APARTMENTS AND SORORITIES See Page 4 lihr i1a *A6Far 471, t 40 a ty CHILLY High--38 Low-20 Partly cloudy and slightly warmer Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXII, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1961 SEVEN CENTS SEX PAGES Council To Consider Power over Students Roberts, Glick To Propose Motion On Authority in Rules, Conduct By CYNTHIA NEUJ Student Government Council will consider a motion on authority over student rules and conduct proposed by Daily Editor John Roberts, '62, and Brian Glick, '62, at its meeting tonight. The motion would curtail the powers of the Deans of Men and Women and of the Residence Halls Board of Governors, revise the judicial system, place final veto power over Council action with the West Rejects Soviet Plan For Nuclear,- Moratorium RIDE-An Atlas rocket is scheduled to take an ape named Enos on a three-orbit trip around the Earth today. If the flight is successful, a man will probably make a similar trip early next year. United States To Orbit Ape In Trial test for Human CAPE CANAVERAL ({P)-An adolescent ape named Enos will pioneer the space trail today, if, all goes well, for a United States astronaut to follow.' Whether the United States will go all out to place an astronaut in orbit before the year's end will depend on the success of the chim- panzee shot, now scheduled for some time between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. If all goes as planned, the 371/2-pound native of the French Cameroons Pearson Says Walker Silent On Editorial By ROBERT SELWA Gen. Edwin A. Walker, who re- cently invoked the military equiva- lent of the Fifth Amendment, will not have to testify before a Senate committee this week on political activities of the military. Columnist Drew Pearson re- ported yesterday two developments in the Walker controversy. Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina has maneuvered so that General Walker will not have. to testify in the Senate Armed Serv- ices Committee's pending investi- gation of troop indoctrination pro- grams. Second, meetings of the com- mittee "suddenly were called off and rescheduled for January." Pearson also reported details of how Gen. Walker stood on Article 31 when recently cross-examined by the Army Inspector General's office. Article 31 provides that no per- son may be compelled by his superior in the armed forces "to answer any question the answer to which may tend to incriminate him." Gen. Walker stood on Article 31 when questioned about the parti- san slant of his troop newspaper, Taro Leaf. This occurred after he had been read Army regulations that forbid Army newspapers to take editorial sides in a political campaign.. Gen. Walker had also had Taro Leaf "reprint John Birch litera- ture. twill make three trips around the earth, his altitude varying from 100 to 150 miles. He will land in the Atlantic Ocean near Puerto Rico. This is the United States' great- est space effort to date and the tension at the launch site is some- thing almost tangible. The Rus- sians put two men into space orbit earlier this year. Hundreds of men are on duty around the world to track the Chimp's space capsule. By performing various chores over a 69-minute period with fre- quent six-minute rest breaks, Enos will be rewarded with a banana flavored pellet and a sip of water. The chimp has to select the odd figure from an instrument panel showing circles, triangles and squares, two of which are always matched. He also has to respond to certain lights which appear on his instrument panel by striking a level which activates a switch Introduces { District Plan LANSING ()-Legislative re- apportionment stole the constitu- tional convention spotlight yes- terday-with Democratic and Re- publican lawmakers disagreeing heatedly over the controversial is- sue. George Romney (R-Bloomfield Hills) presented his proposal for reapportionment to the convention Monday night. He asked that membership of both houses be based strictly on population. Although he declined to speci- fy how many members the House would have, Romneyadvocated a Senate of 34 to 38 members, to be elected from about 24 senator- ial districts. For larger districts where "com- munication between senators" is difficult, he proposed a "popula- tion sparsity formula" whereby added representation would be given. These districts would be reap- portioned every ten years. Romney will testify tomorrow before the Committee on Legisla- tive Organization to present de- tails of his outline. Gov. John Swainson was criti- cized and defended, the Legisla- ture was attacked and praised and a witness was accused of using the committee as a sounding board for political propaganda. OSA Group ,Studies Role Of Judiciary The Office of Student Affairs Study Committee yesterday scruti- nized the nature, sources and role of campus judiciary bodies, Prof. John W. Reed of the law school, committee chairman said. The 90-minute discussion touched on many topics including student participation in rule for- mation and enforcement, whether or not counseling should be stressed over judicial action and the lines of authority governing student conduct. Following a pattern -the com- mittee has been regularly using, a subcommittee presented a fac- tual study of the judicial units before the discussion. It traced the development of the bodies and their derivation of power through the Regents bylaws. Prof. Reed said the committee is willing to meet with representa- tives from the Alumnae Council to hear their request for the reten- tion of the dean of women's posi- tion in a revised OSA structure. The women's branch of the Alum- ni Association voted to ask main- tenance of the office at its national meeting in September. Board of Regents and lift rulings that students live in University housing or residence hals. Expresses Disapproval In expressing disapproval of the recent decision of the Board of Governors regarding permission for women to visit men in their rooms in the quadrangles, the mo- tion states although under the present provisions the control rests with the Board of Governors, "these rules should be set and enforced by all members of the community, and only by members of the community, either directly or through democratically elected representative governments." Revision of the Council plan to place veto power over Council ac- tion with tho Regents (a power which could be delegated by them to the President of the University) provides a formal veto procedure, and would be incorporated into the Regents Bylaws as Bylaw 8.03. The proposed revision of Bylaw 8.04 regarding student conduct provides a student bill of rights, stating that only the Regents or SGC may establish rules governing students. It places judiciary power with the Council which may dele- gate authority to bodies estab- lished by and responsible to SGC. Set Deadlines Other business which the Coun- cil will consider includes a motion by Council President Richard Nohl, '62BAd, to establish a Jan. 17 deadline for the submission of sorority and fraternity member- ship statements to the Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs. The Council will also discuss the direct campus - wide election of delegates to National Student As- sociation Congress, and the motion submitted by, former member David Croysdale, '63, stating that expression of opinion by SGC should be limited to issues that directly affect the student during his tehure on campus. Peace Course Two motions will be submitted by Robert Ross, '63, and Sharon Jeffrey, '63. The first asks that the Council support the petition cir- culated by the Americans Com- mitted to World Responsibility to establish an interdisciplinary un- dergraduate credit course on "Problems of Peace and the Nu- clear Age." The other motion supports vot- ing rights for 18-year-olds and mandates the SGC executive offi- cers to communicate with the Constitutional Convention dele- gates to secure an opportunity to send a representative to voice Council opinion. SGC will also consider a motion from the Committee on Student Concerns recommending that Sen- ator Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Ar- bor) be invited to the next Council meeting to discuss problems in legislative appropriations and pos- sible roles that students could take in influencing them. A motion by Ross that the Com- mittee on the University investi- gate orientation programs which would more fully indicate the edu- cational nature of the University and consideration of a discussion period which could be incorporated into meetings will also be on the Council agenda. U.S., Soviets Renew Talks On Test Ban Face Problems Again After Extended Break UNITED NATIONS (P) - The United States and the Soviet Un- ion opened a new round of private talks yesterday aimed at breaking the 17-months-old deadlock on resumption of disarmament nego- tiations. Adlai E. Stevenson and Valerian A. Zorin, the chief delegates of the United States and the Soviet Union, conferred for an hour and: 40 minutes in Zorin's UN office. A United States spokesman said he could not comment on whether any progress was made, but added that more meetings were likely next week. Meeting Follows Approval The Stevenson-Zorin meeting followed last week's approval in the UN main political committee of an Indian resolution urging the two big powers to resume nego- tiations without delay. It asked them to report back to the General Assembly before the end of the current session. Expect Long Session Target date for adjournment is still Dec. 20, but most delegates expect the Assembly to spill over into the early months of next year after a Christmas recess. Arrangements for renewal of United States-Soviet talks were under way before the political committee adopted the Indian resolution. Both powers have agreed on general principles to guide dis- armament negotiations, but have not been able to concur on the composition of the negotiating body. Clause Waiver Position Cited By President By GERALD STORCH The Sigma Nu local at the Uni- versity has not yet applied for a waiver from the bias clause in the fraternity's national constitution, chapter president James Apple, '63E, said last night. Whether or not it will apply depends in part upon a meeting today with the Student Govern- ment Council Committee on Mem- bership Selection in Student Or- ganizations. Theinational clause bans men "of Negroid blood" from member- ship in the fraternity. Apple also indicated that the local has no intention of disaffiliating from the national. However, a University bylaw prohibits student organizations from restricting membership on the basis of race, religion, creed or national origin. Apple said that he and the com- mittee have met several times to discuss the dilemma faced by Sig- ma Nu and "are fairly close to a solution." However, committee chairman Jesse McCorry, Grad, commented that in his opinion the commit- tee and Apple had not come close to a solution to the problem in their previous meetings. Apple also remarked that there has been little pressure from the national to defend the clause. A chapter president at Cornell Uni- versity, in a similar situation, had cited numerous visits and letters from national officials urging such a stand by the local. Arrest Juror For Perjury BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (P)-The FBI yesterday arrested on a per- NEW TALKS-Soviet United Nations Ambassador Valerian Zorin (left) and United States Ambassador Adlai Stevenson held private talks on disarmament yesterday in New York. No announcement on the conference's progress was made. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Needler Labels Strike N.ormal Political Move By MARGARET HETLEY "The current general strike in the Dominican Republic is just a normal political technique; if it succeeds, the result will be a stable government for that country," Martin C. Needler of the political- science department said last night. This strike, the first of its kind in 31 years, is directed against the government of President Joaquin Balaguer, a holdover from the Tru- jillo era. Thousands of Dominicans Conference Stalemates On Controls Opposing Positions May Cause Failure Of Bomb Treaty GENEVA (P) - The United States and Britain yesterday re- jected as completely unacceptable a new Soviet proposal for an un- controlled nuclear test ban. United States delegate Arthur Dean declared the Soviet motto "seems to be 'let's all join Atomics Anonymous until the Soviet Union wants to fall off the no-test wa gon and test again.' Soviet delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin declared that Russia is no longer prepared to accept any kind of international control for a nuclear test ban. Stalemate Develops Thus a stalemate over the old issue of controls developed at the three powers' first session in 2/ months. The.talks were recessed in Sep- tember when' the Soviet Union broke a voluntary three-power moratorium by resuming tests. The firm positions of the West and the Soviet Union seemed to put a final seal of failure of the three nations to draft a test ban treaty. But neither side toos any immediate initiative for breaking off the talks. They agreed to meet again today. Resume Talks The three delegations resumed their three-year-old talks at the request of an overwhelming ma- jority of the United Nations Gen- eral Assembly. Acting UN Secretary-General V Thant, in a message to the con- ference, said "the achievement of a ban on nuclear weapons tes-,. under international control will represent a significant forward step in the realization of the goals for which the UN was established." Immediately after British Min- ister of State Joseph Godber, chairman for the day, had read U Thant's message, Tsarapkin for- mally submitted the new Soviet plan. College Heads Meet in Detroit Michigan's educational leaders were non-committal yesterday fol- lowing a morning meeting of the State Council of College Presidents. Executive Secretary Merritt M. Chambers reported that the coun- cil discussed capital outlay needs, fees and constitutional provisions for the state universities. Meanwhile Sen. Carleton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo) raised the possibility of resurrecting one or more of the five "nuisance .taxes" as a means of financing the an- ticipated request for educational -capital outlay of $100 million. "This would bring -us closer and closer to an income tax," Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) warned. and provides reward. him with his pelletI Quad Relaxes Dress Rules. East Quadrangle Council last night set two revisions, effective immediately, in dress standards for meals. Residents now will be required to wear a coat and tie to the Sun- day dinner only, Robert Levine, '64, East Quadrangle representa- tive to Interquadrangle Council, said. Previously, coat and tie were also mandatory at Tuesday and Thursday night dinners. The other change allows the residents to wear sweatshirts to breakfast and lunch. participated in the strike, closing down nearly every business in the country. Needler explained, "Balaguer seems willing to "democratize" his country gradually. But since both this country and the Organization of American States are satisfied merely to be rid of the Trujillo clan, he is under no pressure to bring about immediate reforms. Therefore it would seem to be best to make a clean break with the Trujillo regime and start over again with a new government." Ruling Junta Balaguer's opposition wants to form a provisional ruling junta which reportedly would be headed by the leader of the National Civic Union, Viriato A. Fiallo. "This government would set up conditions for a new political sys- tem-free elections and new poli- tical parties," says Needler. "It would also prosecute some of the worst offenders from the old Tru- jillo regime." No Trouble Needler forsees no trouble with Communism in a new government. "It would be threatened contin- ually by violence from both ex- treme left and extreme right-- Castro in Cuba and the Trujillo family in exile-but the majority of the people favor a liberal and democratic government," he ex- plained. Council Rejects Cuban Request I Long Debate UNITED NATIONS P) - After hours of debate, the Security Council gave a cold shoulder last night to Cuba's complaint against the use of American warships in the .Dominican crisis. Not a single member of the 11- nation Council-including- the So- viet Union-was willing to back up the Cuban charges with a formal resolution. After more than 10 hours of debate spread over three meet- ings, United States. Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson urged the Council to conclude what he call- ed "this exercise in futility." Stevenson. said the Council had spent its time "listening mostly to Cuba and the Soviet Union com- plain about an intervention that never took place." Balaguer himself said in a speech in Santo Domingo last week that thought he had not asked for United States ships and planes to back him in his success- ful showdown with the Trujillo family he welcomed the presence' of the ships just beyond his coun- try's territorial limits. SEASONWEIN, MADDEN: Debate Views Red Chinese in UN 'CONSERVATIVE BALANCE': Madden Cites YAF's Growth By JAMES NICHOLS Should Red China be given membership in the United Na- tions? This question, soon to occupy the UN itself, was the topic of a debate between Roger Seasonwein, Grad., and William Madden, '64L, at a meeting of the Young Repub- licans Club last night. Madden, opposing Red China's admission, cited the danger to the other nations of Southeast Asia. If the mainland regime were the past. He urged consideration of the record of other satellite na- tions in the UN regarding its ulti- mate goal, world peace. Also to be considered are the "bloodthirsty" aggressive acts of Red China during the past ten years, and its threat to "take over all of Southeast Asia." Madden saw "no possible advantages, and many possible disadvantages" to the United States in permitting Red China to be represented in the UN. Nuclear Threat future acts of aggression. Season- wein said. He also saw the possi- bility of some "very interesting debate" resulting from the schism between Russia and its eastern "ally." In reply to the argument that Red China's admission is forbidden by the UN charter, which limits membership to "peace-loving na- tions," Seasonwein claimed that precedents established in the UN since the charter was written have made the term "peace - loving" meaningless and imnossible to de- By ANNE SCHULTZ "The results since the formation of the Young Americans for Free- dom have been encouraging and very surprising," William Mad- den, '64L, member of the Board of Directors of the national YAF, said last night. "Our membership has jumped to 20,000 members and articles on YAP have been on the front page of the New York Times." The organization, established in September, 1960, provides a con- servative balance to the "leftist organizations." who spoke at the University this fall, was sponsored by YAF." The philosophic statement of YAP, drawn up at Sharon, Conn., where the organization was found- ed in September, 1960, includes such statements as: "We, as young conservatives, be- lieve: "That the genius of the Con- stitution-the division of powers -is summed up in the clause which reserves primacy to the sev- eral states, or to the people, in those spheres not specifically del- egated to the Federal Govern-. ...........