THlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,191 gx Playbill Series To Present Shaw Comedy UGC Candidates Speak at Panhel Rally "Arms and the Man," a roman- tic comedy by George Bernard Shaw, will be presented at 8 p.m. today through Saturday, at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The second production in the University of Michigan Players Playbill series, "Arms and the Man" concerns war, revolution, love and realism, treated through humorous and somewhat pathetic characters. Major Petkoff, of the Bulgarian army of 1885, unable to advance because he has already achieved the highest possible rank, returns home from a war fought to free his country from the despotic Turks. Peace Treaty War is the ornament of his social class, and he would like to continue fighting, but, unfortun- ately, the peace treaty has been signed. Upon his return, Petkoff dis- covers that his daughter, Raina, has tIu s nUsi Wn oe avanUI at -Daily-Larry vanice the Health Service tomorrow from 8tto 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30 ROMANTIC COMEDY--The University of Michigan Players are p.m. Seventy-five hundred of rehearsing for the George Bernard, Shaw production of "Arms these shots have already been ad- and the Man," to be presented at '8 p.m. Wednesday through ministered. Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. DAILY OFFICIAL BLLTI The Daily Official Bulletin is an Application blanks are obtainable at Jackson, Mich.-Feb., June, &Aug. official publication of The Univer- the Office of the Alumnae Secretary, grads-Men-with degrees in any field sity of Michigan for which The Alumni , Memorial Hall or Alumnae for Insurance Sales inicluding territory Michigan Daily assumes no editorial Council, Michigan League, and should sales & sales promotion. Agencies in responsibility. Notices should be be filed by Nov. 27, 1961. Award will be all major cities in Mich. No citizenship sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to granted for use during the second se- limitations.' Room 3519 Administration Building mester of 1961-62, and will be an- U. S. Air Force (PM only)-Men & before 2 p.m., two days preceding nounced Dec. 15, 1961. Women with degree any field inter- publication. ested in careers on America's Aero- The Lucille B. Conger Scholarship space team. May qualify as commis- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1961 is offered to undergraduate women on sioned officers after 3 months at Offi- the basis of academic performance, oer Training School. Interviews at Bu- contribution to University life and fi- reau & Exhibit on ground floor of 1 nncial need; the stipend is variable. Mich. Union. GeneraL Notices ?plication forms are available in the Tues., Nov. 14 The University of Michigan Blood. Office of the Alumnae Secretary, Alum- U. S. Air Force-(See Monday) Bank Association, in cooperation with ni Memorial Hall, or. Alumnae Council Detroit Civil Service Commission, De-. the American Red Cross, will have its Office, Michigan League and must be trout, Mich."- Feb., June, & Aug. regular Blood Bank Clinic on Nov. 16. returned by Nov. 27, 1961.1Recipients grads for various municipal agencies in The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 will be announced by Dec. 15, 1961. Detroit. Men & Women-all degrees- a~mandfrom1:0 to :30p~mAnyfor positions in Personnel, Purchasing, full-time or part-time regularly em- All Election Cards must be completed Social Work, Statistics, Public Admin., ployed staff member of the University and returned to Mrs. Cramer-in Rm. etc., must be U.S. Citizen. interested in becoming a member or M4112 School of Nursing Bldg.(, before (Continued on Page 4) renewing his membership should con- Thurs., Nov. 9, 1961. Free Delivery Free Delivery Pizza delivered free in hot portable ovens. Real Italian food is our specialty. Cottage Inn 3-5902 Brown Jug 8-9819 512 E. Williams 1204 S. University Free Delivery Free Delivery U MASONIC AUDITORIUM DETROIT 1 NIGHT: SAT., NOV. 18 IN PERSON tian t~'ai and his. 71e4 Itusic ORCHESTRA OF 45 $2.00 $3.30 $4.40 Mail orders to 500 Temple, Detroit 1. Encl. Envelope. Al GirlWatcher's Guide Presented by Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes / IF d lej ' i( ,j0 of , The nudge is permitted when a beautiful girl is sighted in an unusual place or at an unusual time. lr @@@l3 Concerning self-control Although we 'believe that girl watching -has it all over stranger happens to have a pack of Pall Mall Famc bird watching, we feel that these two hobbies do share Cigarettes, and you're dying for a good, natural smok one important characteristic.They are both genteel.They you may break this rule.) Normally, the girl watche both respect the rights of the watched. A girl watcher pleasure -is warm, quiet and internal. However, the who asks a beautiful stranger for her name and phone are cases when a discovery is so dazzling it must number is like a bird watcher who steals eggs. (If the shared. Such a case is illustrated above. WHY RF AM AMATFIRA 1 11 cdi Mh1'c: