S:jg Aizignt &a,611 Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 here Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" "If You Can Keep Your Head When All About You Are Losing Theirs..." p 4 th. .4 One of the Best AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Berlin Philharmonic: Editorials printed in The Michigan Dail ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NOVEMBER 4, 1901 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINICK _ FreshIman Women Share Inalienable Right to Privacy RHAPS SOMEDAY we will hear an ex- planation of the unique mental infirmity ch makes a freshman girl incapable of nulating and following a personal code thics. erhaps someone will be able to define that ive catalyst inherent in the University at- phere which makes the sophomore ipso o a mature and responsible woman. r perhaps someday the administration will n its eyes and see that eighteen years of ily life may provide almost as sound a le- to action as a year's exposure to the ling code of values r of the University munity. 7T PROBABLY NOT. Freshmen women have always been denied the right to cross threshold of a boy's apartment and they n about to be denied privileges of visiting ns within the quads: is interesting to try ,to exact an answer n someone in authority as to just why hmen, who have usually been quite un- ricted during high school, are suddenly led into the harem on the hill and guarded ously lest they stray from the straight and ,onal into an apartment or quad.' ,ELL THE FRESHMEN- need time to learn the way we do things on campus so that y don't get the wrong idea." This is as as the polite discussion with the authority go and- the unspoken meaning is left vi- at in the air. s one of the best professors likes to put it, x rears its lovely tousled head." The "local ents" do all they can to see that the e-eyed fragile freshmen girls are not left ne for a moment in a situation that might w for any real physical intimacy with oy! t is useless to argue that students, (fresh- a or real people), will not have much 'iculty "violating our moral codes" if they Hot .Air IE NEW INTERSTATE Commerce Com- mission rules on bus and bus station de- regation are very nice. Now let's see them 'orced. Wednesday, officials in Georgia, Mississippi i Louisiana defied them-as yet, nothing has n done about it. CC Chairman Everett Hutchinson talks big. ugh; he has said repeatedly that federal rt action will be taken to enforce the rules. has even threatened criminal prosecution those resisting the regulations. ut it is time he did something. -R. FARRELL are really interested in doing so. This is not a legitimate argument and it is time it were dropped. THE DEFENDERS of the faith must realize that their efforts would be unjustified even if they were not in vain. They must realize that morality is a private issue and that they, by their narrow suspicions and militant vigilance, are offending the laws of decency far more than any of the moral culprits they seek to restrain. But the basic issue is more than a right to moral self-determination. There is such a thing as an inalienable human right to privacy which is systematically denied by the very nature of the University. Everyone needs privacy-and not just when he is planning to subvert the University's glowing moral code. People need to know that there is someplace where they can be absolutely alone-not alone on bench on the diag with people milling past, not alone in a dormitory lounge with house mothers wan- dering in and out checking to make sure all feet are n the floor and all hands on deck, not alone in the Arb with other students straying by-but alone in a place where they can close a door and be certain that no one will enter uninvited. It means that no one has a right to ask any questions about what you are doing or even to care. YOU DO NOT have to be doing anything immoral behind the door to want it closed. A closed door can provide a comfort and relief from tension that all students need, and fresh- men most of all. Everything, in the University is en masse. Eating or studying, going to class or buying books, the student never forgets for a moment that he is a bit player in a mob scene which runs on ad infinitum without a break. Where- ever you turn you are surrounded; from vacation to vacation there is no escape. THE CLOSING-HOUR tableaus in front of the dorms are a perennial source of hilar- ious satire. But viewed soberly, they are the most pathetic sight ,on campus. You can laugh at the tragic little twosomes, alone among 2,000 other people huddling de- fiantly together as house mothers and resident advisors, armed with clipboards and stop watches, count off the seconds to closing. But the laugh is one of desparation. ALLOWING WOMEN to visit men's rooms may be considered just "another dispen- sation" from the powers that be. But it is a long overdue recognition of a fundamental need-a need felt as poignantly by the fresh- man women as the most world-weary senior on campus. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM j . ., " y . _ - : ': z.., : ,,. ..... ELECTION AFTERMATH: Turkey: Forced Unanimity By GERALD STORCH Daily Staff Writer AFI'ER the closest parliamentary election in its history, and a subsequent coalition of its poli- tical parties, Turkey now is em- barking on a treacherous course, of mixing military authority with the structure of civilian demo- cracy. In fact, the current power in- stallation may end up with prac- tices similar to that of the Adnan Menderes regime it overthrew. MENDERES and his cohorts were uprooted by a military coup, preceded by student riots. Both were inspired mostly by the sup-! pression of civil rights and a transformation of democratic rule of law into a dictatorship. In order to provide a healthy transition back into a civilian democracy, the military junta as- sumed the reins of the govern- ment, promising to hold popular elections as soon as feasible. These elections, as promised, were held three weeks ago. * * * THERE ARE NO complaints about the election itself and the fairness of the balloting, but mere elections are no good if crucial campaign issues are muzzled. This was the case in Turkey. The New York Times reported on Oct. 12 that "in the interests of national security," criticism of the junta, comments about the trial of Men- deres and 14 of his compatriots (Menderes and two others were hanged) and favorable remarks about the Menderes regime were ruled out. At least 26 persons were arrest- ed for violations of the above, with one convicted for having referred to the Menderes years as a "Gold- en Age." After this sterling example of an open and free campaign, 90 per cent of the \ eligible voters LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Sympathy for Apathy In SGC Elections' Cr Cris Education By PHILIP SHERMAN, City Editor HERE ARE TODAY many indications that the old Western Civilization is in serious >uble. If this analysis is correct, it poses th a challenge and an opportunity for the estern world's educational system. There are several aspects to the crisis, which ems to become more apparent each year, and ich threatens to overwhelm the West. 'VERYWHERE, people are rising up, ap- propriating the West's productive tech.. ques and its growing technology. But the of mind, the intellectual and moral orien- tion that grew with the development of West- n technology, has not taken hold in the w nations. The Soviet Union and Red China have taken mmunism, initially a child of the West, mbined it with their Asiatic traditions and sated a new monster that may devour West- a civilization. "Mass man," the totalitarian personality of st-industrial society who submerges his in- viduality and seeks participation in faceless oups, emerged in several societies. His dom- ant numbers give him dangerous capacities. Nationalism has been causing deep conflict r a considerable amount of time, but now odern weapons give nations the ability to stroy the world through their wars. Ideological politics, and the use of morality an immoral propaganda weapon are serious, ,ngers. 'HIS IS THE CONTEXT of th halle t 'HIS I THE ONTEX of te chalenge t e- universities and the educational system the West. If we do not act quickly, we ay be put into the position of the monks the Dark Ages, attempting to preserve some odicum of learning in the pitch darkness.. Trhe ediucatinln system must accent and ought to be preserved. This refers more to a- legacy like Augustine's, and not to the most recent scientific developments, which are now almost mechanical and devoid of cultural significance. The universities ought to adopt in a much more conscious fashion preservation as their integrating principle. If there is a crisis, crisis measures must to taken. The sense of urgency must be trans- mitted from the professor to the students who will be the next generation of the learned. There may be an erosion process going on, and strong action is necessary to shore up civiliza- tion. SOME PRACTICAL imperatives are imme- diately apparent. 1) The universities must become both bigger and better-educating more people more deeply in the tradition. Tuitions must be lowered so more people are able to available themselves of the opportunity. 2) New courses are 'called for-courses on peace, for instance, or interdisciplinary courses on encounters between civilizations and be- tween ideas. Old courses must be re-integrated, chopping out the superficial that has inevitably crept in and putting more emphasis on the essen- tials that have withstood the test of time. Old sources must be used, in addition to slick modern textbooks. 3) Studies of modern problems like "mass man," nationalism and economic development should be continued. Area centers, much like the University's, should be built up, for an understanding of other cultures is also neces- sary if,-the West's heritage is to be preserved. 4) The United States government should give even more of its resources to the edu- To the Editor: H. N. BERKSON in an editorial appearing in Thursday's Daily appears shocked that students aren't beating down the doors in a frantic effort to hear the SGC candidates orate. In fact, he claims that "there is no excuse for this disgraceful behavior on the part of the student body" and concludes that we don't even "de- serve SGC." Oh horrors', I propose that such apathy on the part of the student masses should be of no surprise. To the majority of students, SGC appears to be more interested in sending telegrams to Stan Kreske, Gov- ernor Barnett, Bobby Kennedy, etc. than in communicating with its constituents-the students-on campus problems. Of course, we want to be informed of the edu- cational aspirations of Brenda Travis in Mississippiubut we are also concerned with our own edu- cational aspirations in Ann Arbor. Toward this latter end, com- munications with Lansing might be more effective than with Mc- Comb County. (An organization can attain the support of its "members" when it rationally copes with the problems that are of real concern to them.) There's no mystery, then, why no SGC candidate in recent years, with the possible exception of Ted Bomb (the four-fotted flash), has captured the fancy of the U of M electorate.' -J. D. Stark, '62E Quad Guests.. . To the Editor: I FEEL THAT the reporter who wrote the article on the motion I introduced to change IQC's wo- men guest policy to include fresh- men women missed the main rea- son behind it, "the quadrangles usually contain about 50 per cent freshmen." As most of us know freshmen rarely date upperclass women, and if the Board of Governors passes the noliev in its nresent form general outlook. As an administra- tor, John Taylor, or for that mat- ter any other member of the Uni- versity who is not a student, has a right to speak out about stu- dents, or a student and his par- ticular role in the University - proposing any changes that he feels will be better for that com- munity in general, in the same way that we as students can speak out and propose changes in ad- ministrators or administration policy. As soon as we accept this right to speak out BOTH ways (from the administrator to the student, as well as the student to the administrator) we will have taken a giant step towards as- suming our responsibility in the academic community. Mr. Taylor should also be com- mended for his excellent fore- sight. Mr. Lubin (Panty raid/Food riot) doesn't seem to have changed in his outlook 'regarding the stu- dent's role on the campus and I shudder when thinking how this will reveal itself in a responsible position such as Social Chairman. -Jeffrey Jenks DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Placement ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign schedule posted at 128-H West Engrg. NOV. 6-9-- The Bendix Corp.-If uncertain of div. of greatest interest, or if interest- ed in a div. not specifically represent- ed: Sign Corp. Schedule for initial counseling interview on Nov. 6 & 7. If sure of div.: Sign up directly for the one div. In which you are inter- ested on Nov. 8 & 9. (Schedules will be available on Nov. 1.) Counseling Interviews--All Degrees: EE & ME. MS-PhD: AE & Astro., EM, Instru. & Nuclear. MS: Communication Ses. Prof. & PhD: Met. & Applied Mech. BS: E Math & E Physics. International Operations Die. (interested in natives of France, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Mexico & Australia who are planning +4.- n. nn.'ivp nminl+'.flfl 'i ne QR strode to the polls, and a week later the results showed a stale- mate between the four parties in the election. THE People's Republican Party, which had the tacit backing of the junta, led the four-party bal- loting ,for the National Assembly, but came out second best to the Justice Party for the lineup in the Senate. No party attained a ma- jority from the electorate, in either house. This sort of splinter democracy simply won't work (re France), and, a coalition definitely seemed in order. Many Turkish govern- ment officials claimed that this was possible, because the main difference between the parties was merely the degree of state eco- nomic control they felt was neces- sary by the state. If this claim was true, then it would seem likely that the parties would have found a suitable basis for coalition among themselves. BUT the supposed similarity between the four parties is not real. The Republican Party, which favors nationalization of indus- tries, differs greatly from the other three, which advocate fewer eco- nomic restricts and also have absorbed the vestiges of the Men- deres supporters. The military junta was thus obliged to sit down with the heads of the parties for a "friendly chat" and persuade them to form a coalition. It is most likely that if the party leaders were not con- vinced and did not agree to join together, the would have been forced to do so. It would have been much more feasible to have encouraged a co- alition of the three without in- corporating the Republicans. Not only will the philosophical align- ment be shaky, but also no op- position party is left. Although it is true that Ismet Inonu, the leader of the Republicans, is 78, and therefore not likely to last long in the government, it is nevertheless most disheartening that he could not be in a position as leader of an opposition party. Had he been allowed to play this role during the first years, it could have provided the groundwork for a real democracy. THE NEED for a two - party system is important, because Gen. Cemal Gursel, the leader during the military interim, is going to assume the presidency. This of- fice was set up as a figurehead, with the real power going to the premier. However, the premier is going to be elected by the parliament, and a compromise choice among four parties is not likely to be an overly strong candidate. There- fore, it is probable that Gursel will be wielding more of the power than would appear on the surface. It is never easy to relinquish power once having had it, and although Gursel has resigned his army com- mission, he most certainly will have extreme difficulty in avoid- ing authoritarianism. * * * IN ADDITION, the economic problems in Turkey are manifest. The masses are illiterate and living on a subsistent standard of living. It will be very hard for Gursel not to assume dictatorial powers to promote his programs for immediat imnrnovmment in THE BERLIN Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Her- bert von Karajan made its third appearance in Hill Auditorium last night. The enthusiastic audience gave them a tumultuous recept- tion. It was deserved. The program consisted of three works, all of which were composed within a nine-year period (1885-94). In print, this would appear to be a limited choice. In any performance less stunning than this one, I am certain it might be deadly. To put last things first, a transcendent performance of Richard Strauss' "Death and Transfiguration" closed the program. It was one of those times when everything seemed to go perfectly. The conductor and orchestra were completely sympathetic to each other and the music. The work itself shows many signs of the composer's youth (he was 25 at the time). It does have some wonderful passages of subdued excitement, as well as sure-fire climaxes. The conductor welded these moments into a warm, dramatic, absolutely marvelous interpretation and the orchestra responded with superb sound. For the first time, I found that I did not have to fight the "story." The performance was so absorbing that nothing intruded. The audience paid the supreme tribute by being very quiet-a rare experience in Hill Auditorium. THE CONCERT opened with the Brahms Symphony No. 4. It was an interesting, though to my taste somewhat erratic realization. The second and third movements, especially the latter, were excellent. The first movement had some ragged ensemble at first and the intonation was not all it should have been. This may be why most conductors prefer to start with a warm-up piece. The big moments in Brahms are often quite busy, with many little fragments seeming to some from everywhere. These can be blended into a cohesive sound. Von Karajan preferred to bring them out as separate elements, which broke up the movement. Debussy's mild exercise in impressionistic monotony, "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun," opened the second part of the program. The performance was beautiful. Without overpowering the work, the conductor brought to it life, subtle power, and inner excitement. All the soloists were excellent, with special mention going to the flutist. The oboe, which had an extremely "sweet" tone, proved much more suited to this music and the Strauss work than it did to the Brahms. Once again, the Berlin Philharmonic established its right to be regarded among the world's great orchestras. It was good to -hear them again and we shall look forward to their return. -Robert Jobe AT THE CAMPUS: 'La Dolce Vita': 11 FilmI Sympatico FEDERIGO FELLINI'S justly celebrated La Dolce Vita assault's stimulates and overwhelms the sensetivities and intellect with sucl creative force and virtuoso skill as to eventually render the viewer totally drained and exquisitely satisfied at the climax. In th ecompany of such extraordinary Italian filmfare as Two Women, Rocco and His Brothers and the forthcoming La Notte. La Doelce Vita clearly emerges as the most distinguished member of the quartet both artistically and thematically with its fine gradations of subtlety and essentially religious tone. If "Vita" is not able to sustain high intensity for all of its three hour length, there are so many situations rendered so artfully and with extraordinary intensity so as to make the film's more languid moments justifiable in the context of a vigorous whole. The film traces what Hollis Alpert of the Saturday Review con- siders the "tragedy of an intelligent man who has lost a sense of meaning and takes pleasure as the easiest way out." meanin and tkes pla ea th"ases ayou. * * * * FELLINI TAKES artful precaution-to make his protaganist, Mar- cello, intensely real to the audience giving the film a remarkable immediacy. Fellini artfully achieves this through a series of apparently unrelated, but in actuality highly integrated, situations Illustrating Marcello's fall from a cynical observer and occasional participant in the degenrate life of Roma's Via Veneto to a wholly synaesthetic existence totally lacking temperence. The film is climaxed by a horrifying orgiastic party and an exceptionally tender ending where Marcello loses all contact with the world of innocence. As such Marcello's fall is moving and complete. The performers are uniformly excellent. Marcello Mastroianni renders an exceptionally moving portrait of Marcello, the ill-fated newspaperman, most strikingly affective in the film's wistful close. Mr. Mastroianni is ably abetted by Anouk Aimee, Valeria Ciagottini, and-surprisingly enough-Anita Eckberg as a gargantuan-big-bosom- heaving-syncopation of sex. The Piero Gheradi sets are excellent and there is surely a good deal to be praised also in the artful camerawork of Otello Matrelli. But the triumph is principally Mr. Fellini's. He has given hIis parable both an immediacy and breathtaking supply of riches. As such "Vita," along with Hiroshima mon Amour, emerges as one of the most effective films of the last ten years and deserves your immediate attention. -Marc Alan Zagoren AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Breakfast' Served To0 Hungry Publi1c ONCE AGAIN the West Coast has invaded the East with its cameras and stuff, this time to record an amusing rendition of a somewhat celebrated short story. The plot of "Breakfast at Tiffany's," unlike the story, is simple,-and there are no symbols.- There are several reasons why this may be an improvement, at least one of which is that the plot can now be fully elucidated in three sentences. Audrey Hepburn is Holly Golightly, a mixed-up girl who is afraid to make any committments in life, and leads a strange manic life in, her apartment on 71st Street and Lexington. George Peppard (sic) plays Paul Varjack, a muscular blond writer who moves in upstairs, falls in love with Miss Hepburn, and finally wins her by psychoanalyzing her to her face in the last forty seconds of the movie. Most of the rest of the movie is devoted to telling you how to have fun by doing what your heart tells you. But as a memorable screen character, Holly Golightly misses the mark. * * * * IRONICALLY, it is 0. J. Berman, a producer's producer, who unwittingly reveals what's wrong: "She's got class," he says to Peppard (sic), "real style, baby." And he's right. Audrey Hepburn has too much real style, baby, to deliver what the movie writers hand her. . Truman Capote's Holly Golightly was apparently just a little too'- hip to appeal to movie audiences undiluted. In the book she is mad, decadent, poor, wise, and believeable all at once. In the movie, she is merely innocent and confused, and confusing. But in dispensing with subtlety, one can afford slapstick, and here the movie scores. In what could be the grossest, funniest cocktail party since the last Hatcher open house, the movie laughs at itself and gets the last laugh. Mickey Rooney is wildly at his peak as a Japanese landlord in a bathtub. Henry Mancini, who is usually found inside of record albums with nn +hmn.no-A ctvin- onnarntlse r1 them all in this mnvie, and even