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November 02, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-02

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(Continued from Page 4)
mittee, Speaker, W. B. Pirnie, Aud A
Angell, 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 8: SGC International Week Com-
mittee, Folk Sing, International Center,
8 p.m.
School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications now are being received for
the second semester, 1962. Forms are
available in the School of Music Of-
fice, Lane Hall. Deadline for receipt of
applications, and supporting statements,
by the Honors Council, Wed., Nov. 15.
University Impounding Program:
1) Bicycles parked illegally on side-
walks, on lawns, under canopies, or
blocking building exits will be im-
2) Bicycles on University property
which do not bear a current (1962)
Ann Arbor License will be impounded.
3) Bicycles stored (left over 48 hours)
in classroom areas will be impounded.
During vacations be sure your bi-
cycle is stored at your own Ann Arbor
Impounded bicycles will be stored in
the University Storage Building (No.
97 on the Central Campus map) lo-
cated on East Washington St. between
Fletcher and Forest Aves. Bicycles will
be released at specified times upon
presentation of your Bicycle Registra-
tion Card and payment of the $3.00
service fee. Owners of properly licensed
bicycles are notified soon after they
are impounded and must reclaim them
within thirty days. A storage charge of
ten cents (10c) per day will be charged
for the next sixty days, after the total
of ninety days, the bicycles will be
sold at public auction. For further
information, contact Office of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, 1524 Ad-
min. Bldg. (663-1511 Ext. 3146).
Principal Freshman Conference:
Freshmen who recently received letters
notifying them of appointments to con-
fer with counselors from their high
schools Thursday morning are request-
ed to be punctual.
Nursing 100: Freshmen Class Officers
will be chosen Mon., Oct. 30, at 3:00
p.m. In Room M5330, Medical Science
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Association, in cooperation with
the American Red Cross, will have its
regular Blood Bank Clinic on Nov. 16.
The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. and from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Any
full-time or part-time regularly em-
ployed staff member of the University
interested in becoming a member or
renewing his membership should con-
tact the Personnel Office, 1028 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 2834.
Institute of International Education
announces U.S. Government Grants,
Smith-Mundt, for graduate study and/
or research in Mexico, for male students.
Deadline: November 24. Further infor-
mation and application forms available
in the Followship Office, 110 Rackham
Applications for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School for
1962-63 are now available. Competition
dloses February 15, 1962. Applications
and information may be obtained in the
Graduate School Offices, Rackham Bldg.
or in departmental offices. Renewal
forms are available at the Graduate
School. Only students who intend to
enroll in the Horace H. Rackham School
of Graduate Studies for 1962-63 may
Ford Foundation announces doctoral
dissertation fellowships for 1962-63, for
students in Sociology, Anthropology,
Psychology, Political Science and Sta-
tistics, whose dissertations bear on busi-
ness problems. Stipend of $2500, de-
pendency allowance for children, tui-
tion fees. Nomination is by Department
Chairmen, with closing date of Febru-
ary 1, 1962. Nomination forms available
in the Fellowship Office, 110 Rackham
University Players Playbill 1961/62
season subscriptions are still available
by mail order. For those who still have
their ticket stubs from the first pro-
duction, the price on the stub will be
subtracted from the price of the sea-
son ticket. Productions include: G. B.
Shaw's "Arms and the Man," Wed.-Sat.,
Nov. 8-11; William Shakespeare's "Hen-
ry IV, Part One," Wed.-Mon., Dec. 6-
11 (matinee performance Sun., Nov. 10);
Barton Wimble's "Faces of Malte" (Pre-
miere production), Wed.-Sat., Jan. 10-
13; Graham Greene's "The Living
Room," Wed.-Sat. Mar. 21-24; An Op-
era, to be announced, Thurs.-Mon.,
Apr. 26-May 1 (except Sun.); and
Shakespeare's ''Henry IV, Part Tw,
Mon.-Sat., May 7-12. All performances
8:00 p.m., except Sunday matinee of
"Henry IV, Part One" at 3:00 p.m.
Season tickets $7.00 or 5.00 plus 25c
for each Fri. or Sat. performance tick-j
et for each play except "Faces of
Address mail orders to University,
Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Checks payable to University Players.
Enclose self-addressed, stamped en-
Tickets for individual productionsj
also available, but season orders filledI
first. "Faces of Malte," any perform-
ance, $1.00. Opera, Thurs. or Mon., $1.75

or 1.25, Fri. or Sat., $2.00 or 1.50. All
others, $1.50 or 1.00 for week-night per-
formances, $1.75 or 1.25 for Fri. or Sat.,
For assistance in sending mail orders,
call 663-31511, ext. 3383. Box office1
opens Mon. Nov. 6 at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Mon. and Tues., Nov. 6 and 7, and
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. during the run
of the play "Arms and the Man" Wed.E
through Sat., Nov. 8-11.1
Events Thursday
Laboratory Playbill to be given Thurs-'
Nov. 2 at 4:10 p.m. in the Arena The-Z
ater, Frieze Bldg. Featured will be anv
original one-act play, together with Eu-
gene O'Neill's "Before Breakfast." Ad-
mission is free.P

Events Friday
Film and Panel Discussion: The CBS
Network film "A Real Case of Murder"
will be shown on Fri., Nov. 3 at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A
Panel discussion will be held immedi-
ately following the film. Participants
include: Chief Justice Charles Desmond,
New York Court of Appeals; Edmond
Devine, Prof. of Law; and Miles Seeley,
Chicago attorney. Open to the public,
Lecture. Dr. Arch C. Gerlach, Chief
of the Map Division, Library of Con-
gress, will speak on "Propaganda Maps,"
Fri., Nov. 3, 4:15 p.m. Rackham Amphi-
Lecture: Prof. Roger Buck, Indiana
University Department of History and
Philosophy of Science, will speak on
"Reflexive Prediction"cat 4:15 p.m. Fri.,
Nov. 3, in Aud. B.
All-Campus Lecture: Dr. Wolfgang
Stresemann, General Manager of the
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, will
speak on the Berlin crisis, "Berlin:
Tale of A City." Fri., Nov. 3, 4:15 p.m.,
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li-
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night: Fri,
Nov. 3, 8:00 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall. Dr.
Donat G. Wentzel will speak on "An
Explosion in the Milky Way." After
the lecture the Student Observatory,
fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open for
inspection and for telescopic observa-
tions of a double star. Children wel-
coned, but must be accompanied by
Guest Lecturer: Halsey Stevens, Amer-
ican composer and Chairman, Depart-
ment of Composition, University of So.
California, will lecture on' "Folk Music
Influence in the Music of Bartok," Fri.,
Nov. 3, 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud.
Open to the public without charge.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas Jo-
seph Eisler, Physics; thesis: "On the
Hydrodynamic Stability of Some Spa-
tially Periodic Flows," Fri., Nov. 3, 2038
Randall Lab., at 2:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen,
W. C. Meecham and K. M. Case.
On Wed., Nov. 8, the following schools
will be at the Bureau to interview can-
didates for the second semester and the
1962-63 school year.
Detroit ,Mich - A,l fields-Soc. Stud.
and Men's P.E. for substitutes,
Royal Oak, Mich - Early & Late
Elem., Elem. Art; Spec. Educa. for Ment.
Retard. February candidates only.
For appointments and additional in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext.
VIEWS--Seniors and grad students,
please sign schedule posted at 128-H
West Engrg.
Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill. -
BS-MS: AE, ChE, CE, EE, ME & Met.
BS: E Math, EM & E Physics. Des.,
R&D, Sales & Product Service.
California; University of, Los Alamos
Scientific Lab, Los Alamos, New Mexi-
co. All degrees: ChE, EE, EM, ME, Met.
& Nuclear. BS: E Math & E Physics.
Both Men & Women, SUMMER - EM-
PLOYMENT-Grad. students & Srs. who
plan to do grad work. Must receive ap-
plications by Jan. 15. Mail in early
Dec. or submit to interviewer. R&D.
Gibbs & Cox, Inc. Hull, Electrical &
Machinery Div. -BS-MS: Naval Arch.
MS: Nuclear. BS: EE, ME. Feb. & June
grads. Both Men & Wonen. SUMMER
EMPLOYMENT: Competent draftsmen;
ME & EE students & Naval Arch. who
have completed 2 or more yrs. of engrg.
Des., R&D.
Mass. Institute of Tech., Lincoln Lab.
-MS-PhD: AE & Astro., EE, Instru., &
ME. BS: E Physics. Both Men & Wom-
en. Summer Employment: Please indi-
cate "Summer" when you sign sched-
ule. Des., R. & D.
Merck & Co., Inc., Entire Corp., Rah-
way, N.J., Danville, Pa., Elkton, Va.-
All Degrees: ChE. MS-PhD: Me. R. &
D. & Electronic Chemicals.
Pennsylvania Railroad Co.-BS: CE &
EE. Feb. grads.
Sun Oil Co., Phila., Pa., & Toledo, O.
-All Degrees: ChE. R. & D. & Prod.
U.S. Gov't.-Defense (Army), Picatinny
Arsenal, Dover, N.J.-Al Degrees: ChE,
EE, ME. BS-MS: IE. Both Men & Wom-
en. Des., R. & D., Prod.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for inter-
view appointments with the following:
WED., NOV. s-I
Cook County Dept. of Public Aid,I
Chicago, I1.-Location of work: Cook
County, Ill. Feb. & June grads, Men
& WOMEN, with degrees in Sociology,
Psych., Anthro., Social Work (both BA
&MSW level) for Social Work poi
tions. Opportunities for Trainees in
many areas. Offer scholarships for fur-
ther study & training.
TFord Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. -I
Location of work: Country-wide. MostI
openings in metropolitan Detroit area.
Feb. grads-men-with BA, MA, or MS
in Chem., Physics, Math, Economics,
Law, Psych. for positionopenings in
Industrial Relations, Traffic, Sales, Pur-i
chasing, Market Research, Prod. Super-
vision, Manufacturing Operations, Pro-

gramming. Direct Placement of Gradu-1
ate Training Program. Maximum age':
30 yrs. Note: Each student must com-
plete a Ford application & submit it to
Ford rep. at state of interview. Secure1
applications at 3200 SAB.
Group Div. of Aetna Life Insurance1
Co., Detroit, Mich.-Location of work:
Throughout U.S. Men with degree in1
any field for Group Ipsurance Sales.1
Duties in 3 categories: soliciting of
new business, installing plans when
sold, & rendering service to policy-.
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit,1
Mich.-Location of work: in principal
U.S. cities. Feb. & June grads, men,
with degrees in Liberal Arts or BS/MS
in Physics or-Math for position in Res.
& Dev., Production, Elec. Computing,
Mgmt. Training, Merchandising, or Of-

fice Mgmt. WOMEN with degree any
Liberal Arts field for position as Cus-
tomer Rep.
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Raritan,
N.J.-Location of work: sales territor-
ies in Great Lakes area. Feb. & June
grads-men-with degree in any Lib-
eral Arts field for Sales.
Exhibits: A 6-foot model of the Min-
uteman missile will be on display
through Nov. 10 in the West Engrg.
Bldg. This exhibit has been furnished
by the Boeing Co. & will remain on
display through the firm's interviews of
Nov. 8, 9, 10.
The ifollowing part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB: Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie, at
NO 3-1511 ext. 3553.
has' openings, for a
limited number of en-
gineers, physicists and
mathematicians in Orig-
inal research and
development activities.
is on electronics researe
and development center
established by M.I.T. in
N OV. 3,1961
Research and Development
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should Nconsult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Busboy, 11:00-2:00, five days per
week, also Sat. & Sun.
2--Salesmen to sell college sportswear
for men.
3-Salesmen, sell china & silverware,
commission basis.
-Several salesmen to sell magazines.
1-Engineering student, must be at
least a junior, background in ra-

2-Meal jobs. Must have transporta-
2-Full-time Clerks.
1--Full-time experienced meat cutter.
2-Full-time salesladies for women's
apparel shop, experienced.
3-Waitresses, 12-2:00 p.m., Monday
thru Friday.
2-Fountain sales work, 4-10:30 p.m., 5
days per week, four hours on Sat-
1-Waitress, Friday & Saturday eve*
nings, 12 noon-8:00 p.m. Sunday.
2-Full-time clerks.


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