kPER=BOUND BOOKS -luge stock for all classes ROMPT SERVICEj On Special Orders )VERBECK' BOOKSTORE L WERS from BU1 D-MO)R THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'No Swimmer Revolt Against AAU'-Stager By DAVE GOOD Michigan swimming Coach Gus Stager, who admits that his ideas are a little more radical than those of most of his fellows, hasn't been able to spot any movement under- foot yet among the nation's swim- ming coaches to strip the National AAU of its authority. The ruling body of virtually all amateur sports in this country, the AAU is curently involved in a power struggle with the col- legiate ,coaches in track, basket- ball and other sports. "We're having the same dif- ficulties," Stager explained, "but for us to break away from the AA J is a more complicated situation and I don't know if all the coaches would want to do it." Big-time women's swimming and an extensive age-group program make swimming administration more involved than the other sports. "Track doesn't have much of a women's program yet," point- ed out Stager. Swimming coaches have prac- tically the same grievances against the AAU as the other coaches- primarily that it is too large a body to handle all sports effi- ciently. "We just don't have enough rep- resentation," complained Stager, "and there are foul-ups on trips -just little incidental things that. annoy a person. But this is true with any large organization. "There probably will be a move- ment to break away or at least to change the AAU, but it would take from at least three to eight years," Stager surmised. "In such a process we have to be sure of what we want to do, just as the track coaches are sure now of what they want to do." He emphasized, "There has been no discussion about this yet among the coaches." Stager, Olympic coach for the men's swimming team in 1960, had nothing but praise for the present system of selecting the NO 2-6362 Slumping Hawke yes Considered Dangerous U Mq "for the student body. ** Of the shop for young gentlemen Todd's fENTPYSHOPE (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was written especially for The Daily by Jerry Elsea, Sports Editor of The Daily Iowan.) By JERRY ELSEA Daily Iowan Sports Editor IOWA CITY-It's no news here in Iowa and certainly not a bul- letin in Michigan, but Iowa's foot- ball team has hit the skids. The Hawks, playing a schedule about as safe as a minefield, have dropped in national rankings and Big Ten standings-but they've not lost spirit. There are several reasons why the Hawkeyes (severely lacking depth) are remaining conspicu- ously "up" after three lickings and the primary one is their next opponent-the Michigan Wolver- ines. Hawkeye players, coaches and fans have an intense interest in beating Michigan, especially in Ann Arbor. Three Year Interim Since the Wolverines and Hawks haven't played in three years, even the seniors on both clubs have never faced one another in Big Ten competition. But some of them have bumped heads in high school. As you probably know, more Iowa players come from Michigan TODAY Open 'til 9 P.M. I than any other state-a good tes- timonial for Michigan high school ball. The other obvious link between the t.wo schools is an old buddy system network of coaches and athletic directors. Evashevski Alum Iowa Director of Athletics For- est Evashevski considers this game especially near to his heart. Evy captained the 1940 Wolverines under Fritz Crisler when Bob Flora (line coach) and Archie Ko- dros (assistant line coach and scout) were his teammates. Naturally Jerry Burns wants to win his coaching duel with Bump Elliott, his. predecessor as back- field coach at Iowa. The present Hawkeye backfield coach Andy MacDonald isn't a Michigan alum, but he's a native of Flint and coached Northern High School there between 1954-60. So there will be plenty of hand- shaking Friday and Saturday, but after that-watch out! Rivalry Intense I'm not saying Evashevski and Crisler will be so keyed up they'll want to coach again, but it's cer- tain the inter-school connection coupled with the excitement of a first division scramble will pro- vide for plenty of action. Sorry this one can't be a chaM- pionship battle between the teams, but I think you'll see a great game anyway. Iowa hasn't lived up to pre-season ratings, but, like Michigan, is still capable of knocking off any college team in the country. NBA RESULTS Boston 127, Cincinnati 121 'M' Gymnasts. Sweep Meet Michigan gymnasts won all events in an informal gymnastics meet held yesterday afternoon in the I-M building between com- petitors from Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and the Michi- gan varsity and freshman teams. Gil LaRose took honors in free exercise, parallel bars, and still rings. Freshmen Gary Erwin and John Hamilton won the trampoline and tumbling events. Jim Hynds won on the high bars and sopho- more Paul Levy was high point man on side horse. competitors by their performance in the Olympic Trials, regardless of past records. The Best Way "It's definitely the best method -we could never get a fairer one," Stager related. "We may at times not get the best athlete, but the athletes accept this as the fair- est method. I don't think they would have it any other way." The performance of the 1960 Olympians backs Stager up, too. In one of the most publicized in- cidents, ex-Kansas star Jeff Far- rell came off the operating table to qualify for the freestyle relay team a few days after an emer- gency appendectomy. Farrell on His Own Farrell; recognized as the best freestyler in the country then, refused to have a special place set aside for him. He made it on his own an dwent on to anchor both relay teams to world record wins. America's best entry in the 100- meter freestyle, USC's Lance Lar- son, eventually came in a photo- finish second to Australia's John Devitt in the most widely disputed race of the Games. "The whole thing was a fiasco," Stager said. "The solution would have been to call it a tie instantaneously." NHL RESULTS Boston 3 Montreal 2 MISU, Iowa Favored f or Big Ten Title The first Big Ten Championship of the season - cross country - goes up for grabs this morning at Chicago's Washington Park course and as usual Michigan State is the team to watch. The Spartans have won the title six years running. This year, however, both Iowa and Wiscon- sin with a possible outside threat from Minnesota figure to give Michigan State more trouble since Michigan won the title in 1954. Indiana also poses a threat., MSU's defending Big Ten titlest and record holder for Washington Park's four-mile double loop course, Gerald Young, has already been upset by Wisconsin's Rolf Nielson. And Nielson was beaten by Iowa's Jim Tucker. Hold everything though. In last year's meet Young beat Tucker by six seconds. You figure it out. The coaches haven't tried. In- stead they figure it will be the fifth team finisher that makes the difference. Iowa Coach Francis Cretzmeyer who is seeking to vacate the sec- ond place spot his Hawkeyes have held the past four years, puts it this way, "If we are to be team champion our fifth man must get better than 35th place." He's afraid of Wisconsin. They've got a good fifth man. Magical Name IT SEEMS STRANGE that the students at a huge University like Michigan should follow the football fortunes of a small Pennsyl- vania teachers college every fall Saturday, but it happens. Few could tell you that the school lies nestled on the banks of the Slippery Rock Creek 50 miles north of Pittsburgh on the Allegheny ,Plateau. Fewer could tell you that green and white colors fly from the school flag much like a larger school a few miles north of here. The magic comes from the name, Slippery Rock, more formally the Slippery Rock State College Rockets. Not to disillusion anyone, but "Teachers" was officially drop- ped last January in the second name change since a college was created at Slippery Rock in Feb., 1889. Since then the name has evolved from State Normal School through State Teachers Col- lege at Slippery Rock to Slippery Rock State College. Football records are harder to trace. Little mention is made of the Rockets before 1929 in Spaulding's Official Football Guide. The 1929 issue states that Slippery Rock "has not lost to any state teach- ers rival since 1924," not much to go on. Records Fade... LOOKING BACK, however, we find the 1928 record at 7-2 and the 1927 squad unbeaten in seven known games. Beyond that the records fade and only Mount Union games can be located--those only to 1923. Since then with the exception of, the 1943-44 war era when football was discontinued, the Rockets have appeared for at least four games each fall. And in a time when more and more schools are dropping football everyday it's a remarkable record. No huge crowds throng to little Thompson Field. There's no reason to. None of the players, though all but one of this year's team hailed from Pennsylvania's football fields, rate an All-American status. Those 6'4", 250 pounders are imported by Michigan State. These are the boys who make the headlines and win trophies, These are the ones who make the big money in pro-football every Sunday, not the Slippery Rock stars. In fact, no Slippery Rock footballer has ever touched a pigskin on a National Football League gridiron. This year's team wasn't any different. The season ended last week with a 20-13 victory over Clarion State College. The record, 6-2, fashioned a second successive winning season 'for Coach Charles A. Godlasky. Last year his team was 5-1-2. It was the first time since 1947-49 that two winning seasons were put back to back. Only once since 1927 has a Slippery Rock team finished a season unbeaten and untied, in 1939 when Pennsyl- vania State Teachers College honors were collected with an 8-0 mark. The next year they lost their first two games. The Beaver Bowl... IRONICALLY ENOUGH, the only bowl appearance for the small Pennsylvania Teachers Conference member came in 1958 with one of the worst teams in school history. With a single victory and a 6-6 tie with Edinboro State to show for eight starts the Rockets hardly. rated a bowl bid, yet there they were in the Beaver Bowl. You tell me where it is! Their opponent? You guessed it, good ole Edinboro. Granted a second shot, Slippery Rock managed its second win. No 6-6 this tme, thei sx points stood up, 6-0. It was barely enough and hardly impressive, but the Slippery . Rock students were happy, all 1,600. of them, and so were the thousands at Michigan who faithfully followed the Rocket's ups and downs. For Slippery Rock is more than a simple teachers college. It's a legend. The fact that the green and white flies over Thompson Field near a winding campus river Just like at a place a little north of here means little at Michigan Stadium when the score is announc- ed. Slippery Rock will always be Slippery Rock, freshman beanies and all. A doff of the hat to them. I-M PLAYOFFS: Evans ScholarsDow SAE in Overtime,1=0 I 0 MEET PLAYMATE "TERRI SMITH" PHOTOS -t Miss Smith was Come on in and Playboy's meet her. Playmate of the month for July 1960. Receive an autographed picture of her. by BUD-MOR 1103 S. Univ. NO 2-6362 PAPER-BOUND BOOKS Huge stock for all classes PROMPT SERVICE On Special Orders OVERBECK'S BOOKSTORE WIN $75 in PRIZES! NOTHING TO BUY: Nothing to write. Just come in and register. You may be the winner of a valuable prize. 1209 SOUTH UNIVERSITY ) Evans Scholars tripped the powerful Sigma Alpha Epsilon B football team 1-0 in overtime lastj night in the all campus I-M foot- ball playoffs. The game went nip and tuck throughout regulation play, and when the clock ran out, the teams were deadlocked in a 0-0 tie. They went into the overtime period that much more keyed up, and shortly c i. after the play started again, SAE connected on a long pass play nearly resulting in a score. The Scholars held, however, and in the next set of downs the Scholars marched deep into SAE territory, the drive sparked by a long 35 yd. pass to Dave Korff to give the winners sufficient yard- age to win the game 1-0. } het y'our . ' y } Sit +. 1 ' f: yN.f y _,ps , ~f4i v I« plaid sport skirts Sutto owa COAT and POPOVER STYLES . CHECK THESE SUPERB "EXTRA FEATURES": 1. Single key instantly sets or clears columns and indents! 2. Touch regulator adjusts to your individual "feel"! 3. Variable line spacer lets you type "right on the lines" of ruled paper! 4. Adjustable paper edge guide lets you insert paper precisely every time! 5. Calibrated scale on paper bail lets you center your headings faster! 6. Numerals and calibrations on paper table simplify Mfargin settings-positively! 7. Erasure table on cylinder simplifies making corrections! 8. Card and writing line scale lets you type more precisely! 9. 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