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November 05, 1961 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-05

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t 5, 1961





Fred (Ted).
Musket; Michigras, subcommit-
tee chairman; Member, Student
Activities Bldg. Administrative
Board; Committee chairman,
Junior Interfraternity Council;
Manager, Student Book Ex-
change; Chairman, IFC Frater-
nity Relations Committee.
There are a number of areas in
which Student Government Coun-
cil should improve its present
function. These are all areas inI


which I would support action if
elected to SOC.,
1) Greater contact between the
individual SGC member and the:
people or groups involved in SGC
action should take place. Certain-
ly greater contact between SGC
members and' fraternities during
the discussions about member-
ship selection could have created
better cooperation between the
two. As it was, many fraternities

calendar. This year round opera-
tion is coming up soon and it will
be necessary for SGC to play an
important role in seeing that ac-
tivities are not excluded from
the program.
4) SGC should make a better
effort to establish channels for
student grievances to be heard. If{

Elected member, SGC; Nation-
al Affairs vice.chairman, Mich-
igan Region, USNSA; Chairman,
Voice political party; Associate
' City Editor, Michigan Daily;
Residence hall government;
Young Democrats club; Sailing
Club; Political Issues club.
The central issue in this elec-
tion, as in the past, is the role
the student is to play in the Uni-
versity. The role should have as
its foundation the recognition that I
the student is not a subservient
being-one subject to the whims
of the administration, but an ad-
ult with clearly defined responsi-
bilities and rights.
The student must be willing to
investigate and make recommen-
dations that will allow him to
achieve and maintain such a role.
The following are my recommen-
1) Students should work direct-
ly and through their elected rep-
resentatives to insure that the
Office of Student Affairs study
Committee recognizes the role
that the student should play in
the University. To further this
goal the study committee should
recommend that paternalism be
sharply curtailed, formulate a stu-
dent bill of rights and recommend.
revisions of the judiciary proced-
2) Students should insure that
the lecture committee recommend
drastic revision of the Regents'I
bylaw restricting speakers on cam-
pus. Such a bylaw should only
contain two provisions-one, for-
bidding speakers from directly in-
citing action against our form of
government and two, placing the
I responsibility for the conduct of



did not know exactly what was thepofe offStude nt s
happening and there was a lack in the Office of Student Affairs
of cooperation between the frat- had been voiced earlier the prob-
ternities and SGC. SGC members lems would not be as great as they
must take the initiative to explain are today.
and discuss SGC actions with stu- Expand Facilities
dents and groups involved in 5) SGC should expand its re-
them. search facilities so that source
Administrative Operations material is readily available to
2) A second area where SGC SGC members and students on
needs to function is in investiga- past SGC and University action.
tion of administrative operations 6Y The present parking situa-
which affect students. The current tion on campus should be investi-
study committee on the Office of gated by SGC and reports pub-
Student Affairs is just' one area lished.
of investigation which should be. 7) SGC should attempt to re-
carefully looked into. The area vive the old lecture series which
of academic counseling should be brought a number of great per-
investigated. Many students com- sonalities to the campus..
ing to the University are not be- These are important areas in
ing given the right amount of which SGC should increase its
counseling. Academic counseling present functioning. SGC can doE
,ls very important to a student's a lot to correct campus problems
education and the present setup and help students. As the official
should be investigated as to its voice of the students at the Uni-
effectiveness. , versity it is the job of SGC to be
3) SGC must work closely with; sure to voice to the University
the University in making plans/ and the outside world the stu-
for the integration of campus ac- dents' opinion on the University's
tivities into the new full year educational system.

the speaker with the sponsoring
student organization.
3) Students should work to
sharply curtail non-academic
evaluations. The maturity of the
student should not be insulted by
secret evaluations, judgments as
to personal appearance, social
habits, and courtesy such as take
place, for example, within the
residence hall system.
4) Students should have a di-
rect role in the determining of
curricula and in formation of oth-
er policy that directly concerns
5) A judicial structure must be
set up which will clearly define
actions for which the student will
be held responsible. Such vague
and unfair charges as 'conduct
unbecoming a student' should be
eliminated. A student judiciary
must be established for. both men
and women that will guarantee
impartial, fair hearings without
direct or indirect interference by
members of the administration.
To achieve such goals it is
necessary for each student to
work for their ratification both as
an individual and by supporting
candidates for Student Govern-
ment Council with similar aims.

Dormitory house council; Sor-
ority house council; Freshman
Rendezvous counseling.
Government is as good and as re-
sponsible as those who are gov-
erned require it to be. You, the
students, elect your student gov-
ernment council and henceforth
abide by its decisions in all mat-
ters over which it has jurisdiction.
If the council is radical or con-
servative in nature, this nature is
your responsibility. If this body is
a cautious or impetuous body, if
it is tolerant or demanding, you
have given its members the power
to be so... and if your beliefs are
not representative. then you are
asking for trouble!
I have heard the opinion ex-
pressed by many of you that SGC's
actions are not truly representa-
tive of the attitudes of the student
body. If this is true, now is the
time to correct this.
I believe that SGC is well rec-
ognized as one of the most .auton-
omous student councils in our na-
tion. SGC is active. not only on
campus as an organizing and law-
making body, but also as the rep-
resentative of student philosophy
in off-campus issues.
Their actions and opinions in
off-campus affairs are construed
as those of the majority of our
student body, but I question
whether the attitudes represented
on the council are as heterogen-
eous as the diverse attitudes on
this campus.
I believe that SGC should be
representative of its constituents
and answerable to them. It should'
be bound to report its decisions,
delineated by votes cast and cri-
teriafor decision, in all open and

i - i ___. _. _. ...err..,. ,

Co-Chairman, Political Issues
Club; Chairman, University Af-
fairs Committee, Voice political
party; Scholarship chairman,
Stockwell Hall; Elections chair-
man, Voice; Congregationalist
and Disciples Guild; Challenge;
NAACP; Folklore Society.
SGC can justify its 'existence
on a university campus only if
it is willing and able to be a full
participant in the educational
The Council must be concerned
with the process of education at
the University and all issues re-
lating to the improvement of the
student situation. It must create
a student concern for local andt
national social and political con-
cerns, and mobilize and express
student opinion on these issues.<
Refuse Responsibility
. Unlike most other nations, thek
young people of this country arek
seldom heard in places of decis-
ion making. American studentsg
have consistently refused to ac-e
cept responsibility for their na-t
tion's destiny and direction. They
have, by their lack of- concern,
abdicated their rightful position.
The student population must re-f
assert its concern and competencet
to deal with important currentX
social and political issues.
Below are issues for which I
will work if elected:c
1) Membership selection - At
time limit should be instituted toY
insure organizations' complianceI
with the regents' by-law and stu-I
dent government regulations.
2) International students - We
have brought to our shores stu-z
dents from many lands. We havec
consistently given them a jaun-'
diced view of the American ideal
in action by refusing to extendc
even the most cursory concern andl
hospitality. A serious attemptl
must be made to integrate the
foreign student into the American w
University student community
without him losing his cultural
heritage. Fraternities and sorori-
ties, housing units, clubs, organi-
zations, and, above all, individual

Joseph D.
Active in disarmament and
peace groups; Member, Ameri-
can Civil Liberties Union; Fel.
low, American Mathematical So-
ciety, London Mathematical So-
ciety, Society mathematique de
France, Society mathematique
Suisse, Society Mathematique
Belgique; Film Producer; Mem-
ber, Museum of Modern Art;
Member, Harvard Cooperative

This is a time of flux, a time-of
change; an hour for reform in the
life of the Universty. It is a criti-
cal time, one demanding action,
requiring force, personality, flexi-
bility, versatility, and above all, in-
tellectual independence in campus
I ask that you judge me, judge
my candidacy, honestly, by the
soundness of my ideas and outlook
on campus politics and not by ad-
herence to one or 20 of the var-
ious -blocs and factions.
Judge me by my belief that the
Student Government Council has
a great and growing role in the af-,
fairs of this University, that it
has much work to do, that there
are hordes of great and minor

wrorggs, injustices and simple
nuisances to be conquered.
Examine Statements
Examine my opinions. Examine
the statements of all the current
candidates. It is by these words
that they mus$ succeed or fail.
And it is by virtue of approval of
the student body that the next
Council will sit empowered to dis-
cuss questions of significance to
the University.
One point is of utmost impor-
tance-like all governments, SGC
must set a clear definition to the
extent and limits of its powers. It
can only hurt itself by overstep-
ping its mandate, by pretending
to an authority it does not possess.
SGC is not chosen as a forum, a

-r .. . .. 71'

students must extend their friend-
ship and concern to these stu-
3) Student rights - I favor a
Students' Bill of Rights and a
Grievance Committee to which
students who feel their rights have
been violated could petition. The
bill of rights should clearly de-
scribe a philosophy of education
and educational practices consist-
ent with the aim of providing in-
dividual excellence-in a democrat-
ic society.
Full Citizens
Students must be considered as
full citizens and participants in
the educational community. Their
particular status and age should
in no way abrogate their rights.
Students must begin to show con-
cern for the form and content of
their own education, in the class-
room and in the community. A
Bill of Rights should include a de-
lineation- of "conduct unbecoming
a student."
4) Civil rights - I have just
returned from a trip to Atlanta,
Georgia and Jackson, Mississippi.
I believe it is essential that Uni-
versity students express their con-
cern for the situation of their fel-
low students and citizens in the
South. Student action on this is-
sue is critical and within the gen-
eral responsibilities of students
and SGC as outlined above. The
student cannot abstract himself
from the national community. He
must retain his responsibility as
a citizen.

'Set, To, Vie
for Posts,
Of the 13 candidates running in
the Student Government Council
election, seven will be elected in
the Tuesday and Wednesday bal-
The six candidates elected first
will serve one year terms and the
seventh will be a Council member
for one semester.
The Council Plan calls for 11
regularly elected members and
seven ex-officios who may not
hold office but otherwise have
full privileges on SGC.
The ex-officio members are the
presidents of the Michigan Union,
the Women's League, Panhellenic
Association, Assembly Association,
Interfraternity Council, Inter-
Quadrangle Council and the edi-
tor of The Daily.
The elected members are chos-
en by campus vote, six in the
fall and five in the spring for
full year terms. When a vacancy
occurs a new member is appoint-
ed by means of petition and in-
terview until the next election.
The extra vacancy being filled
in this election is theremaining
semester in the term of Roger
Seasonwein, Grad, who was elect-
ed to the Council for a full year
term last spring and resigned this
Leaving - the Council will be Ar-
thur Rosenbaum, '62, and James
Yost, '63, whose terms have ex-
pired and who are not running
for re-election.
Two other seats to be filled were
occupied by Philip Power and
Mary Wheeler, '65L, who resign-
ed from the Council in September
along with Seasonwein.
Miss Wheeler and Seasonwein
left the Council because of pres-
sure of graduate work. Power is
not on campus this semester.
The candidates were required to
file a petition signed by 250 Uni-
versity students along with a
statement of candidacy prior to

SGC Shows Progress Through the Yea

STUDENT LEGISLATURE-Forerunner to Student Government
Council, the Student Legislature was a much larger body than
SGC. It comprised members from ,all parts of the campus, but
did not have the same powers as SGC.

THE QUONSET HUT-Student Government Council headquarters wasn't always in the Student
Activities Bldg. Once upon a time it was located in one of the quonset huts that still stand on the
corner of East University and North University Streets. Later, when the SAB was completed, SGC's
base of operations was shifted to its present location. -

Awaiting Results


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