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November 17, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-17

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Seventy-Second Year
Vn ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will PFrevall"

Fallout Shelter Panic

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
orthe editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, NOVEMBER 17, 1961


Women-in-the-Quads Vote:
What Can Public Pressure Do?

RESSURES FROM the Regents, the ad-
ministration and an aroused public are
verwhelming the IQC proposal to allow wo-
aen in the quadrangles. They will probably
nake fair-minded consideration of the matter
Presidentl Thomas Moch and his associates
Lave done their best to make the motion
echiically perfect so that it can be considered
olely on the basis of merit.
To meet objections that the plan might
iot be physically feasible, they organized a
ommittee which showed in detail how it might
e implemented in West Quadrangle. And to
rove that the men themselves really wanted
he rule change, they got the house councils
a most housing units to hold referendums.
Vith heavy turnouts, the vote has ranged
rom 80 to 94 per cent favorable.
Y IRONING OUT the details in advance,
Moch and IQC have made it possible for
he Board of Governors to come directly to
rips with the fundamental question involved.
tripped of its embellishments, that question
s simply this: does one group of people, the
niversity, have the right to restrict the per-
Anal lives of another group, the students,
Oithout their consent?
No one should underplay the complexity of
Liat question. It is conceivable that the Board
f Governors, after considering it carefully,
4ould conclude that the University does have
uch a right. This conclusion would be open
A attack on various philosophical and educa-
ional grounds-most of them already discussed
i The Daily-but it would at least be a
irect answer to the question.
JNFORTUNATELY, it now appears that the
Board of Governors is never going to get
hat far in its deliberations. Moch and IQC
id their work well, but they failed to plan
or the most complicating factor-protest from
be University's constituency.
Outraged letters and phone calls are re-
ortedly swamping the Administration Build-
ig, creating tremendous pressure to simply
ear up the proposal from IQC without even
bnsidering it on its own merits.
Some of this protest is flatly nonsensical.
he Ann Arbor News and The Daily have
rinted a number of incredible letters from
ysterical citizens. One alleged that the IQC
iotton was written by "trained students .. .
4h are forwarding a master plan which will
ut them in control of the University." An-
bher letter, to Assembly President Sally Jo
awyer, warned' of "subversive elements" who
re "subtly manipulating" the students.
3UT IT IS NOT FAIR of course to regard
such remarks as typical. Without doubt,
uch of the protest is coming from ordinary,
mnsible citizens who don't fear a student
volution but are genuinely upset at the
rospect of their sons and daughters being
qposed to extra temptations. They have a
gitimate right to express their concern, and
ie University owes them the courtesy of a
Hornung an
PHE ARMY has shown hesitation, uncer-
tainty, and a lack of purpose in evaluating
e physical qualifications of professional
hletes in the current activation of the ser-
Take the case of Green Bay Packer star half-
xck Paul Hornung. Hornung, the vital cog
the Packer machine, set a new NFL single-
ason scoring record and was named to the
ague's all-pro team in 1960.
ORNUNG WAS ORDERED to report for an
army physical on Oct. 21. The decision on
ese tests was kept secret, stipposedly, because
the "extreme delicacy" of the situation.
Then, on Oct. 27, Hornung was ordered to
port to the Great Lakes (Ill.) Naval Hospital
r "further testing." The announced reason
r these further tests was a pinched nerve
Hornung's neck. The further tests com-
ted, he was given a two-week deferment
ich allowed him to play in two crucial

id-season games for the Packers.
The announced purpose of the deferment
is for "reviewing and rechecking" the test
IHowever, as Hornung himself later revealed,
my physicians had classified him as physic-
y ineligible for military duty at the con-
usion of the first series of tests. It is in-;
resting to note that Hornung made this
velation public only after finally and ir-
vocably accepted by the Army-
ET US, for the sake of argument, concede
,the possibility that the results of the first
ries of tests were inconclusive and that this
cessitated the second series; and let us fur-
er concede that the Army physicians did
)7OPtat.~n EtF r, i ilnPA tun a l b n

BUT IF A MAN of greatness can not let
himself be dominated by the will of the
masses, the same must be true of an institution
which aspires to greatness. Public opinion is
only a factor. It should not become an ir-
resistable imperative-panicking the Univer-
sity into snap judgements or causing it to
forsake its normal decision-making channels.
But that is exactly what seems to be happening
with the IQC proposal.
According to the Regents Bylaws, the Board
of Governors "shall determine and give effect
to general policies with respect to the use
,of the residence. halls." This means that the
administration and the Regents themselves
are not regarded as policymakers as far as
the residence halls are concerned. But events
of the last few days raise doubts about this.
WHEN THE IQC motion first came up, most
members of the Board expressed guarded
approval of it. Only Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon was openly hostile. But as public protest
has mounted, the Board members have been
increasingly pressured by University admin-
istrators to vote against it. Now, even the
Regents are reportedly putting on the screvs.
By the time the Board of Governors con-
venes Monday, the issue may already have
been killed-not because it is poorly wrked
out, not because it conflicts with the edaca-
tional objectives of the University-but simply
because too many parents, taxpayers and legis-
lators don't like it.
A UNIVERSITY SHOULD aim at imbuing
students with the wisdom to build a ner-
sonal philosophy and the courage and integ-
rity to defend it. Administrators and faculty
members should have enough strength of
character to teach these principles by example.
But it is unfortunately true that the sup-
posed leaders of this institution are paralyzed
by their fear of a vastly overgeneralized public.
They habitually sacrifice principle for some
undefined quality called "the good of the
THE IQC MOTION to allow women in the
quadrangles will be at stake Monday. But,
more important, the whole process by which
the University Community makes decisions
will also be at stake.
I repeat: the only relevant question is
whether the University should have the right
to impose restrictions on students without
their consent. Let the IQC motion be debated
in these terms and the entire community will
profit, whatever the decision.
BUT IF the Board of Governors members
submit to pressure from the administration
and reject the motion out of hand, they will
have betrayed the highest principles of the
teacher and scholar.
And if the administration allows itself to
be stampeded by public clamor it will have
forfeited any claim to respect from the student
body or the public itself.
d the Army
secretive. unpublicized rejection of Hornung,
its later reversal, and the ensuing acceptance.
THERE'IS SUSPICION that, after their ini-
tial decision, the Army higher-ups began
to wonder what form public reaction to the
decision would take.
There is also suspicion that this afterthought
prompted both the retraction of the in ineligi-
bility ruling and the second series of tests.
There is further suspicion that after the
announcement that the second series of tests
would be necessary, the charges by Iowa's
Republican Senator John Miller and others
were influential in the Army's alteration of
Its original decision. Miller charged Hornung's
case had "been handled in such a way as to
cause widespread suspicion" and that "the
availability of Hornung to play in two key
games . . . was the real reason underlying his
CLEARLY, the Army should not assume that
all professional athletes are automatically

qualified for military duty simply because
their occupations necessitate their repeatedly
taking part in strenous physical activities.
Many top athletes-Mickey Mantle and Ray
Berry are excellent examples-are totally un-
qualified for military duty due to serious knee
and bone injuries, and other disabilities.
But it would be wrong not to accept Hornung
solely because he is a professional athlete -~
of course it hurts the Packers to lose the NFL's
top scorer, but it hurts a business firm to
lose a rising young executive; it hurts a
faculty to lose a brilliant young professor;
and it hurt The Daily to lose its Editorial
Director, Harvey Molotch.
DUT THFESE L.OSESareirrelevaint.

THE FEAR and bewilderment
which enshroud the business of
fallout shelters are threatening to
corrupt the morale of our people.
The evil comes from telling them
that they are in danger of being
exterminated, and that they can
and should save themselves sep-
arately, each family for itself, and
the devil take the hindmost.
This is the way to breed panic.
It is like telling the passengers of
a ship that the ship may sink and
that while there are not enough
life preservers for everyone, each
man should try to make one for
* * *
LET US FIND OUT if we can
how we got into this mess and how
we can get out of it.
The record shows clearly, it
seems to me, that the trouble was
caused by what the President said
about shelters in the address of
July 25, dealing with the Berlin
crisis. The popular excitement and
interest in shelters date from that
address. For in it the nation was
told, or at least encouraged to
believe, that at Vienna in June
Khrushchev had delivered a six
months ultimatum to Kennedy,
and that sipce we rejected the ul-
timatum firmly, a thermonuclear
war was quite possible by the end
of December.
It was in this context that the
President told the people that in
the coming months he would let
every citizen know what steps he
could "take without delay to pro-
tect his family in case of attack."
It was a very bad mistake to
tie together the six months dead-
line about Berlin with a call for
immediate action to each citizen to
save his family. For the fact is
that no serious program of fallout
shelters can conceivably be carried
out in six months by private ini-
tiative. But being told to try it
has frightened people without do-
ing anything to save them.
to the
Quadrants .
To the Editor:
AT TODAY'S meeting of the
East Quadrangle Quadrants it
was brought to my attention that
in The Daily of November 7 it,
was printed that the East Quad
Quadrants had backed certain stu-
dents that were running for of-
fices on SGC. I gave no notice
to The Daily and as far as we
could tell no one in our group
contacted The Daily. We never
even discussed the candidates at
any of our meetings.
We feel that we may have been
associated with these students and
are quite disturbed that the ar-
ticle was printed. If you did get
the knowledge from any student
source I strongly urge you to
drop him from your source list.
We feel that since we have been
wrongly represented to the Stu-
dent Body at Michigan that even
at such a late date a correction
should be printed.
-J. Downs Herold
East Quad. Quadrants
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
serves the right to edit or withhold
any letter. Only signed letters will
be printed.)

veyed by the address of July 25
was a mistake is evident from the
fact that only two months earlier,
in the President's Special Message
of May 25, he had expounded the
concept of civil defense coolly,
clearly, and exactly. In view of
the state of mind which now pre-
vails in the country, what he said
then is worth quoting at length.
"This Administration has been,
looking very hard at exactly what
civil defense can and cannot do.
It cannot be obtained cheaply. t
cannot give an assurance of blast
protection that will be proof
against surprise attack or guaran-
teed against obsolescence orde-
struction. And it cannot deter a
nuclear attack.-
"We will deter an enemy from
making a nuclear attack only if
our retaliatory power is so strong
and so invulnerable that he knows
he would be destroyed by our re-
sponse. If we have that strength,
civiladefense is not needed to de-
ter an attack. If we should ever
lack it, civil defense would not be
an adequate substitute.
"But this deterrent concept as-
sumes rational calculations by ra-
tional men. And the history of this
planet is sufficient to remind us
of the possibilities of an irrational
attack, a miscalculation, an acci-
dental war which cannot be either
foreseen or deterred. The nature
of modern warfare heightens these
"It is on this basis that civil de-
fense can readily be justified - as
insurance for the civilian popula-
tion in the event of such a miscal-
culation. It is insurance we trust
will never be needed-but insur-
ance which we could never forgive
ourselves for foregoing in the event
of catastrophe.
"Once the validity of this con-
cept is recognized, there is no
point in delaying the initiation of
a nationwide long-range program
of identifying present fallout shel-
ter capacity and providing shelter
in new and existing . structures.
Such a program would protect mil-
lions of people against the hazards
of radioactive fallout in the eveii,
of a large-scale nuclear attack.
"To assure effective use of these
shelters, additional measures will
be required for warning, training,
radiological monitoring, and stock-
piling of food and medicines. And
effective performance of the en-
tire program requires not only
new legislative authority and more
funds, but also sound organiza-
tional arrangements."
S* *
between May 25 and June 25 is
this. Before his encounter with
Khrushchev in Vienna, the Pres-
ident saw clearly and said clearly
that a serious shelter policy would
have to be "a long - range pro-
gram," that it could not be cheap,
and that it would require new
planning and new organization.
On July 25 he gave the impres-
sion, though his exact words do
not say so, that a shelter program
could be carried out as an emer-
gency measure against the six
months ultimatum.
It is the treatment of the policy
on shelters as an emergency meas-
ure which has caused all the trou-
ble. Why this policy as an emer-
gency measure was decided upon
between the month of June and
the last week of July is a question
we shall have to leave to the his-
torians. What we have to do now,
however, is clear enough. We have
to return to the policy and doc-
trine of the message of May 25,

and the sooner this

The message of May 25 lays
down two propositions. The first
is that our only true defense
against nuclear attack is to main-
tain at all costs a retaliatory power
"so strong and so invulnerable"
that an aggressor would be de-
stroyed even if he made the first
The second proposition is that
since the first proposition "as-
sumes rational calculations by ra-
tional men," we have to protect
ourselves also against irrational
calculations by irrational men. It
is against this, not against the
Berlin crisis and not against de-
liberate aggression but against ir-
rationality, that we should build
shelters in a long-range program.
This second proposition can use-
fully, I think, be developed some-
what further. The main danger of
an irrational war is that one or
the other of the nuclear powers
will find itself in a dead-end
street from which there is no exit
except by surrender or mutual sui-
cide. One of the nuclear powers
could maneuver the other nuclear
power into a position that amounts
to intolerable provocation. Or one
of the nuclear powers could ma-
neuver itself into the dead-end
.street by making impossible de-
mands from which it was unable
to recede without humiliating loss
of face.
These are the situations which
could easily enough, even in this
democracy, engender irrational ac-
tions by mass pressures of people
who had lost their heads.
* * *
macy to avoid getting into and to
avoid getting the other side into
the dead-end street. This is the
nuclear age, and in the nuclear
age war cannot be employed by
diplomacy as an instrument of na-
tional policy. Until the nuclear
age, which began only about ten
years ago, a government could, as
George Washington said, "choose
peace or war, as our interest guid-
ed by Justice, shall counsel."
This is no longer possible as be-
tween nuclear powers. They can-
not choose war, and therefore the
national interest has to be promot-
ed and defended by other means.
As between contending nuclear
powers, nuclear weapons can be
used only to neutralize other nu-
clear weapons.
(c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
The Daily O ficial Buletn is an
official publication of TheUniJaver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before ztp.m., two days preceding
General Notices
College of L. S. & A. Honors Assembly
Nov. 17, Aud. A at 4:15 p.m. Oliver Edel,
prof of cello and chamber music, will
present the first of a series of lectures
on the use of various musical instru-
mnents in small ensembles.
Foreign Student scholarships. The
deadline for tuition Scholarship appli-
cations for second semester is Dec. 15.
Forms are available from the Counsel-
ors at the International Center.
summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting of
November 15, 1961
Approved: Minutes of the previous
(Continued on Page 8)

done, the bet-

Cleveland Orchestra-
Sensitive and Vigorous
FROM THE OPENING PAGES of the Haydn Symphony, No. 92, finely
controlled playing and careful balance of parts were evident in
last night's performance by the Cleveland orchestra under the leader-
ship of George Szell.
It is to Mr. Szell's credit that he can refrain from introducing
unwritten additions to the composer's work, and yet instill life to the
presentation. Subtle nuances may be less spectacular than some of the
interpolations of other conductors, but they are more tasteful. And,
Szell is tasteful.
This symphonic product of Haydn's later life abounds with grace,
wit, and surprise as do so many of this genius' compositions.
* * * *
WITH THE SECOND WORK' on the program, the audience was
still in the presence of masterful and yet virile writing. Hindemith's
"Concert Music for String Orchestra and Brass Instruments" is the work
of a master craftsman but surpasses being merely "good on paper."
This vigorous, dramatic piece is full of energy and complemented
with contrasting lyricism. The Cleveland brass were sharp, crisp, and
gusty and the strings executed their virtuoso parts effectively.
Hindemith wrote this work at the age of 35 for the fiftieth anniver-
sary of the Boston Symphony. It possesses an intellectual depth and
listenability that makes it one of the fine products of this century.
* * * *
THE FINAL WORK was the "Second Symphony" of another master,
Johannes Brahms. This is the lightest and most lyrical of his four
symphonies. Szell's realization of this work was caressing rather than
sugary romantic, once more a result of his good taste.
The characteristic rhythmic vitality of Brahms were present in
the performance along with consistent-fine solo playing by the wind
instruments. The only percussion on the entire concert was timpani, and
again a very satisfactory balance of this orchestral voice was main-
Szell's goal is to conduct an orchestra through a performance which
has the clarity and precision of a chamber group. By and large he
achieves this. There were spots of imperfection in ensemble attacks, but
the person who expects to hear the perfect performance will die unhappy.
* * * *
SZELL'S LONG YEARS of experience have beenapplied to his
orchestra with great success. The city of Cleveland should be proud and
thankful to have him there.
-Donald Matthews
Social .Hatreds Flare"
in Powerful 'own'
DON'T GO TO "Town Without Pity" for entertainment. It is a pow-
erful movie which involves you so deeply in emotional crisis and so-
cial inhumanity that you forget its basic setting-a court martial trial
-has been exploited many times.
Four enlisted men serving in Germany are charged with the rape
of a town girl, and it is Kirk Douglas' sticky job to keep them from the
death penalty as an Army defense counsel. Beneath the surface fer-
ments pent-up hatred between social classes, townspeople and soldiers,
parents and the person who threatens to take away their son or daugh-
ter, the ugly and the beautiful. Because the strict German father of
Karen (Christine Kaufman) cannot bear toexact anything but a
death sentence for the wrong committed against his perfect daugh-
ter, he ruins her life, with help from other townspeople. This is ac-
companied by snickers from the tart inhabitants of the "Florida Bar,"
where scenes of the seamy German youth culture are reminiscent of
our own-except for slight glamourization.
Here is one trial picture where the climax comes after the main
court scenes are over.
* * * *,
THE EVENTS bear some resemblance to the highly successful
"Anatomy of a Murder," with the grunching rock and roll of Dimitri
Tiomkin replacing the jazz of Duke 'Ellington. Both movies are in
black and white, both revolve around a life-and-death trial situation.
Both are authentic in their effects.
Kirk Douglas is a fine actor, but there are only rare moments
when he is allowed to leave the niche of Army-lawyer-in-courtroom
and reveal his talent.
To help fill in for German-speaking actors, a voice of female ice
floats in after the initial dramatic sequence (which precedes the
credits, a very good technique if not overused). When the voice ap-
pears in human form it turns out to be a petulant, cute, hard-working
tabloid journalist. You're never sure if she is a villain or not, which is
a pleasant change from ordinary stereotypes.' When ,the actions of
other reporters floating around the sensational trial are hinted at late
in the film, you really wonder.
After such a sober movie, you will probably feel in need of some
relief, so stick around for the next show and watch the previews of
Elvis's latest.
--Richard Ostling

'Guys and Dolls';
Actually Swvings



"One Of Our Best Portrait Artists - He's Painted Out
Some Of The Most Famous Men Of The Last 40 Years"

ZOOMING IN from virtually no-
where last night, Soph Show,
with a cast of thousands, dazzled
a normally emotionless crowd of
stuents and townsfolk.
Surrounded by a vast orchestra
(the horn solos were actually
playe'd by a' horn) the chorus
and dancers floated through some
fairly intricate arrangements.
Somehow, Ray Rusnak's name
was left off the program-an un-
intentional touch of high irony-
since he ostensibly shouldered the
immense burden of training and
conducting what was certainly the
best sounding Soph Show orches-
tra and chorus in at least five
* * *
MARCIA KATZ as Adelaide is
a real knockout; she has no
trouble with the part, which would
send a lesser actress back to Mich'-
igras skits. James Benson, as Sky;
Masterson doesn't sing too loud,
but then neither did Marlon
Brando if you remember the mo-
Matthew Cohen and Martin
Laker are as good a pair of crap-
shooters (Harry the Horse and
Big Julie) as ever came out of
Chicago for real. Beverly Karan-
ovich, as Sarah Brown, has pierc-

which blinks on and off in seven-
teen colors, everything is slick and
convincing. The scene changes
really change on time, the peo-
ple behind the scrims don't show
until they are supposed to, people
in crowds don't bump into each
other even when they aren't look-
There is a chorus line produc-
tion of "Take Back Your Mink,"
complete with reprise, successfully
calculated to break up the audi-
ence. In it, some very cute coeds
do an amazing strip-tease. There
is a lot of shakin', bumpin' and
other stuff going on, and when
they dance in the chorus line,
they aren't quite together but who
USUALLY in reviewing a stu-,
dent production, the reviewer
makes a conscious effort to be nice
to something which is tradition-
ally wretched. This time I feel no
guilt whatsoever in recommend-
ing Soph Show to all. It's not the
Broadway cast, but for all its
length (three hours), it swings.
-Dick Pollinger


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