Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Wilt Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. STUDENT POWER: Revolution at Cornell ZIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINICK True Integration Comes Only Through Education THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, which no one thought could peaceably integrate, quietly accepted several Negro students this year. A dozen all-white public schools in the states of Florida, Texas and Georgia enrolled their first Negroes. Quietly, without fanfare or hoopla, the South began to concede a battle which has been fought continually since 1860. Southerners are pictured by many Northern- ers as an ignorant, backward, and bigoted lot of unpatriotic Klansmen. But now the South is showing the world there are seeds of integrity and intelligence in many of its inhabitants. The screaming headlines after Little Rock re- ceived more world-wide attention than the un- heralded token integration started this year. This beginning, however small, sets into motion the wheels which will soon roll to the entire South. THIS DOESN'T WHITEWASH the South, but gradual strides are taking place, and the educated Southerners who are striving for a peaceful integration deserve credit for their efforts. The federal government is providing the impetus in changing this old and favored view of white supremacy. Little Rock served as a warning to the entire South about what hap- pens when the population rebels too loudly, but it is hard to change the long-held views of a cultural area overnight. P. D. East claims that the Southerners have been raised on a "snake oil" concoction of con- ceit, prejudice, and stupidity which has so long been a remedy that it is almost impossible to remove it. But the "snake oil" people are not characteristic of everyone living south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Rather, they represent a noisy, rabble-rousing group which violently pushes its views on the world. The public pre- fers to read about an uneducated backwoods- man beating up a freedom rider than about a group of Negro students filing peacefully into a Florida junior high school. The eyes of the world focus on the United States' big flaws rather than its quieter accomplishments. The cities are beginning to integrate, and now one must wait for the well learned lesson of the cities to seep into the rural areas. The urbanized areas, with their more varied cul- tural groups, must go into the backwoods and help the people realize they must surrender their useless fight. Extra care must be taken to educate and prepare states such as Mississippi for the coming integration. TrHE NORTH has many such spots of preju- dice too. The schools of Chicago and New York with their carefully drawn boundaries manage to separate white and black. The school boards set integration in areas where white residents are moving out. Eventually the schools resegregate. The quota and discrimina- tion policies of some colleges prevent many worthy candidates from receiving scholarships or entering the schools of their choice. This change will take much diligence on the part of many people. The quiet, frightened anti- segregationist will have to bear threats of violence and financial blackball. The papers of the North and South will have to begin a quiet and subtle education of those people not ready for a change in beliefs. The work of Ralph Mc- Gill and William Hartfield, the mayor of At- lanta, prove that this method pays off. THE BEST and most long lasting results come with the cure which is carefully blended and aged to perfection, not the one hastily thrown together and crammed into use. The only long-range cure for the "snake oil" is edu- cation, not the armed soldiers of Little Rock. Such action merely suppresses the symptoms for a while and allows them to reappear later. The educated South is trying to do what is right for the goal of all men. It has a long, arduous struggle ahead before all Southerners will stand up and admit they are the brother of black men as well as white. The papers of North and South must edu- cate gradually the rural folk. Much more will' be accomplished if they can peacefully work together without excess sensationalism and criticism. An all-out attempt must be made to reach every corner of the South and slowly change the beliefs which have been held so long. The newspapers need to applaud and commend the steps that have been taken al- ready. This is the only way long-term integra- tion will ever come to the South. -BARBARA LAZARUS (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a continuing series of ar- ticles on outstanding student gov- ernments in several universities across the country-how they were started, what they control, who has power over them. Arthur Brooks, '63L, was president of the Cornell Student Council in 1958.) By ARTHUR BROOKS Daily Guest Writer IN MAY OF 1958, some 1,500 Cornell students, determined to express their dissatisfaction with student life at the University, rioted against the Cornell admin- istration. This was not a demonstration of opposition to one particular ad- ministrative decision affecting the rioters' stomachs, beds, or bottles, nor was it a playful springtime romp to "let off stean?' before final examinations. It was an attempt to display a genuine and complete dissatisfac- tion with the role of the student in a changing university com- munity. It demanded not a change in a particular administrative rul- ing but a change of philosophy on the part of a highly centralized and dominant university adminis- tration. * * * HISTORICALLY, Cornell has enjoyed a tradition of great social and intellectual freedom. This tradition was an essential part of. the image of the University itself. In such a context, one of the du- ties of the university's administra- tion is seen to be that of preserv- ing a certain autonomy among the various elements of the campus community. Ideally, it is to be, as Carl Becker points out, a "loose- jointed administrative system (preserving) the casual freedoms of the old days." This philosophy of freedom and responsibility served to encourage a vigorous dialogue between fac- ulty and students. It recognized faculty autonomy in asserting a liberalizing and humanizing in- fluence on the student body whether in class or out. As a result of it the university faculty at Cornell had assumed a great deal of responsibility for encouraging student participation, action, and discussion. Faculty- student committees established policies affecting student life. * * * BY 1958, HOWEVER, this tra- dition had been subjected to a steady encroachment by an ever- centralizing administration. The structure of the University had been straightened into a more con- ventional business framework by a President whose principle orien- tation was that of a business executive. Although such centralization un- doubtedly resulted in greater ef- ficiency, and measurably assisted in the physical expansion of the University, the changes also re- sulted in the disagreeable growth of institutionalized living and act- ing. * * * IN SUCH A "big business" en- vironment, viewed from the stand- point of the administration, stu- dent organizations all look about the same. They take on administrative functions that would be onerous (and expensive) for the adminis- tration or faculty to handle, and establish lines of communication from students to the various units of the administration and faculty much like the bargaining com- mittee of a company union. "Autonomy" and "responsibility" of student government mean some financial control over student ac- tivities and a substantial respon- sibility for appointing qualified students'to function as a judiciary or to sit on the more powerful student - faculty - administrative committees which actually formu- late policy proposals on matters affecting student life. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Working ith The Unaligned Challenge Goes On-Campus AFTER HOVERING OVER different parts of the world scene, Challenge is now going to bring its analyses down to the campus. By re- lating next semester's program ("The Challenge of Higher Education") directly to the Univer- sity, Challenge is taking a necessary and im- portant step. This is not a criticism of past Challenge programs dealing with world issues, which were excellently conceived and presented. It is mere- ly a recognition of certain facts of life. At- tendance at some past programs has not been what had been hoped for, and at certain pres- entations there has been a higher proportion of faculty represented than students. Since Challenge was designed primarily to appeal to the student audience in order to in- form them on world problems, the low attend- ance is a sign that the students might be just a little disinterested in such presentations. To remedy this, Challenge has decided to bring its program closer to home. The present plan is to use members of the administration, the faculty, and present and former students as speakers. T HIS WILL GIVE students the opportunity to ponder the quality of the education they Cheer are receiving at the University. This will be especially important next semester when stu- dents will be confronted with the report of the committee on the Office of Student Affairs and with the approaching Conference on the Uni- versity. The results of these events will reach into the corner of every classroom and every quad room. Due to the importance to student! of these events anything which even attempts to provoke thought on them should be wel- comed. The program will also be divided into sub- topics which will give those people interested in one particular aspect of higher education an opportunity to do research and study in small seminar groups. Concerned students (hopefully there are some'in this den of apathy) will be able to get necessary knowledge, enabl-. ing them to speak up with authoritative voices on issues of student concern. THE SERIES should also bring up an issue which usually gets an airing only at SGC election time: the relevancy and importance of off campus issues. This will come from dis- cussion of whether the non-academic phase of college life is educational. All students must think about this in connection with their roles as members of society, whatever the size of the' role they desire to play. This program is directed against the apathy which controls the attitude (or lack of it) of too many students concerning their education. Unfortunately, this same apathy may prevent the program from really getting off the ground. An open meeting Monday night for all people interested in working on the program will de- termine the effectiveness of next semester's program. Challenge is making a break with its past commitments in presenting next semester's program. If it does not get the necessary sup- port there is a danger that it will die out. This program is too important for students to sit by and let apathy destroy it. -RONALD WILTON Skirmish THERE WAS A sadly amusing incident after Saturday's game which went largely un- noticed. Shortly after the unfriendly encounter between coaches Elliott and Hayes, one of the officials had some trouble shepherding the football used in the game off the field. Ohio State's band director, Jack Evans, saw some of his college's fans, who were tired of the twist and goal post shaking, getting ready to steal the ball for a souvenir. He decided By WALTER LIPPMANN IN HIS NEW appointment, Mr. Chester Bowles is to be advisor to the President about affairs in Latin America, Africa and Asia. In effect, he will be concerned with the countries which are not within the Communist orbit and yet are not aligned with the anti-Com- munist alliances of which the most important is NATO. Although almost all of these countries are called "underdevelop- ed," they are in fact in all stages of development. The differences among them are of compelling importance. In viewing the "non-alignment" of these new nations, it is well to remember our own tradition of isolation. All the Founding Fathers believed in it, and for a century it was the very basis of our for- eign policy. It had two aspects: the United States was to stand apart from the quarrels of the Old World, and Europe was not to be. allowed to interfere insthe affairs of the New World. The original and clas- sic exposition of 'our own isola- tion was made by George Wash- ington in his Farewell Address. "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extendinghour commercial re- lations, to have with them as little political connection as pos- sible . . . Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of Euro- pean ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice? . . . It is our true policy to steer clear of per- manent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far, I meanas we are nowat liberty to do it." * * * EVER SINCE we emerged from our isolation and neutrality, we have found it difficult to know just what to think and how co feel about countries which are still isolated and still cling to their neutrality. As a result, our opinion has in the main swung back and forth between two poles. At one pole there is the feeling that in the great conflicts of our time, first with Nazism and Fas- cism and now with Communism, to be neutral, unaligned, uncom- mitted, and unengaged is immoral. At the other pole there is the re- action against this view. It in- clines -to an excess of humility, and is disposed to accept President Tito's claim that he and his fel- low-neutralists are "the conscience of the world." Since the Belgrade conference and the inability of the neutrals to deal with the moral issues rais- ed by the Soviet's nuclear explo- sions, American opinion has swung sharply towards the view that we allied with either of the great coalitions of the cold war. There is an enormous mass of mankind living in many different states, almost all of their gov- ernments recently created, who feel that they are outside the great conflicts which have pre- occupied us for a generation. For them, the burning issue in the world is the elimination of the last vestiges of colonialism, not the conflict between Western and Communist society. Our efforts to convince them that colonialism has all but dis- appeared seem to them to miss the central point. Our appeals that they concern themselves with the subjugation of the peoples of Eastern Europe seem irrelevant to their own vital interests. / They might be using John Quincy Adams' words, who once said that the United States "is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own," for "by once enlisting under other banners than her own,; were they even the banners of foreign independence,s he would involve herself . .. in all the wars dividual avarice, envy and am- of interest and intrigue, of in- bition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of free- dom." * * * BEING OUTSIDE the great conflict of our time, trying to remain outside, certainly does not make the unaligned countries the conscience of the world. When it comes to the vital question, which is how to maintain the balance of power which preserves the peace of the world, the final de- cision cannot be left to those who do not have the ultimate re- sponsibility for peace. put in all that we do which affects their development, it is a different matter. There we must have great and continual respect for their opinions, and the deci- sions must be joint and voluntary. * * * AND SO, while it would be fool- ish to treat the underdeveloped countries as our moral superiors, inviting them to lay down the law to us, it would be no less foolish, and inherently wrong, to talk as if we could and should lay down the law to them. What is more, we cannot lay down the law to them. In the course of time there will emerge from the diverse conglom- eration of the underdeveloped and unaligned countries, new powers in human affairs. We cannot buy their friendships. We cannot earn their friendships by abasing our- selves as if there were some reason to be a'shamed of the awful burden of responsibility which we The rest is debate and negotia- tion of either a primitive or sophisticated sort depending on the personnel elected and ap- pointed. The existence of student gov- ernment "organized to coordinate all student activity" may be point- ed to by a proud administration as an example of their munificence and cooperative spirit when ac- tually it may simply express their desire to communicate with one rather than several. * * * ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES at the University had brought the supervisory control of student af- fairs from the faculty into the hands of the President, by way of delegation from the University's Board of Trustees. Members of the responsible committees, here- tofore elected by the faculty, were now appointed by the President. This enabled the President either to effectively control all student activities, or to choose tf ignore these committees and the Student Government as well, a choice which was somewhat more difficult to make under the old system. When the Council dealt with the President (during one of his seemingly infrequent visits to the campus), he revealed a startling ignorance of and lack of respect for student responsibility in any form. He seemed complacent in the knowledge that he enjoyed effective control and authority over student affairs, and that student organizations could play only a static suggestive role in determining the direction of his policies. e * * * THIS ORGANIZATIONAL and personal frustration of any mean- ingful participation by Student Government in University policy- making contributed substantially to the individual student's feeling of helplessness in the face of the increasing dominance of the ad- ministration. It was this feeling which eventually generated the student riots. The chain of events leading up to the riots began perhaps with the pre-emptory announcement of a ban on drinking at the football stadium. The announcement was made jointly by the Presidents Committees on Student Activities and Conduct without benefit of prior consultation or discussion among student leaders or their organizations. The same year, as the result of some serious accidents during a weekend houseparty it was an- nounced that the entire pattern of student social conduct at the University would be reviewed by the President's Committee on Stu- dent Activities and that house- party activity would be suspended until a Social Code could be form- ulated by the Committee. Student leaders were permitted to participate in the discussion, but Committee rules did not per- mit the publication of any of the Committee's deliberations. * * * UNTIL THE PROPOSED code was announced, therefore, there was no opportunity for general discussion of any specific proposal. Student leaders could only be ef- fective in preventing the Commit- tee from taking an absolute, po- sition on any of the various items under discussion. The proposal as announced w~as rejected by the Student Council and the Inter- fraternity Council, but by that time three was a pervasive feel- ing of futility as regarding the effectiveness of any absolute re- jection, and so a compromise was proposed and accepted on a trial basis. After this trial under the new code, and following the election DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Appointed: Carole Feldman, to the Interviewing and Nominating Commit- tee, term to expire in May of 1962. Adopted: The Interviewing and Nom- inating Committee shall recommend to the Council the chairman of the In- ternational Relations Board on the bas- is of interview and petition. Appointed: To the standing commit- tees of the Council, the following Coun- cil members: Committee on Student Concerns: John Vos, Sharon Jeffrey, Steve Stock- meyer. Committee on the Uhiversity: Tom Brown, Committee on Student Activities: Per Hanson, Dick G'Sell. Adopted: That Senator Thayer be in- vited to the next Council meeting to discuss: 1) the problems involved in the Legislature's granting of funds to the University; 2) the possible roles that students can take in influencing this; and 3) the outlook for sufficient appropriations, to the University of Michigan this spring. Defeated: Student Government Coun- cil should express student opinion only in those areas which directly affect the affairs of the student body during their tenure at the University. Postponed: Consideration of motion on investigation of other programs of freshman orientation. Adopted: Student Government Coun- of new officers in the various st't- dent organizations, the President's Committee, without prior warning, announced a ban on social events in off-campus apartments to take effect in the Fall. * * * THIS WAS THE touchstone. Or- ganized demonstrations were call- ed. The first was a silent protest in front of the Administration building in which 500 or 600 took part. A few eggs were tossed, but on the whole the demonstration was peaceful. The signs carried in- dicated a broad base of student concern. The acknowledged leader of the demonstration was J. Kirk Sale, editor of the Cornell Daily Sun, son of a professor of English at the University. Kirk gave real direction to this demopstration. Another was called for the fol- lowing Friday night. It was re- peatedly urged that it be a peace- ful demonstration of student con- cern. The meeting began under torchlight much like a pep rally. The speeches were not genuinely inflammatory, but elicited great response from the 1,500 or so as- sembled. IT WAS CLEAR that those or- ganizing the demonstrations want- ed only to peacefully demonstrate the unanimity and strength of student opposition to the adminis- tration. , Unfortunately, perhaps because of the mood and volatile nature of crowds of that size, some began a ridiculous chant ("We want Mallot shot"), and new leadership sprang up around a group of stu- dents who had burned the Presi- dent in effigy. This group propos- ed that the crowd take their ap- peal to the President's home. Somewhat less than half of the crowd at the first meeting, many out of curiosity, took up the call and descended on the President's house. Here smoke bombs were set off, and rockswere hurled through the windows. WHEN THE PRESIDENT fin- ally emerged (with a prominent alumnus who had just donated a boathouse to the University) he was ingloriously spattered with eggs. When he attempted to speak he was repeatedly shouted down. It was not a pleasant scene, nor one of which we were proud. The news media across the country found the story appealing. Some were content to classify the dem- onstrations in the panty-raid cat- egory and announced: "Students Riot for Sex." News. week and. The New York Times, however, made an effort to dem- onstrate the broad bases of stu- dent unrest, and perhaps because of this, the Trustees, whose spring meeting was held at Cornell in early June, found it difficult to ignore the demonstrations as mere spring-time hi-jinx. * * * WHATEVER ONE'S POSITION was with respect to the conduct and desirability of the student demonstrations, no one could ig- nore their apparent effectiveness in bring about some significant changes in the attitude of the ad- ministration and ultimately in causing a re-examination of the role of the undergraduate in uni- versity affairs. On July 1, 1958, the Office of Vice-President for Student Af- fairs was established. The Deans' Office was eventualidyrestructured with a Dean of Students replacing the deans of men and women. The President delegated his authority over Student Conduct Activities to committees elected by the Uni- versity faculty. Negative and restrictive policies were replaced by a more affirma- tive policy of at least cooperation and respect. The President noted these changes in his 1958-9 report, and spoke with approval of Stu- dent Council action studying and proposing methods of improving the intellectual life of the campus. He also noted that there must' be a complete understanding and; respect among students, faculty and administrators in accomplish- ing the purposes of the university -purposes which were being re- evaluated at that time by a com- mittee of concerned faculty and alumni under the leadership of the Dean of Faculty, and with participation by various students.' THE STUDENT COUNCIL, rec- ognizing that its structure had proven unwieldy and unrespon- sive to student needs, completely re-organized. An elected Executive Committee now exercises control over all powers which the faculty has delegated to students. It has in turn delegated initial judisdic- tion in some areas to other stu- dent governing bodies, but retains a review power. IT IS NOT my opinion that these changes were all brougnt about by the demonstrations. Such organic changes do not admit of LETTERS to the EDITOR O Membership... To the Editor; H AVING BEEN terribly mis- quoted in yesterday's report of Student Government Council's consideration of membership statements, it is necessary to ex- plain just what my position was. Contrary to Miss Neu's interpreta- tion, I did support a time limit for those groups which have not yet filed a statement. Our point of departure was on the issue of adequacy of those statements. It was urged by various council- men that a standard of accept- ability should now be set for those groups which are yet to send in their statements. If the statements were found inadequate, these groups 'would be vulnerable to "punishment" on the day of the deadline. Groups having already filed would not be subject to such action regardless of the complete- ness of their statements on that date. Clearly this is an inconsistent way of dealing with the situation. What is necessary at this time is the statement. The next step is the evaluation of that statement in terms of completeness. There should be no change in mid- stream at the eleventh hour. -Susan Stillerman, '62 President, Panhellenic Association Apartments ...' To the Editor: IN REGARD TO Pat Golden's November 29 editorial "The Senior Pad," we would like to qualify her statement that "a policy to keep the sorority women caged for their senior year received resounding support." If Pat had attended the meeting at her own house, at least, she would have discovered that her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, was diametrically op- posed-to this policy. -Andrea Patterson, '62 Quad Visits ... To the Editor: CONCERNING MR. HENDEL'S letter to the editor of Novem- ber 27; the question of whether women should be allowed in the rooms of the quadrangles is purely academic, since it is based on the false assumption that women ac- tually want to visit these rooms. Perhaps Mr. Hendel has gotten his idea of sophisiticated "en- tertainment" from Esquire or some other such publication. Well, he should realize that inviting a date to a small, -cluttered quad room whose furnishings consist of a chair and a sinister looking bed is not quite the same as stopping at a plush Fifth Avenue apartment after an evening at the theater. I, and most of my friends, would be perfectly satisfied to go to a show and then maybe stop for a bite to eat, but to go to our date's room to talk or "listen to music" - Oh come now! -Connie Lingus, '62 Peace Course .... To the Editor: SOME MEMBERS of this com- munity are upset because the University does not offer an un- dergraduate course in disarma- ment. I say that such an offering would be unwise., A university should aim itself at equipping its- undergraduates with the fundamental bases of knowledge upon which to base their thinking, and not try to "teach" solutions to specific prob- lems falling within applied areas. Students' time is better spent reading (for example) in history and the classics than attempting to use knowledge that they do not possess. -Noel Ossian Brush-off? ... To the Editor: HOW NAIVE can two people be! I'm referring to your columnist and the letter writer who made an issue of Bump's perfunctory handshake after last Saturday's game, How does one go about con- gratulating someone who acts as Mr. Hayes does in front of crowds? Typically, coaches do not pour it on opponents who are obviously not going to win that day. Mr. Hayes went for another quick touchdown and two points as well with 33 seconds to go. He got what he deserved-a perfunctory handshake. It was Hayes who hung on to Bump's hand and thereby pointed up the fact that Bump had no desire to chat with him at that point. -Prof. Earle F. Zeigler Department of Physical Education Lsatin;TTeeth "UTR GRE1ATES5T contribuition 1 4 IN 'I I A 4 4 I THE WOMEN of Mary Markley Hall have been instructed that Christmas is on the. way. In celebration of this holiday, they have been told that 'they may decorate their rooms. But, there have been certain necessary re- strictions placed on the Markleyites' decorat- ing. No liquid snow may be used anywhere in a room. No greens of any sort (even lettuce) may be employed in making a "house" a "home" Windows may be decorated as long as no one can see them from the outside. Since there are -no windows in Markley which face into the corridors, this limits window decorat-. ing considerably. The women decorating theip rooms have been instructed to hang nothing from the ceiling. This is reasonable, since Christmas around Markley is often a rather depressing time of year, and young women sometimes act irrationally when depressed. In a moment of weakness the powers that be ruled that candles may be used in the rooms if they (the candles) are not lighted. THERE HAS BEEN no statement issued, to date, restricting colors which may be used in decorating. Nor has there been any limit set on what a Markley Girl may do to the door of her room. But, as one disillusioned house presi- dent mumbled. "Ain't even no Santa for Mark-