MENIN WOMEN'S DORMS See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaitj~ RAIN High-52 Low-30 Windy and turning colder with possible snow flurries VOL. LXXII, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 SEVEN CENTS SIX Council Re-elects Nohi, Martin To Top Admnimstrative Posts ATO ocal Grnted Permissioi By JUDITH OPPENHEIM For R em oval of Bias Provision sieoerSue Gvrmn Council for his second consecutive Ona motion by Michigan Unio Council voted last night to make Nohl's re-election unanimous. Counil as it wund up discussion of non-academic evaluations in the women's residence halls. Nohl was elected president last spring following the incumbent John Feldkamp, Grad, who did not seek re-election to the Coun- cil. Martin Defeats Ross . John Martin, '62,,defeated Rob- ert Ross, '63, for the post of exec- utive vice-president. M~artin was formerly administrative vice-pres- Ross was elected administrative vice-president on the second bal- lot over Richard G'Sell, '64E. Council rules provide that an of- ficer must be elected by major- ity vote. In the case that there are three nominees and none re- ceives a majority of votes on the first ballot, the lowest nominee is dropped and the contest is be- tween te two highest candidates. originally nominated for the post of administrative vice-president was dropped after the first ballot. Stockmeyer' Elected Steven Stockmeyer, '63, was elected treasurer over William Gleason, '63, who served in that capacity during the last Council term. The Council passed a motion by Brian Glick, '62, recommending evaluations in women's residence halls in their present form and discontinuation of non-academic procedure. It called for optional evaluations to 'be filled out by members ,of the administration and faculty whoaknow the student outside of the classroom and whom she herself asks to write them. Old Forms An amnendment by Robert Ross, '63, states that the Council urges discontinuation of the old forms because It is coc erned ith th pressure to -confoty an in vasion of privacyatkeyfrepresentc knowledge on the part of the per- sone who fill them out . According to the motion, the optional evaluations would be used solely to provide recommendations requested by prosepective employ- ers or other colleges and by aca- demic counselors. GIVEN WIDE LEEWAY: U Thant Tackles Congo Crisis -Day-c anog NEW OFFICERS-Student Government Council elected (back row) John Martin, '62, executive vice-president; (left) Richard NohI, 'G2BAd, president; (front row) Steven Stockmeyer, '63, treasurer (left); and Robert Ross, '63, administrative vice-presi- dent at its meeting last night. ' 'FRESH LIGHT': EducatonalOT Polems By MIICHAEL OLINICK Five University professors threw some "Fresh Light" on the "Problems of Highe- Education" yesterday as Michigan. educators concluded their 15th annual conference at the Rackham Bldg. Honors Council Director Prof. Otto Graf of the German depart- ment reported that 90 per cent of the honors students are measuring UNITED NATIONS VP) - Act- ing Secretary-General U Thant ysterasy took personal charge o authorized United Nations forces to take "every measure possible" to ptdow muin bled led by Congolese leftits. ieed Erupting less than two weeks since he took office, the uprising in the troubled. nation presented the Burmese diplomat with a new force working against Congolese unity and stability, which the UN is pledged to promote. Another major divisive force, ince, occupied most speakers in- a Security Council meeting on The Congo. Ceylon, Liberia and the United Arab Republic asked the 11-nation Council to strengthen U Thant's powers to oust mercen- aries from Katanga and stop arms shipments to Katanga President Moise Tshombe's regime. Hears Council Debate U Thant sat in on the Council debate after spending most of the morning dealing with the new up- rising. He told UN officials in Leopoldville to restore order in Albertville and Kindu, in the East- ern Congo more than a thousand miles from Leopoldville. Dispatches from Leopoldville quoted diplomatic informants as saying that Antoine Gizenga, left- ist political heir of former Pre- mier Patrice Lumumba, is lead- ing the mutiny in the Eastern C Pgoroblem for U Thant This may present U Thant with a serious political problem. If the UN ends a mutiny reportedly led by leftists and is unable to stop the Katanga secession, the Soviet Union and some neutralists may try to blame the acting secretary- general. The three-nation resolution in the Security Council, prepared be- fore thenew mutiny, is directed duced by Nathan Barnes of Liber- ia, who told the Council that for- eign interests are responsible for the Congo chaos. . "The heart of the Congo prob- lem is the callous pursuit of self- interest by foreign interests, both public and private, which have been linked with a complete dis- up to the special opportunities ~ WSU Speaker. DETROIT (OP-A group appear- ed before the Wayne Statie Uni- versity board of governors yester- day and protested today's sched- uled appearance of a speaker. The group protested the sched- uled appearance of Herbert Ap- theker, a historian and editor of the magazine "Political Affairs." Aptheker is fto speak today at the Kresge Science Auditorium - The group was led by Ann Byerlein, a practical nurse. w uson Emphasizes ~eu By CAROLINE DOW If universities and colleges cannot cooperate voluntarily then an outside agency will have to do it for them, Logan Wilson, president of the American Council of Education, said in an interview yesterday. Covering problems from fragmentation of knowledge to Health, Education and Welfare disagreements this gentleman from Texas covered the problems that confront higher education. We cannot afford wasteful duplication in an internationally comnpetitive situation, he continued. The difference between nations given. them. "The honors student Chas been stimulated to develop and maintain an honors outlook in scholarship, and in growing cultural insights." The honors program-designed I to challenge the superior student to "the outer limit of his ability" -enters its fifth year with 906 undergraduates. The 252 honors freshmen boast median scores of 670 verbal and 680 mathematical on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests of the College Entrance Examina.- tion Board, compared to overall I freshman marks of 545 and 587. .Newcomb Lectures Following the aim of the annual Conference on Higher Education to present research and surV'ey findings, Prof. Theodore M. New- chology dep'artments discusseds "Wa:nronmalE C ndiins Growth of Students?" The "bull session" is one of the most valuable college experiences, Prof. Newcomb said. He emphasized that the effects of groups--which may be a pair of roommates or a fraternity-have much to do with the values and at-. titudes which faculty members and administrators are trying to bring about in students. Discusses 'Academic Man' Visiting Associate Professor of Higher Education Allan 0. Pfnis- ter, director of a Ford Fund grant relating to college teaching, delv- ed into the academic origin of the academic man and the rela- tion between the kinds of in- stitutions in which he received his training and the kinds in which he later assumes a professorial role. while faculty member do noit call any special emphasis during their academic years that lead them to view college teaching as a possible career, the environment of the institutions in which they took their academic woi-k "en- couraged in them the habits of mind and interests which later made college teaching a desirable career choice," he said. Discussing research, the studies of different teaching methods, Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie of the psychology department claimed conclusions thatndsmall cssuare a little better than large classes for good students, discussion is better than lecture for achieving critical thinking and attitude, and television is inferior to live think- ing for almost any purpose of higher education. 'Differences Small' ' By HARRY PERLSTADT Rod Beaulieu, '58, administrative assistant to Democratic State Central Committee Chairman Joe Collins, yesterday spoke to the Young Democrats Club on subjects ranging from state party structure to higher education to the Cons'titutional Convention. Speaking on higher education, Beaulieu said that the Democrats were opposed to a tuition increase. "Education should be public and not private. "'The raise of tuition would eventually make it prohibitive to certain economic levels," he said. Points to WSU But he also pointed out that although the Democrats control the boards of the three universities with constitutional status, the 9Wayne State board did raise the regard for the welfare of the Con- golese people . . ." Barnes said. As for the white mercenaries in Tshombe's army, Barnes said they support ''the forces of greed and retrogression . . . in my view they are no better than international criminals and should be treated as such." CAPE CANAVERAL (VP) - A double header rocket hurled two satellites into orbit last night as forerunners of a space age navi- gation system. The feat gave the United States three sparkling new satellites in one of its most productive days of the space age'. Sent aloft from this test center at 5:26 p.m. EST were 'a transit navigation aid stellite with a'nu- clea generator andnaeunique tend its length more than 10 feet in space in a satellite stabili- zation test . One failure marred the other-' wise successful day. Earlier the rocket carrying a biological ex- periment toward a brief journey to the Van Allen radiation belt broke apart shortly after launch- ing from Point Arguello, Calif. The Cape Canaveral satellites were clamped together in the nose of a 50-ton Thor-Able-Star rock- et which worked with precision and drove the space twins into or- bit more than 600 miles above the earth. A spring kicked them into sep- arate paths, which gradually widened. MOUNT PLEASANT (A) - A Cena Mihia Unrsit are in hot water for a most un- usual reason-they studied too long. Judson F o u s t, university president, confirmed reports the students staged a sitdown strike in the school library to protest moving up of the clos- ing from 11 to 10 p.m. The 12 students were placed on probation for the remaind- er of the semester. Their plight became known when anonymous letter writers deluged newspaper offices with complaints about the discipli- nary action. - PRO. ERBRTVOTIE Russl Lctue bee nae a. r Russel Lec- nih yProf. Philr J. uvinof tchmicstrdye department pres- dtrof the University's Reseasch dacntion o hnotdem Bosardh fn orme useenctures Telc tuehip cwarrde with itoue asn hn orium bof $,. hlpJ E-n Te Deier etuet re s- dPrtof. Yte U iliy' delier th forRussel Lecture etsri. The - 1961rehpcrr wh Prof Jeroe W onniu of hemdica schol .The lectureship was established Aussefaand is awarded each year of associate professor or above. Prof. Youtie is a research pro- fessor of papyrology which is the study of literary and documen- tary records, written on papyrus papyru plant) fom Egypt pr manl durng the Greek and Ro- Called 'Leading Student' Prof. Gerald F. 'Else, chairman of the classical studies -depart- ment, called Prof. Youtie "the leading student of documentary papyri in the world." Prof. Youtie is director of the American Philological Association, and a member of the American Philosophical Society. He has contributed to numberous schol- arly publications and theological reviews. His book, "The Textual Criti- cism of Documentary Papyri: Pro- legomena," has been called the outstanding analysis of 'the sub- ject now in print. Of Graduates February graduates have more difficulty gaining financial sup- port for further study, as most foundation and scholarship agen- cies are geared to the Septem- ber - June academic year, En- gineering College Associate Dean James Mouzon reports. This problem especially affects the engineering school because engineering curriculum requires more than eight semesters. As a result many engineers graduate in February and then continue in graduate work for the spring se- mester, he said. tuition. Wayne State was also forced to hold admissions down due ,to their legislative appropria- Ho"e predicted that Gov. John B. coming session. Swainson had tried to work -through the Legislature and compromise this past session. This, however, drew criticism, Beaulieu said. Swainson's new ap- proach will be in the G. Mennen Williams' tradition of "fire and brimstone" speech before the opening session. . Raps Republicans The moderate Republicans, Beaulieu contends, did not put their votes where their speeches advocated "If they had broken with the 1Republican party then the appropriations would not have been cut on education and mental health." High Council Sets Permit Oiily Sigmna Nu Left With iscrimi~nation Rule in Charter By DAVID Mi4RCUS The University chapter of Al- pha Tau Omega fraternity has been granted a waiver allowing deletion of its bias clause. Specifically, the waiver permits- the local to remove its national requirement limiting membership to"hite males of the Chistian local ATO President Richard Clark, '62BAd, said last night. "I sincerely believe that this brings us into accord with the University ruling on discrimina- tion," Clark said. Granted by .Council The -waiver was granted by the fraternity's High Council in a vote taken by mail last September. A unanimous vote of the Coun- cil is necessary to grant such a request, Clark said. The local applied for a waiver last March. Regents Bylaw 2.14 asks an end 'to racial and religious discrimi- nation in private organizations recognized by the University and makes Student Government Coun- cil the official enforcing body. SGC Votes Last December, SGC voted ac- cess to fraternity ,and sorority membership requirements. They are submitted to the Committee on Memb6ship Selection In Stu- dent Organizations which in turn niay recommend action to SOC. The waiver leaves Sigma Nu the only fraternity on campus that has been cited as still having an overt bias clause. Last summer, Sigma Chi, which had previously limited membership to "white - only" removed the clause from the fraternity constitution at a natinal convention.e frit e strictions at anumber of univer- sities. At- Stanford, the local's chapter was revoked for pledging frchaptersdid ntshav a waiv er. Of Dangerous Trend in Arts NEW YORK VP) -- Symphony Conductor Leopold Stokowski tes- tified yest.erday the future of the nation's 'arts is "in great danger." Performing ' artists must have two professions-music and some- thing else-to make financial ends meet, he -said. The conductor of the Houston Symphony told a congressional subcommittee opening a hearing into the economic situation of the performing arts: "Al operas today are under- rehearsed and not well prepared we are having quantity in- stead of quality. We'll have to have quality now because compe- tition in the Iron Curtamn coun- tries is so great." Stokowski added: "The Soviet sends over the best ballets and operas and gives attention to the. fine arts. They realize the impor- tance of the fine arts. "The performing artists (in this country) have great difficulties because of inflation." Stokowski suggested some form of legislation that would make each state responsible for the fine arts within its borders. Federal, state or local aid was suggested to promote the fine arts. in this country. House Speaker L aw on Ae Discrimnination Request Aired DETROIT VP)-Gov. John B. Swainson said yesterday , ie is hopeful the state will amend its Fair Employment Practices Act "to deal with age ,discrimination." The Governor told a White House Regional Conference panel discussing "Opportunities for Sen- ior Citizens" that equal opportun- ity for employment was th o. 1 problem othsbewnte ages of 40 and 64. ' "I am hopeful," Swainson said, "that we in Michigan will amend our Fair Employment Practices Act to deal with age discrimina- tion-to prohibit any employer from discriminating against any prospective employe because of his. age, except where this might be based on a bona fide occupational qualification. MFav Sue Riis Line ~will be in the alertness and vigor of the people and the answer to this lies in education, he said. Most Urgent Needs cation ar the continued sourcedof teachers and researchers and bet- ter cooperation on all levels, he portlynpaid professors has paid off to the extent that salaries are better than they were ubut they are not where they shol b, he said. -The fragmentation of knowledge and institutional functions is a serious problem and must be met by proper division of labor among schools and the return of profes- sorial loyalty to education rath'er than to a discipline, he said. Raps Departments He rapped departmental auton- omy a's detrimental to generalized education. History departments lose interest in students except as potential historians, as do physics and the other disciplines. First loyalty to the discipline should be replaced by loyalty to eduication or the institution. He also called for a better divi- sion of labor among institutions, pointing outthegre ate pogrss' 'DOG'S LIFE': Hom1er Survives Trnsplanting ofun By FREDERICK ULEMAN The dog that bounded down the corridor towards his keepers seemed like any other dog; but actually he receives much better tr eatment than most. Homer, a droopy-eared hound, has his own veterinarian, his own r egistered nurse, and his own physician. These special benefits are bestowed upon him because he's alive and breathing. This may not seem unusual, but he's doing it with another dog's lung. The transplant was made five months ago and, under special treatment, Homer survived longer than the usual three weeks. The 'Good Life' In reality, his life at the Kresge Research Building is probably the best he has had. Described by one person as "-just a mongrel dog," Homer came from a dog pound in the thumb area of Michigan. All dogs must be healthy when they begin participation in medi- cal research and are kept healthy during the tests, his. veterinarian added. Paulette S. Szadaly, who is responsible for the health of all research animals in the center, added that it is often difficult to obtain healthy animals. Once researchers get a supply of animals, participants are chosen for the various experiments. The initial group is divided by size and