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December 03, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-03

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Midyear Graduation Exercises will be
held Sat., Jan. 20, 1962, in Hill Aud.
Further notice will follow.
Student Aid Foundation Scholarship
blanks may be obtained at the Schol-
arship Office, 2011 Student Activities
Bldg. Only freshmen with five-week
grades. of "B" or better, who are resi-
dents of Southeastern Michigan, and
who need financial aid should apply.
Applications should be returned to the
Scholarship Office not later than De-
cember 6.
Recital -Cancelled: The recital of Glen
Johnston, trombonist, previously sched-
uled for Mon., Dec. 4 at 8:30 p.m. in
the Lane Hall Aud. has been cancelled.
The New Specially-Built Elizabethan
Stage in Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
will be initiated for the performance
of Shakespeare's "Henry IV, Part One."
The play will be presented by the Uni-
versity Players, Dept. of Speech, Wed.,
Dec. 6 through Mon., Dec. 11 at 8:00
p.m. A matinee will be performed Sun.,
Dec. 10 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets: Wed.,
Thurs., Sun., & . Mon. $1.50 and $1.00;
Friday and Saturday $1.75 and $1.25.
The box office at Trueblood Aud. will
be open from noon Mon., Dec. 4 for
ticket sales.
Events Monday
Nursing 100: Will meet Mon., Dec. 4,
at 3:00 p.m. in M5330 of the Medical
Science Bldg. Speaker will be Dr. A. C.
Kerlikowske, Director of the University
The Women's Research Club of the
University will meet on Mon., Dec. 4 at
8 p.m. in the West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Dr. Nancy Lurie will
speak on "The Dogrib Indian of the
Canadian Sub-Arctic."
Engineering Mechanics Seminar,
Mon., Dec. 4, at 4:00 p.m. in 305 West
Engineering Bldg. David R. Jenkins,
Instructor, will. speak on "Predictions
of Strain-Hardening Theories of Plas-
ticity for Tube Tests."
Coffee at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty

Zwerdling Lectures in Old Testament
Studies: Nelson Glueck, president, He-
brew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion, will deliver two lectures. The
first one on "The Bible and History"
will be Mon., Dec. 4 at 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. B. The second is an illustrated
lecture on the "Explorations in the
Wilderness of Zin" on Tues., Dec. 5 at
4:15 p.m. in Aud. B.
Events Tuesday
Woodwind Quintet: The University
Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein,
flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, Albert Lu-
coni, clarinet, Louis Stout, French horn,
and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, assisted. by
Eugene Bossart, piano, will present a
concert on Tues., Dec. 5, 8:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Composi-
tions they will perform are by Klug-
hardt, Hovhaness, and Beethoven. Open
to the public without charge,
Guest Lecturer: Jerry H. Bilik, guest
lecturer, will speak on "The Musician
and The Dollar: An Economic Apprais-
al of An Art," on Tues., Dec. 5, 4:15
p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. Open to the
Beginning the week of Mon., Dec. 4
the following schools will be at the Bu-
reau to interview candidates for the
second semester and the 1962-1963
school year.
TUES., DEC. 5-
Warren, Mich.-Elem., Elem. Vocal;
7th SS/Elem./8th Sci./Math-will in-
terview all fields for future vacancies.
Wayne, Mich.-Elem., Elem. Art; Jr.
HS Math/Sci.-Feb. candidates only.
WED., DEC. 6-
Dearborn, Mich. (Dist. No. 3) - Jr.
HS Math/Sci.; Comm./Home Econ.;
Kdg. (Part time)-Feb. candidates only.
Warren, Mi. (Fitzgerald Sel.) -
K-6; Visiting Teacher.
Gary, Ind.-Ail fields.
Allen Park, Mich.-Elem. (1, 2 & 3);
Jr. HS Home Econ.; HS Engl.
For appointments and additional in-
We a re now
NO 2-5414

formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext.
Microfilms & Service Organization,
Ann Arbor Area-Position as Librarian
for WOMAN with.college bkgd. includ-
ing some library courses. Some library,
exper. desired & also typing ability.
Detroit House of Correction (Wom-
en's Div.), Plymouth, Mich.-Executive
position for WOMAN as Director of
Women's Prison. BA or MA with major
in Sociology, Psych., or Bus. Ad. Must
have admin. exper.-possibly in educa-
tion field.
The MacMillan Co., Albion, Mich. -
College Representative-BA Liberal Arts
preferred. Exper. in Educ. field desirable
but not essential. Will call on univer-

sity professors to promote sale of books,
encourage research, & arrange for writ-
ing of manuscripts to be published.
Involves travel to various colleges. Rep.
will be in Ann Arbor Thurs., Dec. 7.
Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.,
Summit, N.J.-Positions in Chemistry
Research Div. BS or MS with bkgd. in
Organic. or ,Analytical Chem. Will do
Pharmaceutical work.
Please call Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544 for further information.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students please
sign interview schedules at 128-H West
DEC. 4-
Diamond Alkali Co., Entire Corp. -
BS-MS: ChE. BS: ME. Feb. & June

grads. Summer Employment: Jrs. in
ChE. Location: Cleveland, Ohio; indi-
cate "Summer" when signing sched-
ule-check Dec. 1 (a.m.) for openings
on schedule. Des., R. & D., Sales &
General Electric Co., All Depts. &
Geographical Locations of G.E.--PhD:
AE & Astro., ChE, CE, EEfi EM, IE, In-
stru., ME, Met., Nuclear. R. & D.
Hercules Powder Co., Plants scattered
throughout U.S.-BS-MS: AE & Astro.,
ChE, EE & ME, Chem.-(Gen'l., Analy-
tical, Org. & Physical). MS: Math. Feb.
& June grads. Both Men & (Women-
BS-MS in ChE). Summer Employment:
Check Dec. 1 (a.m.) for openings on
schedule. Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod.
Lawrence Radiation Lab., Las Vegas,
Nev.-BS-MS: CE, EE, ME. BS: E Phys-

ics. June & Aug. grads. R. & D.
Sparton Electronics Corp., Jackson,
Mich.-BS-MS: EE & ME. Des., R. &
D. Electronic-Electromech. devices.
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Re-
search Div., Youngstown, Ohio - MS-
PhD: ChE & Met. MS: Ind. Admin.
Feb. & June grads. R. & D.
DEC. 5-
Philco Corp., Phila. & its suburbs --
MS-PhD: EE, ME, Physics. PhD: Physi-
cal Chem. Both Men & Women. Des.,
R. & D.
DEC. 6-
Avco Corp., Electronics & Ordinance
Div., Cincinnati, Ohio-All Degrees:
EE. BS: E Math & E Physics. Des., R.
& D., Prod.
U.S. Gov't. Dayton Air Force Depot,
Dayton & Newark, Ohio-BS-MS: AE &
Astro., EE, IE & Physics. BS: E Phys-
ics. MS: Ind. Admin. Both Men &
Women. Summer Employment: Fill out
form 57 & give to representative-do
not schedule interview. R. & D.


Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


be utifuI y


is wise in the ways of
: }S , c




What does your festiv
shapefy heel, the niagnific
the sheath-toe bared
P without charge.
specialty at Randall's.
and Connie

*Small charge for
. ,tinting
e calendar call for? Could be a rhinestone beauty mark to define a
ent splash of brocade to electrify an elegant dress, the sleek contrast of
at back, or the stark simplicity of a classic pump custom tinted
From the Charleston through the Twist, feet after five have been a
We now present the most opulent collection of all by Jacqueline
who has a happy way with prices too.


., (Author of "Rally Round The Flag, Boys", "The Many
Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.)
I have asked the makers of Marlboro-an enterprising and
aggressive group of men; yet at the same time warm and lovable;
though not without acumen, perspicacity, and drive; which does
not, however, mask their essential great-heartedness; a quality
evident to all who have ever enjoyed the beneficence of their
wares; I refer, of course, to Marlboro Cigarettes, a smoke
fashioned with such loving care and tipped with such an easy-
drawing filter that these old eyes grow misty when I think upon
it-I have asked, I say, the makers of Marlboro-that aggregate
of shrewd but kindly tobacconists, that cluster of hearty souls
bound together by the profit motive and an unflagging deter-
mination to provide a cigarette forever flavorful and eternally
pleasing-I have asked, I say, the makers of Marlboro whether
I might use today's column to take up the controversial question:
Should a coed share expenses on a date?
"Yes," said the makers silh ply. We all shook hands then and
squeezed each other's sho iders and exchanged brave smiles,
and if our eyes were a trifle moist, who can blame us?
To the topic then: Should a coed share expenses on a date?
I think I can best answer the question by citing the following
typical case:
Poseidon Nebenzal, a student at Oklahoma A and M, major-
ing in hides and tallow, fell wildly in love with Mary Ellen
Flange, a flax weevil major at the same school. His love, he had



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reason to believe from Mary Ellen's sidelong glances an
maidenly blushes, was not entirely unrequited, and by and by he
mustered up enough courage to ask her the all-important
question: "'Will you wear my 4-H pin?"
"Yes," she said simply. They shook hands then and squeezed
each other's shoulders and exchanged brave smiles, and if their
eyes were a trifle moist, who can blame them?
For a time things went swimmingly. Then a cloud appeared.
Mary Ellen, it seems, was a rich girl and accustomed to costly
pleasures. Poseidon was bone-poor and he quickly ran out of
money. Unable to take Mary Ellen to the posh places she
fancied and too proud to tell her the reason, he turned surly and
full of melancholy. Soon their romance, so promising at the
beginning, was headed for a breakup. But at the last moment,
Poseidon managed to blurt out the truth.
"Oh, beloved agrarian!" cried Mary Ellen, grappling him
close. "Oh, proud husbandman! Oh, foolish reaper! Why have
you not told me before? I have plenty of money, and I will
contribute according to my ability."
Poseidon, of course, protested, but she finally persuaded him
of the wisdom of her course. From then on they split all expenses
according to their incomes. Rather than embarrass Poseidon by
handing him money in public, a joint bank account was set up
to allow him to write checks. Into this account each week they
faithfully deposited their respective allowances-35 cents from
Poseidon; $2300 from Mary Ellen.
And it worked fine! Thev were hannv-truly hannv! And

Campus Smoke Shop M
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Chester Roberts Gifts Q
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Hi-Fi & TV -Center S
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