12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A 171Jf L'. OFFICIAL GREETER: Walter Welcomes Dignitaries By MICHAEL JULIAR 2 AU Wf College Conference Views Foreign Student Problems When Erich Walter, secretary of the University and assistant to the President, hears the rumor that the Official University Greet- er's "outstanding requisite is to wear a pearl-grey homburg and not look silly," he bursts into laughter. Walter's ebullient reaction could be expected, for he is the Univer- sity's greeter-though not its "Official Greeter." There isn't any such position at the University. But when the occasion calls for it, Walter puts on his "pearl-grey homburg," which is really a well- worn, pliable fedora. He calls it his "traveler." Deft Demonstration "I've had this hat for many years and I still use it occasion- ally." And he deftly demonstrates its malleability by folding and crunching it into a myriad of shapes. Then, Just as deftly, he pops it back into shape. And an- other bellow of laughter bursts forth. But there is much more prepar- ation to greeting a visitor than pulling a hat out of storage, es- pecially if a distinguished person- age is coming to the campus. Works with Washington Usually, Walter works with the Office of -Protocol in Washing- ton. If the visitor is a foreign digni- tary, such as the Emperor of Ethiopia who visited the Univer- sity a. few Years ago, a security guard may be required and many details of protocol must be ar- ranged, he explained.. A security force from Washing- ton will comb the route to be tak- en by the dignitary from the air- port to the campus and take any precautionary measures it thinks necessary to safeguard the guest. Northwestern Acts To Abolish Conduct Oath. EVANSTON-Northwestern Uni- versity's admissions pledge was abolished this week by unani- mous vote of the Council on Un- dergraduate Life (CUL). CUL, the faculty-administra- tion group that has Jurisdiction over all undergraduate extracurri- cular activities, took action after the Northwestern Student Senate passed a resolution urging aboli- tion of the pledge. The senate voted 18-6 last spring for abolition of the good conduct pledge which each stu- dent entering the university was required to sign. It read: "I pledge on my honor to conduct myself in a manner becoming a mature citizen of the Northwestern University commu- nity; to refrain from all forms of hazing, rowdyism, mass dem- onstrations, and all informal fra-. ternity. initiations involving phy- ' sical violence, including interfer- ence with the liberty and comfort of others, whether with or_.with- out their consent; and from en- couraging or abetting others in such practices." Abolition of the pledge was sought ' by student and faculty t- groups since last spring. The Northwestern chapter of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors voted May 23 to urge an end to the pledge. Among the, reasons given for abolition were: 1) It was too vague-the clause requiring a student to behave as "a mature citizen of the North- western University community" could conceivably be used as a blank check in disciplinary ac- tions. 2) Everything in the pledge is already covered by rules in the Student Handbook. 3) The original intent of the pledge-which grew out of an in- cident in the .1920's in which a student was killed-had been lost. Dean of Students James C. Mc- Leod,- CUL chairman, suggested that a committee of CUL and rep- resentatives of the students be set up to 'consider what, if any- thing, should' take the pledge's place. The Michigan Conference on Foreign Students yesterday cast a long look on problems facing its subject matter., More than 40 representatives from Michigan colleges dealing with foreign students participated' in presenting five topical view- points analyzing the practical re- lationships between foreign stu- dents and universities. The group first viewed problems involved in -counseling personal problems of students from differ- ent nations. Virgil W. Lougheed, a counselor at Wayne State Uni- versity, presented four vignettes based on actual counseling situa- tions. Where the Buck Ends In studying these cases, which dealt with constantly-arising prob- lems involving economic matters, American customs and personal relations, the group came up with differing solutions but agreed with Lougheed that "the buck ends" with the counselor. Technical problems involved in immigration laws were next pre- sented, with A. J. Salturelli of the Detroit Immigration and Natural- ization Service leading the discus- Sion. The major development of this talk was contrary to the hopes of International C e n t e r director James M. Davis, who designed the Fulbright-Hays bill. Salturelli said that the immigration service did not interpret this recently- passed legislation liberalizing im- migration statutes as allowing wives of foreign students to work. Teaching Difficulties Difficulties in teaching English as a foreign language was aired with Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt, acting director of the English Language Institute, guiding the analyses. One official from Michigan State University commented that foreign students were reluctant to take a large amount of English, as they have too 'little time. An- other representative, from a Cath- olic college in Detroit, said that students from the Dominican Re- public were falsifying their en- try cards in order to escape the country. Discuss Admissions Mrs. Pauline Goodale and Wil- liam Goodale, of the admissions office here, explained in the sec- ond group the procedures followed in admitting foreign students. Particular involvements cited included the x/2 oz. economic limit on mail abroad, the English lan- guage requirement and the stat- us of Canadian students. In the third session, the com- munity relationships of foreign students and local families were assessed. Most representatives ,found the programs in their home town were similar in structure, but different in extent, with the host family invitations in Ann Arbor. Group Finds Outing Spirit "Despite the tendency of gradu- ate students to withdraw from University activities, we have man- aged to build up a club spirit comparable to any football spirit," David Williams, Grad, president of the Graduate Outing Club, said. The outing club, whose member- ship includes graduates and in- terested undergraduates, spon- sors one activity a week and par- ticularly favors hiking. Bicycling, singing, picnicking, swimming, camping, canoeing, skiing and to- bogganing are scheduled at vari- ous times through the year. Originally founded in 1932, the club was revived in 1955. It pre- sently has a membership of ap- proximately 25. -Daily-Ed Langs UNOFFICIAL GREETER-Erich Walter, secretary of the Uni- versity and greeter of University guests, smiles at the thought that all he needs for his job is a pearl-gray homberg. Such a procedure was followed when then-Sen. John F. Kennedy was campaigning for the Presi- dency and spoke to a crowd of University students, on the Union steps last year, Walter said. But the lesser the importance of the visitor, the fewer the num- ber of details to take care of and the protocol to follow. Walter declares that all isn't tried and true procedure. "I remember one afternoon when a distinguished guest arrived on' campus. The state police escorted him from the airport with all the pomp and ceremony accorded to' such a visitor. Button-Happy "His car stopped in front of the Administration Bldg. and I led him to the elevator that would take him up to the Regents' Con- ference Room. As you know, the elevators in the Administration Bldg. are push-button operated," Walter comments. A smile grows on his face. "The contingent stepped on and instead of going up to the conference room . . . we went down to the basement." And the smile on his face breaks into gales of laughter. "The carefully arranged proced- ure had been disrupted by an em- ployee in the basement going out for a cup of coffee." To Hold Show By'U' Faculty A Rackham Grant exhibition of work by three University artrfac- ulty members will be shown Nov. 15 through Dec. 10 in the Museum of Art galleries in Memorial Hall. Included will be 30 paintings by Prof. Chet LaMore, of the archi- tecture and design school; 12 to 25 sculptures by Prof. Thomas F. McClure of the architecture and design school; and 30 paintings by Prof. Richard Wilt, of the ar- chitecture and design school. The exhibition is sponsored jointly by the graduate school and the architecture and design col- lege. I (Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) today's terrific dollar valuel POVERTY CAN BE FUN It is no disgrace to be poor. It is an error, but it is no disgrace. So if your purse is empty, do not skulk and brood and hide your head in shame. Stand tall. Admit your poverty. Admit it freely and frankly and all kinds of good things will happen to you. Take, for instance, the case of Blossom Sigafoos. Blossom, an impecunious freshman. at an Eastern girls' college, was smart as a whip and round as a dumpling, and scarcely a day went by when she didn't get invited to a party weekend at one of the nearby men's schools. But Blossom never accepted. She did not have the rail fare; she did not have the clothes. Weekend after weekend, while her classmates went frolicking, Blossom sat' alone, saved from utter despair only by her pack of Marlboros, for even an exchequer as slim as Blossom's can afford the joys of Marlboro-joys far beyond their paltry price: rich, mellow tobaccos, lovingly cured and carefully packed, and an exclusive selectrate filter. Croesus himself could not buy a better cigarette ! However, Marlboro's most passionate admirers-among whose number I am paid to count myself -would not claim that Marlboro can entirely replace love and romance, and Blossom grew steadily moroser. E E -' i' > ,_ ~ma-styled ADLER SC* now in women's sizes < fot seveal paire now at the pair This famous *Shrink-Controlled (and size guaranteed) Choice'of Champions, long time favorite sports-casual of the college man, is today in high demand with his sis- ters, his cousins and his aunts. Fluffy lamb's wool (90%) and sturdy nylon reinforced throughout (10%) in preferred 10-inch length with nicely shaped ankle. Sizes full and half, 9 on up. Olympic White. Also featuring WOOL KNEE SOCKS "IVY" STRETCH in a beautiful array of colors at 2.00 pr. As Advertised in Seventeen and Mademoiselle BARNARD'S Campu4 Cajui/4 1111 So. University Phone NO 3-2605 Then one day came a phone call from an intelligent sopho- more named Tom O'Shanter at a nearby men's college. "Blos- som," said Tom, "I want you to come down next week for the barley festival, and I won't take no for an answer." "No," said Blossom. "Foolish girl," said Tom gently. "I,'know why you refuse me. It is because you are poor, isn't it?" "Yes," said Blossom. "I will send you a railroad ticket," said Tom. "Also a hard- boiled egg in case you get hungry on the train." "But I have nothing to wear," said Blossom. Tom replied, "I will send you one suit of cashmere, two gowns of lace, three slacks of velvet, four shoes of calf, five socks of nylon, and a partridge in a pear tree." "That is most kind," said Blossom, "but I fear I cannot dance and enjoy myself while back home my poor lame brother Tiny Tim lies abed." "Send him to Mayo Brothers and put it on my tab," said Tom. "You are terribly decent," said Blossom, "but I cannot come to your party because all the other girls at the party will be from rich, distinguished families, and my father is but a humble woodcutter." "I will buy him Yosemite," said Tomn. "You have a great heart," said Blossom. "Hold the phone while I ask our wise and kindly old Dean of Women whether it is proper for me to accept all these gifts." She went forthwith and asked the Dean of Women, and the An IMPORTANT DISPLAY of LEITZ, RESEARCH MICROSCOPE -- & PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT Shown by MR. GEORGE BROWN Tom.-h i ,i R.anracor tntivo i 11