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November 22, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-22

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The Wimne4 ci'cle
Burden on His Shoulder
What's it like to be a senior and a pre-season All-America pick
nd then have to sit out the last four games of the season? And the
worst part about it is that the decision to play in that fourth game
s up to you.
That's the situation facing tackle Jon Schopf, 230-lb. anchor of
he Wolverine line for the past two-and-a-half years. "It's no fun
0 watch the game from the sidelines and when you're a senior, well,
;here's the feeling you won't have another chance next year,",he says.
Schopf was hurt in the Minnesota game, just seconds before the
rucial Michigan fumble which set up the Gophers' winning touch-
down. Minnesota quarterback Sandy Stephens threw a pass intended
o Judge Dickson, which Dickson bobbled and dropped. "I thought
it was a fumble and dove for the ball, but my arm locked and separat-
ed my left shoulder," Schopf explains.
That was three weeks ago, three long weeks as he sees it.
The intense pain which he felt the first week is gone. He worked
out in limited drills part of last week and dressed for the Iowa
-game, but saw no action. He is listed as a possible player for the
Ohio State game by Coach Bump Elliott and is practicing with
the team, but it all depends on his shoulder.
Shoulder separations aren't serious, but they take time to heal.
And time is running out for the 6'2" senior. "The decision to play this
Saturday will be largely up to me and how my shoulder feels. The
ninlmum time for partial healing is three weeks and, now it is a
lustion of whether my shoulder can stand up," he says.
All-American Pick...
The soft-spoken Schopf was named to a number of pre-season
All-America teams, after starting for two years at the right tackle
slot. He 'was the heaviest starter on the team for the past two years
ind performed well enough on the field and in the classroom to be
aamed to the Big Ten's scholastic honor squad.
He was named "Lineman of the Week" by Sports Illustrated for
hls play in the UCLA game this year and was named to Football
News' "three-deep" All-America'squad, along with also injured left
halfback Ben McRae, only this week despite his three-week layoff.
How does it feel to be a pre-season All-America choice? "I don't
think about it. I just try and play every game as it comes along. I
don't think there's been much more pressure on me than any other
Schopf was a key figure on the Michigan line that last year
led the Big Ten in defense. "Jdn's a big man, very strong and a fierce
competitor," Elliott says. "He's an excellent tackle on both offense
and defense."
The Michigan coach rates him "extremely fast for his size," a
fact which makes Schopf an exceptional blocker and a shifty tackler.
Several coaches say that he has the quickest reflexes of any line-
man in the conference.
Last Chance...
Although Saturday will be his last chance to play for Michigan,
Schopf's earlier performance has put him under consideration for a
possible post-season all-star game.
He is uncertain about plans after graduation. A history major, he
is interested in taking .post-graduate work in business. Schopf does
not know whether he would.play pro ball. "I'd be interested in talk-
ing to someone about it and possibly playing if the opportunities were
The hefty tackle now calls Kenilworth, Ill., home, although he
played his high school football at Grand Rapids Ottawa Hills
where he made all-state tackle his senior year. Approached by
a number of Big Ten schools with scholarships, his decision was
really between Michigan and Amherst. He chose Michigan be-
cause he wanted a larger school and a major football schedule.
Strangely enough, his most memorable game was the Ohio State
contest two years ago, "when we weren't even given a chance to win."
But the Wolverines did win, 23-14, a victory Schopf rates as the best
win since he has been on the team, although the Iowa game last week
came very close, he adds.
Coach Elliott and Michigan fans'are strongly hoping Jon Schopf
will be on hand Saturday to repeat the performance against the

Host c
Each year, the traditional Mich-
igan-Ohio State game signals the
end of the difficult, laborious, fre-
quently injurious, always demand-
ing grind of practices, games and
more practices for the football
teams of both schools.
For the eager freshmen, it de-
notes the end of the learning-
period and the beginning of the
opportunity to "crack the var-
sity"; for aspiring sophomores and
juniors, it marks both the termi-
nation of the long battle to stay
on the varsity and the beginning
titan Owner
Picks Mans
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Harry Wismer,
owner of the New York Titans of
the American Football. League,
said last night Ernie Davis of
Syracuse was his No. 1 choice at
the recent owners' telephonic
Wismer said the six men on his
list were, in order of their selec-
tion: Davis, Syracuse halfback;
Mel Klein, Washington State
quarterback; Fate Echols, North-
western tackle; . Sandy Stephens,
Minnesota quarterback; A 1 e x
Kroll, Rutgers center; and George
Mans, Michigan end.


Bow Out

of a period to be spent in anti-
cipation of rave-drawing perfor-
mances in spring practice and next
fall's workouts.
For these, the Michigan-Ohio
State game marks the beginning
of a period of anxious, impatient,
hopeful expectation.
For the remaining group, for
the seniors, it signifies the cul-
mination of four years of work,
of sweat, of risk, of pleasure.
For some, such as Ohio State's
Bob Ferguson, it also signals the
beginning of an even rougher,
even greater career in the pro-
fessional ranks-a career to be
spent not in the campus, but in
the national limelight.
For the remaining seniors who
will never reach Ferguson's
heights, it means the last game of
their playing careers.
For all, it marks the end of their
collegiate playing careers-the last
chance to bow out with a flourish.
Nineteen Michigan seniors will
find themselves in this situation
Saturday against the Buckeyes.
Top of the Heap
Heading the list of departing
seniors is Captain and right end
George Mans, who will finish off
his third year of play under Bump
Elliott. A member of the Raiders
defensive unit in his sophomore
year and a UPI "Lineman of the
Week" selection in his junior year,
Mans has captained the Wolverines
to their winningest season since
1956, when they compiled a 7-2
record under Bennie Oosterbaan.

He has been selected twice this
fall as an All-American in the
coaches' poll.
Other regulars who will be play-
ing their last game inMichigan
Stadium are Todd Grant, Lee
Hall, Scott Maentz, Bennie Mc-
Rae, Jon Schopf, John Stamos,
Bill Tunnicliff and Ken Tureaud.
Grant, starting center :or the
Wolverines all year, will miss the
OSU game because of a knee in-
jury, incurred last week in the
Iowa game.
Hall is now playing right guard
for the Wolverines after starting
the season at left guard because
of the numerous injuries sufered
at the guard position. Throughout
the season, he has pounced on
numerous fumbles, and last week
led the Wolverine rushers in pres-
suring Iowa's passing attack.
'Bamra Tops
Longhorns as
Nation's Best
By The Associated Press
A 10-0 victory over Georgia
Tech, plus the 6-0 downfall of
Texas at the hands of TCU, cata-
pulted Alabama from second place
to the top.
Ohio State moved into second
place with six first-place votes
and 408 points. Minnesota was
third with 354, Louisiana State
fourth with 353, and Texas slip-
ped to fifth with 321.
Rounding out the top ten this
week are Mississippi, Colorado,
Michigan State, Arkansas, and
TheK Razorbacks and the Kan-
sas Jayhawkers are new arrivals
this week, partially caused by the
shakeup in the games last week-
Michigan finished in the twelfth
spot, trailing only conference ri-
val, Purdue.

Both Maentz and McRae suf-
fered injuries in the Iowa game.
McRae is a doubtful starter, but
Maentz should see action. Maentz
has been the team's starting left
end all season, while McRae, who
was the team's leading ground
gainer last season, has been the
second leading yardage producer
this season, topped only by Dave

Michigan AA U's Test
Wolverine Swimmers

Swiming Coach Gus Stager will
have his eye on the butterflyers
and freestylers this Friday in the
Michigan AAU's at East Lansing.
In only its second year of exist-
ence, the meet will give Stager
a chance to answer some ques-
tions as his defending NCAA
champs go up against competi-
tion for the first time this season.
"I'm especially interested to see
what our butterflyers can do," ex-
plained 'Stager. "We have to re-
place (double NCAA titlist) Dave
Gillanders, and the varsity but-
terflyers now are all sopho-
Stager listed his top four men
as Jeff Moore, Jeff Longstreth,
Enn Mannard and Bob Shaefer.
He wants to see them in competi-
tion with Carl Schaar and Chuck
Strong from Michigan State.
"I'm also interested in what my
freshman flyers do, primarily Ed
Reppert," Stager added.

As far as the freestyle distance
races go, "I know about Warren
Uhler, Win Pendleton and Bill
Darnton," said Stager. I want to
see about sophomores Roy Burry,
Tom Dudley and Carlos Canepa.
"The sprints are the weak area
that we have. It's usually slower
coming around and then breaks
fast. We don't want it to break
He wants to watch veterans Jim
Kerr, Dennis Floden and Steve
Thrasher as well as newcomers
Frank Berry, John Johnson and
Jim Riutta.
Stager plans to send at least six
and sometimes ten men in most of
the events to know how the Wol-
verines stack up in depth against
the Spartans.
Pro Scores
NBA Results
Detroit 108, Los Angeles 102
Philadelphia 125, Cincinnati 118
Chicago 109, New York 107

Top Ten
1. Alabama (39) (9-0)
2. Ohio State (6) (7-0-1)
3. Minnesota (2) (7-1)
4. Louisiana State (1) (8-1)
5. Texas (8-1)-
6. Mississippi (1) (8-1)
7. Colorado (7-1)
8. Michigan State (6-2)
9. Arkansas (7-2)
10. Kansas (6-2-1)


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