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December 05, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-05

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Variable cloudiness,
warming tomorrow

See Page 4



Commission To Study
Engineer's Education
NSA Launches Group To Probe
Means of Improving Curriculum
A Commission, on Engineering Education has been formed to
study the need for an "increasingly sophisticated and expanded engi-
neering profession."
To meet this need, the group reports, it is necessary to have
"engneerini facilities of increased size and greatly increased quality,"
The national Science Foundation-which evolved the' organiza-
tion-charged the commission with studies in four major areas. They
<'include: "Curricula facilities and


- _

F aculty, Protest New



Of Engineers
The freshman enrollment in the
engineering college has dropped
by approximately 100 students
in the past year, Prof. Robert H.
Hoisington, assistant to the dean,
said yesterday.
The student decrease corres-
ponds with the national trend for
a shortage of engineering students.
The number of students prepar-
ing for engineering careers is de-
clining, not only in absolute fig-
ures but also in--proportion to the
college population, a recent sur-
vey of freshman enrollments
throughout the country reported.
Part of the decline might be
due to the popularity of the
sciences, such as physics, chemis-
try and mathematics, Prof. Hois-
ington said.
Junior Colleges Spring Up
Also, the increasing number of
junior colleges springing up across
the country are taking many po-
tential engineering students who
might otherwise apply to engi-
neering colleges.
These two year schools offer
pre-engineering courses and many
of their graduates may apply to
the professional schools for their
last two years, he said.
Prior to the Korean War when
there was a critical shortage of
technically trained manpower,
there was a national campaign put
on to interest students in engi-
neering. Possibly, there will be a
similar program, soon, Prof. Hois-
ington suggested.
Counselor's Role Increases
The high school counselor plays
a greater part today in influenc-
ing high school graduates to go
into a greater variety of fields.
This may be another explanation
why more freshmen are going into
liberal arts schools rather than en-
The parents also are emphasiz-
ing this need to explore different
areas before they decide on a pro-
fession, he added.
Last week the Engineering Man-
power Commission warned that
the engineering shortage will get
worse in the next four " to six
Decline Steadily
The freshmen enrollment in en-
gineering-degree courses has de-
clined steadily from 60,132 in 1960
to 58,749 this year. In 1950 the
nation's colleges graduated 52,700
engineers and last year the num-
ber dropped to 37,800.
The commission predicted that
by 1965 there will only be 32,000
engineers graduating.

their systematic reorganization
and development.
Develop Materials
"Preparation, production and
testingofinstructional - learning
materials of high quality and
"Effective programs for faculty
development in knowledge of the
fields, research capability and in-
volven ent, and the process of 4n-
structirng and learning relative to
stengineering education,
"Studies of the characteristics
of engineering students to serve
as a basis for the improvement of
instruction, the assessments of the
results of engineering. education
and to increase the efficiency of
the educational process."
Notes Increase
. The Commission also notes the
need for a "fourfold increase over
the current rate for doctorates in
To fulfill this need Ly'tter, the
group cited a need to clarify the
image of the engineer and deter-
mine "what characteristics of the
student - intellectual, personal,
and performance - indicate he
would be -successful and enjoy en-
gineering as a profession."
"Certain specific attitudes are
required to make effective engi-
neers," a commission report states.
"We cannot dismiss the subject as
something outside the province of
higher education, -
Collaborative Effort
In this effort, the commission "
will attempt to "establish a col-
laborative effort supported by the
universities and colleges, the en-
gineering societies, industry and
governmental agencies."
Of their many goals, the NSF
instructed the commission to give
highest priority to "enhancing of
capabilities of present faculty and
for increasing the number of quali-
fied faculty."
Among the original planning
group were Prof. Donald L. Katz,
chairman of the chemical and
metallurgical engineering depart-,
ment and now secretary of the
commission, and Prof. J. C. Mou-
zo,, associate dean
'U' Rates Ninth'

Board Action
On Program
Under Fire
Ask Reconsideration
Of Entire Decision
Wayne State University is run-
ning into real procedural and per-
sonnel problems with its attempi
to go on the quarter system by
next fall - and some won't b
readied in time.
Last October the Liberal Arts
School 'Assembly formally re-
quested the WSU Board of gov-
ernors to reconsider their decision
to institute the quarter system i
1962. Three weeks ago the Federa-
tion of Teachers requested the
board to consider 'and settle the
question of faculty load before
proceeding, neither of these pro-
tests have yet been settled.
The assembly action grew from
t he concern of the department
/eads that all thehchanges could
not be concluded to everyone's sat-
isfaction by next fall. They pre-
sented their case to the assembly
who, in the ensuing discussion,
decided to ask for an entire recon-
sideration of the decision.
Conflicting Information
Information concerning the spe-
cific reason for the assembly action
was conflicting. The fact that the
entire faculty had not been con-
sulted before the decision, the im-
practability of a changeover when
the university was strapped for
funds, and the increase of the
work load of the faculty without
increased compensation seemed to
represent the major problems.
James McCormick, secretary to
the board, saw the assembly action
as a protest of the 1962 initiation
date by faculty that felt they could
not meet the change satisfactorily
by that time.
He said last night that the board
has taken no action beyond talking
with many of the faculty. Although
attempts were being made to an-
swer faculty questions, the "ques-
tion of the quarter system in 1962
has been adopted," he emphasized.
Agreeing that some of the fac-
ulty were upset that they had not
been consulted earlier, McCormick
said' that the change had gone
through regular channels, being
recommended by the higher body
of the Faculty Council. It was
necessary to make the changeover
immediately in spite of the fact
that many of the "questions" will
not be ironed out by fall, he said.
Revolt Rumors Die
Rumors of a faculty revolt or
mass exodus have died down for
the moment, Public Relations Di-
rector Frank X. Touhey reported.
McCormick said that in spite of
the protest, the department heads
were continuing their plans for
the quarter system.
Although the "minor" questions
of effect on students, the faculty
year and the exact calendar itself
were not considered for the deci-
sion, the "overlying considerations
were carefully considered," McCor-
mick said. I
The university needed year
round operation to meet the pres-
sures of increasing enrollment and
felt that the calendar should be
made up of equal periods, he said.
He did not foresee losing any
faculty over the protest.'







Court's Action May



Of U'




George Romney-Gladiator

.. . studies incentives

Tax Issues.
The effect of research and de-
velopment tax incentives on the
economy of Michigan Was dis-
cussed and debated here yester-
day by the advisory group of
Michigan's interim Legislative
Committee on Economic Growth.
Convened by the committee's
chairman, Rep. Gilbert Bursley
(R-Ann Arbor) the committee
'heard a preliminary report on the
feasibility of various tax incen-
tives to aid the economy of Mich-
The report was done by the In-
stitute of Science and Technology
and suggested that Michigan
firms be allowed to deduct re-
search and development expendi-
tures from the -sum used in com-
puting their business activities
This, or a similar plan, would
hopefully stimulate immediate
jobs through increased research,
future jobs through -product de-
velopment and expansion and re-
vise the poor psychological image
of the Michigan tax structure. The
exact result had not yet been de-
termined by the study.
Bursley told the advisory com-
mittee, consisting of businessmen
and other reference persons in the
vicinity of Ann Arbor, that the
topic would be presented at the
Committee on Economic Growth's
public hearing in Lansing this Fri-
The hearings will solicit rec-
ommendations from labor, busi-
ness and organizations in Michi-
gan for specific legislation to im-
prove the economy.

City Editor
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Brandishing a
quotation from Aristotle, politi-
cian George Romney yesterday
attempted to revert for a mo-
ment to his role as auto com-
pany executive.
He did this at an American
Motors Corp. luncheon here
where he discussed his com-
pany's improved outlook and
used his Aristotle to take a
two-fisted swipe at his competi-
tion, in the best manner of in-
dustry stereotype.
Romney has promised to an-
nounce his intentions toward
the Republic an gubernatorial
nomination by early February,
so politics was never far from
the surface of the conference.
Press Feeds on Filet
After the filet mignon lunch-
eon for reporters and many of
the company's top executives,
Romney led off his prepared
remarks by reiterating a state-
ment -he had issued earlier in
the day in which he stuck by his
February announcement date
and discussed the relations a
public figure should have with
any corporate connections.
(He said candidate should
not, and a governor must not,
maintain such a connection;
Romney makes $150,000 plus
bonuses as head of AMC, self-
proclaimed leader of the com-
pact car revolution.)
Romneys initial remarks were
intended to squelch any further
political questions, and the
business reporters in the audi-
ence honored his request.
Subject Bobs Up
But Romney himself brought
up the subject again when he
denied that the recent elevation

serted, violate Aristotle's dictum
that the greatest injustice re-
sults when similar things are
classified dissimilarly.
Romney also discussed AMC's
dividend policy, its prospects
for the future and its expansion
Views Higher Education
Romney stopped for a minute
after the conference to give his
views on higher education.
He said. it was obvious that
higher education was an area of
state government that required
more money. Explaining it is
unfortunate higher education
has to contend for its i needs
from only 30 per cent of the
state's revenue (the rest is ear-
marked), Romney added that
greater support should be pro-
vided as efficiently and eco-
nomically as possible.
On tuition policy, Romney
affirmed that there ought to be
tuition, though with scholar- .
ships and loans for meritorious
students. He pointed out it's a
lot easier to get an education
today than when he rwas trying
to get one.
Battles Guzzling Dinosaurs
Romney arrived inconspicu-
ously, wearing a tie wtih a
dinosaur on it, emblematic of.
the war he says he is fighting
against the "gas guzzling dino-
saurs" of the Big Three.
Just as appropriately, Rom-
ney left the hotel with two as-
sistants in a tan Rambler.
His effect? A switchboard op-
erator was asked }f "Romney's
press conference" was over.
Who was he, she asked of the
man worth panner headlines in"
the Detroit papers. Was he as-
sociated with the conference of
junior fruit growers then meet-
ing at the same hotel?

... battles dinosaurs

of Roy Abernathy to general
manager came because of Rom-
ney's increased public activities.
Romneys citation of Aristotle.
came during his prepared re-
marks in which he protested
competitors' introduction of
terms like "intermediate"to
designate their new lines of
small cars.
Speaks as Evengelist
Speaking in his best evangeli-
cal manner-and he and AMC
take full credit for a "compact
revolution" in the business-
Romney denied there was a dif-
ference between his company's
top products and comparable'
though differently named mod-
els of other manufacturers.
Such tactics, Romney as-

u~st Grant%
Trial Rights
To Students
Revisions May Result
From Appeal Ruling,
Felheim Predicts
Action taken by the Supreme
Court yesterday with regard to
the explusion of students for mis-
conduct from a tax-supported
college may have ramifications
for the University's judicial bod-
The court let stand a ruling by
the Fifth United States Circut.
Court of Appeals that every stu-
dent at a tax-supported institu-
tion should be informed of any
and all witnesses against him, pre-
seited a report on the facts to
which each witness testified and
accorded an opportunity to offer
a defense.
The chairman of the faculty
Senate Student Relations Sub-
committee said last night that in
view of the decision it was very
probable that "We will have to re-
define some of our present ways
odescribing student behavior, but
tla ?ll be implicit in the report
of the Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee."
Favors Decision
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
English department added that,
"in so far as this is an extension
of civil rights, I am heartily in
favor of it. Students should be
entitled 'to all civil rights."
Student Government Council
Administrative Vice - President
Robert Ross, '63, saw a discrepan-
cy between the high court's ac-
tion and present University prac-
He explained that the decision
would seem to indicate that stu-
dents have the right to due proc-
ess, and that this would seem to
put many of the practices of the
University, in jeopardy.
Sees 'Blanket Charge'
"If we define notice of charges
as the specific rule relative to a
specific act then it would seem
that conduct unbecoming a stu-
dent, which is a blanket charge
and can be used to justify almost
anything, is illegitimate."
William G. Phelps, '62BAd,
chairman of the Joint Judiciary
Council said Joint Judic "does not
follow civil court procedure, and
therefore when a student appears
before us it is because he went
against the norms/of student con-
duct. These norms are not elaba
orated but are up to the people
of the judiciary to determine."
The Joint Judic constitution
had no provision either for or
against witnesses. "As long as I
have been on Judic I have never
heard of anyone asking for or
being denied a witness," Phelps
The court case involved explu-
sion of six students from Alabama
State College who had been ac-
tive in sit-ins


In College


With 28,775 enrolled students
on three campuses and extension
centers, the University ranks as
the ninth largest university in the
The 42nd annual enrollment
survey for School and Society
magazine showed that 1,047 ac-
credited four year institutions of
higher learning reached an all
time high of 2,257,921' full time
students and 3,215,427 full and
part time students for the fall
The University of California was
rated first with a total enrollment
of 87,475 students on eight cam-

Aix-Marseille TO Host
Study Abroad Program9
Aix-Marsielle University in Aix-en-Provence has been selected
as the site for the joint University-University of Wisconsin Junior
Year Abroad Program, James H. Robertson, associate dean of the
literary college, announced yesterday.
Robertson returned from France last week after completing
arrangements for the program. to be launched next September. A

'U' Students Aspire To Phone Call History

The humble telephone booth, once renowned for its capacity for
college students, has now become round-the-clock host to the latest
campus diversion: the "talkathon."
Inspired by and competing with civic-minded individuals at Illi-
nois, Western Michigan, and, especially, Michigan State Universities,
University students hope to make a connection between West Quad-
rangle and Mary Markley the longest phone call in academic history.
They passed the 65 hour mark early this morning.
The Ann Arbor talkathon is unique in that it was not organized
in advance. The original call was made Saturday by Ken Larson,
'64E, only ten minutes after first word was received of the MSU talka-
She.Almost Hung Up
The Markley phone was answered by Andrea Eason, '65A&D, who
said she "almost hung up. I thought it was a joke." She was right.
Since then, dozens of talkers have poured into both ends of the


brochure for interested students
containing information on qualifi-
cations, cost, educational oppor-
tunities and living accommoda-
tion will.be available before
Christmas vacation, he said.
Between 40 and 50 undergradu-
ate students of honors ability with
a minimum of two years of French
will be selected for a year's study
in history, literature, philosophy,
are, political science and the hu-
manities, Robertson said.
Advanced Courses
Students interested in science
and mathematics "will have to
be really good" he said. "These
courses are more advanced and
specialized than courses offered
here. But applicants inthese fields
are encouraged to apply."
Robertson emphasized that
transfer of credits will not be a
problem. "Judging from talks with
the departments, there is general
willingness to accept the spirit,
not the letter of the course re-
Students will have the option
of living in the French dormitories,
in homes or in other rooms in
the community. A faculty director

GOP Proposal
Would Boost
General Fund
More than $100 million could be
made available to the state's gen-
eral fund if Michigan no longer
subsidized local governments, Rep.
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor)
said last night.
House Speaker Don R. Pears
(R-Buchanan), who first proposed
the plan, said yesterday the local
units would have to make up their
ensuing deficits "by any means at
their disposal."
However, due to the high prop-
erty taxes now in effect, the plan
implies that local units must levy
a payroll or personal income tax,
Bursley said.
Pears ruled out the possibility of
a state-wide income tax and noted
that if this or some other plan
were not put into effect, state
agencies would receive essentially
the sane amount of money as last

Kelly May
Joan Corps
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, chairman
of the psychology department,.
acknowledged last night that he
was being considered for a top post
with the Peace Corps.
Kelly said he has been discussing,
the possibility of his being ap-
pointed head of selections with
Peace Corps director R. Sargent
Kelly was asked to comment on
remarks made in Cleveland today
by Shriver, who said unofficially
that the head of the University's
psychology department was in line
for appointment to the selections
On a year's sabbatical leave from
the University, Kelly is serving as
a consultant to the Peace Corps on
a per diem basis. He said he plans
to return to his Ann Arbor home
in two or three days.
Kelly joined the University as a
professor in 1946 and became
chairman of the psychology de-
partment 5 years ago. He is also
director of the Bureau of Psycho-
logical Services.

African Students View
A survey of the African students attending American universities
and colleges indicates that racial intolerance and intolerance of for-
eigners are the characteristics they see as the greatest American short-

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