ujpg *i r~lgaln Dall Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Down The Rabbit-Hole Gou Should Only Bar' Subversives' --- ':vi 'e Opinions Are Free uth Will 1f'reval" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, NOVEMBER 18, 1961. NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH ly Pi Crash Cover ULIP SHERMAN, City Editor EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer has witnessed sh coverage from the wire service point of view. is article is a hypothetical reconstruction of away Wednesday's minor plane crash at Bos- i's Logan Airport was covered, showing the way major news services and metropolitan dailies rate.) E ASSOCIATED PRESS transmitted an urgent" bulletin ending at 5:21 p.m. Wed- ay, announcing to the world (or, at least he AP papers) that "two planes, reported e commercial airliners, collided on the nd at Logan International airport to-' t." Three more terse paragraphs des- ng emergency action were included before ign-off. Lis first report was cryptic enough to imply ajor disaster, rather than the relatively r one that did occur.' it it set off a chain of newsgathering that d till 8:49 p.m. when the AP transmitted the national trunk wire a five-paragraph lusion to its report. HAT WENT ON in between? Logan airport is in east Botson, about 15 minutes from downtown. It is in an area covered by the Boston police and fire depart- ments, so the first notice of the disaster probably came over their radio network. It would be orders to police and fire companies to proceed to the airport. The radio can go on all day, without the newsmen hearing very much. But they always dear those orders. In the early stages of a crash at an air- port, the news bureaus have to rely on the fire radios. The control towers will rarely talk; and the firemen are getting the best informa- tion anyway. . A, message dispatched at 5:22 p.m. (EST) Indicated that newsmen and photograpers had been dispatched to the scene, the usual pro- edure when a crash- has definitely occurred. I AN EVENT like this, the emphasis is on speed. Goaded by competition, both the AP and United Press International try tb get as much as they can on the wire, as 'ast as possible. Often this leads to errors Overlooked by toq-eager newsmen and editors. Half past five is just a bit late for the great Eastern morning dailes, whose first editions were -probably too far along for the tory to be put in. But in the midwest, it was an hour earlier, and the first editions had time to carry 'the 6ulletin.' It would have been better if they had not. [he story, as it turned out, wasn't important nough to worry millions of readers. At the same time, the radio teletype net- Works of both services would be working full- ble, clacking out the news. In the East, at east', news directors were probably breaking nto rock n' roll shows, if they didn't have a :35 or 5:30 news cast coming up. p ENEXT STORY moved just before 5:45 p.m. It definitely stated that the planes Were airliners, and speculated on their com- lanies. There were several short reports from witnesses." The story was filled out with etails of what the Boston police were doing. Another story followed within the half hour. Condemnation 'HERE ARE ONLY 600 ,or 700 students on this campus who seem to think that people hould know more than they do about the roblems of peace in the nuclear age. This is not the preface to a call for a mass rnout at another peace assembly. It is not condemnation of those too apathetic to stand ut in the cold for an hour and listen to talks about the crises of our times. Rather it is condemnation of those who are too lazy 0 even sign their names. WEDNESDAY and Thursday, Americans Committed to World Responsibility had a etition in the Fishbowl urging the University 0 set up a, credit course on the problems of eace in the nuclear age. Not more than 600 r 1700 students out of a campus enrollment f 25,000 signed it. A signature on the petition did not con- ;itute a commitment to take the course, it ist indicated the signers belief that such a purse should exist. Yet people walked by, ast a curious glance at the large letter pasted Bove the petition table and walked on, con- emning themselves to ignorance. It is also a condemnation of a society when produces young people who are so un- terested in life that they are not even irious to find out why it may end. -R. WILTON It pinned down the casualty details. This was important, because the deadlines for the mid- western papers was approaching, and they needed something definite. The next story did not hedge. Two airliners, a Northeast and a National Airlines plane had collided. There were 12 casualties. This was not banner headline naterial. At 6:42 p.m. New York sent a wirephoto ad- visory indicating a picture "plane on nose after Boston Airport collision,"-was upcoming on the wirephoto network. The picture was probably taken with a tele- photo lens and rushed downtown to be devel- oped and then transmitted. Speed in wire- photos is as important, competitively, as news speed. THE ADVISORY was quickly followed by a "first add" to the "second lead planes." These paragraphs included names of two men taken to the hospital and comments from people who had been on the planes. More details of the crash were included, this time not qualified. The story was still quite choppy, indicating it was being written in the bureau by a re- write man receiving information over the phone. The story was transmitted on the teletype network at about 65 words per minute; the operators who punched the paper tapes that run a teletype were probably working around 100 words per minute, normal speed for many experienced men. All this tim, copy was going out on the wire networks to local raido stations; the Boston bureau is in control of these, though not in control of the national trunk wire stretching to California. The first add finished at 10 minutes to seven. In another hour, a "third lead plane" was transmitted. The sentences were smoother, the whole story flowed more. The disaster was over and it was time for a rehash that read better. One more item was transmitted Wednesday evening-another add with the story on the crews and the Federal Aeronautics Agency investigation. IF THE DISASTER had been more serious, there would be more stories, because the clients would want them. There would be casualty lists and the, ticklish job of contact- ing families of the deceased for details: "Why was your husband going to Boston?" "Had he flown before?" "Your daughter was going to visit grandma?" This infinitely tactful process would be car- ried out at every point each airliner had touched down, for only there would the in- timate personal details the papers would want" be available. Sometimes the task would be even more ticklish: the airlines, at first, are able to give out only the information on the ticket-the passenger's name and initial, and his city. The newsmen has then to call everyone by that name and initial. BUT AS IT WAS, there was only a rewriting of the evening's story in a style proper for the next day's afternoon papers-which are first printed at 10 a.m. The crash would be old news by then, and the stories more restrained, with more stress on the human element, and less on the immediate crisis. The crash had been covered. Coincidence IF YOU THINK American officials are honest, upright "good-guys," who would never stretch the truth, take note: The New York Times reported Thursday that John Kenneth Galbraith, United States am- bassador to India, emphasized that it was only a "happy coincidence" that the announce- ment of nine American universities' plans to set up a technological institute in India came at the same time as Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's visit to the United States. T'was nearly two weeks ago when University Vice-President William E. Stirton, a top man in the United States Educational Consortium that is preparing the plans, was carefully mak- ing arrangements for Nehru's "surprise." So if you've ever wondered how such perfect timing could happen so "coincidentally," now you know. By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council Wednesday night refused per- manent recognition to Voice Poli- tical Party because members felt its membership qualifications; needed to be clarified. Article III of the Voice Con- stitution states that "membership is open to all who feel in accord with its principles, work actively, for the implementation of them and pay the established dues. Membership shall not be based upon race, creed, color, religion, national origin or ancestry." * * * THE DISPUTE which arose over the meaning of the phrase "all who feel in accord with its principles" involved two questions: What are the principles of Voice? And has Voice the right to restrict its membership to those who are in accord with its prin- ciples? Voice Chairman Kenneth Mc- Eldowney said the Voice principles are stated in its preamble which says students "should assume greater responsibility and in- volvement with the problems of both the University and the total community, and is dedicated to that end through responsible, direct, non-violent action and, analysis." * * * SOME COUNCIL MEMBERS protested this could not be taken as a statement of the Voice prin- ciples, which really were represent- ed in the Voice platform and sub- ject to change from one SGC election to the next. They failed to recognize that the specific issues on which Voice candidates run are only reflections. of the broader underlying prin- ciples spelled out in the preamble. As long as the Voice candidates' advocate steps aimed at "greater responsibility and involvement with the problems of both the University and the total com- munity," and as long as proposed projects are to be carrie-d out through "responsible, direct, non- violent action and analysis," they. are acting in accord with Voice' principles. It would be absurd to demand-, the individual issues be spelled out in the constitution since they are subject to change as "the University and the total com- , munity" change. * * * THE QUESTION of whether an organization has the right to de- mand that members adhere to its principles is more complicated and open to various interpretations. When asked whether "any sucker who was willing to pay his buck for dues" would be allow- ed join Voice, McEldowney said yes. But regardless of the real situa- tion, the Voice constitution, like the constitutions of many student organizations, requires that mem- bers be in sympathy with the group's aims. Steven Stockmeyer said he con- sidered such a requirement in line with an organization's right "to select its members on the basis of personal merit" as long as it does not discriminate in a man- ner forbidden by the University. . * * * "PERSONAL MERIT" is a bad term because it implies that a student organization may choose its members in the same manner that a sorority or fraternity does. An organization obviously must have some control over its mem- bership, but the point at which it may begin to exercise this con- trol is not definite. If the club has a right to exist, it has the right to perpetuate itself and work, for its own best interests. It has the right to state its principles and to expect that individuals who wish to join, al- though they may not work ac- tively to further these principles, will not work to subvert the or-. ganization. * * * IF AN AVOWED supporter of the Young Americans for Freedom joined Voice with the intent of destroying the organization, and if he could encourage enough other YAF'ers to join to outvote the liberals, Voice would be over- powered. In this way, any Mninority or- ganization on campus would be at the mercy of the majority to continue its existence. For reasons of self-preservation, then, an or- ganization has the right to de- mand what in affect amounts to a disclaimer-not a signed state- ment or anything of the sort, but the right to refuse membership to a student who declares that his purposes are contrary to those of the group and that he has no intention of changing his mind. However, it does not have the right to demand that every stu- dent who joins will agree whole- heartedly with its aims or will work;to implement them. * * * IN A UNIVERSITY where all students are accepted as equals, any University-recognized organ- ization should be open to all stu- dents who wish to join for reasons other than its overthrow. For example, if a student deeply opposed to ,the principle of non- violent action wants to join Voice simply to listen to procedures, he has the right to do so. Groups which choose menbers on a competitive basis, such as the cheerleaders or the select choirs, are not involved in a question of this nature. But other organiza- tions must work out membership clauses which protect the organ- ization without forcing all who jiin to agree with its ideology. I PORTUGAL: Tyranny in the Free world? Boy RONALD WILTON i Daily Staff Writer CALLING A NATION a part of the "Free World," does not necessarily make that nation free. Portugal is a good example of this fact. Portugal has a population of 8,500,000, and a percapita income of less than $200 a year, the lowest in Western Europe. She was neu- tral in World War II, much to the delight of espionage agents on both sides who often used Lisbon as a jumping-off point. She joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949, which automatically' makes her a part of the "Free World." Butrhere the names is misused-Portugal is a dictatorship. FOR THE PAST 33 years Por- tugal has been ruled by one man; 73-year-old Premier Antonio de Oliveria Salazar. According to the Constitution of 1933, which made Portugal a Corporate State, Sala- zar, as Premier, is nominally re- sponsible to the president of the country. Since the beginning of his rule he has hand-picked his own presidential candidates and gotten them elected against little or no opposition. But in 1958 the people gave 23 per cent of the vote to Brig. Gen. Humberto Delgado, a former friend of Salazar. Delgado, who traveled around the country crit- icizing Salazar's hold on the gov- ernment, claimed that the voting was rigged and presented evidence which made the claim appear more than just possible. The govern- ment, naturally enough, explained that Delgado was just a poor loser. Shaken by what he considered this "spectacle," Salazar had the laws changed in 1959 to do away with direct voting for the Presi- dency. In its place he substituted an indirect voting system through an electoral college. When the next President is se- lected four years from now repre- sentatives from the National As- sembly (the lower, popularly elect- ed house), the Chamber of Cor- porations (the upper house rep- resenting industries and profes- sions), overseas territories and mu- nicipal councils will sit on this body. These are all controlled by Salazar, either through his Na- tional Union Party, the secret pol- icy, or economic interests friendly to him. * * * LAST SUNDAY Portugal held an election to fill the 130 seats in the National Assembly - an election which made a mockery of democracy., This year a cross section of the Portugese political body provided the opposition, ranging from mon- archists to socialists, from doctors to army officers. They called themselves the "Democratic Op- position," and they called for democratic rights (such as a free press), economic progress (one opposition leader is reported to have said, "we are being operated "Free World" type of law which says that people suspected of en- dangering the security of the state may be imprisoned for periods of up to six months while the gov- ernments accumulates evidence. There was more harrassment. According to the election laws candidates can be nominated only if 20 local electors have signed their petition. Opposition can- didates would get the signatures, only to find out later that some of the officials who had signed their petitions were not officials any more. Government censors took liberties with statements by Opposition candidates; either sur- pressing them, revising them, or holding them for long periods of time. * * * CATHOLICS, who make up the bulk of the country's population, were warned by the Roman Catholic hierarchy of the nation not to vote for "Communists or their allies," a term Salazar ap- plies to his opponents (perhaps the only liberal thing about Sala- zar in his liberal application of the term Communists to his op- ponents). The church eventually set up housekeeping on the pro- verbial fence by disassociating it- self from "the methods of totali- tarian government." The opposition had popular sup- port. This was confirmed by news reports which spoke of student demonstrations against Fascism in the streets of Lisbon and crowds of people gathering to hear and applaud opposition speakers, al- ways under the watchful eye of government police. * * * FIVE DAYS BEFORE the elec- tions the opposition decided that it had had enough harrassment. Twenty-six opposition candidates, the last of 59 who had received government approval to run, with- drew from the race and called on the voters to boycott the polls. Announcing that "the opposition party no longer exists," the gov- ernment banned all further news of the opposition. The withdrawal of the opposi- tion left the National Union Party's candidates as the only ones left in the field. The voteis had two choices, stay at home or vote for Salazar's unopposed fol- lowers. The boycott idea had its followers, although just how large this group was, percentagewise, is hard to say. The New York Times reported that the Portuguese In- terior Ministry said that about one million or 65 per cent of the electorate had voted. But Time magazine reported the number of Portugal's eligible voters as 2,250,000. If this is true then the percentage figures drops to 44 per cent which is evidence that a majority of therelectorate is against the present regime. Renownt I DO NOT WISH to seem in the THIS ELECTION will, at best, increase Salazar's dislike of elec- tions, for he has always main- tained that Portugal is unready for democracy. At worst he will abolish elections entirely in an, effort to consolidate his hold on the government-a government of ficial has admitted that Salazar tolerates the appearance of elec- tions only in hopes of satisfying world opinion that he has no fear of taking his policies to the people. The election results could also make him more determined to stamp out the centers of opposi- tion overseas. This would include a greater effort to supress the Angolan people fighting for in- dependence with all the inter- national ramifications this would contain both for Portugal and the West. SALAZAR, like his contemporary in Spain, is an anacronism from the 1930's. He himself made the best possible case for his removal when he told aBrazilian reporter on his 72nd birthday, "Maybe I have lived beyond my time." He is a burden on the Portuguese people, the United States, and the whole "Free World." As leader of the Western bloc, the United States should demand that either Salazar resign or at least that he sharply liberalize Portugal's political and economic system. If he refuses, an arms and economic boycott should be thrown up around the- country. There is something wrong with this country's conception of jus- tice and democracy when we try our best to overthrow leftist lead- ers like Castro while sending guns to rightists like Salazar. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 General Notices The student automobile regulations will be lifted for Thanksgiving vaca- tion from 5 p.m. Wed., Nov. 22, until 8:00 a.m. on Mon., Nov. 27, 1961. Approval for the following student sponsored activities becomes effective twenty-four (24) hours after the publi- cation of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. November 20-The Michigan League, Coffee Hour and discussion for students interested in the "Mademoiselle" Col- lege Board Contests. League Vandenberg Room, 4:15. Events Sunday Collegium Musicum: The Michigan Singers, Tudor Singers, and an instru- mental ensemble from the University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maynard Klein, will present a concert of Renaissance and baroque music on Sun. No v. 19.8:30 in Fm . theack.. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: City Council Account Misrepresents Stands To the Editor: IN MICHAEL HARRAH'S column of comment on The Daily's editorial page of Wednesday, 15 November, there is an incorrect statement of fact which I 'would. like to have Mr. Harrah publicly retract in the pages of The Daily. In reporting my remarks' at a recent meeting of the Ann Arbor City Council, Mr. Harrah stated that "His remarks to Mrs. Flan- nery were quite insolent.", That statement is not correct. I made no remarks to Mrs. Flannery and did not mention 'her name in my statement, which was directed to the City Council as a whole. Mr. Harrah is quite at liberty to call my remarks insolent if he wishes, but he is not at liberty to' imply that I insulted Mrs. Flan- nery. She certainly took exception to my remna~ks, which is hen privi- lege as a member of the city council, but it is not correct to say that any of my remarks were directed toward any one council member.. Prof. Daniel R. Fusfeld Department of Economics Absurd... . To the Editor: IN WEDNESDAY'S Daily, Mr. Harrah presented his interpre- tation of the proceedings of Mon- day's City Council meeting. The extremely biased reporting of Councilman Eley's role during that meeting was to say the least in- appropriate and absurd. To begin with, Mr. Harrah fail- ed to point out that Mr. Eley is the only Democrat on the City Council and is slightly outnum- bered by a bargin of 10-1. Yet the matter of a simple difference of opinion never even occurred to Harrah. Instead, Mr. Harrah would have us believe that Mr. facts in an effort to impune Mr. Eley's motives. Since local city news gets little coverage in The Daily, it would seem only reasonable that the facts not be presented in such a biased manner, and this in effect is just what has been done. Enthusiastic concern is one thing, but down- right distortion and grossly mis- leading allegations is another. -Beverly Jean Silverman One Million.. To the Editor: IT WOULD BE quite pointless to attempt to reply to the recent editorial, newspaper and letter to the editor-especially if we were to restrict ourselves to the lan- guage of the Academy. However, permit us to make a few points-- without "inaccuracy" or "distor- tion": The Committee Of One Million is a public organization dedicated to mobilizing and articulating American public opinion against the admission of Communist China to the United Nations. It is headed by Warren R. Austin, former U.S. Senator and first U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., and Jo- seph C. Grew, former U.S. Am- bassador to Japan and Under Sec- retary of State. Among those who support the Committee's work are a majority of the Congress of the United States 'representing both Parties. Our opposition to the admission of Communist China to the U.N. rests on many premises. Our major premise, however, is that Red China does not qualify for admis- sion under the Charter of the U.N. Either the United States supports the U.N. or it does not. If we sup- port the U.N., we must not only abide by its Charter but also see to it that the Charter is respected hv all natinns Tn effect the Cnm.. & wI --S.J. Solution IN THIS TIME of crises the effect of the national defense build-up is noticible na- tion-wide. Physicians, key executives, college students,,and many others have been drafted out of important roles and have had their personal lives disrupted. I I