An Editorial..
SEVEN OUT OF 13 candidates will win Student Govern-
ment Council seats as a result of the election today and
tomorrow. After evaluating the candidates by means of a pub.
lic press conference, their platform statements and individual
interviews, we have divided them into four ranks. Within each
rank, the order is alphabetical.
We strongly recommend these three candidates:
Yl [ e
Sir i A ui
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
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Sharon Jeffrey
Robert Ross
Steven Stockmeyer
We recommend these three candidates, but with reserva.
Stanley Lubin
Kenneth McEldowney
Richard Nohl
These four candidates are poorly qualified for Council:
Thomas Brown
Richard Magidof f
Fred Riecker
John Vos
These three candidates are clearly unqualified:
Joseph Feldman
Richard G'Sell
Lindy Limburg.
. Y
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WE HAVE based our evaluation on five qualities we con.
sider necessary for a Council member, including: factual
knowledge; experience in student affairs; handling of present
issues and formulation of new ones; a broad and optimistic
interpretation of the Council's potential, and clarity and vigor
of expression.
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Grant May Bolster
Independent Study
Broader opportunities for independent study and research will
be accorded to outstanding undergraduate students beginning next
fall, Prof. Otto Graf, chairman of the literary college Honors
Council, indicated yesterday.
The Honors Council plans to submit requests for funds from
the Undergraduate Science. Education Program of the National
Science foundation to support the new projects in a variety of
disciplines. The mathematics department will get an early jump
.with a request that would cover
the summer of 1962, department
chairman, Prof. George E. Hay said
last night.
Advance Understanding
The NSF program is aimed at
"developing new and expanded
means for able undergraduates to
advance in their understanding of
science and in their ability to em-
ploy investigative procedures."
The government-sponsored plan
i went through an experimental
period last year, Prof. Graf ex-
plained, and is now being extended
and expanded to cover the math-
ematical, physical, medical and
biological sciences.
Opportunities will also be open
in anthropology, sociology, geo-
9 graphy, psychology, economics,
history and philosophy of science
as well as in such interdisciplinary
fields as biochemestry, geophysics,
statistics and meteorology.
Notes Trend
Workmen Raze
Red-Built Fence
BERLIN ()-'West Berlin polic
and East German border guard
engaged in a tear gas battle yes
terday as West Berlin workme
tore down a .300-yard Communist-
built wire fence along the border
The exchange started after th
workmien, accompanied by 12 Wes
Berlin policemen and a French
officer, refused the East German
guards' order to leave the fence
which was a foot inside Western
West Berlin police said the Eas
Germans then started throwing
tear gas grenades and brought up
two armored personnel Carier
and 60 border guards. Another 200
East German guards could be seen
in reserve.
Return Grenade Barrage
The West Berlin police returned
the hail of tear gas grenades, and
under the cover of the gas barrage
the workmen went about theiri
task. About 150 grenades were
thrown, an equal number by each
The wire fence had been put up
long before the Communists
erected asecond fence on their
side in building the barricade
through the divided city. At least
one East German was reported
caught between the two fences and
hauled back to the Communist
During the night a refugee
touched an alarm wire on the
East German border and set off
flares. He was fired at but man-
aged to get safely into the French
Flush Out Escapees
At Heinrich Heine Strasse, lead-
ing into the British sector, two
men were less lucky. They were
almost through the sewage sys-
tem into the West when they
were heard by East German guards
who flushed them out with tear
gas and arrested them.
But at Checkpoint Charlie, on
Friedrichstrasse - the scene of
East-West battles of nerves the
last two weeks-all was quiet.
American and Russian tanks lay
in encampments among bombed
out ruins less than a mile apart
on each side of the border
U.S. Actions
Draw Queries
From Allies
States has received inquiries from
its NATO allies asking what it was
trying to accomplish in its recent
show of force at the border be-
tween East and West Berlin.
United States officials, confrm-
ing this yesterday, at the same
time denied a report from Bonn
that some members of the NATO
alliance werealarmed and un-
happy about the United States
The officials said the report was
The incidents involved included
sending United States tanks to the
Friedrichstrasse checkpoint where
they faced Soviet tanks for 16
hours at only 200 yards distance.
On other occasions armed Ameri-
can military police entered East
Berlin to escort United States
personnel halted by the Commun-
ist East German police,
pUS To
e Candidates
- SUMM-4
S List Issues, Answer
Questions for WCBN
Student Government Council
candidates summed up their plat-
sfoirms and answered questions in .
sa 90 minute WCBN program Sun
day night.
Kenneth McEldowney, '62, said
the Voice party platform issue
with which he had been concern-
ed longest is non-academic eval-
uations of students. He said that
he and the other Voice candi-
dates will work for elimination of
all forms of these evaluations.
Council President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, said the greatest problem
he sees is the transition from leg-
rislative into positive action by the
Council. He believes implementa-
tion of the Council's three new
standing committees is in order
i to help bridge the gap between
the two forms of SGC action.
Stresses Prerequisites
Lindy Limburg, '62, stressed
three prerequisites for responsible MOMENT OF DECISION-Uni
Council action. First, she said, seats on Student Government C
there must be effective communi- eligible to vote.
cation with constituents'which be-
gins when they select SGC mem-
bers by voting. A
Next the Council must obtain
all necessary information before
voting on a subject. Then the
Council must act deliberately. By ROBERT FARRELL
Joseph Feldman, '64, said the
Council's primary objective should The University last year sacri-
be to focus its attention on areas ficed increases in services and
where it can take decisive'mean- operations to boost faculty sal-
ingful action. He suggested dis- aries, this eyear's financial report
crimination problems and changes shows.
in the residence hall structure as The eighty-odd pages of closely
issues needing consideration.
Views Discrimination eee
Sharon Jeffrey, '63, explained O fficial Cites
her view of the Voice stand onD
discrimination. 'She said bigotry e sr
exists within the University in on a'u ur
and off campus housing and in
scholarships. Of Radiation
Miss Jeffrey said a list must be
made public of landlords who dis-
criminate in renting apartments WASHINGTON (R) - It ,seems
and rooms to students and SGC quite certain that fallout from
should urge a boycott of them. 1 Russian nuclear testing will result
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, said the 'in damage to future generations,
} Council needs improved commu-H
nication between the constituents !the chief of the Public Health
and the administrative wing and Service's Division of Radiological
among Council members them- Health said yesterday.
Dr. Donald R. Chadwick ex-
sev. xlain-, plained that the genetic damage
SGC Sets
Nine Polls
versity students will cast ballots today and tomorrow to fill seven
Council. All registered students-identification card in hand-are
et Shows, Changes
... sees trend
Student Move
Gets- Support
From Hannah
Terming the move an "empty
victory," Michigan State Univer-
sity President John A. Hannah
said last night that he would back
MSU's student government "right
down the line" on its proposed
deadline for the removal of af-
filiate bias clauses.
The motion was passed by the
MSU Faculty Student Affairs
Committee last week, after ap-
proval last spring from Student
Congress. It will go before the
Board of Trustees Nov. 17.
It sets a September 1962 dead-
line for the removal of all bias,
clauses with the possibility of one
May Not Change
"The removal of these clauses
doesn't necessarily mean that once
it is out of the charters these
Rgroups will change their prac-
tices," he said.
The regulation only applies to
formal bias clauses although if
a chapter on the MSU campus
were suspended or interefered with
by the national for pledging some-
one because of his race or religion,
"we wouldn't stand for that here."
He called the action, "appropri-
ate for students if this is the way
they feel about it.
Must Obey Rules
"I think that these organiza-
tions must submit to University
regulations. They are University.
houses and in other matters such
Prof. Hay noted a trend in re-
cent years towards more inde-
pendent work on the part of un-
dergraduate students. "This pro-
gram is one step in this direction
and is a good one."
Participation in the program
will not be restricted to students
in the Honors Program, but those
interested in it must gain depart-
The NSF program does not at
present contain any provision for
academic credit, but this may be
worked out by each department.
The initial request will be for
a grant to cover a three year
Unchecked Fire
Scars Hollywood
LOS ANGELES (-) -Swirling
across the Hollywood hills, the
most destructive fire in Southern
California history raged uncheck-
ed last night through one of the
nation's plushest residential areas.
The blaze, fed by high winds,
heat and low humidity, destroyed
at least 186 homes,
.CSltil'41U LYa~l~l , v , a.+ +'+
ed Voice's stand on campus-wide
election of National Student As-
sociation Congress delegates.
See COUNCIL, Page 2
Quadrants Back
Three for Council
Quadrants, South Quadrangle's
honorary, endorsed three candi-
dates for Student Government
Council last night. The Quadrants
decided to support Richard G'Sell,
'64, SGC President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, and Steve Stockmeyer,
may vary all tne way from such
subtle things as shortening of the
life span, or .some form of minor
weakness or unfitness, to birth of
grotesque mutations.
It is the consensus of scientific
opinion that exposure to radiation
from fallout causes genetic
changes which run about 1,000 on
the harmful side to one on the
good side, he said.
There is no agreement, however,
on whether such exposure will
cause additional cases of leukemia
or other somatic changes.
He emphasized that fallout
radiation at recently recorded or
even higher levels will affect very
few people.
spaced columns of figures show the
last fiscal year's total budget up
from $100.7 million' to $109.2 mil-
lion, an increase of some eight
and one half per cent.
Salaries and wages in the in-
structions and research fields-
including those paid on sponsored
research contracts-were up from
$44.0 to 48.5 million, a 10 per
cent rise, 'one-and-one-half per
cent more than the overall in-
Hike Faculty Pay
Only $1.07 million of this $4.5
million hike was actually given as
increases to faculty members out
of the general funds of the Uni-
The remainder was either mon-
ey for additions to fringe benefits
(retirement and similar funds) or
came from contract research or
other restricted funds.
The general funds come essen-
tially from student fees and the
legislative appropriation, and were
up from $44.1 to $47.2 million.x
Research Leads Rise
On the income side, research
funds led the rise with an increase
from $25.4 million to $3005 mil-
Also major was the increase in
student fees due to the tuition
boost last fall-totals going from
$9.4 to $11.3 million, with out-of-
state fees rising from 54 to 55.5
per cent of the tuition fee income.
Almost all the schools and col-
leges differed notably from the
average budget rises.
Expenses Go Up
The literary college expenses
went up six per cent, led by in-
creases of more than 100 per cent
in the Near Eastern and{ Far
Eastern studies departments. The
Slavic languages and literatures
department-within which Rus-
sian studies are found-also rose
markedly (some 55 per cent).
The engineering college rose
some 11 per cent, the Medical
School 10. These units have the
second and third largest total bud-
gets in the schools and colleges.
The dentistry school had a rise
of eight per cent, almost equal to
the average.
The education school budget de-
creased some 16 per cent, pri-
marily due to losses in restricted
income from grants and such aid.
Set Speakers
Fnr A qrPmhl 'I
The architecture and design col-
lege and Law School each rose
only one per cent. Each of them
has a small total budget in com-
parison with the literary college
and medical school, the two larg-
est University units.
Rises between one-and-one-half
and five per cent were reported in
the music, natural resources, phar-
macy, public health and social
work schools.
The two largest rises, 12 and 13
per cent, respectively, were found
in the nursing and business ad-
ministration schools.
Student aid rose faster than
the total budget, going up 10 per
cent, while student loan totals
rose only one per cent.
Co urt Rejects
Censor ,Statute
preme Court yesterday let stand
a decision that Pennsylvania's
1959 movie censorship law is un-
The one-line order denying an
appeal, without comment, accept-
ed the Pennsylvania Supreme
Court's ruling that the statute
violates freedom of speech and
press and due process of law.
The Pennsylvania tribunal had
made a major point that such a
censorship law providing stiff
criminal penalties violated the
right of trial by jury.
For Voting
Only Two Incumbents
Compete in Contest
With T11 Candidates
Brisk winds and cloudy skies will
greet early voters opening the, two
day Student Government Council
elections today by casting their
ballots for candidates to fill the
seven vacant posts.
The 13 candidates are Thomas
Brown, '63, Joseph Feldman, '64,
Richard G'Sell, '62, Sharon Jef-
frey, '63 Lindy Limburg, '62, Stan-
ley Lubin, '63, Richard Magidoff,
'63, Kenneth McEldowney '62, (in-
cumbent), Council President Rich-
ard Nohl, '62BAd., Fred Riecker,
'63, Robert Ross, '63, Steven Stock-
meyer, '63 and John Vos, '63.
SGC Elections Director Barbara
Pearlman, '62, predicted that 5,000
votes "as a conservative estimate"
will be cast.
Set Up Polls
Polling places will be set up in
front of the Michigan Union, in
the Angell'Hall foyer, in the Fish-
bowl, in the middle of the Diag,
in front of the Michigan League,
by the tennis courts near the Wo-
men's Athletic Bldg., in front of
the Undergraduate' Library, in-
side the Engine Arch, in front,
of the business administration
school, and In front of South' and
East Quadrangles.
Polls will be open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. both today and tomor-
row. Ballots will be counted pub-
licly from 7:30 p.m. on tomorrow
evening in the Michigan Union
Ball Room.
Redistribute Ballots
Members will be elected accord-
ing to the Hare system. The total
number of valid votes cast is
divided by one more than the num-
ber of seats to be filled. The first
whole number larger than this
quotient is the number of first
place votes needed to be elected
on the first ballot.
Extra first place ballots for
candidates winning on, the first
ballot are then redistributed to
candidates listed as second place
on the winning ballots.
Votes of the lowest candidate
are redistributed and a new quota
is set. This continues, until all the
seats are filled.
Groups Back Candidates
Several campus groups have en-
dorsed various candidates. Inter-
fraternity Council has "backed
Brown, Nohl, Riecker, Stock-
meyer, and Vos. The Young bemo-
crats Club has endorsed the Voice
party candidates, Miss Jeffrey,
Magidoff, McEldowney and Ross.
The Young Republicans Club
backed Stockmeyer. The East Quad
Quadrants support Lubin, Jef-
ffey, Magidoff, McEldowney and
Ross and the West Quad Quad-
rants have backed Stockmeyer.
Gans Probes Corps, Southern Voter
By PAT GOLDEN on trial-the Corps is on trial.
Associate City Editor "Countries that need hundreds
Curtis Gans is a young man with of workers are only taking 30 or
an eye on two revolutions: the 40, because they want to see what
Peace Corps and the southern vot- happens before they make the big
er registration campaign. plunge," he explained.
He took a breather last weekend Voter Registration
from a speaking tour as a Peace A former United States Nation-
Corps field representative to talk al Student Association officer,
about the Corps' role in Ameri- Gans points to voter registration
can education and foreign policy, as the new focus of "the revolu-
"The Peace Corps is making us tion in the South."
respond to the exigencies of the Once the drive succeeds, there
modern world. A citizen today will be no place for the new body
up from within and cause change.
But the movement must expect to
lose itself after changing the so-
cial scene."
As national affairs vice-presi-
dent of USNSA in 1960, Gans was
instrumental in making the sit-
ins a national student issue. He
started the first nationwide fund
drive for the sit-ins, and assist-
ed with national support demon-
First National Focus
"That was the first national
fo f s A'~tude1nt action onla oar-