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November 14, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-14

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Through the persistent efforts of a few men, the faculty is
getting a greater voice in deciding what happens, when and how
at the University.
Though the faculty already enjoys a relatively large amount
of power compared to colleagues at most other institutions, the
last few years have shown advancing influence in areas not directly
related to academic affairs, faculty members say.
, In the last few months, faculty committees have, under their
own initiative, recommended sweeping changes in the Office of
Student Affairs, urged the establishment of a Center on University
Teaching to improve the level of instruction across the campus and
asked .for greater control over intercollegiate athletic policy.
Although none of these proposals has as yet been translated into
action, all three -will "come to pass" if the professors want them to.
Revitalize Senate Committee
The organ of faculty power is a revitalized Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs. This committee has the power-
stipulated by a Regents Bylaw-to consider and advise on all matters
within the jurisdiction of the University Senate "which affect the
functionings of the University as an institution of higher learning,"

which concern is obligations to the state and to the community at]
large, and which relate to its internal organization as this involves
general questions of educational policy.
All members of the professional staff and the executive and
central administrators make up the Senate which is authorized
to "consider any matter pertaining to the interests of the University"
and make recommendations about it to the Regents.
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss notes
the rise of faculty influence as an increase in the effectiveness of
the Senate's committees in bringing faculty opinion across State
Street to the Administration Bldg.
Just what official power the faculty holds is mainly in the
realm of academic affairs.
Jurisdiction over academic policies resides in the 17 individual
schools and colleges and, within them, the departments govern what
happens in the various disciplines.
Determine Admissions Standards
The faculty committees on admissions tell Prof. Clyde Vroman
and his staff how many students their colleges can take, what re-
quirements applicants must meet, and- what criteria will be used
in selecting the freshmen class.

The admissions committee made the decision to require all
applicants to take the tests of the College Entrance Examination
Board on a three-year experimental study. The final decision on
whether or not the exam scores will be used as admission criteria
will be a faculty one.
The faculty also has the say about what minimum grade point
students need to remain in the University, who gets put on pro-
bation or suspended, what distribution requirements must be met,
and what courses are taught.
Choose New Instructors
The members of a given department also decide what new
professors they want to add to their staff and who gets promoted
each spring. All appointments to the faculty and salary designations'
must, however, be approved by the Regents.
Proceedings which may result in the dismissal, demotion, or
terminal appointments of a faculty man may be initiated by the
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties or the dean of the college
in which the affected instructor is employed. In exceptional cases
which "threaten direct and immediate injury" to the public reputa-
tion or the "essential functions" of the University, the president may
relieve a faculty member of all his duties, pending final action on
the case.

faking Rok
The research funds that eachdepartment has are administer
through it for projects approved by the department's executi
Decision Process Varies
The process of decision varies greatly within the departmen
Some use a democratic vote-by-majority to determine policy. Othe
leave policy formulation to the chairman and an executive committ
of senior faculty men.
The majority of faculty men are satisfied with the arrang
ments governing the academic side of life as it gives them decisio
making power in the areas that affect them most. What happe.
in the area of student affairs or alumni relations is of little inter
since these are not "academic" matters.

Some, even, are very hostile to the professors who spend a large
amount of time working on the Student Relations Committee or
the Subcommittee on Discipline or the Board in Control of Student
Publications. "They charge us with ignoring our research and ne-
glecting revisions in our courses," one often-attacked professor
Committee meetings do take a great number of hours and
See FACULTY, Page 2


- -v

See Page 4


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair and cold tonight
sunny and warmer tomorrow






Bus Overturns

City Council Tables
Housing Ordinance
Tempers flared and parliamentary maneuvering became com-
plex as the Ann Arbor City Council tabled a motion last night for a
fair housing ordinance by Councilman Lynn W. Eley (D) and re-
ferred it to the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission for a public
Eley's ordinance would apply to apartments that have four
or more units controlled by one owner. In presenting the ordinance
Eley moved that the council hold an informal public hearing at the





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meeting, "so that anyone

--Daily-Ed Langs
ACCIDENT-A Chicago-Detroit Greyhound bus with 20 to 30
persons aboard skidded and overturned on Route 1-94 just west
of the Jackson Road Overpass last night. The eastbound bus
began skidding off the west pavement, when the front wheel
caught the soft shoulder, was pivoted and careened down a 15-
foot embankment.
UN Committee Vote
Warns South Africa
UNITED NATIONS (R )-United Nations delegates last night voted
condemnation of South Africa's white supremacy policies in two
resolutions that threatened boycotts and possible expulsion as pun-
The UN Assembly's special political committee first adopted a
31-nation resolution calling for the Security Council to consider ex-
pulsion of South Africa and demanding a complete diplomatic and

'Dual' Study
A ttracts 11
Eleven University and Wayne
State University students are cur-
rently taking advantage of the
dual course -electionagreement
established last spring.
Edward G. Groesbeck, director
of, registration and records, re-
ported yesterday that three Uni-
versity students have elected class-
es from WSU, although not form-
ally admitted or paying fees to
the Detroit school. Eight Wayne
students are attending classes here
under the same arrangement.
The dual election program was
set up by the Regents and WSU's
Board of Governors to broaden
learning opportunitiesand fully
utilize resources in specialized
areas - while at the same time
avoiding overlapping and un-
necessary duplication.
Thus, for example, the chance
to learn a language not normally
taught at one institution would
be available to more persons, Dean
of State-Wide Education Harold
M. Dorr pointed out.
See DUAL, Page 2
UN Unit Raps
Lack of Action
United Nations Trusteeship Com-
mittee last night voted to con-t
demn Portugal's non-complian' -
with UN requests that it furnisnh
information on its overseas terri-
The resolution will now go be-
fore the General Assembly.,

holding strong opinions on either
side of this issue may be heard."
Raps HRC
Explaining his presentation of
the ordinance, Eley rapped the
HRC for not submitting a report,
and recommendation to the coun-
cil, as they had been requested to
do last spring.
His motion for a public hearing
was supported by Councilman
Wendall Hulcher (R), the coun-
cil's representative- on the HRC
"for different reasons. h m
"I feel this is one of the most
important issues to come before
council," Hulcher said. "In acting
upon it, we will be setting the
moral tone for Ann Arbor as well
as the key rights for our fellow
man. Thus we have a duty and a
responsibility to correct conditions
in the most expeditious and har-
monious way."
Recommends Action
Hulcher recommended three
courses of action: "Hold 'public
hearings with an openmind and
a charitable spirit," encourage
"all moral forces" of the city to
discuss and consider the matter,
and if wide popular support for
such an ordinance should come
into evidence, put the proposition
on a citywide ballot. He said that
he didn't believe the majority of
the citizenry favored legislation at
this time.
Councilman John F. Laird (R)
proposed that the matter be re-
ferred to the commission, but
Eley opposed the suggestion, say-
ing that the commission had had
quite enough time to act and had
failed. His attempt to call for a
vote was killed 10-1.
Eley's motion to pass the ordi-
nance to second reading died for
want of a second. Joseph Dowson
moved to table and refer; it was
seconded by Councilwoman Lydia
B. Flannery (R).
Eley said he considered the ac-
tion as a move to kill his ordi-
nance, but it carried, 7-3.

Study Asks More
WASHINGTON (')-A study by the Brookings Institution
called for increased federal aid to higher education yesterday.
Most of the existing federal programs to assist higher edu-
cation, the study said, should be expanded and placed on a
long-range basis.
Increased funds were suggested for research programs in
the national interest and programs directly supporting in-
structional functions.
The study was prepared by Prof. Alice M. Rivlin, a member
of the economics staff of the institution, a privately financed
research organization devoted largely to study of public policy
Suggests Aid Measures
She suggested:
-Expanding the college housing loan fund so long as addi-
tional dormitories and other service facilities are needed.
-Making federal grants for construction of instructional
buildings and research facilities.
-Continuing and expanding aid . to students on several
fronts: scholarships, student loans and graduate fellowships.
Prof. Rivlin said the present complex program of federal
financing, which involves nearly all the 1,900 colleges and uni-
versities in the United States, "was not planned; it just grew."
Views Congressional Outlook
However, Prof. Rivlin said, "there are definite signs that
Congress is beginning to look on higher education as a national
concern and a fit subject for federal legislation in its own right.
"Higher education is a particularly appropriate burden for
the federal government to relieve . . . because of the relations
between education and national security."
TeXas Regents To Delay
Further Deseregto
AUSTIN-University of Texas regents decided this weekend to
delay action on further desegregation of dormitories until a pending
suit is settled by Federal courts.
Earlier the board had been scheduled to act on a proposal to in-
tegrate at least part of the women's dormitories. Men's housing is
already partly integrated.
Through Thornton Hardie, the board chairman, the regents
announced after the meeting: "We wish to say that in view of the
<filing of a lawsuit on this ques-
tion we deem it improper to com-
ment or take action at this time
on this question pending final de-
cision by the courts."
h t ing The nine-member board also an-
nounced that it did not intend to
"take any unilateral action" on
Martha Cook Bldg. won last integrating intercollegiate athletic
night's 25th Lantern Night sing teams "that would disturb the ex-
sponsored by the Women's Athletic cellent relations existing" be-
Association. tween the University of Texas and
The Martha Cook entry was di- seven other schools in the South-
rected by Janet Hurshburger, west Athletic conference.
'63SM, and they sang "Set Down Integrated housing was opened
Servant." to Negro men in 1953, although
Alpha Xi Delta, which was most of the newer dormitories
directed by Grace Zetterstrom, remained for whites only. Negro
'62SM, presented "Two Folk Songs women students were placed in
from The Four Seasons," and separate housing, also of older
placed second in the competition. construction.
Alpha Delta Pi won third placeIn June, 1955, the regents or-
with 'm Going Away," directed dered all graduate courses open-
Last night's Lantern Night start- ed to Negroes and set September,
ed with a parade from Angell Hall g56 for the admission of Ne-
to Hill Aud. where 12 women's gro undergraduates.

... assumes new duties

Rap Policies,
Just as Paul Revere tried to
alert the people to the dangers
of his time, so it is our mission to
alert the American people to the
dangers of our time, Congressman
George Meader (R-Mich) said yes-
Warning against the "extrava-
gant vote-catching programs and
a grab for bureaucratic power"
by the John F. Kennedy adminis-
tration, Meader was joined by
Congressmen Albert Quie (R-
Minn), John Kyl (R-Iowa) . and
Charles Chamberlain (R-Mich).
The four are touring five midwest-
ern states this fall.
The Minnesota Congressman
urged that ' Republicans support
local school finance programs.
"We've got to make up our mind
where we're going to pay for it.
That's the reason we're Republi-
cans," he added, "because we're
willing to do it ourselves and not
just point to Washington."
Along the line of finance, Kyl
charged that "the real problem is
that the federal government has
already preempted most of the tax
sources which used to be available
to local governments."
mI +.n71h141r + a

'trade break that would isolate
South Africa from the world.
The vote on the resolution as
a whole was 55-26 with 20 ab-
But the expulsion and sanctions
clauses were carried only by sim-
ple majorities and the probability
was that they would be knocked
out in the Assembly voting where
a two-thirds majority is needed.
The committee then went on
to vote 72-2 with 27 abstentions
approving a milder resolution.

Urges Aid
To Schools
Land-grant colleges and state
universities are in need of appro-
priations by Congress to imple-
ment the new Mutual Educational
and Cultural Exchange Act of
1961, James M. Davis, director of
the International Center said yes-
Speaking at the American As-
sociation of Land-Grant Colleges
and State Universities at its Cen-
tennial Convocation ,in Kansas
City, Davis urged the association
to support any such financial aid
in the next session of Congress.
"For the first time, Congress
has given the Department of State
a clear directive to give some help
to the universities in meeting the
needs of non-government spon-
sored foreign students," he said.
These good intentions must be
backed up with appropriations or
they will have very little effect,
he added.
In the keynote address, Presi-
dent John A. Perkins of the Uni-
versity of Delaware said that state
colleges arebeingshortchanged in
the battle for tax. dollars. The
states are reluctant or unable to
levy taxes for public colleges.
"Because of this pinched tax and
budget circumstances of the states,
our financial prospects are not
at all bright," he commented.
He blamed the lack of action
in the last session of Congress on
"ecclesiastical politics and obses-
sive fear of federal control."
Students May
(Turn Anti-U.S.
KANSAS CITY (P)-Mor'e than
50,000 foreign students are now
studying in this country and there
is danger that many of .them may
become anti-American, a group of
ranking educators said yesterday.

Plan Interim
For Office
Lewis Awaits Report
Of OSA Committee;
Bacon To Quit Early
City Editor
The dean of women's office will
be reorganized on an interim ba-
is effective Dec. 1 with Assistant
Dean Elizabeth Davenport as act-
ing dean, pending final recom-
mendations for re-organization of
the office.
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
con, who has resigned effective
Feb. 1, will quit her post early to
prepare for a February teaching
assignment in the English depart-
Mrs. Davenport will supervise
the general operations of the of-
fice with assistance from an in-
terim staff, Vice-President for,
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
announcedt yesterday. Assistant
Dean Elsie B. Fuller has already,
resigned4 effective Dec. 1 sand As-
sistant Dean Catherina Bergeon
will leave Feb. 1, Lewis said.
Continues Assignment
Assistant Dean Elizabeth Leslie
will continue in her present as-
signment in charge of off-campus
housing and as adviser to Pan-
hellenic Association. She will as-
sist Mrs. Davenport in special as-
signmets, Lewis said.
Mrs. Bergeon will continue in -
charge of the non-student side of
resident halls until February.
Lewis stressed that the interim
arrangements are not at all per-
The Office of Student Affairs
Study' Committee is now prepar-
ing a report that possibly will rec-
ommend restructure of the whole
Office of Student Affairs. This
will have to be considered by Lew-
is, the Senate student affairs com-
mittee and Student Government
Regents to Act
The Regents will probably act
on reorgonization sometime this
spring; and then any restructuring
will be carried out and new ap-
pointments made.-
Lewis said that no personnel
except secretarial help will be
added from outside the University
in the interim. Some present Uni-
versity employes may transfer to
the dean of women's office if nec-
essary, he said.
Lewis said the present members
of the office "will assume respon-
sibilities in the interim so the ma
jor functions can go forward."
Cites Understanding
He said Mrs. Davenport has
been given the interim job because
of her "general understanding of
the operation of the office." She
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Martha Cook Wins Lantern Ni

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