S1irgau Batty Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN s - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS -Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH." Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Private Bias: Public Business REPUBLICANS: A Helluva Way To Run a Bandwagon FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Council. Vote Shows Campus Power Balance THE OUTCOME"of the Student Government Council election shows an interesting dis- tribution of political power among the various campus interest groups and leaves considerable uncertainty as to what constituents may expect In the way of action from the new Council. From the lineup of winners, it is clear that Interfraternity Council scored a rousing suc- cess in electing its favorite brothers. Steven Stockmeyer, Thomas eBrown, Richard Nohl and John Vos were all IFC-backed candidates. The only IFC loser was Fred Riecker, who ran and lost in two previous elections. Richard G'Sell, the last candidate elected, did not have expressed IFC backing, but he is a fraternity man and was helped consider- ably by redistributed ballots from IFC can- didates. It is not clear whether the fraternity can- didates win because they have the whole sys- tem solidly behind them in the first place or because they have explicit IFC backing. The two factors are inextricable and it is very likely that the solidarity of the system would have sufficed to elect the fraternity candidates even if IFC had not taken a stand. Several houses refused to let the brothers have dinner if they could not produce a punched identification card-undoubtedly a powerful factoras it has been proved repeatedly that hunger is one of the most potent political weapons known to man.i THE ELECTION of top candidates Stock- meyer, Nohl and Vos, was probably less a result of fraternity support than the victory of Brown. Although widely endorsed by dif- ferent groups, the essence of Stockmeyer and Nohl's appeal is their ability to establish rap- port with any given audience. Both are good extempore speakers, par- ticularly Stockmeyer. Both have an unexcited, moderate approach to the issues which sooths the apprehensions of conservatives who are afraid the Council will go off the deep end in its consideration of "off-campus" issues, swithout shatterin the hopes of liberals who are anxious to hive such issues considered. ]OS' ELECTION came as no surprise, but demonstrated what a good knowledge of the art of campaigning caA do for a new- comer n campus. Vos, in addition to the support he received from his fraternity and the backing of ,WFC (which got him votes from fraternities which otherwise would not have known him at all), picked up consider- able support from the same uncommitted group which supported Stockmeyer and Nohl. He did this by virtue of being able to be all things to all factions and documented his sincerity with his voting record. G'Sell, the only engineering student running for SGC was assisted by a special eltion of the Michigan Technic which proclaimed that it was about time the engineering students were represented on the Council. This tactic picked up a tremendous vote in East Quad- rangle which combined with a low ranking on the winning IFC ballots, and sufficed to elect him. SUPPORT for the Voice candidates is much more difficult to pinpoint, since it cannot be attributed to any definite type of housing or school. On the whole, the Voice vote is in- dependent, but it does not come from the quads in substantial amount. Voice party itself numbers between 50 and 100 nominal members who can be counted on to "sit tight and vote right" (i.e. left) al- though they do not do much active campaign- ing. In addition, a nebulous group of "liberals" associated with such activities as Challenge, Americans Committed to World Responsibility, the Folklore Society and The Daily who know each other fairly well, although they are not formally organized, are very effective at stirring up the "latent liberalism" in acquaint- ances. This group is markedly non-affiliate, but is otherwise very diverse. Its strongest support comes from the apartment-league-co-op set with notable backing in the women's resi- dence halls. In recent elections, Voice has also received a surprising degree of support, though generally tacit and expressed only on the ballot, of sorority members. IT IS QUITE APPARENT that the election was not decided on issues. The final result is largely a function of which group can get out the largest vote. The fraternities, with a good head start in sheer numerical strength, were also aided by better organization. It is important to notice, however, that all the major issues discussed during the cam- Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor paign were raised by Voice. By coming out with a concrete platform, Voice forced all the other candidates into a defensive position which most of them maintained throughout the campaign. The biggest issue was whether the Council should discuss the so - called "off - campus" issues-the most cited examples being the telegrams to Attorney General Robert Ken- nedy and Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett regarding violence following attempts at Negro voter registration in the South. WHAT VOICE had in mind by off-campus issues was something much more exten- sive, as anyone who really listened to Robert Ross realired. Voice expounded a concept of the student which, although it has been ex- pressed by earlier SGC candidates, has never been put so succinctly and forcefully and has never before been so essential to the entire platform. The Voice platform rests on the basic as- sumption that the student must "make him- self and his education relevant to the world" and from this premise all the other issues stem naturally. Voice supporters knew that they were voting for off-campus issues. They were also voting for a deadline on the sub- mission of sorority and fraternity member- ship clauses and a complete overhauling of the campus judiciary system. FRATERNITY BACKERS on the whole were voting against the "wild-eyed radicals" as much as for brothers and the system. There was no real question of a fraternity cause, since even the IFC candidates agreed on the necessity of eliminating bias clauses and most of them, including Stockmeyer and Noh, came out publicly for a time limit if they are not submitted in a reasonable period of time. There are now three Voice candidates on the Council plus Daily Editor John Roberts, who can be counted a member of their camp when it comes time to vote, and Bea Nemlaha and Susan Stillerman who have supported the liberal stand during several recent Council controversies. This, along with support from other ran- dom members on various issues, is generally enough to give the liberals a majority on actions such as preventing censorship of The Daily, although it does not provide them with enough of a majority to pass legislation like Brian Glick's proposal for more public execu- tive sessions. THE NEXT FEW Council sessions should prove an interesting revelation about sev- eral of the candidates who, up to the elections, really said nothing more than that they thought SGC should consider on-campus is- sues before off-campus issues and that what the Council needed most was some friendly communication with the student body and faculty. Whether they are really pro anything re- mains to be seen, particularly in the case of Vos. Vos has been at a disadvantage from the beginning because he is new to campus and because he joined the Council too late to consider any issue on grounds other than its probable effect on his election. He has made liberals think he is a liberal, and conservatives think he is a conservative. Perhaps he has not done this deliberately- in which case, now that the pressure is off for a year, it is time for him to hop off the fence and into the fray. THE ISSUES which should prove most con- troversial in the coming weeks will be executive sessions and off-campus issues. A motion by Vos is now in effect which says that the Council may report out of executive session motions, amendments, recorded ab- stentions and roll-call votes by majority vote. The same applies to criteria used to appoint students to posts the Council must fill. Vos' motion was a substitution for one by Brian Glick which had said the Council must report out after every executive session. IF STOCKMEYER and G'Sell were sincere in their pleas for greater Council-campus con- tact, they should also be in sympathy with reporting out executive session procedings. If this is the case, the Council could con- ceivably pass a motion similar to Glick's original proposal, but this would necessitate at least three votes from the "uncommitted" stockpile. There will probably be lough going on any strong off-campus proposals. But some de- cisive action will probably be taken by the beginning of December if all the membership clauses are not submitted to Vice-President Lewis. THE LOSS of Kenneth McEldowney will be a sharp blow to the liberal cause, but since the two most vocal Voice candidates made such a strong showing, it can hardly be in- terpreted as a "mandate from the people" to To the Editor: IN AN EDITORIAL on the Ann Arbor Human Relations Com- mission Mr. Harrah says the fol- lowing: "Certainly a city does not have the right to interfere in the renting of an apartment or dwell- ing, just because the landlord does not want to have a Negro tenant. Certainly that is the landlord's perogative, however unfair and unjust it may be." This statement is a masterpiece of misrepresentation of the facts. The question is not that "some landlord just does not want to have a Negro tenant," while an- other landlord maybe does not want to have a baldheaded tenant. We are not dealing here with the personal whims of some particular landlords. But we are rather faced with a well organized conspiracy to keep Negroes out of decent neighborhoods. In fact, this conspiracy does not confine itself to discrimination in housing. The Negro encounters re- strictions in practically every field of life, whether it be in restau- rants, in hotels, or in resorts, in some parts of the country even in all recreational activities-and most important in jobs thus se- verely restricting his economic op- portunities. This anti-Negro con- spiracy is being carried out with efficiency and ruthlessness and, if necessary, even with physical bru- tality, lawlessness, and defiance of the courts. To break up and completely eliminate this criminal conspiracy is not merely the right but the very duty of government. It should be apparent to everyone that the days of the suppression of the colored races are numbered the world over. The question is no longer whether discrimination will end, but rather whether the per- petrators of this archaic way of life have enough sense to yield gracefully. -Ernest G. Fontheim Radiation Laboratory NAACP Duty.. . To the Editor: IN MR. HARRAH'S editorials concerning the local NAACP, chief claim is that the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission ought not to exist. His attack on the local chapter is, by his own admission, dependent on this claim; for he admits "if the HRC's delegated purpose is proper" then the NAACP's complaints are well- taken. He impugns the Ann Arbor City Council's sincerity and good faith saying that "one suspects" that the Commission's ineffectiveness "was not unplanned or unhoped for by the City Council." As the Council was "never too keen on the idea . .. in the first place." No doubt he is aware that the Council which originally estab- lished the Commission was dif- ferently composed than the present Council, and was presided over by Prof. Samuel Eldersveld, then Mayor of Ann Arbor. ** * WHAT ARE Mr. Harrah's argu- ments against the HRC? He claims that the Commission has the power to "harass citizens and taxpayers." So has the police department, but only for cause. Everything depends on the pur- poses for which the power to act is vested in a public agency, and the protections afforded indivi- duals in the exercise of those powers. Addressing himself to the scope and nature of the Commission's powers, Mr. Harrah has these musings to offer. First, he deplores the Commission's power to inter- fere in the sale and rental of housing. For any citizen "must hazard the danger that a prospec- tie landlord will notcare to rent to him-for no concrete reason." Then he suggests that "racial feel- ings cannot be legislated." Finally he suggests that a governmental body should serve the entire con- stituency. * * * WHETHER or not racial feelings can be affected by legislation need not be debated. That discrimina- tory actions can be affected is certain. The question is whether they should be affected. I do not know precisely what Mr. Harrah means by "serve the entire constituency," but the Com- mission is at least no worse off in this regard than the city or state welfare department or traffic de- partment, or health department. Not everyone is always in need of welfare, better roads, or medical aid, but anyone might be in need, and some will never need it. Is Mr. Harrah suggesting that every governmental agency which does not serve every person equal- ly all the time ought to be abol- ished? If not, where does one draw the line. To bar a person from buying or renting a home, to bar him from schools or churches or employ- ment or bus terminals, not "for no concrete reason," but for the very concrete reason that his skin is brown .or black or yellow, is to treat him contemptuously; to treat him like a thing and not a human being. That is, and always will be, the ultimate grounds of public concern in this area. No man should be required to hazard discrimination on the basis of such considerations if there are reasonable and effective ways to prevent such behavior. Unfortunately, the Human Re- lations Commission, far from hav- ing such powers of interference, have virtually no powers-which makes Mr. Harrah's harangue all the more puzzling. * s r MR. HARRAH'S final argument is that the Human Relations Com- mission has become an open for- um for the miost part of the Negro population in the city. Mr. Harrah does not deny that there is in Ann Arbor a wide- spread pattern of segregation in housing, of consequent, though less complete, segregation in edu- cation; of discrimination in em- ployment. Why then should public funds not be spent to give Negroes affected by such action an oppor- tunity to air their grievances, to voice their legislative demands, to insist that the agencies estab- lished to deal with these problems live up to the spirit as well as the letter of their meager powers? Why does he deny to those so often treated like mere things the basic right of protest before a pub- lic agency specially constituted to deal with the problems that arise because certain portions of the 10- cal populace systematically, and in gross ways, refuse to treat oth- ers with the decency and respect to which any human being is en- titled? Does Mr. Harrah really believe that the public's concern with the problem of racial discrimination should be no greater than it should be with the prevention of cruelty to animals? AS FOR THE sincerity and his- torical effectiveness of the local chapter of the NAACP, these are matters which Mr. Harrah is ob- viously ill-equipped to judge. He picks one sentence uttered on one evening, quotes it out of all pos- sible contexts, draws illegitimate inferences from it not only about the person who uttered the re- mark, but about the organization of which he is a member. This at- tack is unfair and unjust. It would be as if, having over- heard some remark made by Mr. Harrah in circumstances concern- ing which one had minimal knowl- edge, one inferred that he has all sorts of unattractive qualities and then to impute each to the Daily in a radio broadcast. To do that would surely be to treat the Daily in a contemptuously disrespectful and unfair way. -Prof. Arnold S. Kaufman, NAACP Executive Board Freshman Women.. .. To the Editor: AFTER SIX WEEKS of being subjected to the unique wo- men's rules for freshmen, I am glad to see an overt plea for fresh- men women's rights. Judith Op- penheim's brilliantly worded edi- torial which appeared last Satur- day has been outspokenly praised by the freshmen women in Stock- well Hall. We freshmen continu- ally discuss our comparative lack of freedom and privacy, and we as yet cannot sanction the vague, faulty logic that is presented as the basis for freshmen regula- tions. Very few upperclass women, however, show concern for the plight of the freshmen. Could they have forgotten so quickly that they once were not allowed in men's apartments, and that they could not signout until twelve o'clock on any week night? These same upperclass women control the main centers of wo- men's expressed opinion and au- thority, namely the uncommunica- tive Assembly Dormitory Council and the even more obscure, to freshmen women that is, Women's Senate. I asked a few of the offi- cers of ADC if they planned to discuss the abolishment of the freshmen apartment rule, and they told me that ADC was not pres- ently and 'most likely would not in the future discuss this problem; the Regents, they said, would never approve the ruling anyhow. If this is an example of the apathetic attitude upperclass wo- men hold towards freshmen wo- men and their rights as mature students of this university, then we freshmen are faced with a titanic task even to assert formally our complaints, much less obtain positive action. We freshmen wo- men need the interest and support of upperclassmen, and I thank Judith Oppenheim and The Daily for this editorial. -Diane Kewley,'65 Algeria... To the Editor: W EDNESDAY, NOV. 1, was the anniversary of the beginning of the struggle for Algerian in- dependence. It has been seven years since the fighting began. In that time atrocities which shocked the world were committed by a nation which should have learned better after her experience with the Gestapo. But the real problem lies before Algeria. Her people are tired, poor, anxious for an end to their strug- gles. Her students are spread throughout the world.hA good many are in Tunisia; these stu- dents are poorly dressed, poorly fed, miserably housed. They are refugees of a war that should be over. One of the greatest tragedies that we at the University are responsible for is our total lack of interest and awareness in the Algerian struggle. Wednesday passed without comment, or sup- port. What remains is but little, but we can still do something. THE INTERNATIONAL Student Conference in which the United States National Student Associa- tion participates has circulated coupon books all around the world. For 25 cents students can contri- bute to a fund for Algerian refugee students.AThe African Students and the Arab Club will be selling these at the International Fair at the Michigan Union on Nov. 16 and 11. There is more, much more that can be done. We must understand that our foreign policy must change if we are to maintain the friendship of the North African nations whom we now forsake in favor of France. And once we understand that, we must act on our common commitment to a new foreign policy. For too long Ameri- can students have neglected their responsibilities; their nation is embarked on a disastrous policy that helps the cause of colonialism in North Africa. We must work for an-end to this, and in doing so help the achievement of Algerian independence.f -Peter Signorelli, '63 -Robert Ross, '63 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Staff Writer THE REPUBLICAN PARTY should learn a few lessons from its debacle at the polls in the past few weeks, but judging from the past there is reason to doubt it. Four things should be apparent: Republicans must present a unique philosophical image. It takes more than non-partisan glamour can- didates to win, campaigning goes on all the time (not-just 30 days before an election) and there is no substitute for truly partisan politics. These four factors go into win- ning elections and the GOP hasn't practiced them with any vigor since the days of Calvin Coolidge -and they haven't won many elec- tions since then either. * 4* * FIRST THING, they must ere- ate an image of the Republican Party that is different from that of the Democrats. As things stand right now their candidates cam- paign on platforms just like their Democratic opponents, only not quite so liberal. Their stands are based on Democratic principles-- increased governmental control and watered down welfare-statism. In short, they give the voters no choice. One can little blame them for picking the most liberal of two liberals. After all,. if you're going to capsize the canoe, you might just as well go all the way. If this is indeed the path the GOP wishes to pursue, then it better get over on the left side of the Democratic Party, and be far more liberal than their op- ponents. * . * SECOND, they must remember that the people are no longer electing Dwight Eisenhower. They are voting now for, say, James Mitchell. Eisenhower was an Il- lustrious war general; Mitchell was an affable but colorless sec- retary of labor. Eisenhower would not be running New Jersey; Mit- chell would. Mitchell's opponent, Richard Hughes campaigned for the jot, of New Jersey's governor, with little help from President Ken- nedy; Mitchell campaigneci as a former secretary of labor beloved by Ike. It's little wonder that New Jersey voters selected the man most interested in running New Jersey. THIRD, .Republicans tend to Irag out the old election machinery just before the deadline. In many, many vital places, no party or- ganization actually exists between campaigns. No local workers keep in touch with the voters, persuading them, informing them. Especially in a time of Democratic control, this is extremely necessary for reten- tion of party loyalty. *M * * MOST IMPORTANT, Republi- cans must remember that before all else they are Republicans- and proud of it. When they are in power there should be abso- lutely no political excuse for ap- pointing a Democrat to any post, no matter how inconsequential. One might say "what if the Democrat is the best man for the job." It is quite hard to believe that, in a party as large of the GOP, there is not someone emi- nently qualified to hold every available office. And what's more, appointing a Democrat simply denies that job to a loyal Republican, who won't work so hard to win next election. * * * SOMEHOW, GOP strategists have been duped into thinking that partisan politics are dis- tasteful to the public, so they employ them as little as possible, while the Democrats rightly ex- ploit them to the fullest. President Eisenhower himself was the worst offender. During his eight years in office, he had little use for partisan politics. He avoid- ed such dirty business assiduously. He was just as likely to appoint a Democrat as a Republican. It sounds hollow for Ike to be worried about the GOP now, when he can do little to help. He didn't care a hoot for eight long years, when he could have done some- thing. Javits, Rockefeller, and Mitchell must be whipped into line right along with Gold Water, Bridges, and Tower. Party leaders must decide in which direction the GOP is going. Then dissenters can shut up or get out. * * * SOMEWHERE along the way, the Republicans have lost the con- cept of partisan politics. There should be no doubt in any Repub- lican's mind that philosophy con- trary to his own is unqualified to influence the government. Else why do we bother with political philosophy at all? And this brings Us around the circle again. If there is no such thing as the Republican point of view, how can it be expressed? If it is but a muddied version of the Democrats' program, no won- der voters make the clearer choice. Republicans must start handling politics on a fulltime basis for Republicans only. Then and only then will the people look on the GOP as a real political party, and not just a hitch-hiker on Demo- cratic coattails. * * * LAST WEEK'S Democratic vic- tories prove nothing except that Republicans weren't too clever. Perhaps If they went back to the rugged individualism, coupled with hard - hitting, fiercely partisan politics that elected Teddy Roose- velt-they might emerge 'as some- thing unique and definite. As things stand now the Repub- lican Party is nothing in particular to everyone- in general-that isn't very inspiring. 'I A x AT THE STATE: Fanny -Scenery Lo Dullness "FANNY," starring loveable old Maurice Chevalier, loveable old Charles Boyer and loveable young Leslie Caron, is a sometimes amusing and sometimes monotonous story of life in Marseilles. Miss Caron and Horst Buchholz portray the young lovers, but the venerable Chevalier winds up marrying Fanny as Horst fulfills his lifelong desire to sail the seven seas. Fanny is promptly blessed with a son, which naturally gives rise to the kind of situation in which Hollywood revels. "Fanny" is a picture without a villain, without a meaningful plot and, unfortunately, without much excitement. Boyer and Che- valier take turns pulling nonchalantly at the viewer's heart-strings while Miss Caron does her best to make an appealing figure of a character who is given little substance by the script. Mr. Buchholz has a nice smile and would undoubtedly have been a popular sailor had he stayed out at sea. The film's good moments, although much too widely spaced, do offer some entertainment. Chevalier is given a meaty opportunity for characterization as Fanny's ancient husband, and makes a pretty good thing of it. Boyer, as the blustering father of Fanny's beau, is also effective in spots, and Leslie is easy to look at if not too much more. *. * * * EVEN A HIGHLY professional cast can offer only a limited amount of interest if not supported by an adequate story line, how- ever, and for interminable periods the movie skips merrily along :° -Daily-Archie ader PREVIEW: Bach Orchestration Premieres Tonight . S. BACH'S "The Art of the Fugue" is the last major work the composer wrote. It is a collection of fugues and canons unified by theemployment of a single subject or theme. Because of the extraordinary skill and variety of contrapuntal writing found in the work, it is regarded as the ultimate model of counterpoint. However, because Bach wrote it in open score with no indication of performance medium, "The Art of the Fugue" has not been uni- versally accepted as music to be performed. Tonight at 8:30 in Hill Aud., the University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Hans T. David, will attempt to prove that it is a delight to the listener, as well as the student of counterpoint. * * * * THE PERFORMANCE will reveal Prof. David not only as a conductor, but also as a scholar and orchestrator. The original publication of the score did not appear until after Bach's death. The individual fugues and canons were in an order which did not likely follow the composer's intentions. Following overall principles of organization found in other large-scale works of Bach, Prof. David has arranged the fugues and canons into a symmetric unity. The orchestra tonight will not sound lush and romantic. In his orchestration, Prof. David has followed Bach's own practice by a - 11 ,Au..,.fac,.,+-a+, ofr ty twnnthere isa : chaniUP f