THE MICUHIGANV I YLV OFFICIAL BULLETIN be Daily Official Bulletin Is an cial Dublication of The Univer- of Michigan for which The higan Daily assumes no editorial ponsibility. Notices should be t in TYPEWRITTEN form to im 3564 Administration Building ore 2 p.m., two days preceding lication. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 to the Scholarship office not later- than December 6.z .. Events Friday College of LS&A Honors Assembly, Fri., Dec. 1, 506 Burton Tower at 4:15 p.m. William P. Malm, professor of music literature, will present the second of a series of lectures on the small ensemble. Dr. Will Herberg, author of "Protest- ant, Catholic, Jew," will present a lec- ture on "American Religious Pluralism" at 4:15 p.m. ,ri., Dec. 1, Aud. A, Angell Hall and at 8:30 p.m., Dec. 1, Dr. Her- berg will present a lecture-discussion on "Foundations of Jewish 'Faith," at the Hillel, Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. Everyone welcome. Biological Chemistry Colloquium: General Notices Student Aid Foundation Scholarship blanks may be obtained at the Scholar- ship Office, 2011, Student Activties Building. Only freshmen with five-week grades of "B" or better, who are residents of Southeastern Michigan, and who need financial aid should apply. Applications should be returned "Some Aspects of the Metabolic Role of Biotin" will be discussed by Dr. J.. Lindsley Foote, Department of Biologi- cal Chemistry, on Fri., Dec. 1 at 4 p.m. in M6423 Medical Science Bldg. Coffee at 3:30 p.m. in M5410 Medical Science Bldg. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., Dec. 1, 8:00 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will speak on "The Surface of Mars." After the lec- ture the Student Observatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open for inspection and for telescopic observa- tions of a double star. Children wel- comed, but must be accompanied by adults. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Dec. 1, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. Law- rence H. Aller will speak on "Why Should an Astronomer Go To the Southern Hemisphere?" .Placement, Beginning the week of Mon., Dec. 4, the folio wing schools will be at the Bureau to interview candidates for the second semester and the 1962-63 school year. TUES., DEC. 5 Warren, Mich.-Elem., Elem. Vocal; 7th.SS/Elem. 8th Sci./Math--will inter- view all fields for future vacancies. Wayne, Mich.-Elem., Elem. Art; Jr. HS Math/Sci.-Feb. candidates only. WED., DiEC. 6 'Dearborn, Mich. (Dist. No. 3)-Jr. HS Math/Set.: Comm./Home Econ.; Kdg. (Part time)-Feb. candidates only. Warren, Mich. Fitzgerald Sch.)-K-6; Visiting Teacher. Gary, Ind.-All fields. THURS., DEC. 7 Allen Park, Mich.-Elem. (1, 2 & 3); Jr. HS Home Econ.; HS Engl. - For appointments and additional in- formation contact 'the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547. Law Discussion-on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 4 p.m.In Rm. 3R of the Michigan Union. All are invited. Sponsored by t CENTRAL INTELLENCE AGENCY An Agency Representative will interview undergradu- ate Seniors and Graduate Students for positions with our Organization on December 5th through the 8th on Campus. Please consult the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Student Activities Building, for information concerning these positions and to schedule an interview. Prof. Lionel H. Laing. Co-sponsored by the Student Affairs Committee & Mich- igan Union. Careers in Medicine--on Tues., Dec. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Third Floor Confer- ence Room of the Michigan Union. There will be a panel discussion fol- lowed by a 20-minute question and answer period. Sponsored by Michigan Union & Student Affairs Committee. Co-sponsored by Bureau of Appoint- ments, SAB. POSITION OPENINGS: Harper Hospital,, Detroit-Opening in Dept. of Laboratories for Chemist. In-7 dividuals who have completed graduate study, exper. and possibly completed doctorate, will be interviewed. Drake Personnel, Inc., Chicago, III.-- Following openings with employer clinets: Coated fabrics sales manager, drapery sales, textile sales, and style development manager. All require ex- perience related to position. Roy Doty & Associates, Chicago, Ill.- Client firms have following openings: Asst. contract manager with engrg. de- gree and additional training in BusAd.' Experience of 1-5 years in electrical contracting or related field. Also sales representative positions for those with degree in BusAd or Industrial Engrg. Experience required. Hy-Line Poultry Farms, Johnston, Iowa-Biochemist for research in areas of immunology, genetics and statistical studies of populations. PhD in Biochem or its equivalent in training of experi- ence with. emphasis on protein differ- entiations and enzyme chem. Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, D.C.-Extensive recruitment program to select grade for retailing career. Opportunities exist in all phases of the business: merchandising, store opera- tions, sales promotion, control, per- sonnel, or customer services. Argonne National Lab., Argonne, Ill.-- Appointments of Graduate Students for Thesis work. MA, MS, or PhD candi- dates who have completed all require- ments for degrees except thesis re- search. Broad program of research and development in many scientific and engineering fields. Further information on bulletin board outside Rm. 3200 SAB. Please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. for further information. .Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 SAB: Monday thru (Continued on Page 10) { t I 1( For Direct (lassified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. -- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I LOST: One pair glasses. Brown frames SPECIAL in gray plastic case. Somewhere be- 1959 ENGLISH FORD 4-dr. tween Frieze Building- and South U. SI X-DAY $550. 1105 Spring. 30381, eve Phone 665-5114. A30 LINES ONE-DAY RATE 1958 Chevy Bel-Air - Four I er Steering, Power Brake 2 .70 .58 Windows, Power Seat. Exce dition. $950. NO 3-3029 after 5 FOR SALE: Voightlander V: new. $75. Call NO 3-1; COEDS-wide variety of select clothing. '83 POUGEOT 403. 1960 model. Sizes 11-16. Call 5-0239. J10 condition. Michlin X"ti roof. All accessories. $1100.1 MAGAZINES-for special student and 3-7541.uvdst. 168. Bob Pitt. Christmas rates. Call NO 2-3061, Stu- Figure 5 average words to a line dent Periodical Agency, Box 1161 AA. Call Classified between 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 RITZ BEAUTY SALON COMPLETE LINE OF BEAUTY WORE 605 E. WILLIAM PHONE NI 8-7066 J6- ATTENTION RO BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at DEAR JOHN, OFFICERS' SHOES the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- If you don't take me to the League. terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- Snack Bar, it's going to be the end. Army-Navy Oxfords - versity, NO 8-8887. J11 Love, Marsha F18 Socks 39c Shorts At the BAN ri. & Sat. 8:30-12:30) SAM'S STC Jazz, Coffee, Art. NO 5-4240. LocationxSA S ST New Beauty 3945 Pontiac Trail. F22 122 3. WASINRTO FOR THE WILL THE BLOND that ran up to me Ne S in the UGLI and threw her arms New Season around me and sobbed and then PLUS kissed me 'and ran off again pleaseG N "LSexplain what happened, or what was INNELL'S going ont Please answer me. Harve, NO 2-5667 Free Coffee Service 2-5571. F NO2-66 AT DO YOU feel like sitting around talk- VOGUE BEAUTY SALON ing, maybe singing some old songs, having a beer or two, a Schwaben- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT berger? The only place to go is the Your DISCOUNT RECORD _ . Schwaben Inn,215 S. Ashley. F59 1954 OLDS 198 Holiday, Excell( 300 S. Thayer Bell Tower Concouirse HEADQUARTERS tion. Fully equipped. Radio NO 88384~.Af~i~~k~kICIktRest offer. call Dick Oren NO 8-8384 30 MICH IGANENSIAN h5- the .740 yoryabo has the 5- __your yearbook 1958 VESPA 150 Scooter. B FINDING }HOLES in your winter will sell for Entire COLUMBIA Catalogue windshield, bumper. Driven clothing? Find that the wind whis- $6.50 Excellent condition. Call tles through and sends chills upa$6.0 and down your spine? Then send atrDc 2____________ them to - BUY NOW FOR $6.00 featur1ing VW CONVERTIBLE 11 WEAVE-BAC SHOP excellent condition. NO 3- 224 Arcade NO 2-4647 DIAMONDS WHOLESALE. From our MITCH MILLER "We'll reweave them to look like new" mines to you, Robert Haack, Diamond' WA Importers, 201 S. Main St., NO 3-0653.. JOHNNY MATHIS SPORTS CAR, MGA, 1956 J12A 0 ,, nw to. ravdio and heater, I I STUDENT' GOVE RNMEN1T. COUNCIL qnnounces PETITION ING for EARLY REGISTRATION PASS °COMMITTEE, . . is active during registration week.. hears re- quests from students who are working, in athletics, in campus organizations, and others for out of order registration. Chairmen, year -term - Four members, year terms. HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD . . . considers cases and areas involving discrimination against students . . . works in a positive manner to encourage better human relations in the University and Ann Arbor communities. Five one-year terms. CINEMA GUILD Is the board which chooses the movies shown at the Cinema Guild . . . receives petitions from student or- ganizations who wish to sponsor the showings. Mem- bers of the board are guests of the sponsoring organi- zation at any movie. Chairman, year term - Four members, year terms. STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE receives $100 per semester for running the Student Book Exchange in the Student Activities Building. Manager - $100, Two assistants - $50 each. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BOARD ... develops programs to increase person to person and small group contact between American and foreign students . . , works with the International Center to improve housing services for incoming foreign students. Chairman, year term. INTERNATIONAL WEEK CHAIRMAN . selects committee to help him co-ordinate Inter- national Week Program. One-year term. PETITIONING CLOSES FRIDAY, I I Students Welcome BABE'S' GAY NINETIES RESTAURANT WANTED: Physics 125 tutor. Mon. &N Wed. evenings. Call NO 2-2591 ext. PERCY FAITH x224. P12 Now Open 'til 1:00 A.M. d '2 - BERNSTEIN p$Grad. students, male or female. Assist Located in The BELL TOWER MOTOR INN photographers in sales capacity. Call SALESMAN, part time until Christmas. 662-6368. P13 Across from Hill Aud. -298 5. Thayer Apply at Men's Toggery, 607 E. Lib-A- Assorted Broadway Hits erty gH AL YOUNG-coming Dec. 7 at Ann AsotdArada-Ht bor Armory. Tickets on sale, Disc including Shop and Marshall's. P11W WEST SIDE STORY WANTED: A ride to Tampa, Fla., Christ- mas time. Call 665-4963. P16 SOUND OF MUSIC There is still tim e to Knit D -ohdon't you call your nF. MY FAIR LADY ETC. - Gold jacket-coffee cup-EYES-10:00 that Christmas Sweater!Union.____ ARE YOU collecting Marlboro, Philip REG. $3.98 now only $2.7 Morris, Alpine, and Parliament boxes? REG. $4.98 now only $3.5 COME TO TH[ Remember there is a package saving REG. $5.9 now only $4.1 contest going on. REG. $6.98 now only $4. ish visitor,Hgood wages. Sendqual- fications to Box 23 of the Daily. H33 ALSO FR A WANTED: Songwriter or Lyricist. Pop- 220 SOUTH FOURTH AYE ok 0/5uTColaoration. alLig WEBCOR TAPE RECORDE ger, 910 -South 5th, Ann Arbor. 84 ,BOL WEEVILS, Ann Arbor. Fabulous FOR ONLY $99.95 Where you will find friendly service, Dixie-land band, now accepting book- and ings for late fall and early winter. free instructions, all knitting accessories Bud-Mor Agency, 1103 S.U. NO 2-6362. F53 ADMIRAL TABLE RADIC and yarn from DEAR MARSHA, FOR ONLY $9.95 Let's sit on the Diag and sniff burn- SPINNERIEUNGER, mNyLS, leaves. Loe, Jhn F21 lvr.Cmu oadT,3 SPINN E R IN UNGERREYNLDS_*_* __ 2_ HI-F, PHONO Th, and radio re: Clip this ad for free pickup and PA UL I N E DEN H AM and many I I hory.Capu 5 aio an TV, 3 PAU INEandHoover. N -644. A-1 New and Used Instruments European im ports. BANJOS. GUITARS AND BONCG NEW EXACTA AND PRAKTINA CAM- Rental Purchase Plan ERA. Never used. For quick sale at PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR __________________________________________________________ bargain price. all 662-7711 after 6 119 W. Wahingtonl NO 2-li P.M. B30 Leave Nov. 1. NO 8-8037. a.Rar'Y" Z1' i".vlY ~FOR SALE-Humanic Ski Boots. New. Size 11%. Regularly $40. Will sell for $25. Call 663-9771. 28 1 '3 a .r.mj GERMAN-MADE woman ski boots, size 5 and 61" skis with safety binding. r Call NO 3-1379. B32 r . k - -INTERESTED in going to Europe? FOR SALE: 8 formals, sizes 9 & 11. Carolyn ien a 3 Only worn once. Cost $40-$60 new; Makley after 6 for information will sell for $20-$30 or best offer. Call the fabulous Hartmann Tour. NO -724 after 5 p.m. B29______________ trx 4FOR SALE: 3 f'ermals, size 9. Cell I NEED YOUR HELP. I am a big Chapman, $50 each. Call NO 3-1340. ig giantfai bo o nee C8pn 21. Job. Ican andwl oanythin pay. I am an expert in almost BOOK SALE. 524 Third, .upstairs apt. field you can think of, not . Evenings or call NO 5-4846. B24 barred. Call Bruce, NO 2-5571. t REFRIGERATORS annd ranges - apt. RIDERS to Chicago this weekend. ... 4 sized. $25 each. Call days NO 5-9114, chuck at NO 2-5571, leaving Sat. evenings NO 3-0434. B22 LTWO NEW KUPPENEIME Smen's suits 37 and 40 regular. Pd. $100 for blue worsted, now $35. Pd. $120 for SJ$ brown tweed, now $45. NO 22768. B17 For more Information, contact Rn C...-'Mile Road, near Livernois. DI 1-3197. B 22 Chosen from Saks Fifth Avenue's famed women's shops - a gala new selection of very exciting gift ideas to wish a lady Merry Christmas. We invite all the Santas at the Univer- Me7s. e ut sity of Michigan to choose from our delightful list-cluding accessories such as flowers, scarves, belts, gloves, hosiery and perfumes as well as casual shoes, small leather items and FLOWERS from BUD-MOR NO 2-6362 DEC. 8, 1961 at 5 P.M. I PETITIONS AVAILABLE at Student Govern- ment Offices, from Administrative Secretary, first floor, S.A.B. For Further Information, Contact: ROBERT ROSS /