CONTROL WITHOUT CHALLENGE: New British Social Force Freshman Disillusions Increased Energy and Purpose to Literature of Cot By JUDITH OPPENHEIM THE FRESHMAN has always been a figure of pathos on the campus. Half in earnest, half in fun, he is chided for his naive outlook on, the one hand, and prevented from considering himself a full member in good standing on the other. But now, because of the increasing quality of the education some students are receiving in high school, the best of the incoming freshmen are facing a new type of problem-a disturbing lack of in- tellectual challenge. A whole set of special circumstances surround the first-year student here, and he is caught in a paradox which is im- penetrable for ten long months. When he arrives on the scene, he is told that he is a big boy now. He was warned in high school that college would be very differ- ent. He must look out for himself. No one would be looking over his shoulder 4)' be sure he was studying efficiently. He would not be able to drag his parents to school to defend him against unrea- sonable academic tyrants. No one would care whether he passed or failed, and the work will be murder. The first thing the freshman discovers is that none of these admonitions are true-the real situation is worse than anything he had dreaded in his wildest nightmares. Instead of being completely on his own, he discovers that house- mothers and resident advisors are watch- ing how he looks, guessing how he thinks and evaluating his manners. They are not doing this particularly to help him, he learns, but in order that they may be better able to rate him on reports which will be turned in to the deans offices as long as he lives within the residence halls. He discovers that his mother's re- minder not to go around looking like a beatnik is uncalled for. He must appear at dinner resplendent in pants not just pressed, but creased. Furthermore, he must wear a tie and jacket. All this is in order that he may file through a dis- mal cafeteria line and wolf down his dinner in time to run out of the building before the atmosphere suffocates him. The girl, -too, must have a "dinner dress" (preferably an outmoded cotton easily crumpled and tossed into a corner of the closet between meals) ready to drag out so that she also may join in the assembly-lirie gracious living process. She need not worry about losing sleep as she did in high school, because the authorities see to it that she is safely locked inside the dorm at 11 p.m. while her unperclass neighbors, having learned the intricacies of campus conduct. are permitted to stay outside the sanctuary for another hour. * * * IF EVER a housing plan was calculated to turn a freshman's mind to the things of the spirit, the residence halls system was. To forget his miseries, the freshman is quite prepared to turn to his studies. Yet once again he finds himself stymied-unless he is fortunate enough to be placed into the honors program or accidentally winds up in the class of one of the truly great professors-by the mass lecture courses which send any Freshmen enter the University with high hopes thinking freshman screaming back to the bosom of his high school. Along with 200 or 300 or 500 other sufferers, he sits patiently through lec- ture after lecture on rats in Skinner boxes or heliocentric parallaxes. Then he learns that it is possible to make a deal with a friend whereby he takes lecture notes for him one day and the friend returns the favor the next, so that one can cut the agony in half and stay home and drown his sorrows in sleep. He never quite sees what the course is driving at. The instructor counts on the recitation leader to clarify questions, but the recitation leader either reiterates what the lecturer says or tests the stu- dent's ability to parrot it on a quiz He sits through English 123 classes, wrestling grimly with George Orwell's moral travails in shooting an elephant and then writes a 500-word paper dem- onstrating the use of alliteration. He gets the paper back with a "B-" because his instructor, although finding no flaw with the alliteration, did not particularly agree with the philosophy expounded in the body of the paper. He goes to the language laboratory and spends half an hour learning that he sees "den Mann" but must say "dem Mann," and wonders how anybody ever learns to speak the language. Then he writes a letter home to his parents who become very agitated by his lack of response to the intellectual at- mosphere of the campus community. "Get out more," they write back. "Aren't there any interesting lectures or con- certs on the campus?" He does not reply that he cannot attend an interesting library seminar because he must write a 1,000-word paper on what he would have done if he were Thoreau, or that he cannot go to the Gilbert and Sullivan Society concert because the sale of tickets to quadrangle residents is forbidden so as not to compete with the sale of tickets for the Chiristmas dance. He stops writ- ing home. * * * IN GENERAL, the freshman finds that where he faced some -challenge in a really good high school, he finds in lec- ture courses mostly busy work and trivial details which must be memorized -but not enough solid ideas. His upper- class friends soothe him with promises of better things to come during his sophomore year, but this is cold comfort to take back to the quad and his dinner of disguised veal leftover. As a high school seniorhe was treated with respect and given credit for an adult understanding and approach. He worked JUDITH OPPENHEIM, a night editor on The Daily, is a junior majoring in English.j on advanced science projects, he de- bated world problems, he studied great literature and learned to write the sort of compositions that give one a good rating on the College Entrance Examina- tion Board. Here he is treated like a baby who must be taught to construct a 500-word paper from scratch and join a crowd milling across the campus inspecting the botanical specimens on the Angell Hall lawn. It is a real comedown and he is depressed. * * * A LARGE PART of the problem is that it has never before been so difficult to get into college-and it is getting pro- gressively harder. The average college freshman, simply because he has succeed- ed in making the grade, knows more about competition than many of the most hard- ened businessmen. It used to be a matter of course for a Michigan student who had decent grades to be accepted at the University. He mailed an application about the beginn- ing of his senior year, and then forgot it, being assured of admission. It is not the case anymore. Students in high school are no longer driving for good "B" aver- ages. They need "A's," and the friendly rivalry of former classes has of necessity turned into a struggle to the death. No one used to realize he had such a thing as a standing in the class until he' graduated. Now first-semester high school juniors calculate their average to the hundredth of an honor point to know precisely where they stand in relation to the girl next door. Parents and humanitarian educators are horrified at the mass of factual and even interpretative material high school students manage to cram into their heads simply for the sake of doing well on an examination. But regardless of their purpose, the students are learning not only academic material, but tech- niques of efficient study and memoriza- tion. The fact that they must compete with everyone around them forces them to apply themselves to the fullest possible extent--and with college acceptance the stakes, they are never permitted to relax their efforts. * * * BY THE TIME the high school senior becomes a college freshman he has put up a good stiff fight. He has battled his way in against an ever-increasing, ever-improving body of competition and he has become a fairly well educated young person in the process. Now he has achieved his goal, and enters college with great expectations. He knows how to work and he is ready to be challenged-and to face the challenge like an adult. What he finds is English 123 and the like. It is no wonder that he is discouraged. He wonders what the fight was all about and doubts that it was worth the strug- gle. The question then becomes: "What do I do now?" There are several alter- natives. He can master his disappointment, throw himself into the fray by memor- izing volumes of trivia to delight his instructors and make them believe they have taught him something. This is prob- ably one of the best reactions because it insures that he will be able to return next year when he may find some worth- while classes. He may give up altogether, spend his time sleeping and participating in activi- ties. He will flunk out after a year and a half, or may do enough work to get by and look for another outlet for his time and energies. But more- often he prefers to go into activities and organizations, especially those with a definite purpose or objec- tive. The political clubs, Americans Com- mitted to World Responsibility and The Daily, for example, yearly find them- selves with an increasing membership of highly-qualified freshmen who turn out brilliant work for- the organization, but who must be prodded to snend enough time in class to stav in school. This is, of course, fine for both the organizations and the students, in the sense that education cannot be limited to the c assroom but must include rec- ognition of membership in a larger com- munity. Nevertheless, the primary ob- jective of four years of residence at the University-and the goal most parents have in mind then they accept the re- sponsibility of paying the bills-is an academic education. True, the participation in, extra-cur- ricular activities is important too, but ideally these should serve as a means to apply the results of one's learning, not merely to escape. The University is recognized as having one of the most outstanding faculties in the country. The potential of the student body is increasing all the time. But un- less something is done quickly to catch and hold the interest of the freshman, he may decide that a diploma is not worth the effort. ley Amis began to appear. These young writers deliberately attempted to deal with the issues of their time, to use the novel as a means for conveying attitudes and speculations about the contemporary world. In order to convey these attitudes force- fully, they avoided the kind of techni- cal innovation favored by many of the preceding generation of writers, delib- erately re-establishing older prose tech- niques. They were, particularly at this point, formally conservative and tradi- tional. John Wain, for example, in Hurry on Down, attempted to revive the picar- esque, a tradition appropriate for his rootless hero leaving the university to survey the contemporary world. Kinsgley Amis used a good deal of farce in his first two novels, deliberately mak- ing his humor obvious and his incongrui- ties ridiculous as a slap against a society in which humor was too delicate and gen- teel. And Angus Wilson, in Anglo-Saxon Attitudes, used the large framework of the Victorian novel, the huge saga that portrayed a society by cutting through numerous class and occupational lines. g * * * THIS FORMAL CONSERVATISM, this lack of technical innovation, has con- tinued. But these writers are new in the sense that they frequently look at jobs and women and parties from the point of view of the member of the lower classes. Often, in this attempt to gain an es- sentially different perspective on the class issues in contemporary Britain, the hero is, like Larkin's John Kemp, the son of the lower classes granted a university education. The university education itself, however, tangles the lines of class iden- tification, and the novels of Amis, Wain, and Larkin do not, for all their concern with house painters and Welsh miner's sons. delineate any clear working class a++tzude as such. Rather, the novels of John Braine and Alan Sillitoe provide far more complete and articulate statements of what the oYrking classes think and feel. John r'-n and Jim Dixon may suffer in the ryentP-l university, but their problems and tair ims are onite different from those of A an Sillitoe's eanstan lathe operator n a Nttinham bicycle factory. Alan Sillitoe best demonstrates working - attitiides. for John Braine's workers (both in Room at the Top and The Vodi) a- co ecaiw'l-t in endless repetitions of Young British author Kingsley Amis maudlin self-pity that they are left little room to express or observe any issues out- side themselves. The drama provides numerous exam- ples of the working class intellectual and how he reacts to his world. John Osborne depicts the university graduate who runs a sweet stall as he rails against the posh purveyors of Sunday culture. Arnold Wes- ker (author of a trilogy including Chick- en Soup with Barley, Roots, and I'm Talk- ing About Jerusalem) uses the stage to present his family of Jewish East End intellectuals, disillusioned by the failure of Thirties' socialism. THESE WRITERS, however, do not simply portray social attitudes as. thinly disguised sociological reports. The social issues are invariably filtered through individual emotions and reac- tions. Similarly, many of these writers deal with the impact of political causes and action on their characters. These writers share no particular doc- trine or cause (indeed, one of the prin- cipal tenets they do share is a sharp skepticism about all causes, all attempts to fashion unilateral Utopias), but, since they generally oppose the Establishment and the Establishment is or seems a Tory institution, these writers frequently dem- onstrate an interest in the effect of left- ist politics. Jimmy Porter talks of the war in Spain, after which his father died, as the last cause that made sense; Iris Murdoch uses Lefty, a political agitator, as one of the traps for the unwary human being in. Under the Net; Angus Wilson portrays the impact of political engagement on scholars, writers, and television commen- tators in both Hemlock and After and Anglo-Saxon Attitudes. In their consistent concern with social and political problems, these writers fur- nish statements, both implicit and ex- plicit, that the world is wider than the tea-table or the hangover of psychic guilt. A number of these writers also oc- cupy themselves with moral issues that are not specifically social or political, for John Wain, John Bowen, and Angus Wil- son are all, in vastly. different ways, firmly committed to moral points of view. Yet these writers do not comprise a new branch of Moral Rearmament. They share no group moral position, as they share no specific political doctrine. And, in addition, they hold their various mor- alities with vastly different degrees of in- tensity. Doris Lessing's attack on the shallow- ness of the British colonial set in South Africa is far more morally committed and has a very different pitch from Kingsley Amis's attack on gentility at the provin- cial university. * * *. AMIS'S PITCH, however, is more gen- erally characteristic of these writers than is that of Doris Lessing, for many of these writers, particularly the novel- ists, use a good deal of comedy. Amis, Wain, Iris Murdoch, William Golding, and Angus Wilson are frequently very, funny, developing a concept of comedy that ranges from simple verbal jokes, farce, and comic .images to complete pro- jections of entirely bizarre and incongru- ous worlds. Each of these novelists views his ma- terial in an essentially comic perspec- tive, aware of man's various and dis- cordant experience, cognizant that a sin- gle view of man leads to pretentious over- simplification. This comic perspective, this multiple awareness, represents a con- temporary world in which man faces many facts, many experiences, without any clear guide or formula around which to organize his experience. Clearly, the old guides and- formulae have vanis, world wars, bomb, and version of these writer banners an they have s of the dole, Elizabethan timate valu clerical "po In other allegiance ti tion, for the place in a cause beco nical. The targe material fo cause or rev ism, Welsh the British community Scouts. THIS CO\ died by writers, is Cary, in his set of events logues of di periments w of presentin relativity o demonstrati jective acco able. Cary's wo writers, ho technical e: committed t Relativism i ure of old longer astou Having al any over-rid ers often fe mitment, so even in a re may shock a tivism; repe generations, for what he and qualifica tive world. The relat tiplicity, the of any atten to all these the limited value or poi fully, someti deal from V tion simplici thodox relig sistence on t spontaneous, IN AVOIDI straction of a limited iconoclastic any society, existential a tity" and "i This exist sences of fal vided fresh i ish fiction; outline esser sented the a sensitive anc eration who War II. Certainly, provided mo ing, more re their predec the tiny an sonal relatic legendary es wise, humble JAME professor ment. He modern P to be pu Studying is routine Page Twelve Freshmen soon discover dormitoryistaff offices Principals in the speech department play THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1961