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November 12, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-12

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esota. .

16 \ Purdu

e" . . . . 7 OS .
. .. .6 Indiana

Iowa .... 9 |MSU

. . . .
. . . .

16 Wisconsin . .. 29 Tennessee . . . 10 Notre Dame
7 Northwestern 10 Georgia Tech 6 Pittsburgh.

N 'qON-
See Page 4

fl~e iha

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



McRae, Raimey
Spark Michigan
Raeder Romps as Bump Tops Pete
In Second Battle Between Brothers
Associate Sports Editor
CHAMPAIGN-Michigan's touchdown twins, Dave Raimey
and Bennie McRae, with an assist from reserve fullback Paul
Raeder paced the Wolverines to a 38-6 rout over Illinois, be-
fore 40,179 Dad's Day fans here yesterday.
Raimey touched off the rout early in the first quarter
by returning an Illinois punt 54 yds. to paydirt the first time
the Wolverines touched the ball. Raeder punched over from
the Illinois seven midway in

--Daily-James Keson
STANDING ROOM ONLY-The Diag Peace Assembly yesterday drew this crowd of more than
500 students to listen to faculty members speak on aspects of peace and disarmament.
Peace Asse-mbly Draws' 500;
Teleg set225 Siers
e lramS Get1ne




A telegram to be sent to Presi-
dent John V. Kennedy and Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
protesting atomic bomb tests drew,
about 225 signatures at the Veter-
an's. Day assembly yesterday on
the Diag.
Some 300 persons signed a peti-
tion urging the establishment of a
University course -dealing with the
problems of peace at the peace
assembly sponsored by' various
housing units, campus organiza-
tions and individuals at the Uni-
versity, which drew about 500
people to the Diag.
The gathering heard speeches

To Create
India Center
The federal government an-
nounced Thursday that the Uni-
versity has joined with eight other
American universities to set up a
,technological institute in India.
Contracts will be presented to
the Regents for their approval at
either their December or January
meeting, but no federal grant is
Ambassador to New Delhi John,
Kenneth Galbraith. told Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru that
the participating schools hope the
institute will become "one of the
great technological centers of the
Honor To Teach
Vice-President William E. Stir-
ton, director of the Dearborn Cen-
ter, a top man on the United'
States Educational Consortium
that is coordinating the planning,
says, that he would like to see it
be more of an honor to teach at
this India institute than it .is at
the Massachusetts Institute of
Galbraith commented that the
institute's purpose would be to get
"the very best scientific and engi-
neering talent to go to India.",
Key faculty members" are to be
provided " by the nine American
colleges and universities who com-
pose the Educational Consortium.
These instructors would help set
up the curriculum, develop re-
Search and advise on the procure-
ment of equipment.
"Nothing quite like ;this has
ever been done before," Galbraith
pointed out P
Private Project
Apparently, the project will be
almost entirely a private under-

by Professors Kenneth E. Boulding
of the economics department, J.
David Singer of the Mental Health
Research Institute and Arnold S.
Kaufman of the philosophy de-
'We Are Afraid'
Discussing the imminence of war,
Prof. Boulding said "most of us
are gathered here today because
we are afraid-and it's nothing to
be ashamed of when there is a real
The danger is the end of a world
of security and prosperity, he said.
The world situation is governed
by the hand of fate reaching into
a box containing one black ball,
representing disaster,,among many
white balls, and these are leaking
out, Prof. Boulding asserted.
Two Tasks
Presently, there are two tasks.
First, to stuff the box with white
balls to lower the chances of dis-
aster, and then to get the black
ball out through "general and
complete disarmament."
America is following a policy of
deterrence, not national defense,
but this system is not stable, mak-
ing the question "Where do I
stand?" crucial, Prof. Boulding
Circulating in the crowd was an
individual displaying placards with
"This is Veteran's Day. How many
agree with this? You have a choice
to-. stand up like a man or live on
your knees like slaves." Another
sign said, "For those who'd rather
be Red than Dead you couldn't
have chosen a better way."
Civil Defense
Prof. Singer spoke on nuclear
testing and civil defense, "two
critical foreign, policy decisions
facing the United States and Rus-

"If our policy is victory in the
war, then there are strategic and
tactical advantages to atmospheric
testing," he explained. "But any-
one who believes that one side will
be victorious has his head in the
Commenting on civil defense,
Singer said that a shelter program
is more advantageous to the side
that strikes first. "Shelters would
be useful because retaliation by
the other side would be delivered
by a badly crippled force and
quite a bit after the first attack
was launched."
"Given the high degree of ten-
sion and fear between nations to-
day, if we go in for an intensive
civil defense program we increase
the suspicion of the Russians that
we will strike first," he said.
Verbal Fallout
To improve the quality and ex-
tent of public discussion on these
relevant. problems the articulate
atmosphere must be rid of "verbal
fallout," Prof. Kaufman explained.
He also said that individuals
should not bow to "a sense of
powerlessne'ss," and that "it is
vital to do whatever would rein.
force reasonable action." He em-
phasized that if nothing is done,
nothing will happen.
Rayburn Called
Close to Death,
BONHAM, Tex. UP) - House
Speaker Sam Rayburn's doctor
said yesterday that "Mr. Sam is
critical" and he said death could
be "hours to days" away.
Rayburn, 79, is suffering from
widespread cancer.

the second quarter to give the
Wolverines a 14-0 halftime
lead and then blasted 14 yds.
in the fourth period to lead
the Michigan point parade.
Boots Field Goal
In between, Doug Bickle, who
converted after all five Michigan
scores, booted a 25-yd. field goal
and Quarterback Dave Glinka
passed seven yds. to captain
George Mans for another touch-
down. Sophomore halfback Har-
vey Chapman capped. the rout
with a 10-yd. burst over right
tackle in the fourth quarter.
The victory gave Michigan
Coach Bump Elliott a perfect rec-
ord in his three appearances at
Memorial Stadium. It upped his
margin over brother Pete. Illinois
coach, to 2-0. Bump's first Wol-
verine team whipped the Illini,
20-15, here two years ago and
then last year, in Pete's first year
as Illinois coach, the Wolverines
prevailed 8-7, in Ann Arbor.
First Appearance, '47
Bump's first appearance here in
Memorial Stadium came in 1947
when he led Michigan to a 14-7
Yesterday it was all Michigan
after the toss of the coin, which
Mans lost for the seventh con-
secutive week. The Wolverines
piled up an awesome total of 309
yards rushing against the Illini's
meager 55.
Only four times in the entire
game was Illinois able to pene-
trate Michigan territory and one
of them came on a fourth quarter
fumble that led to their only
score. The deepest Illinois was
able to move in the first half was
to the Wolverine 42, but that
thrust wound up at midfield.
Outcharged Illini
The hedvier Michigan line out-
charged the Illini forwards from
the start, forcing a punt with
the game less than two minutes
old. Raimey gathered in the kick
on the Wolverine 46, faked to his
left, cut back to his right, and
romped down the sidelines behind
vicious blocking to score prac-
tically untouched. The time was
1:50. ,
Stymied on their second drive
by a. bobbled handoff at the Il-

Accuse Tito
Of Using Aid
Against West
subcommittee published last night
a charge that Yugoslavia's Mar-
shal Tito is using United States
foreign aid to finance an anti-
Western campaign among neutral
"If the past is any indication,"
Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Miss),
-the Internal Security Subcommit-
tee chairman said, "we have no
assurance that the .130 Sabre Jet
airplanes sold by the United States
to Yugoslavia will not be passed on
to some non-aligned nation to the
advantage of international Com-
"Much of the money and ma-
terials we give Tito," Eastland con-
tinued,_ "winds up in so-called
'neutral' countries. He is doing his
part in a worldwide Red campaign
toward these countries."
Eastland's statement accompan-
ied release of a 387-page study
prepared for the subcommittee by
Dr. Charles Zalar, identified by the
subcommittee as a Yugoslav diplo-
mat now associated with the Li-
brary of Congress.
Zalar rejects the theory that
Yugoslavia can-be won to the
West, asserting that in case of
war, it is only reasonable to expect
Tito would fight on the side of the
Speakers T ell
How Negroes
Face Problems
Speakers last night agreed that
the problem of race relations today
lies in people's abandoning. for-
mal discriminatory laws while they
continue to segregate.
Representatives of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, Congress of
Racial Equality, and the Urban
League last night spoke on "How
the Negroes Are Approaching
Their Problems" in a forum held
by the.Ann Arbor Baha'i Com-
Prof. Talayco of the Romance
Language department, a repres-
tative of CORE, suggested that the
problem touches all of us. "Only
one race exists. There is only
the human race, a race against ig-
norance and fear," Prof. Talayco
Ann Arbor NAACP representa-
tive Prof. Albert H. Wheeler of
the Medical School cited the or-
ganization's one goal as elimina-
tion of racial discrimination and
"Two challenges musthbe faced
in realizing this goal," he added.
"A method for ending white big-
otry must be found, and the in-

RAIMEY AROUND END-Michigan halfback Dave Raimey -on an end run in yesterday's fo
game against Illinois. Michigan had no trouble defeating the Illini, 38-6.

AlphaEpsin Phi Takes Prize
Alpha Epsilon Phi won first
place in Hillelzapoppin with their
skit, Sewer in Helm," last night.
The performance was the story
of a small nation, Helm, which
is concerned with its lack of world
prestige. We don't even have
atomic piles," the citizens moan.
In their quest for power, the na-
tion sends its intelligence agents
to the world's leading nations to
:a} find the secret of domination.
Delta Phi Epsilon and Phi Sigma
Sigma tied for second place. The
Delta Phi Epsilon skit, "Youth
# ttodWants to Know," told to dilemma
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