See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Ia it1
Partly cloudy,
with southwest winds
bservers xect Radical hift in Soviet
IFC Group
Asks Policy
For Women
Sets Committee
To Frame Motion
The Interfraternity Council Ex-
ecutive Committee last night ap-
proved in principle self-determi-
nation of individual fraternities on
policies regarding women visitors.
The group set up a. committee
to study the implications of such
a policy and to present a motion
to the Fraternity Presidents' As-
sembly next Thursday. It would
then have to be approved by the
Dean of Men's Office and the Sub-
committee on Discipline.
Patterned within the time limi-
tations of the recent Inter-Quad-
rangle Council motion that would
allow women in the men's resi-
dence halls from noon until one-
half hour before that night's per-
mission, the yet-to-be-determined
aspects of the move include:
List Aspects
1) Whether women will be al-
lowed outside of the communal
areas of houses into men's rooms.
2) Whether freshmen women
will be included in the change.
3) If the new policy would de-
stroy the basic rationalizations
behind registration of parties and
the requirement for chaperones.
4) Specific means of implemen-
tation through administrative
Actual Situation
IFC President Robert Peterson,
'62, said that a revised policy
would "recognize the actual situa-
- Present regulations allow women
only at registered social functions
or. at fraternities that have a
Gordon Elicker, '62, said that he
could see "no reasons other than
a paternalistic attitude" behind
the University restrictions.
Last Year
Assistant to the Dean of Men in
change of fraternities Lou Rice
noted that last year, when the
rules governing women in men's
apartments were changed, several
IFC officials then expressed the
opinion that fraternities would not
desire similar action.
However, Peterson indicated that
"All a new regulation would do is
allow each house to decide if they
want women guests and if so,
when and where."
Goldberg Reports
Assistance Plan
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary,
of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg said
yesterday the John F. Kennedy,
Administration is developing an
"adjustment assistance" program
to help workers thrown out of
lobs because of competition from;
Begin Study on Fraternities
A class in survey research has begun work on a study aimed
at comparing and integrating various attitudes toward fraternitiesr
Prof. Angus Campbell, Director of the Survey Research Center and
teacher of the class, said yesterday.
The survey, originally suggested and partially financed by In-
terfraternity Council, will be based on 1075 questionnaires sent
,out by mail to randomly selected "}Y: V.
Reds Outline
New Position
On Germany
USSR Considers
E bli ~
Williams Sets Warning
On Policy of Apartheid
Sees Boom
A nationally known economist
predicted continued economic re-
-covery for 1962 although this
would not take the form of a
super-boom with greatly increased
government expenditures and in-
creases in equipment outlay.
Gerhard Colm, chief economist
for the National Planning Associa-
tion, told an audience of econo-
mists at the University's Annual
Conference on the Economic Out-
look that "there seems to be gen-
eral agreement that the momen-
tum of the recovery will carry
through 1962."
Colm's prediction was based on'
an expected increase in the outlay'
for plant equipment and increased
consumer spending.
1961 Recovery
The 1961 recovery was supported
by stepped-up government defense
and non - defense expenditures,
Colm said. These, in turn, were
"reinforced by the swing from
inventory liquidation to inventory
accumulation plus a moderate in-
crease in consumer expenditures,
and producer's equipment."
The president's choice of a short-
run government expenditure pro-
gram indicated his belief that an
appeal to Congress for an emer-
gency expenditure program and
tax cuts might hurt chances of
later Congressional approval of.
long-range programs in national
defense, space exploration, and
other areas.
Colm said "the question is raised
whether the short - run policies
adopted presumably for tactical
reasons may not bring about an-
other recession in 1963 and there-
by come into outright conflict with
the strategic objectives of a con-
tinuing rise in economic growth."
Foresee Balance
Both Colm and some members
of the President's official family.
foresaw a balanced budget in 1963
unless there was a very large
increase in military expenditures.
However, Colm expressed the fear
that the President may be forcedl
to submit a balanced budged under1
circumstances where this might
not be possible. "This in turn
might have serious consequences1
for the rate of growth and for3
achieving the tasks which the na-
tion has undertaken. I
undergraduate men last night.
The class, Sociology 511, select-
ed this survey from those plans
submitted by groups or organiza-
tions desiring such a project in
one area or another.
First Study
Prof. Campbell noted that this
is "the first serious inquiry on
attitudes toward fraternities" with
which he is familiar.
IFC President Robert Peterson,
'62, said that the areas to be
covered by the survey were deter-
mined through cooperation be-
tween IFC and the class.
He added that the project had
to be considerably narrowed from
what IFC had originally wanted,
dut to limitations of time and
Two Parts
The questionnaire is divided into
two parts, the first dealing with
personal background and the sec-
ond with attitudes toward fra-
Specifically, the first part in-
quires into such background ques-
tions as whether the subject comes
from a small town or big city,
whether either of his parents was
an affiliate, whether he is a fra-
ternity member, where he is pres-
ently living, whether he has
friends in fraternities and in what
activities he participates.
Bias Clauses
The second inquires into feelings
toward vias clauses, whether he
thinks that fraternities raise or
lower the intellectual and moral
level of the campus, what charac-
teristics he attributes more to
fraternity men than to other male
students and whether he thinks
fraternities will increase or de-
crease in importance in the next
20 years.
U.S., Britain
Oppose Plan'
United States and Britain yester-
day opposed an African proposal
that the United Nations declare
Africa a denuclearized neutral
Despite Western opposition the
UN's main political committee ap-
peared certain to approve both
the African proposal and an Asian-
African move to sound out UN
members on calling an interna-
tional conference to ban use of
nuclear weapons for war.
Both have strong Asian-African
and complee Soviet bloc support.
..heads study
SGC: -
'New Council
Starts Work
Nominations of new officers
headed a full slate of business at
a special meeting of Student Gov-
ernment Council yesterday.
The meeting was held to seat
the six newly-elected members of
the Council, Thomas Brown, '63,
Richard G'Sell, '64E, Sharon Jef-
frey, '63, Robert Ross, '63, Steven
Stockmeyer, '63, and John Vos,
Richard Nohl, '62BAd, was the
only nominee for the post of coun-
cil president which he presently
holds. Per Hanson, '62, was nomi-
nated for the position of executive
vice-president, but did not accept.
No one else was nominated for this
Other Nominations
Vos and G'Sell were nominated
for the position of administrative
vice-president and Miss Jeffrey
and Brown were nominees for the
treasurer's post. Nominations may
still be accepted until Wednesday.
In other action the Council
tabled a motion introduced by for-
mer Council member David Croys-
dale, '63, which would have limited
expressions of student opinion and
Council discussions to topics other
than national or international is-
SGC moved to invite Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis to discuss his powers to veto
Council action on the grounds that
it is "unreasonable."
Postpone Report
Discussion of women's confiden-
tial reports was postponed until
a qualified member of the Office
of the Dean of Women could be
found to discuss the reports with
the Council.
Also, Miss Jeffrey was appointed
to the Steering Committee for the
Conference on the University.
Former council member Arthur
Rosenbaum, '62, was selected to
attend the Citizens Committee for
the United Nations conference in
New York along with Nohl and
Betsy Carroll.
IQC Delays
Radio Station
final Decision
The Inter - Quadrangle Council,
last night again postponed final;
vote on the motion which would
"relinquish and dissolve all legal,j
financial, and political authority"
over radio station WCBN.
In other action, the council1
approved by unanimous voice vote1
a proposal to "allow graduate and
transfer students who have not
lived in residence halls" to become
associate members of the quad-1
A report was also introduced
from the committee which has
been studying the policy concern-;
ing women's visiting privileges in
Esta using Pact
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Associated
Press bureau chief in Moscow,
Preston Grover, a foreign corres-
pondent for more than 20 years and
observer of the political scenes on
four continents, reports in the fol-
lowing dispatch details on Eas1-
West dealings that could take the
heat off Berlin. His dispatch was
sent to the United States via Lon-
don starting at 1:30 a.m. today,
Moscow Standard Time.)
Associated Press Staff Writer
MOSCOW-A radical change in
Soviet policy aimed at promoting
a settlement of the Berlin and
German questions was reported in
authoritative circles yesterday.
The new position has been con-
veyed to the three Western al-
lies and to West Germany. It was
reported here as follows:
The Soviet government is pre-
pared to work out an advance
agreement with the West on a
new status for West Berlin guar-
anteeing both its freedom and
freedom of access to it from the
West. When this agreement is
worked out satisfactorily, an ar-
rangement should be made to re-
spect East German sovereignty.
Final Step
Only as a final step would con-
clusion of a peace treaty be taken
An outline of the new position
appears to fall into a four-part
consecutive schedule:
1) The four occupying powers
should reach an agreement on a
new status for West Berlin which
guarantees the freedom of its in-
habitants and the freedom of com-
munication between West Berlin
and the West.
Separate Agreement
2) A separate agreement should
be reached between East Germany
and the Soviet Union by which
East Germany would undertake to
respect the new status of Berlin
and accept the guarantees con-
tained in it covering freedom of
people and of communication.
3) The Western powers should
agree to respect the sovereignty
of East Germany, and West Ger-
many should specifically accept
this agreement.
4) Finally a peace treaty should
be worked out with Germany.
Eastman Says
Final Exams
Aid Learning
Prof. Arthur Eastman of thei
English department gave his views
on final exams at an opening
meeting of the literary college
steering committee.
"Exams should be used as a
learning device, a means of prod-
ding the student into applyingf
himself to his material," Prof.
Eastman said.'
The final exam, he said, is a set
date toward which the student
prepares. It is the last exam he
takes and shows the improvement
and integration the student has
Exams, he said, are not for ad-
ministrative records, but for the
purpose of aiding the student and
instructor in the learning process.
The exam period and the whole
credit hour system are unsatisfac-
tory at present because they often
defeat the ideals of integration
and balance between independence
and discipline.
Within the framework of the
present system, he suggested that
exams be rescheduled to utilize the
full exam period and to emphasize
the latter part of the week rather1
than the first few days. In this wayE
students would have more time to
study before exams.
The open meeting was called by
the steering committee to find out
student and faculty reaction to a]
letter sent by the committee to the
executive committee of the literary.
school proposing alternatives to+
the present final exam system. 1
" To Africa, U-N,
-Daily-Ed Langs
ON CAMPUS--Assistant Secretary of State G. Mennen Williams
explains African problems to a University student. In speeches
last night he condemned apartheid and asked more U.S. aid to
Secretary Warnsof Drift
By A frica to Soviet Bloc,
The threat of foreign control of their economy will drive the
African nations in the direction of the Soviet bloc.
That was the evaluation of, the challenge to America in Africa
by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs G. Mennen
Williams, as he spoke to the Conference on Economic Outlook last
night in the Michigan Union. "Once government has taken control
of a specific sector of the econ-
Cites Three
Major Needs
Of Africans
Says U.S. To Support
Freedom, Growth
Of Emerging Nations
Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs G. Mennen Wil-
liams yesterday declared that the
United States "will say to the
South Africans, the United Na-
tions and the world," that this
nation will do all it can to end
Williams termed apartheid "a
virus which poisons all of Africa.'
He said that "we must vigor-
ously dissociate ourselves with
apartheid." He warned that if this
strict policy of white supremacy
continues, it will soon result in
a "cataclysm" on the African con-
To Oppose
However, the United States
would probably continue to op-
pose economic sanctions against
South Africa in the United Na-
tions, he said, because it felt oth-
er methods would be more direct
and effective.
The African's desire for dignity
and equality was one of three ma-
jor needs that Williams described
See Related Story, Page 3
to the Conference on Economic
Outlook and to residents of Wen-
ley House.
He said the other two primary
African goals are for independence
from colonial powers and socio-
economic development.
U.S. Respected
The Secretary said the United
States was respected in Africa for
its tradition of freedom, but we
are often distrusted by new nations
because of our affiliation with
colonial powers.
He also cited American hopes
that negotiations between French
President Charles de Gaulle and
the FLN will result in Algerian
independence, plus protection of
minority rights in Algeria,
Portugal's Determination
He said the situation in An-
gola is aggravated by Portugal's
determination to keep the colony,
and he cautioned against demand-
ing immediate Angol'an independ-
He said that the , population
must first be educated, for An-
gola would be left in a chaos
"worse than the Congo."
omy, the possibility of transfer to
private hands is small," he said.
"But as African leaders fear
foreign domination, they tend to-
ward government operation of
necessary industries."
He said that Africans are too im-
patient for progress to follow any
"go-slow-and-learn" policy, and
so they turn to the Communist
claims of experience in govern-
ment-controlled industry, to avoid
foreign intrusion.
Williams cited four ways that
America could help the emerging
nations of Africa, without imping-
ing on their autonomy:
1) "Give the African govern-
ments control in growth and plan-
ning their progress.
2) "Encourage local private en-
terprise by h:,pmg set up devetop-
ment banks for small loans to
business-and agriculture.
3) "Encourage the co-operative
movement, which would be of
great value to African agricul-
tural needs today.
4) "As American businessmen
increasingly interest themselves in
Africa, they can convey the spirit
of lively competition that is so
typical of our country, but a
rarity in Africa."
Dean Gives
In noting why Assistant Dean of
Women Catherina Bergeon could
not discuss women's non-academic
evaluations at the Student Gov-
ernment Council meeting yester-
day, Richard Nohl, '62BAd, presi-
dent of SGC, said she had tendered
her resignation from _the Univer-
Mrs. Bergeon was asked to at-
tend the special SGC meeting
which seated the new members
and speak on the Women's Confi-
dential Evaluations. When she was
approached by Nohl she had
already talked to council members
about the evaluation.
"She felt she couldn't express
the views of the Office of the Dean
of Women because it is in a period
of transition and she tenders her
resignation," Nohl said.
Mrs. Bergeon has held the posi-
tion of assistant dean in charge
of women's residence hall person-
To Issue Business Quarterly
Four abstracts on business prob-
lems will be featured in the first
issue of the Bureau of Industrial
Relations "Management of Per-
sonnel Quarterly" which makes
its debut today.
The magazine features four ar-
ticles by industrial relations ex-
perts on various phases of man-
agement. This is the first issue
of a quarterly magazine which
will reprint speechs given at the
BIR Personnel Management Sem-
inars and other selections of in-
terest to the business community.
"Our objective in this publica-
tion is to bridge the world of the
academician and the industrialist,
the theorist and the practitioner,"
Albert Schroeder III, managing
editor said in the forward.
Cites Need
In the articles the extreme need
for personal leadership in the busi-
ness world is outlined by Prof.
servative influence of the set roles
in the organization on the execu-
tive, influencing him to make re-
quired and obvious change, but
no more. The modern executive
goes no further because some-.
thing radically different is a risk
to his position and power poten-
tial, he says.
The use of group responsibility
as a dodge for thinking and lead-
ing is also reprimanded. Group in-
Group Seeks
Council Seat
The Graduate Student Council
asked for an ex-officio seat on
the Student Government Council
to represent graduate students at
its' meeting last night and ,man-
dated its officers to set up a com-
mittee to study the matter.
fluence further circumscribed the
creative power of the individual,
and makes him more conservative,
Prof. Jennings points out.
Prof. Jennings also deplores the
cult of the "limited offensive"
which requires an individual to
steer clear of engaging causes and
to be pleasant and calming at all
Bureaucracy's Role
It is difficult for the typical
executive, enfogged by bureau-
cracy, to see or gain a sense of
mission, which would allow hij
to seek creativity and see the or-
ganization in context, Prof. Jen-
nings explains.
The executive has a habit of
escaping from thinking by being
busy or in conference every min-
ute of the day. In addition, he
abstracts himself from reality by
"discussion" and dwelling on in-
tuition, hunchs and latest research
statistics, he said.
East Quadrangle Gets Visitor
The visiting regulations have
not been changed, but the staff
is "very. good about that sort of
thing," Louis R. Jacoby, '62, of
East Quadrangle said.
Jacoby, president of Greene
House, was not referring to the
policy concerning University wom-
en, but rather the regulation pro-
hibiting pets in the rooms of
quadrangle residents. His guests:
two boa constrictors.
Originally residents of British
Honduras, the pets were flown to
Ann Arbor "just for a visit,"
Jacoby said. Resident Advisor for
Green House, Brian C. Elmer, said
that visit hrd the prior approval