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See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a il
Partly cloudy and
warmer through Friday
VOL. LXXII, No. 46
Africans Ra U.S.
For Angola Policy...
UNITED NATIONS (P)-African nations leveled a strong attack,
today on United States policy in Angola.'
They centered their fire on alleged use of United States, arms by
Portuguese troops against rebels in the big African territory. d
Delegates from Liberia, Mali, Ghana and Guinea expressed dis-
satisfaction with a United States statement in the Assembly's Trustee-
ship Committee that the allegations were unwarraned.
Thomas Weeks of Liberia said his counry had expected the Unitedt
States to express regret "that United States arms were being diverted
Nohl, Ross, Vos
Gain Full Term
Jeffrey, Brown Also Win as 5860
Cast Ballots; G'Sell Gets Half-Yea
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, with 1,186 first place ballots, I
the three can "idates elected to Student Government Coun
on the first ballot last night.
Council President Richard Nohl, '62BAd, with 867 fir
place votes and Robert Ross, '63, with 762, also captur
Council seats on the first count. 5,860 ballots were cast
which 49 were declared invalid.
The second ballot assured SGC seats toJohn Vos, '63, w
totaled 955 first and second place ballots and Sharon JeffrE
200 ..i+1, ?71 7+ vin c.-n^
-Daily-Jerome Starr
THE BEGINNING-A counter picks up a ballot in the first step of the SGC election counting process.
This was followed by sorting the ballots into piles of first place preferences. The votes were then
counted, the quota established and the candidates meeting the quota being declared elected. Further
distribution of second and third place choices filled the remaining seats.
NYC, ennsy Resolve Merger
NEW YORK ()-The Pennsyl-
vania and New York Central Rail-
roads resolved anew yesterday to
combine into the world's mightiest
rail system.
The two giant carriers, both
facing deficits for 1961, said their
aim was financial retrenchment to
ward off the threat of a slide into
government ownership.
A previous effort to merge hit
the rocks in January, 1959, and
the new try seemed destined to
run into serious obstacles.
Joint Announcement
The agreement was announced
jointly by James M. Symes, Pennsy
chairman, and Alfred E. Perlman,
president of the Central, following
Con-Con Hears Criticism
Of Court Elective System
LANSING (P)-Constitutional convention committees heard the
Supreme Court elective system criticized and the state Legislature de-
fended yesterday by two expert witnesses.
Criticism of the manner in which Supreme Court elections are
conducted came from Justice Eugene Black, who testified before a
committee studying the judicial branch of state government.
The Legislature was defended by Circuit Judge Creighton R.
Coleman, a former Republican senator from Battle Creek, who spoke
to a committee handling legisla-
ive organization.
Worst System Note 456 Homes
Black, one of the five Demo- urned b Fire
crats on the high court, said Mich-
igan has the worst system in the LOS ANGELES P) - The latest
United States for naming justices, check of street addresses shows
EHe declared:d at least 456 homes have been de-
"There is no use trying to de- stroyed in the three-day-old fire
odorize, by talk or double talk, outbreak in the Santa Monica,
the impression the public is be- mountains, authorities said last
ginning inexorably to have of our night.
partisan-nominated court. This
can be done only by constitutional
action because, as we know from
20 years of experience, the Legis-R ubin S
lature will not act."
Open Election
Black urged that the justices be
picked in the open, by open per- By MICHAEL OLINICK
sonal primaries and open personal A young man named in congres-
election, rather than by political sional committee testimony as the
party conventions, national youth director of the
Coleman, in defending the Leg-XAmericanyoudirtprtyf the
islature, said the body was a "nat- edtr Communinparty pa
ural whipping post that cannot night on a nationwide tour to or-
sea hik with a unified voice." ;
coordinated meetings of their re-
spective boards in Philadelphia
and New York.
They said competitive conditions
had "worsened appreciably" since
the earlier, ill-fated merger at-
tempt was launched, and that
"time . . is running out."
The 1958 studies pointed to
possible savings of $100 million a
year through increase efficiencies
and elimination of extensive du-
plication in trackage, yards, ter-
minals and other facilities.
Statement Vows
The Symes-Perlman statement
vowed formulation of a concrete
proposal "as rapidly as possible,"
and to present it promptly to the
interstate commerce commission,
federal rail regulatory agency.
There was no attempt to spell'
out terms, or even to indicate
broadly what they might be. The
railroad heads, unaccessible yes-
terday, said they would throw
more light on the complex subject
in a new conference later on, prob-
ably in about two weeks.
Their move to join hands might
affect several other pending mer-
ger plans involving eastern lines,
but it was not immediately clear
whether for the better or worse.
A Pennsy-Central merger would
yield a huge new system with $5.5
billion in assets; 20,000 miles of
track and annual revenues of
about $1.7 billion.
UN Approves
Of Ban Talks
United Nations General Assembly
last night gave overwhelming ap-
proval to a United States-British
proposal calling for an immediate
resumption of East-West negotia-
tions on a treaty banning nuclear
bomb tests.
The action was vigorously op-
posed by the Soviet Union which
asserted in advance that such
talks will never take place.
The vote in the 103-nation As-
sembly was 71-11 with 15 abstain-
ing. Only the 10 Soviet bloc coun-
tries and Cuba voted against the
Housing Units
To Participate
In Peace. Vigil
Eighteen new housing units and
organizations have signed up to
participate in the peace assembly
Saturday afternoon on the Diag,
Mark Chessler, Grad., announced
The groups include Delta Sigma
Phi, Tau Epsilon Phi, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, and Phi Delta Theta fra-
ternities; Alpha Chi Omega soror-
ity; Mary Markley, Jordan and
Mosher Halls; Little and Hunt
Houses of Markley; Yost League
House, Yost Annex; Stevens Co-
operative House, Brandies Coop-
erative House, Young Republicans,
Young Democrats, American
Friends and the War Resistance
The Americans Committed to
World Responsibility will set up
a booth at which students may
petition the University to teach a
course on peace and disarmament.
to the massacre of the people of
Angola." He added:
"All we ask is that the NATO
powers, including the United
States, take steps so that NATO
supplies and ammunition do not
reach Angola."
jHe supported demands of Ghana
and Guinea that the United States
announce publicly that it intends
to prevent United States arms
from reaching Portuguese troops
in Angola.
Soviets Join
In other United Nations bodies
the Soviet Union joined in attack-
ing United States policy on racial
and colonial -issues of special con-
cern to African nations. It ap-
peared part of a Soviet strategy to
pin a colonial label on the United
States, and to knock down in
advance countercharges that the
Soviet Union is guilty of installing
its own brand of colonialism on
Eastern Europe.
Jonathan B. Bingham, the
United States delegate, described
as unsubstantiated and unwar-
ranted- Soviet' bloc charges that
military equipment supplied by
the United States to Portugal as a
member of NATO is being diverted
to Angola.
No Apologies
But he also told the trusteeship
committee the United States "has
no apologies to make for the fact
we are engaged with our allies in
NATO in a common defense effort,
which is made necessary by danger
of Soviet aggression in Europe."
He said that the United States is
"unequivocally opposed to the use
of United States-supplied equip-
ment in Africa, and has so advised
the government of Portugal."
Council To Seat
Members Today
The new Student Government
Council members will be seated
as the first order of business at
a.special Council meeting at 4 p.m.
today. Seating of the members
will be followed by a regular busi-
ness meeting.
Of Fertility.
Religion has the greatest effect
of any factor on fertility, Prof.
Charles Westoff of New York Uni-
versity explained at a sociology
colloquium yesterday in discussing
his recent study of "Religion, So-
cial Class, and Fertility."
The study is a re-interviewing of
participants in a 1957 survey, all
of whom were couples who had
had their second child in Septem-
ber of that year and lived in the
largest metropolitan cities in the
United States.
The second survey, which com-
pared the predictions and desired
fertility against actual child bear-
ing, found th'at 46 per cent had no
additional pregnancies, 42 per cent
had one, and 12 per cent had two.
The highest correlation between
desired child bearing and actual
births was in the Catholics, who
wanted and had more children
and the lowest in the Jews, who
wanted less but found chance
working against them.
The effectiveness of contracep-
tive practices in determining fam-
ily size is a function of desire,
Prof. Westoff explained. After the
desired size of the family is
reached, no matter what form of
contraceptive is being used, it will
increase in its effect.
The increased number of chil-
dren in active Catholic marriages
is related to secular education,
with the greatest difference in the
college educated males. Of those
who went to a Catholic college, 65
per cent had two additional preg-
nancies and 14 per cent of those
who went to non-secular schools
had the same fertility rate.
discusses fertility
'63, with 713. It was noT unci
the eighth ballot that Thomas
Brown, '63, reaching 841. votes
and Richard G'Sell, '64E, with
725 won the remaining two,
positions, thus filling all sev-
en Council posts.
All the new members will serve
one year terms except G'Sell who
won a one semester seat.
Ballots were totalled in the
Michigan Union 'ballroom with,
Council Executive Vice-President
Per Hanson, '62, in charge.
Use Hare System
The Hare system, which was
used to count votes, provides that'
a candidate, to be elected on the
first ballot, must have a sum of
first place votes equal to the to-
tal number of ballots cast divided
by one more than the number of
seats to be filled.
The quota for the first ballot
was 725. Election on the .second
ballot required 713. No other can-
didate was elected until the eighth
ballot when the quota had drop-
ped to 660.,
If a candidate exceeds the quota,
as Stockmeyer, Nohl and Ross did
on the first ballot, his extra votes
are taken at random and redis-
tributed to the second choice
marked on the ballots.
Throughout the counting the
lowest candidate is repeatedly
dropped and his ballots redistrib-
uted until some one has accumu-
lated enough votes to reach the
quota. The quotas drop as more
void ballots (incomplete listing of
candidate preference) turned up.
Drop Candidates
The last candidate left was Ken-
neth McEldowney, '62, with an
eighth ballot total of 540 votes.
Fred Riecker '63, dropped out
after the seventh3ballot with 409
votes, Stanley Lubin, '63, after
the sixth with 279.
Joseph Feldman, with 144 votes,
was a casualty of the fifth ballot
and the fourth ballot resulted in
the dropping of Lindy Limburg,
'62, with 127 votes. Richard Magi-
doff, '63, with a total of 105 votes,
was dropped after the third ballot.
Quotas Drop
After the second ballot, which
elected Vos and Miss Jeffrey, the
quotas dropped- successively to 708,
767, 702, 697 and 680.
Two incumbents, Nohl and Vos,
were returned to the Council. Mc-
Eldowney, elected last spring to a
one - semester term, failed to.
achieve re-election. Nohl was
al oItnSixth Place,
In Elections
The 5,811 Student Governmei
Council ballots counted last nigl
mark an upturn in campus votir
totals, although this vote was on:
the sixth highest in thirteen SG
The largest vote in a Counc
election was cast in Novembe
1955, when a total of 7,120 stu
dents wen to the polls. Followin
that election, totals generally dE
clined, reaching a low of 3,052 .
the March 1960 contest. Since the
the trend has been upwards,
evidenced by last night's tally.
A total vote of 1,186 for til
top candidate, Steven Stockmeye
'63, was the third largest total ft
one candidate in SGC history.)I
the November, 1958 SGC electio
Maynard Goldman, '59, was swej
in on a write-in vote totallii
In write-ins, Robert Farrell, '6
running on- a platform of A
archy, easily outdistanced oth
write-in hopefuls. Before he w
eliminated on the first ballot, Fa
rell had amassed a total of l
first-place votes.
One constituent indicated
fifteenth-place vote on the thi
teen-vote ballot for the Daily Sei
for Editorial Staff.
Conspicuously absent this yep
were write-ins for, the tradition
nonexistent SGC write-in cand
date, Ted Baum,
Brownell Asks
For Schools.
LANSING (P) - Samuel 1
Brownell, Detroit school superi:
tendent; called yesterday fi
constitutional safeguards again
"violent disruptions" in educatic
firu'ing Schnn distriets ne
eeks Left-Wing Youth Organization
committee that Rubin leads the
youth activities segment of do-
mestic Communist action. FBI Di-
rector J. Edgar Hoover cited him
as "most promising young Com-
munist" who had ordered the stu-,
dent demonstrations against the
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
"If I answer yes, I would be and what Rubin calls the distin-
liable to prosecution under the guishing characteristic - encour-
McCanran act for not registering aging the examination of Marx-
as a member of the party. If I ism.
were to register, I would face trial The biggest problem facing the
under the Smith Act, which makes nation's youth today is the fact
it a crime to be a member of an that we are at a "crossroads with
organization knowing its alleged recneet to demoeraev." the
School-believes that conserva-
tives are more organized and more
committed to their system of
thought than liberals.
Two Premises
Pointing particularly to the.
Young Americans for Freedom
csrh holy h - - -.einr 4 f hkni