Aristophanes RidesAgain RESEARCH: lab vs. Classroom? By X. J. KENNEDY IT IS PROBABLY just as well that nothing has ever come of Malcolm Cowley's frivolous scheme for a literary Dow-Jones service, which would quote via ticker-tape daily estimates of the repu- tations of celebrated writers. One sus- pects, though, that if such a service did exist, its tapes would reveal nowadays that interest in the plays of Aristophanes is faintly on the climb. Here in Ann Ar- bor, anyway, recent trading has been brisk. Wasn't it only last year that we were treated to the heroic production of the Greek master's Frogs in a campus swimming-pool, complete with splashes by the Michifish, Dionysian fandangos at the pool-side by dancers who kept skid- ding in wet footprints, and triple-flips- by the Varsity diving team? Now this fall, the University Press makes its bid. Over the next three or four years, we are to be offered the entire corpus of classic Greek comedy: the eleven surviving plays of Aristophanes and a newly rediscovered chortler by Menander-all in nifty sepa- rate volumes at four-fifty a throw (that's $54 for the series, if the buyer can stick with it). For Aristophanes, indeed, the fictive Dow-Jones ticker must be stut- tering a bit more favorably these days. I confess that at first I was sorry to hear that the Press was to devote its en- ergies (and those of the general editor of the series, William Arrowsmith) to Aris- tophanes. For there already is, after all, the splendid series of Aristophanes plays done into the American by Dudley Fitts. It has now extended to four volumes. And translators as capable as Fitts and Ar- rowswith are not so plentiful, I thought, that we can afford to have both of them working the same material. After reading Arrowsmith's wonderful version of The Satyricon, too, I'd hoped that he might continue to widen my knothole view into the world of Roman depravity, and put into English a few more classics for those of us too innocent of Latin to be cor- rupted. But after a look at the first two Michi- gan volumes of Aristophanes-The Birds, Englished by Arrowsmith, and The Ach- arnians, by Douglass Parker-I am struck with a dumb dog-like admiration. For page after page, both Parker and Arrow- smith have achieved the near-impossible. They have managed, more beautifully than I could have dreamed, to make the New Translations Revive Plays of Greek Master Greek playwrights Euripides and Aeschylus debate in "The Frogs" of the University Players -.. _. CONTENTS ARISTOPHANES RIDES AGAIN...........Page Two By X. J. Kennedy FOLK MUSIC BOOM.... . .........Page Three ByAHoward Abrams ANGRY YOUNG WRITERS ..............Page Four By James Gindin FINANCIAL SQUEEZE THWARTS FUTURE ......Page Seven By Susan Farrell PREVIEWS AND REVIEWS............Page Six THE UNIVERSITY'S PROFILER...............Page Eight STATE OF THE UNIVERSITY: A Daily Special Section THE ACADEMIC JUNGLE .........Page Teni By Michael Olinick FRESHMAN DISILLUSIONS ......Page Twelve By Judith Oppenheim WORLD OF THE GRADUATE STUDENT . Page Thirteen By James Hudson, Anne Mooney and Wallace Wilson FOREIGN STUDENT ISLAND..............Page Fourteen By Gerald Storch RESEARCH: LAB VS. CLASSROOM? ......Page Fifteen By Cynthia Neu Editor: Faith Weinstein PHOTO CREDITS: Cover: James Keson; Page Two: University Players; Page Three: top, Daily, bottom, Folklore Society; Page Four: Daily; Page Five: top, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., bottom, Daily; Page Six: Larry Ja- cobs; Page Seven: University News Service; Pages Eight and Nine: James Keson; Page Ten: Daily; Page Twelve: Daily; Page Thirteen: Doily; Page Fourteen: Daily; Page Fifteen: Daily. 5 r c i lines of Aristophanes taut, modern and speakable. The result in each case is not merely another translation, either, but a fresh scholarly interpretation. * * * COMPARING translations is always good nasty fun, and since both Fitts and Arrowsmith have done The Birds, it may be useful to set their two versions side by side, in hopes of noticing differ- ences in craftsmanship. Lacking Greek, I dare only ask: is this poetry? It is with the poetry of Aristophanes that Arrowsmith sets himself to deal primarily. "A prose Aristophanes," he says in his introduction, "is . . . as much a monstrosity as a limerick in prose paraphrase." And accordingly, he adopts for the play a free-wheeling fivestress line that sprawls conveniently in and out of blank verse. Arrowsmith thus in- vites comparison with Fitts, who also employs a kind of free blank verse, but who sticks to his basic form, I think, more narrowly. He challenges, too, the Ed- wardian scholar Benjamin B. Rogers, who versified the plays into jingly metres borrowed from Longfellow and W. S. Gilbert-versions marvelous for their ac- curacy, I'm told, but certainly depressing as poetry. And he rivals the late great Gilbert Murray, who in old age pub- lished a remarkably lively rendition of The Birds from which, however, nearly all the raunchy humor had been ex- tracted. Never a man to call a bird a bird when Aristophanes quite properly intends it to be called a phallus, Arrowsmith 'frankly conveys allusions which in the past only the subtlest students of classic Greek have been able to chortle over. Fitts is no prude, either, but Arrowsmith-as his introduction again reveals-has a unique and delicate sense of the grace with which good clean obscenity must be rendered. There is nothing in his book remotely comparable to a privvy-wall scrawling, nor to the sort of teasing smut we are all of us accustomed to, if we look at the Jansen ads in the Ladies' Home Journal. It is all kept deft and capable of being performed in the open air, as Aristophanes intended. X. J. KENNEDY is an instruc. for in the English department whose poems have appeared lo- cally in "Arbor" and "Genera- tion." He won a major Hopwood contest award in 1959. His first, published volume of verse, "Nude Descending a Staircase," which was awarded the Lamont Prize for Poetry, is reviewed in this maga- zine. . How radically diflerent are the inter- pretations that Fitts and Arrowsmith give to The Birds is evident from each version's beginning. There are, you may, recall, two human principals who quit Athens and go petition the birds to ac- cept them as allies, urging the birds to blockade earth from heaven until both' gods and men are forced into submis- sion. Well, why do these two types quit Athens in the first place? According to Fitts, they do so to escape a wave of McCarthyist hysteria: to clear out of an Athens wracked by wartime suspicion, where every man bears tales against his neighbor. Arrowsmith, on the other hand, views the central theme of the play as "polypragmosune." This is not a new miracle ingredient in toothpaste, but the Athenians' term for that quality of rest- less energy by which they believed their culture to be animated. Like the protag- onists of The Birds, Athenians felt them- selves driven by this-force to high-reach- ing and somewhat moonshiny endeavors: like launching an expedition to Sicily, in which it seemed probable that they'd get the tar kicked out of them. Not merely a positive force, the spirit of polypragmo- sune drove men to meaningless busywork, to a foolish craving for change and nov- elty. In Birds, the protagonists gloriously succeed. They become as gods. But Ar- rowsmith's view is that their triumph is an ironic one. The pie in the sky which eventually they find just isn't there to be eaten, is what I think Arrowsmith thinks Aristophanes is getting at. How sad that it isn't, and wouldn't the universe be lovelier if it were. This difference in con- cept of what the play is about makes a difference all the way through both Fitts' and Arrowsmith versions.' * s * IT WOULD be possible to go through both versions, scoring a point now for Fitts, now for, Arrowsmith, but it seems to me that in the long run Arrowsmith's dialogue is a few degrees crisper. In the case of topical allusions, there isn't much to be done except to omit, or else to foot- note and hope for the best. (Nothing, of course, will kill a joke faster than having to look at a footnote to it.) Fitts does either, but prefers to footnote. Arrow- smith does either, but prefers to omit. (I don't believe, by the way, that the solution is to replace archaic allusions with current ones, as the speech depart- ment did with Frogs, which had refer- ences to Castro and the Nixon-Kennedy campaign. To hear Castro discussed in an Athenian Hades isn't an. agreeable shock of recognition. Arrowsmith for me runs into this trap in Birds when he has the leading protagonist marry, at the end, a beauty queen named Miss Universe. Fitts shrewdly avoids this.) But where Arrowsmith run' into 'most trouble is in his announced intention of keeping the play's poetry. And if there's any place in a Greek drama where the translator as poet is most sorely tried, this is (where else?) in the choruses. In rendering these, Arrowsmith tends to use extremely regular metres, often ably, but at times much more mechanically than Fitts, who is for my money the better lyric poet. Where Arrowsmith keeps everything in tidy Tennysonian stanzas, Fitts feels free to use looser and more variable ones, and gets-I am really sticking my neck out here-a rather more Greek-like sound to it. The rhythms, any- way, are not the trite iambics into which Arrowsmith so often dwells; they are more often anapestic, and they sound more like the fine versions of Sappho, done recently by Mary Baird and the Pindar of Richard Lattimore and Fitts' own fine versions from the Greek An- athology. Where Fitts has the chorus of birds sing, Joy of birds! In summer the long thick sunlight When the locust drones in the trance of noontime: Mad with sun we shout, and the forest dances Heavy with music. -what do we get in Arrowsmith? How blessed is our bread of Bird, dressed in fluff and feather, that, when hard winter holds the world, wears no clothes whatever. This is clever, but the effect is to reduce many a lovely song to the level of the competent light verse of Thomas Hood. And it is in the comic songs that Arrow- smith is happiest, as in this invocation to the deities (a clear triumph over Fitts' version, by -the way): Again we raise the hymn of praise and pour the sacred wine. With solemn rite we now invite the blessed gods to dine. But don't all come- perhaps just one, and maybe then again, there's not enough (besides, it's tough), so stay away. Amen. The ideal strategy for future producers of this play, I'd think, would be to use the text of Arrowsmith but with few ex- ceptions to replace his choral songs with the versions by Dudley Fitts. Unfortu- nately, the difficulties of computing roy- alties will probably prevent this solution. But certainly the shade of Aristophanes is fortunate to have such sterling men at work upon him. And so are we Americans. Three Versions Of Same Song From 'The Birds' Friend! sweet voice, whom above All winged things we love, Sharer of all that I sing, My comrade, Nightingale dear, You have come! You have come! You are here In clear vision before us, Sweet melody on your wing, And the flute's reawakening; O living voice of the Spring, Give the lead to our chorus! -Gilbert Murray (1950) o love, tawnythroat! Sweet nightingale, musician of the Birds Come and sing, honey-throated one! Come, 0 love, flutist of the Spring, accompany our song. -William Arrowsmith (1961) Tawnythroat, Partner In song, dark Muse, dearest of Birds, Come, let the curving long Line of your flutingV Fall, sparklixg Undersong to our words. -Dudley Fitts (1957) By CYNTHIA NEU WHEN WHAT IS NOW KNOWN as the . University of Michigan was com- prise(F of two professors and seven stu- dents, one of the first purchases was for a mineral collection from the New York. Historical Museum to be used for research. Since that $5,000 expenditure-the first ever made for research - research has played an increasingly important role at the University, until total volume expen- ditures for research in 1960-61 reached. $30,505,613. But the full impact of research cannot be illustrated by statistics alone. When, as is now the case, dozens of University professors are involved in both teaching and research projects, when there is more and more opportunity to do research, and when research has become an inheyent part of the graduate program, many ques- tions arise. Is research taking top scholars out of classrooms and putting them into the Survey Research Center or the Insti- tute of Science and Technology-to the detriment of the student body? Are the graduate schools training researchers rather than teachers? Is the University heading toward being an exclusively grad- uate-and research institution? As the prestige of the physical sciences, and more lately the social sciences, has risen, more and more funds have been made available to them. Although under a long - established pattern University philosophy faculty members were expected to do research in their "spare moments," these new funds have enabled them to devote more time to it without suffering monetary penalties. Perhaps the most significant development is that leaves are now made possible by the increased funds available, so that the professor can devote all his time to a given project. In addition, many members of the faculty are no longer doing as much teaching as they formerly did. The increasing num- ber of dual telephone extensions listed in the faculty directory, including both a Haven Hall and research institute num- ber, show that many who are teaching are doing so on a part-time basis. THE UNIVERSITY'S POLICY, accord- ing to Dean Roger W. Heyns of the literary college, is that the University wants people who will both teach and re- search, and who will teach both graduates and undergraduates. Salaries for research and teaching are eqcual, and there are no research professorships here, as there are at many schools. In spite of this policy, the research boom still poses definite dangers for un- dergraduates. First, as the prestige of research and graduate teaching continues to rise, the undergraduate may find that he -is somewhat ignored. He may find, especially if he is in a highly specialized study area, that a single grant has en- abled a large number of the University's specialists in his particular field to take leaves of absence simultaneously. The lament of students may be heard each term as they learn from the time schedule that the professors who teach particular advanced courses are "on leave." This is not to say that faculty research leaves act negatively upon the University, for the findings and publications which emerge from such projects reflect on the faculty members and upon the University they represent. In the long range, they can be most advantageous in helping ob- tam additional research funds and estab- lishing the prestige of the University. Also, the grants which are awarded for such research cover salaries, and thus free other funds for hiring additional staff members. Since mobility in the faculty is expected, a larger number of professors Ex-teacher? can be employed to fill in monetary gaps without an increase in cost. THUS, THE GRADUATE student begins to think in terms of research and publication. As a graduate, the student has already entered a profession-that is, he has chosen his career. After this research orientation, the graduate student usually moves into teaching, often without any training in education. As a teacher, he must continue to publish in order to keep his name public and, in turn, he needs a teaching position in order to have access to re- search funds. Thus there is a practical consideration involved in his research training as a graduate, since he will most likely have to continue his research after. he enters the academic field. In "many cases, also, re- search and teaching can be combined to augment each other, and the professor or assistant can manage to do both well. What then happens to the graduate who only wants to teach? First, it is difficult for him to get a job, especially with a college or university which is in the process of establishing itself, and thus must put more emphasis on research and publicationto keep faculty names in the public eye and establish a reputation. Second, if he does secure a position with- out a sideline research stipulation, he will often get the "dirty work" of teaching the large introductory lecture courses. At the root of these trends is the ten- dency to evaluate professors and gradu- ates on their research rather than on their teaching. This has both the effect of mag- nifying the place of-research and forcing more research and publication on them. * *.* THE FINAL QUESTION remaining is whether or not the University is head- ing toward a complete research-graduate orientation. Although the recent increased emphasis on these two fields would seem to make this concept logical, there are many factors working against it. First, the most practical, a graduate university could not command the finances and sup- port from the public which an under- graduate campus could. Taxpayers and alumni are concerned with giving an edu- cation to their sons and daughters who have recently graduated from high school which would guarantee them better jobs.- The attitude of the faculty toward such a university must also be considered. While a graduate - research university Rt would pro body, it v increased dergradus and stimi the profes and stude responsib] ings into areas. Why tent with sionalized able. A balar search ar in some i conductin project w grant, the entire tim is comple to give u limited p search ar the gradu search ski the acade The pri position a munity is gardless o non-resea they can areas alor ing can b ily have individua at the U and the r "publish this place By esta ship, rati on acadei by those p the teach who are i arrangem dual-orien students teaching their posi Anothe place less Regard be used to phasis on tude whic the Univ robbed o: are findi: concern the future ate-profes tion is ess the futu communi- awaken it area bot: teaching back into ni CYr night newsp er. S+ in Eng Are research laboratories like this changing the University's nature? SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE