabilities,
but neither has an advantage in
first .strike capability-and both
sides know it.
Deterrent theory consists in dis-
suading the enemy from under-
taking unfavorable military ac-
tions by evoking fear of counter
Deterrent Force
Deterrent force is the key con-
cept in military strategy today,
Prof. Osgood claimed. "The bal-
ance between the major powers
requires a 'mutual mind-reading'
in which military deterrent theory
plays an essential role."
Even if there were only two pow-
ers using deterrent theory with
utmost cleverness, nuclear war
could still break out, Prof. Osgood
conceded. Two diametrically op-
posed ideologies might find them-
selves in a position where one
would have to fight or lose face.
Technological accidents might
occur due to the lack of warning
time provided by modern missiles.
Dubos Speaks
On TB Defeat
i'the success of the struggle to
wipe out' tuberculosis is deped-
ent upon effective use of new
drugs, particularly isoniazid, Prof.
Rene Jule Dubos of the Rockefel-
ler Institute said yesterday.
"I do believe that a vigorous
effort to detect the spreaders of
bacilli, and to treat them in such
a manner as to render them non-
infectious, would give the coup de
grace to tuberculosis," he told the
Michigan Tuberculosis and Res-
piratory Disease Association in the
1961 Baker lecture.
"The goal is to achieve in tu-
berculosis the state of affairs
which prevails with regard to
small pox, typhoid fever, .dipther-
ia and malaria," he said. However,
isoniazid may not bring this about
in populations poorly-housed and
poorly fed where use could result
in the spread of TB bacilli re-
sistant to the drug, he added.
Thus, he noted, the effect of the
drug may not be worldwide.

Frosh Weekend
To Hold Meeting

TV To Aid
The law school has announced
that it will soon inaugurate clos-
ed-circuit televising of the Wash-
tenaw Circuit Court proceedings.
The TV system will extend the
courtroom into a room in Hutch-
ins Hall. The telecast will be ac-
complished without disturbing the
proceedings with lights, techni-
cians, or cables.
The camera will be concealed
in a wooden box which blends into
the wood paneling of the room.
It will be operated by remote con-
trol from another room in the
County Building. {
First System of Kind
Prof. Charles Joiner, associate
dean of the law school, announc-
ed that "this is the first system
of its kind in the country." Many
schools graduate lawyers who
have never been inside a court-
He said, "We have long felt that
a way must be fund to teach
while court is in session. The
closed-circuit television link-up
will permit the teaching process
to go on without disturbing the
court. Students in Hutchins Hall
will be able to ask questions while
the court is in session."
The idea of closed circuit TV
in the courtroom was suggested by
the medical school's equipment,
Prof. Joiner said.
Plans Laboratory
The law school plans to design
a laboratory course in "Trials and
Appeals, and Practice Court,"
Prof. Joiner added. Viewing would
be required for this course.
The visual equipment will be in
operation' whenever court is in
session. However, the judge will
have a switch by which he can
turn off the camera and the mic-
rophones when the courtroom is
cleared of spectators, Prof. Joiner

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- The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for wtich The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility.. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Foreign Student Scholarships. The
deadline of tuition Scholarship, applica-
tions for second semester is Dec. 15.
Forms are available from the Counsel-
ors at the International Center.
Approval for the following student
sponsored activities becomes effective
twenty-four (24) hours after the pibli-
cation of this notice. All publicity for
these events must be withheld until
the approval has become effective.
Dec. 9 - Interquadrangle Council,
"Snowflake Ball," East Quadrangle, 9-1
Agenda Student Government Council
Dec. 6, 1961, 7:30 p.m., Council Room
Constituents' Time 9:00
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President, .Letters;
Executive Vice-President, Recommen-
dation for Development Council Ap-
pointment; Michigan Region USNSA
Executive;Committee, Resignation and
Chess Club, Meeting, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 3M-N. Beginners taught.
Everyone welcome.
Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Cost
Iuncheon Discussion, Dec. 5, Noon, 802
* * *
German Club, Coffee Hour, German
Conversation & Music, Dec. 6, 2-4 p.m.,
40'72 FB.
U. of M. Folk Dancers, Meeting, In-
struction & Dancing, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m.,
1429 Hill.
m* *a'
Wesleyan Guild, Holy " Communion,
followed by breakfast, Dec. 6, 7 a.m.,
Meth. Church, Chapel.
Women's Senate, Weekly Meeting,
Dec. 5, 4:15 p.m., League, in the "Cave."

Appointment, Announcement, Calen-
daring Violations, Interim Action; Ad-
ministrative Vice-President, Announce-
ments; Treasurer.
Standing Committees: Committee on
Student Activities, Polonia Club-Per-
manent Recognition.
Special Business: Senator Thayer.
Old Business: Deadline for Statement
Filing, Freshman Orientation Program.
New Business: Procedure for Appoint-
ment to Council Vacancies, Authority
over Student Rules and Conduct.
Constituents' and Members' Time.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on
the dates indicated.
Program arrangements are being made
by the International Center: Mrs. Clif-
ford R. Miller,
Bimalendu Majumdar, Librarian, Ra-
makrishna Mission Institute of Cul-
ture, Calcutta, India, Dec. 3-10.
T. B. Lam, Head of Dept. of His-
tory, and Geography, Univ. of Saigon;
Director, Institute of Historical Re-
search, Saigon, Vietnam, Dec. 10-12.
Harry Girling, Prof. of English, Wit-
watersrand University, Johannesburg,
Republic of South Africa, Dec. 10-17.
Marijan Horvat, Pro-Rector, Univer-
sity of Zagreb; Prof. of Law, Zagreb,
Yugoslavia, Dec. 10-17.
Dr. Toshiyuki Sakai, Prof. of Engi-
neering, Kyoto University, Japan, Dec.
Events Tuesday
University Lecture: Irvin J. Schul-
man, Dept. of Political Science, Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, will discuss
"Ideology and Communist China's For-
eign Policy" in Room 3C, Michigan
Union, on Tues., Dec. 5, 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Robert S. Lind-
quist, Officer in Charge of Indonesian
Affairs, Department of State, will speak
on "Problems of Indonesia" in Aud.
C, on Tues., Dec. 5, 3 p.m.
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. G. Pi-
ranian, University of Michigan, will

speak on "Jordan domains and abso-
lute convergence of power series" on
Tues., Dec. 5, at 4 p.m. in 3209 Angell
Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall at
3:30 p.m.
Seminar on a United Nations Univer-
sity: First session: "Concept, Objec-
tives, and Functions of a UN Univer-
sity." The session will be conducted
by Prof. Kenneth Boulding and Prof.
Arnold Kaufman. Tues., Dec. 5, 7:30
p.m., Student Government Council
Conference Room, 3rd floor, SAB.
Events Wednesday
Open Lecture by Charles C. Fries,
the Research Club in Language Learn-
ing, "Linguistics and the Teaching of
Reading," Wed., Dec. 6, Room 3003,
North University Bldg. at 7:30 p.m.
Anatomy Seminar: Wed., Dec. 6, 4
p.m., 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. Charles
Votaw will speak on "Studies on the
Hippocampal Fornix System of Mon-
The Department of Ophthamology
presents on Wed., Dec. 6, at 8:30 p.m.,
7230 Outpatient Bldg., Medical Center,
"Autoradiographic Studies of Cell Pro-
liferation in the Cornea," by Ludwig
von Sailmann, M.D. Chief, Ophthamol-
ogy Branch, National Institute of Neur-
ological Diseases and Blindness, Bethes-
da, Md.
Overseas Teaching Interviews-A rep-
resentati.ve of the Air Force will be
in Ann Arbor to interview teachers for
the Dependents' Schools overseas on
Jan. 5 and 6. Requirements for teach-
ers include United States citizenship,
a bachelor's degree from an accredited
college, two years teaching experience
in the field for which application is
being made, a valid teaching certificate
and satisfactory recommendations. For
appointments contact Miss Marjorie
Fuller, Overseas Placement Officer,
Civilian Personnel Office, Selfridge Air
Force Base, Michigan. For additional
information contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.

of Appointments-Seniors & grad. stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
Central Intelligence Agency-Location
of Work: Headquarters Units in Wash-
ington and/or International Foreign
Stations. June & Aug. grads.-Men &
WOMEN. Three types of positions
available: 1) Junior Officer Training
Program-BA (no specific major) &
WOMEN must have MA. 2) Other Pro-
fessional Positions-Alldegree levels in
Econ., or various other majors with
Econ. minor. Also Physical or Biologi-
cal Set., Library Set., Engineering, For-
eign Languages (preferably non-Ro-
mance), & Art. 3) Clerical Opportuni-
ties for WOMEN with AB any field.
FRI., DEC. 8-
Central Intelligence Agency -- (See
City of Detroit-Dept. of Health in
conjunction with U.S. Dept. of Health.
Feb. grads-Men-for careers as Public
Health Representatives, Upper l'3 of
graduating class. Local training & then
opportunity to be transferred to bu-
rehus throughout U.S. under Federal
Dept. of Health.
Appointments should be made by 4:00
p.m. of the day prior to the interview.
Emery Air Freight Corp.-Sales open-
ing in Detroit., Will be thoroughly
tested for Sales Aptitude. One month
actual work in operations dept. & then
both class & on-the-job training in
sales techniques.
Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart, Certi-
fied Public Accountants, Detroit, Mich.
-Client firm (supplier to construction
industry) is seeking Distribution Man-
ager. Will be responsible for admin.
of production systems & procedures in-
cluding receiving, processing, & delivery
of construction material. At least 5
yrs. line exper. preferably in construc-
tion field.,
The Fleetwood Company, Chicago, Ill.
-Sales Managerial Position for college
grad with good knowledge of market-
ing. Minimum of 6 yrs. selling exper.
between 30 & 42 yrs. of age. This is
toiletries & drug firm, selling 6 varied
national advertised products, through-
out U.S.

Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for further
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students please
sign interview schedules at 128-H West
DEC. 7 & 8--
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., En-
tire Du Pont Co.-Research Labs in
N.Y., N.J., Dela., Pa., Md., Va., N.C.,
S.C., Tenn., Ky., Ohio & Texas-PhD:
ChE, EM. IE.KInstru., ME, Met. & Nu-
clear. Both Men & Women. Summer
Employment: Graduate students sign
on regular schedule. R. & D.
DEC. 7-
U.S. Gov't. Army Ordnance Corps.
Throughout the U.S. Most openings
at Aberdeen, Md.; Dover, N.J.; Phila-
delphia, Pa.; Wash., D.C.; Huntsville,
Ala.; & White" Sands, N.M-All De-
grees: ME, EE, IE, AE, Physics & Math.
Weapons res. & dev. Procurement,
Prod., Maint. & Supply.
U.S. Navy Recruiting. See Poster on
Placement Bulletin Board-Meeting to
be held at: Mich. Union-Rm. 3B, Thurs.,
Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Interviews to be
scheduled on Dec. 8.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs

can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB: Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 pm.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie, at
NO 3-1511 ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Busboy, 11:00-2:00, five days per
week, also.Sat. & Suh.
--Several salesmen to sell magazine
--Salesmen to sell college sportswear
for men.
2-Waiters, work lunches, Monday thra
1-Engineering student, must be' at
least a junior, background in ra-
1-Experienced typesetter, 20 hours per
week or more.
1-Astronomy tutor, 2-3 hrs. each aft-
ernoon, 5 days per week.
1-Waitress, work lunches, Monday
thru Friday.
1-Babysitter, housekeeper, live in,
weekends off.
1-Experienced histologist, every after-
noon or 2-3 full days, per week.
1-Rent room in private home, act as
secretary approximately 3 evenings
per week thru 2nd semester. Pay
rate to be arranged.


In Celebrating its 35th Anniversary
HILLEL takes pleasure in presenting
of Temple Beth El, Detroit
FRIDAY, Dec. 8, at 7:30 P.M.
with a HANUKA address
Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel 1429 Hill St.


. ,

Hi~I I

Enjoy a Fresh Outlook
on religion, a religion which
affords proof of its utility.
A flm entitled, "The Story
of Christian Science,"
followed by a question and
answer period will be held:
Friday, December 8th
from 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. in
Auditorium "A," Angell Hall.

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