THE MICHIGEAN DUAYI.' IA L 1VA11 LA L1 PAGE T * Soviel With Says USSR, Leads U.S. i Rocketry Khrushchev Reveals Packaged Superbomb MOSCOW (P)-Soviet military leaders claimed yesterday the So- viet Union has rocket warheads eqjuivaslent to 100 million tons of TNT and the missiles to deliver the stperbombs to any point on the glebe. They asserted that the Soviet Union is superior to the United States in capabilities for both rocket attack and rocket defense and that the backbone of the So- viet fleet is missile-firing atomic submarines. But it was admitted for the! first time publicly that there was a period when the So- viet Un'ion was virtually defense- less against air attack." The 93oviet Union fired a nu- clear dovice of greater than 50 megatoms strength Oct. 30. So- viet Premier NQikita Khrushchev has said the Russians have devel- oped a A00-megaton bomb - the equivalent of 100 million tons of TNT. Claim Warhead But this was the first time the Soviet Union claimed to have packaged the superbomb in a rocket warhead capable of being fired thousands of miles. The claim was made by Col. Gen. V. F. Tolubko in the official' military newspaper, Red Staron, the eve off Soviet "Artillery Day." It apparently was in answer to statements in the United States that the so-called missile gap be- tween the two powers no longer exists and that the Soviet Union has only aibout 30 to 50 intercon- tinental ballistic missiles. Such statements, wrote Tolub- ko, are "vain self-delusion." Assumptions Low "We have much more powerful nuclear warheads (up to 100 meg- atons) and their number is con- siderably greater than assumed by American specialists. "And we cain assure those across the ocean who 'like to go in for military adventures that our bal- listic rockets have proved them- selves so wonderfully that nobody has any doubts in their ability to lift and deliver any warhead to any point on the globe." In another .Red Star article, P. N. Kuleshov, a colonel general of artillery, wrote that "Moscow and the majority of the big objectives in the Soviet Union possess pow- erful rocket and radar defenses and a chain of airdromes for fighter planes . . . we have suc- cessfully solved the problems of destroying various rockets' in flight." Test Failure Causes Delay of Moon Shot CAPE CANAVERAL (P)-In one of the heaviest concentrations of missile and rocket launchings in the space age, the United States in the last four days has chalked up several military and scientific gains-but one of the major ex- periments failed early yesterday. The failure will de.lay an effort to land an instrument package on the moon. During the recent period, ad- vances were made toward a space navigation system, a missile killer rocket, spy satellites and a push- button war weapon., The biggest disappointment came yesterday after the failure of an Atlas-Agena Rocket attempt to propel a 675-pound Ranger 2 spacecraft more tha:n half a mil- lion miles into space. The purpose was to test techniques and equip- ment for future lunar and inter- planetary missions. Among the successful tests a Minuteman missile, the weapon geared for the split-second de- mands of pushbutton war, regis- tered its first launching success from an underground isilo. By 1964, 600 Minutemen are to be buried in unattended under- ground pits, ready for instant fir- ing from control centers miles away, the Air Force said. Successful military test launch- ings were registered in the four days by a Pershing artillery mis- sile, a Mace tactical missile and a Bomarc anti-aircraft rocket. The Bomarc darted from Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., and knocked down a nilotless target plane. Claim Warheads World-Wide Ability Rayburn Funeral -AP Wirephoto ATTEND SERVICES-President John F. Kennedy and Vice- President Lyndon Johnson were among the dignitaries who attended the funeral services for Sam Rayburn in Bonham, Texas, yesterday. The long time speaker of the House was buried in the family plot in a nearby cemetery. Former Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower joined with Supreme Court and Congress members and thousands of local residents to pay tribute to the statesman. ADENAUER TALKS:' KennedyhSet To Urge Flexrible Berin Policy WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy plans to urge German Chancellor Konrad Ade- nauer next week to approve a flexible Western policy for negoti- ations with Russia on a Berlin settlement. United States offtials who re- ported this United States policy line yesterday were vague on pre- Shroeder Views Issue BERLIN (P) -West Germany's new foreign minister, Gerhard Schroeder, cautioned yesterday against approaching East - West talks on Berlin with conditions that approach ultimatums. Schroeder pledged himself to the slogan "the wall must go" but he quickly added that his govern- ment would not insist the wall be pulled down before the start of East-West talks. "We must be careful not to set up pre-conditions that are actually ultimatums," he told a news con- ference.' Adenauer declared Thursday the Berlin wall must come down and declared this point is not negoti- able. Schroeder said there is no change in this stand, but that it is not a condition for negotiations. Indications were that Adenauer, Schroeder and Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss would press in Washington for a 4ard line in negotiations with the Soviet Union. They are expected to argue es- pecially against any approach to diplomatic recognition of the East German Communist regime. Schroeder said that the exten- sion of "technical contacts," in- cluding trade,, between West Ger- many and the East German Reds would be discussed in Washington. He said he is waiting for more concrete American suggestions on this question. cise details. Evidently it aims at readiness to make limited conces- sions to the Soviets if they agree to scale down their demands. Adenauer will fly here today, from Bonn, where he has been rearranging the political base of his government after losing some strength in the Sept. 17 election. Advisors Uncertain President Kennedy and his ad- visers are highly uncertain about Adenauer's mood toward the talks, which open tomorrow and may run through Wednesday. Most indications have been that Adenauer, who now shares power with an opposition party in a coa- lition government, is in a no- compromise attitude. Secretary of State Dean Rusk indicated at a news conference yesterday that the President is prepared to agree with Adenauer that the West should demand re- moval of the Communist wall in Berlin. But United States officials do not think the Soviets would agree to its removal in the fore- seeable future, and they said Ken- nedy is not prepared to demand its destruction now as an essential part of a Berlin settlement. Lunanaut Set To Orbit Moon MOSCOW (M)-Reports circu- lated yesterday that the Russians plan to send a man around the moon nex't January. It is not planned for him to land. According to these reports, the "Lunanaut" has completed his training and is at the Soviet space base at Baikunur in Kazakhstan waiting for the blast-off signal. The man will return to give his first-hand observations of the moon before the Russians land an automatic astronomical ob- servatory there, these reports say. The Russians are said to have built two of these observatories. UN Moves To Encircle Kindu Rebels LEOPOLDVILLE () - The United Nations took action yester- day to stamp out movement to extend to Luluabourg the Congo- lese army mutiny in which 13 Italian airmen were killed and cut to pieces at Kindu in Livu Prov- ince. The UN announced that Congo- lese troops had been cleared out of Luluabourg Airport in adjoining Kasai Province to give the world body "full freedom of action" in its buildup of military forces for encirclement and punishment of the Kindu mutineers. Reports said Congolese soldiers surrounded the airport buildings at Luluabourg within hours of the news last Thursday of the murder of the Italians and had prevented UN flights from the town for the last three days. The Luluabourg airfield is important for the rein- forcement of the UN garrison at Kindu. The sources said there was evi- dence that the Luluabourg troops had been in radio contact with the mutinous Kindu force. Antoine Gizenga, the Soviet- supported leftist, is suspected of having triggered the Kindu mutiny last Saturday in a bid to stir up a widespread mutiny against the central government and build up a new rebel movement. He was reported now traveling in Kindu province trying to win personal support. UN headquarters said it still had no reliable information on the whereabouts of Gizenga, but be- lieved he still was in or around Kindu. Lundula, who recently joined forces with Mobutu, saw Gizenga briefly in Kindu last Tuesday, before the killing of the Italians was known, and sought to settle the mutiny. Lundula and the Con- go Interior Minister, Christopher 'Gbenye, were chased out of town. Tito Seeks A greement CAIRO () - President Marshal Tito was reported yesterday seek- ing to line up a united front1 against -big power pressures-es- pecially any withdrawal of United1 States aid from his Yugoslavia- in conferences here with Egypt's President Abdul Nasser and India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The three unaligned leaders are1 expected to hold long talks today on a range of world developments since the conference of 25 neutral and uncommitted nations was held in Belgrade last September. Washington officials have voiced disappointment at Tito's failure to denounce pro-Soviet policies on many issues, especially his failure to denounce strongly the Soviet Union's resuming of nuclear tests in his speech at the.Belgrade con- ference. President John F. Kennedy ordered a review of United States aid to Yugoslavia immediately af- ter the conference, putting on ice any new aid agreements for the time being. We are now Delivering DOMINICK'S PIZZA and SUBS NO 2-5414 Speech Hits 'Extremist' Statements President Alludes To Birch Society LOS ANGELES () - President John F. Kennedy yesterday urged Americans to shun "discordant voices of extremism" and concen- trate on strengthening the nation against foreign-based' Communist threats. With an obvious attack on such groups as the John Birch Society and the militia-type minutemen, Kennedy appealed:$ "Let our patriotism be reflected in the creation of confidence rather than crusades of suspicion." The chief executive, in remarks prepared for a Democratic rally at Hollywood Palladium, said fringe groups have emerged in most critical periods to escape their own responsibilities by find- ing a simple slogan or a convenient scapegoat. In this time of "heightened peril," he said, "discordant voices of extremism are heard once again in the land." He added: "Men who are un- willing to face up to the danger from without are convinced that the real danger comes from with- in." "They find treason in our finest churches, in our highest court, and even in the treatment of our water." Kennedy's illustrations reflected criticisms sounded by the John Birch Society and ultra-conserva- tives with similar theories on what's best for the country in time of stress, and also referred to the furor aroused by the recent resig- nation of MaJ. Gen. Edwin A. Walker. UNITED NATIONS (R) - The United States has run into some resistance in its plan to delay the seating of Red China in the United Nations once more by having the General Assembly set up a special committee to make a year's study of the question.I Diplomatic sources said the re- sistance came from some countries that recognize Red China but are good friends of the United States. Anticipate Motion They said these countries feel they cannot support the plan if it is no more than a dodge to win another postponement; they want to be sure that the United States will back the committee's recom- mendationseven if it recommends that Chinese Communists replace Finland Sets Soviet Talks HELSINKI, Finland (M)-Under mounting pressure from, Moscow for joint military consultations, Finland proposed yesterday a meeting between Finnish President Urho Kekkonen and Soviet Pre- mier Khrushchev. Finland's neutrality seemed at stake after more than two weeks of diplomatic prodding from its Soviet neighbor to hold joint dis- cussions about "the rising war threat in the Baltic area." The Soviet campaign is directed at West Germany, accused of mounting the war threat, and Fin- land's Scandinavian friends and neighbors, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. All three are charged by the Russians with aiding the West Germans. U.S. PROPOSALS: UN Resists Red China Move ; - - - - - U U PRE-HOLIDAY SA, Groups Dresses and Costume Suits Woo! Jersey-Blends--Wools- Plaids--Stripes-Crepes-Dress- es for Day and Evening. Sizes 7- 15, 8-44, 121/-24'2. Grouped-- $14.98 to $25.00 Extra Special Groups Dresses of All Kinds All-Weather Coats Foam Back Jerseys -- vibrettas and cotton twils with pile and sherpa trims and linings. Some Raccoon collars. Orig. to $29.95, Now- $19.98 to $25.00 Groups car coats $14.98 Some trims and materials as above. GROUPS of bras - jewel- ry girdles - hats - 2 prs. of $1.65 Self-seam nylon. Hose include white. $1.98 GROUPS better hats, any strapless short bra, group discontinued styles Playtex girdles, mostly xtra large and small $3.98. "mlll-l World News Roundup CAR COATS, reversible By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS - Ireland proposed yesterday that the nu- clear powers sign an agreement to keep atomic or hydrogen bombs from countries that do not already possess them. In a resolution submitted to the General Assembly's political. committee, the Irish also would have the United Nations ask all countries not in the "Nuclear Club" to agree to stay out., * * * ANTARCTICA--American ex- plorers unveiled plans yesterday for a trek across the Antarctica that may blaze a new trail to the Russian-conquered Point of In- accessibility - the geographical center of this ice-capped conti- nent. Jack Long, traverse engineer of the University of Wisconsin, said the route across the Point of In- accessibility is one of two under consideration. * * * WARSAW-Church-state rela- tions in Communist Poland ap- pear to have improved consider- ably since last summer, when they erupted into open wrangling. Reports from Catholic and Communist sources yesterday in- dicate the Communist regime and the Roman Catholic Church are treading softly by mutual agree- ment on a number of disputes. MOSCOW-Pravda accused the United States yesterday of perse- cuting members of the United States Communist Party, assert- ing this was "a shameful self ex- posure of vaunted 'American de- mocracy." The Communist Party news- paper apparently referred to the United States requirement that party members register as agents * * * WASHINGTON - The first United States liquid hydrogen rocket engine-a powerful motor that can be started and restarted in space for use in lunar and in- terplanetary space missions-has passed its preliminary flight rat- ing test. raincoats and better hats. $8.98. LAY-A-WAY at Chinese Nationalists on all UN bodies. The informants said they ex- pected the United States or some- body else would Introduce a reso- lution anyhow to set up a study committee. They said they were almost cer- tain there would be a proposal also that the Assembly declare a two- thirds vote to be necessary to change China's UN representation. The Soviet Union has intro- duced a resolution to make such a change and argues that this reso- lution needs only a simple majority to get through the 103-nation As- sembly. The Assembly will begin debating the Chinese question late this month or early in December. Prior Motion The informants would not iden- tify the countries that took issue with the United States plan for a study committee. Britain, the Netherlands and Pakistan recognize Red China but joined last year in the Assembly's vote for a United States resolu- tion that provided for another year's moratorium in debate over the China seating question. aIt ON FOREST off corner of S. Univ. opposite Campus Theatre. Customer parking at rear of store PRE-THANKSGIVING FASHION CLEARANCE DRESSES 1 124 SOUTH MAIN ,I Reduced Up To 1/2 Off Choose From Hundreds NEW FALL STYLES For All Occasions 699 $1999, formerly $10.98 - $39.98 FINE WOOLENS - BLENDS Cocktail and Formal Styles Included Junior Sizes 5-15, Misses 8-20, Half 1212-242 by Famous Fashion Houses SPORTSWEAR 1/4 OFF SWEATERS - SKIRTS - BLOUSES Classic and Novelty Sweaters - Fur blends, wool, slim or full skirts -many blouses Bermudas Open Monday Evenings 'til 8:30 - Diana, hun style, always ma fine bird for Thanksgiving I f" 0. .* . otress Roman de her mark. 5 Three wonderful preparations to battle blemishes in one handy kit. Round-The-Clock-Ritz-Aid Kit contains VELVET FOAM, for non-drying, facial washes; DISASTER CREAM, for spot drying and skin calming; MEDICATED LOTION. for further healing and rnrfcrt concealine. Ritz " If you're hunting for a new dress I I I I 11 I I